Yu. I. Dimitrienko, Yu. V. Yurin, T. R. Gumirgaliev, G. A. Krasnov, “Solution to the problem of creep of curvilinear-anisotropic media by the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of 5-6 order”, Meždunar. nauč.-issled. žurn., 2022, no. 1(115), 13–23
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, Yu. V. Yurin, E. S. Egoleva, “Numerical solution of inverse three-dimensional problems of recovering the loads acting upon composite structural elements”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2017, no. 16, 48–59
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, Yu. V. Yurin, “Finite element modeling of damageability and durability of composite structures with local delaminations”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2017, no. 15, 49–70
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, I.O. Bogdanov, “Multiscale modeling of liquid binder filtration processes in composite structures manufactured by RTM”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2017, no. 14, 3–27
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, D. Yu. Kolzhanova, S. B. Karimov, “Incompressible layered composites with finite deformations on the basis of the asymptotic averaging method”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2017, no. 13, 32–54
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, Yu. V. Yurin, “Multiscale modeling of thin multilayer composite plates with solitary defects”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2016, no. 12, 47–66
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, Yu. V. Yurin, N. N. Fedonyuk, “Numerical modeling of deformation and strength of sandwich composite structures with defects”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2016, no. 11, 3–23
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, S. V. Sborshchikov, “Multiscale modeling of elastic-plastic composites with an allowance for fault probability”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2016, no. 10, 3–23
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, O. Yu. Dimitrienko, “A model of multidimensional deformable continuum for forecasting the dynamics of large scale array of individual data”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2016, no. 9, 105–122
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, S. V. Sborschikov, E. A. Gubareva, E. S. Egoleva, A. A. Maltseva, “Multi-scale modeling of high temperature elastic-strength properties of inorganic matrix composites”, Mat. Model., 27:11 (2015), 3–20
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, M. N. Koryakov, A. A. Zakharov, “Application of RKDG method for computational solution of three-dimensional gas-dynamic equations with non-structured grids”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2015, no. 8, 75–91
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, S. V. Sborshchikov, O. A. Bazyleva, A. N. Lutsenko, E. I. Oreshko, “Modeling the elastic-plastic characteristics of monocrystalline intermetallic alloys based on microstructural numerical analysis”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2015, no. 6, 3–22
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, S. V. Sborshchikov, V. S. Erasov, N. O. Yakovlev, “Computational modeling and experimental investigation of elastic-plastic plates deforming under crushing”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2015, no. 5, 67–82
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, Yu. V. Yurin, “Asymptotic theory of thermocreep for multilayer thin plates”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 4, 18–36
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, M. N. Koryakov, A. A. Zakharov, A. Stroganov, “Computational modeling of conjugated gasdynamic and thermomechanical processes in composite structures of high speed aircraft”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 3, 3–24
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, S. V. Sborshchikov, “Finite element modulation of effective viscoelastic properties of unilateral composite materials”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 2, 28–48
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, E. A. Gubareva, S. V. Sborshchikov, “Asymptotic theory of constructive-orthotropic plates with two-periodic structures”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 1, 36–56
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, A. A. Zakharov, M. N. Koryakov, “Software development for numeral modeling of hypersonic aerogasdynamics problem perspective aircrafts”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 3:4 (2012), 17–26
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, V. V. Minin, E. K. Syzdykov, “Modelling of internal heat and mass transfer and stress-strain state in composite shells under local heating”, Mat. Model., 23:9 (2011), 14–32
Y. I. Dimitrienko, A. P. Sokolov, “On elasticity properties of composite materials”, Mat. Model., 21:4 (2009), 96–110; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 2:1 (2010), 116–130
Yu. I. Dimitrienko, “The coupled problem of thermo viscoelasticity on a composite layer”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1986, no. 1, 79–82
A. A. Aleksandrov, Yu. I. Dimitrienko, “Математическое и компьютерное моделирование — основа современных инженерных наук. Приветствие к выходу первого номера журнала «Математическое моделирование и численные методы»”, Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 1, 3–4