Osnovnaya variatsionnaya obratnaya kraevaya zadacha aerogidrodinamiki: modeli obtekaniya, tochnye otsenki, chislenno-analiticheskie resheniya / A. M. Elizarov, A. N. Ikhsanova, D. A. Fokin. - Kazan : Izd-vo KMO : Kaz. gos. un-t, 2004. - 116 s. : il., tabl.; 21 sm. - (Preprint / Kaz. gos. un-t, Nauch.-issledovat. in-t matematiki i mekhaniki im. N. G. Chebotareva, Kaz. mat. o-vo; 04/1).; ISBN 5-98180-152-2
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A. M. Elizarov, A. N. Il'inskii, N. B. Il'inskii, A. V. Potashev, D. A. Fokin, “Aerohydrodynamically appropriate velocity distributions in inverse boundary value problems of subsonic aerohydrodynamics”, Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 26 (1991), 115–137