Main publications: |
- Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle with respect to a rational weight function. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol.–63, pp.–249–256, 2006.
- On Wiener–Hopf truncated operators with Fisher–Hartwig type singular symbols. Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, vol.–38, No.–6, pp.–14–25, 2003.
- Inversion of Wiener–Hopf truncated operators and prediction error for continuous time ARMA processes. Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, v.–38, no.–2, pp.–14–25, 2003 (with Ginovyan–M.).
- On periodicity sums of periodic functions. Matematichskoe obrazovanie, no.–2(13), pp.–29–33, 2000 (with Sedrakyan–N.–M.).
- The screening of a potential of charged centres by quasitwodemensional electrons in transerse electic field. Applied Surface Science, v.–162–163, pp.–346–353, 2000 (with G.–Aghababyan, V.–Aroutiounian, S.–G.–Petrosyan).
- The continual analogue of the Fisher–Hartvig conjecture on Teoplitz determinants. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Series 257, pp.–145–149, Longman (1991).
- The asymptotic behaviour of the determinants of truncated truncated Wiener–Hopf operators in a–singular case. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Arm.SSR., v.–82, no.–4, pp.–151–155 (1986).
- The matrix continual analogue of G.–Szegö's theorems on Töplitz determinants. Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm.SSR, Ser. Math., v.–17, no.–4, p.–239–263 (1982).
- The asymptotic behaviour of Fredgholm's determinants of truncated integral operators with matrix kernels depending on deferens of arguments. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Arm.SSR, v.–68, no.–3, p.–137–145 (1979).
- The analogue of Cristoffel's formula for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Arm.SSR, v.–67, no.–5, pp.–257–263 (1978).
- On multidimensional continual analogue of a–theorem of G.–Szegö. Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm.SSR, Ser. Math., v.–11, no.–3, pp.–275–286 (1976).