Khodunov, Alexandr Vasil'evich

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Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1991)
Speciality: 01.04.02 (Theoretical physics)
Birth date: 10.09.1952
Keywords: gravitation theory; classical field theory; quantum field theory; theory of strings and superstrings; solid state physics; optics; quantum computing; mathematical physics; logics; quantum logics; algebra; number theory; theory of group and semigroup; differential equations; partial differential equations; boundary problems; reverce problems; control theory; queueing theory; reliability theory; stochastic systems and processes.
UDC: 530.12, 531.51:523.877, 621., 621.315.592.3.002.2:621.9.048.7


Theoretical and mathematical physics.


In 1971 I entered in M. V. Lomonosov State University, which I leaved in 1977; immediately after I had become post graduate therein. Then I had successfully graduated from it in 1980. Rather, I worked in "Delta" ISR, V. I. Lenin State Pedagogical Institute/University, Nuclear Safety Institute, AS of USSR/ RAS, ICPS RAS, IMCS RAS, ISS RAS. My PhD "Some problems of dynamical evolution of the graviting systems" I had defended in 1991. I have 14 scientific works.

Main publications:
  • K. A. Bronnikov, A. V. Khodunov, Staticheskie shary – istochniki skalyarnogo, elektromagnitnogo i gravitatsionnogo polei, Izvestiya VUZov, ser. Fizika, (1977) # 10, S. 51–56.
  • K. A. Bronnikov, A. V. Khodunov, Gravitatsionnaya neustoichivost konfiguratsii so skalyarnym polem, Deponirovano VINITI AN SSSR 5.02.81 # 59581 Dep., 13 s.
  • K. F. Bronnikov, A. V. Khodunov, Scalar Field and Gravitational Instability, General Relativity and Gravitation (1979) v. 11, No. 1, pp. 13–18.
  • T. A. Karamosko, A. S. Knyazev, V. E. Matveev, A. Z. Teitelbaum, A. V. Khodunov, Podsistema modelirovaniya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov izgotovleniya IS, Elektronnaya promyshlennost (1984) vyp. 6(134), s. 70–71.
  • A. Z. Teitelbaum, A. V. Khodunov, Odnomernoe modelirovanie protsessov ionnogo legirovaniya i diffuzionnogo pereraspredeleniya primesei v kremnii, Elektronnaya promyshlennost (1984) vyp. 9(137), s. 41–45.
  • A. G. Kadmenskii, A. V. Khodunov, Uchet kanalirovaniya pri raschete profilya implantirovannykh ionov s ispolzovaniem transportnogo uravneniya Boltsmana, V knige: Tezisy dokladov na XVII-om Vsesoyuznom soveschanii po fizike vzaimodeistviya Zaryazhennykh chastits s kristallami, mai 1987 g., 3 s.
  • V. V. Zhitnikov, A. V. Khodunov, Neustoichivost lineinykh vozmuschenii polya psevdosleda krucheniya na fone sfericheski-simmetrichnogo vakuumnogo resheniya v kalibrovochnoi teorii gravitatsii s kvadratichnym lagranzhianom, Preprint IBRAE AN SSSR (1991), # 14, 36 s.
  • A. V. Khodunov, V. V. Zhitnikov, Gravitational equations in space-time with torsion, Journal of Mathematical Physics (1992), v. 33, No. 10, p. 3509–3520.
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