Solomatin, Denis Vladimirovich

Total publications: 44 (42)
in MathSciNet: 6 (6)
in zbMATH: 2 (2)
in Web of Science: 2 (2)
in Scopus: 2 (2)
Cited articles: 6
Citations: 15
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:1635
Abstract pages:1801
Full texts:1376
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)
Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date: 5.05.1980
Keywords: planar graphs, Caley graphs, semigroups.
UDC: 512.531.2
MSC: 20M14


Planar Caley graphs of semigroups.


In 2001 were ended by mathematical faculty OmSPU; qualification — the mathematics teacher and computer science. In 2005 has ended postgraduate study at OmSPU on a speciality "the Mathematical logic, algebra and the theory of numbers".

Algebra; the discrete mathematics; the theory of algorithms; elements of abstract and computer algebra; the mathematical logic. The experience of work Since 2001.

Directions of scientific researches: the Combinatory theory of semigroups.

Main publications:
  1. Solomatin D. V., “Final free commutative semigroups with planar Caley graphs”, Mathematics and computer science: science and education, Interuniversity collection of proceedings: the Year-book, 3, Publishing house OmSPU, Omsk, 2003, 32–38 (Russian)
  2. Solomatin D. V., “About an admissibility of some counts as Caley graphs of semigroups”, Mathematics and computer science: science and education, Interuniversity collection of proceedings: the Year-book, 4, Publishing house OmSPU, Omsk, 2004, 32–34 (Russian)
  3. Solomatin D. V., “Direct products of the cyclic semigroups supposing a planar Caley graph”, Sib. Electronic mathematical news, 3 (2006), 238–252  mathscinet  zmath;
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. D. V. Solomatin, “Direct products of cyclic semigroups admitting a planar Caley graph”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 3 (2006), 238–252  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
2. D. V. Solomatin, “Semigroups with outerplanar Cayley graphs”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 8 (2011), 191–212  mathnet  mathscinet  elib
3. D. V. Solomatin, “Planar varieties of semigroups”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 12 (2015), 232–247  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
4. D. V. Solomatin, “Direct products of cyclic monoids admitting outerplanar Cayley graphs and their generalizations”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2023, no. 4, 43–56  mathnet  crossref  elib
5. D. V. Solomatin, “Researches of semigroups with planar Cayley graphs: results and problems”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2021, no. 54, 5–57  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib
6. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of planarity for varieties of commutative semigroups”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2016, no. 4(34), 50–64  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
7. D. V. Solomatin, “About the finiteness of planarity ranks of semigroups varieties”, Herald of Omsk University, 2022, 17–24  crossref  elib
8. D. V. Solomatin, “Ranks of planarity for the variety of semigroups defined by the identity $~x^n\approx x~$”, Herald of Omsk University, 2020, 13–17  crossref  elib
9. D. V. Solomatin, “On ranks of planarity of nil-semigroups varieties”, Herald of Omsk University, 2019, 17–22  crossref
10. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of the planarity for varieties of semigroups”, Maltsev Meeting 2019 (Novosibirsk, August 19-23, 2019), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2019, 4
11. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of planarity of semigroups varieties”, Herald of Omsk University, 24:4 (2019), 9–15  crossref  elib
12. D. V. Solomatin, “On ranks of the planarity of varieties of all idempotent semigroups, nilsemigroups, and semigroups with the permutation identity”, Herald of Omsk University, 2017, 11–21  elib
13. D. V. Solomatin, “On ranks of the planarity of semigroup varieties”, International workshop on graphs, semigroups, and semigroup acts celebrating the 75th birthday of Ulrich Knauer (Berlin, October 10 – 13, 2017), Institute of Mathematics Technical University Berlin, 2017, 22–24
14. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of planarity for varieties of semigroups with the permutation identity”, Maltsev Meeting 2016 (Novosibirsk, November 21–25, 2016), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2016, 200  elib
15. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of planarity for varieties of commutative semigroups”, International Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry (Kazan, 26 Juni – 2 Juli 2016), Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2016, 318–319
16. D. V. Solomatin, “Planar varieties of commutative semigroups”, Herald of Omsk University, 2015, 17–22  elib
17. D. V. Solomatin, “On the ranks of planarity for varieties of commutative semigroups”, International Conference MAL’TSEV MEETING dedicated to 75th anniversary of Yur˘ıL. Ershov (Novosibirsk, May 3–7, 2015), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2015, 123
18. P. O. Martynov, D. V. Solomatin, “Finite free commutative semigroups and semigroups with zero how admitting generalized outerplanar Cayley graphs”, Herald of Omsk University, 2014, 22–26  elib
19. D. V. Solomatin, “Free partially commutative nilpotent semigroups with planar Cayley graphs”, Herald of Omsk University, 2014, 28–36  elib
20. D. V. Solomatin, “Planar varieties of semigroups”, International Conference MAL’TSEV MEETING (Novosibirsk, November 10–13, 2014), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2014, 137
21. D. V. Solomatin, “On ranks of the planarity of varieties of commutative semigroups”, Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Tomsk State University and the 65th anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Tomsk, October 02–04, 2013), Publishing House “Ivan Fedorov”, 2013, 35
22. D. V. Solomatin, “The Ranks of the Planarity Varieties of Commutative Semigroups”, Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 217–219  crossref
23. L. M. Martynov, D. V. Solomatin, “Semigroups of residues with cyclic groups of invertible elements admitting planar Cayley graphs”, Herald of Omsk University, 2012, 57–62  elib
24. D. V. Solomatin, “Planarity ranks of the varieties of commutative monoids”, Herald of Omsk University, 2012, 41–45  elib
25. D. V. Solomatin, “The ranks of the planarity of varieties of commutative monoids”, International Conference MAL’TSEV MEETING (Novosibirsk, November 12–16, 2012), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2012, 79
26. D. V. Solomatin, “Planar hypergraphs of the multiplicative semigroup of residues”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2011, 30–34
27. D. V. Solomatin, “Das Kriterium der Planarität der Cayleygraphen 0-gerader Vereinigungen der nilpotenten Halbgruppen”, Maltsev Meeting 2010 (Novosibirsk, May 2-6, 2010), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2010, 144
28. D. V. Solomatin, “Stochastic algorithm for search a homeomorphic subgraph”, Conference: Stochastic models in biology and limit algebras (Omsk, 2-7 August 2010), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2010, 98–99
29. D. V. Solomatin, “About the criteria of planarity for Cayley graphs of semigroups”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2010, 44–46
30. D. V. Solomatin, “Free partially commutative semigroups and the n-fan semilattices with planar Cayley graphs”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2009, 35–38  mathscinet
31. D. V. Solomatin, “Free partially commutative nilpotent semigroups with planar Cayley graphs”, Maltsev Meeting 2009 (Novosibirsk, August 24–28, 2009), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2009, 166
32. D. V. Solomatin, “Ordinal sums of rectangular semigroups admitting a planar Cayley graph”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2008, 33–41
33. D. V. Solomatin, “Finitely generated semigroups with one defining relation and identity admitting planar Cayley graph”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2007, 42–48  mathscinet
34. D. V. Solomatin, On commutative semigroups with planar Cayley graphs, PhD, OmSPU, Omsk, 2006  elib
35. D. V. Solomatin, On commutative semigroups with planar Calery graphs, dissertation abstract, OmSU, 2006  elib
36. D. V. Solomatin, “Direct products of cyclic monoids and semigroups with zero admitting planar Cayley graphs”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2006, 51–64  mathscinet
37. D. V. Solomatin, “Finite free commutative monoids admitting planar Cayley graph”, Herald of Omsk University, 2005, 36-38
38. D. V. Solomatin, “Rassypchatye polugruppy s planarnymi grafami Keli”, Izvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 2005, 27–31  elib
39. D. V. Solomatin, “Rassypchatye polugruppy s planarnymi grafami Keli”, Mezhdunarodnaya algebraicheskaya konferentsiya v Ekaterinburge, posvyaschennaya stoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya P.G.Kontorovicha i 70-letiyu L.N.Shevrina (Ekaterinburg, 29 avgusta – 3 sentyabrya 2005 g.), Izd-vo UrGU, 2005, 14–15
40. D. V. Solomatin, “On the admissibility of some graphs as Cayley graphs of semigroups”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2004, 32–34
41. D. V. Solomatin, “Finite free commutative semigroups with planar Cayley graphs”, Mathematics and Computer Science: Science and Education, 2003, 32-38
42. D. V. Solomatin, “Comparison of outerplanarity and generalized outerplanarity properties for Cayley graphs of planar semigroups”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2024, no. 64, 20–26  mathnet  crossref
43. D. V. Solomatin, “Proverka dopustimosti grafa v kachestve grafa Keli polugruppy”, Programma dlya EVM, zaregistrirovannaya v otraslevom fonde algoritmov i programm #50200600078 ot 02 fevralya 2006 goda, OFAP, 2006, 10  mathscinet
44. D. V. Solomatin, “Opredelenie planarnosti grafov Keli pryamykh proizvedenii tsiklicheskikh polugrupp”, Programma dlya EVM, zaregistrirovannaya v otraslevom fonde algoritmov i programm #50200501609 ot 24 noyabrya 2005 goda, OFAP, 2005, 8

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Новые проблемы алгебры и логики. Юбилейное 900-е заседание семинара
V. N. Remeslennikov, A. N. Rybalov, A. N. Shevlyakov, D. V. Solomatin, L. M. Martynov, G. A. Noskov, A. V. Treyer, A. N. Zubkov, V. P. Il'ev, V. M. Gichev
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
November 12, 2015 16:00
2. Ранги планарности многообразий коммутативных моноидов
D. V. Solomatin
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
March 22, 2012 16:00
3. О {внешне}планарности {гипер}графов Кэли полугрупп
D. V. Solomatin
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
November 3, 2011 16:00

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