computational mathematics, computational complexity, fast algorithms, mathematical physics, special functions of mathematical physics, quantum field theory, quantum optics
Main publications:
E.A. Karatsuba, “Fast evaluation of transcendental functions”, Problems of Information Transmission, 27:4 (1991), 339–360
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast evaluation of hypergeometric function by FEE”, Series Approximation and Decomposition, 11 (1999), 303–314
E. A. Karatsuba, “On the asymptotic representation of the Euler gamma function by Ramanujan”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 135:2 (2001), 225–240
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “Resummation formula for collapse and revival in the Jaynes-Cummings model”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009), 195304, 1–16
E.A. Karatsuba, “Fast Evaluation Algorithms for Elementary Algebraic and Inverse Functions Using the FEE Method”, Problems of Information Transmission, 58 (2022), 284–296
E. A. Karatsuba, “Method for estimating the number of zeros of the spatially one-dimensional Pauli–Jordan–Dirac function on spatial intervals using the Kronecker theorem”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 220:3 (2024), 1429–1439
E. A. Karatsuba, “The problem of summability of the Pauli-Jordan-Dirac series in Minkowski space”, Mat. Zametki (to appear)
E. A. Karatsuba, “On the Computational Complexity of Compressed Power Series”, Math. Notes, 114:1 (2023), 92–98
E. A. Karatsuba, “The Mean Square of the Pauli–Jordan–Dirac Anticommutator With Respect to Spatial Variables”, Russ. J. Math. Phys., 30 (2023), 522–527
E. A. Karatsuba, “Dirac electron free field anticommutator and its zeros on time intervals”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 513 (2023), 44–50
E.A. Karatsuba, “Dirac electron free field anticommutator and its zeros on time intervals”, Dokl. Math., 108:2 (2023), 363–368
E. A. Karatsuba, “A fast algorithm for computing the digamma function”, Autom. Remote Control, 83:10 (2022), 1576–1589
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast evaluation algorithms for elementary algebraic and inverse functions using the FEE method”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 58:3 (2022), 284–296
E. A. Karatsuba, “On an evaluation method for zeta constants based on a number theoretic approach”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 57:3 (2021), 265–280
E. A. Karatsuba, “On an Identity with Binomial Coefficients”, Math. Notes, 105:1 (2019), 145–147
E. A. Karatsuba, P. Moretti, “Probability of inversion of a large spin in the form of an asymptotic expansion in a series of Bessel functions”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 55:1 (2019), 53–66
E. A. Karatsuba, “On computation of the Bessel function by summing up the series”, Num. Anal. Appl., 12:4 (2019), 372–387
A. A. Aduenko, A. S. Vasileisky, E. A. Karatsuba, A. I. Karelov, I. A. Reyer, K. V. Rudakov, V. V. Strijov, “Detection of persistent scatterer pairs on satellite radar images with use of surface relief data”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2018, no. 2, 29–43
E. A. Karatsuba, “Application of the Jacobi functional equation and the ATS theorem in a quantum optical model”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:11 (2017), 1822–1842
Teoriya chisel i prilozheniya, 2, K 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Anatoliya Alekseevicha Karatsuby, Sovr. probl. matem., 24, ed. E. A. Karatsuba, MIAN, M., 2017 , 104 pp.
Teoriya chisel i prilozheniya, 1, K 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Anatoliya Alekseevicha Karatsuby, Sovr. probl. matem., 23, ed. E. A. Karatsuba, MIAN, M., 2016 , 114 pp.
E. A. Karatsuba, “Letter to the Editor”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 52:1 (2016), 100–101
E. A. Karatsuba, “Bystrye approksimatsii nekotorykh teoretiko-chislovykh konstant”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 462:2 (2015), 137–140
E. A. Karatsuba, “On One method for constructing a family of approximations of zeta constants by rational fractions”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 51:4 (2015), 378–390
E. A. Karatsuba, M. A. Korolev, I. S. Rezvyakova, V. N. Chubarikov, “On the conference to the memory of Anatoly Alexeevitch Karatsuba on number theory and applications”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 16:1 (2015), 89–152
E. A. Karatsuba, “On one method for fast approximation of zeta constants by rational fractions”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 50:2 (2014), 186–202
Vasileiskii A.S., Karatsuba E.A., Karelov A.I., Kuznetsov M.P., Reier I.A., “Obnaruzhenie dvizheniya ustoichivykh otrazhatelei po serii sputnikovykh radiolokatsionnykh snimkov zemnoi poverkhnosti”, Mashinnoe obuchenie i analiz dannykh, 1:5 (2013), 487–502
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast Catalan constant computation via the approximations obtained by the Kummer's type transformations”, Discrete Math. Appl., 23:5-6 (2013), 429–443
E. A. Karatsuba, “On one asymptotic formula for the Euler constant”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 48:4 (2012), 342–346
S. A. Gritsenko, E. A. Karatsuba, M. A. Korolev, I. S. Rezvyakova, D. I. Tolev, M. E. Changa, “Scientific Achievements of Anatolii Alekseevich Karatsuba”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 280, suppl. 2 (2013), S1–S22
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “Physical mathematics in number theory”, Funct. Anal. Other Math., 3:1 (2010)
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “On application of the functional equation of the Jacobi theta function to approximation of atomic inversion in the Jaynes-Cummings model”, Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2:3 (2010), 41–63
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “A resummation formula for collapse and revival in the Jaynes–Cummings model”, J. Phys. A, 42:19 (2009), 195304 , 16 pp.
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “Application of ATS in a quantum-optical model”, Analysis and mathematical physics, Trends Math., Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2009, 211–232
A. A. Karatsuba, E. A. Karatsuba, “The “problem of remainders” in theoretical physics: “physical zeta” function”, Proceedings of the 5th Mathematical Physics Meeting: Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia), eds. B. Dragovich and Z. Rakic, 2009, 197–210
Karatsuba E.A., “The Commutator Function of the Free Dirac Field in the Discrete Representation and its Zeros”, Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1:2 (2008), 37–55
E. A. Karatsuba, “Zeros and points of discontinuity of the commutator function of the free Dirac field”, Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Theory, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 128, 2008, 012015 , 11 pp.
Karatsuba E.A., “On the asymptotic representation of the Euler gamma function by Ramanujan”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 135:2 (2001), 225–240
Karatsuba E.A., “Fast computation of $\zeta(3)$ and of some special integrals using the Ramanujan formula and polylogarithms”, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 41:4 (2001), 722–730
Karatsuba E.A., “Fast evaluation of hypergeometric function by FEE”, Approximation & Decomposition, 11, eds. Papamichael N. et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, 303–314
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast Evaluation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function and Dirichlet $L$-Series”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 34:4 (1998), 342–353
E. A. Karatsuba, “On the fast calculation of the Riemann zeta function for integer argument”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:4 (1996), 463
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast Calculation of the Riemann Zeta Function $\zeta(s)$ for Integer Values of the Argument $s$”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 31:4 (1995), 353–362
Karatsuba Catherine A., “Fast Evaluation of Bessel Functions”, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 1:4 (1993), 269–276
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast Evaluation of $\zeta(3)$”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 29:1 (1993), 58–62
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast computation of transcendental functions”, Dokl. Math., 43:3 (1991), 693–694
E. A. Karatsuba, “Fast Evaluation of Transcendental Functions”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 27:4 (1991), 339–360
E. A. Karatsuba, “On a new method for fast evaluation of transcendental functions”, Russian Math. Surveys, 46:2 (1991), 246–247
Books in Math-Net.Ru
Number Theory and Applications, 2, Dedicated to 80th anniversary of professor Anatolii Alekseevich Karatsuba, Sovrem. Probl. Mat., 24, ed. E. A. Karatsuba, 2017, 104 ñ.
Number Theory and Applications, 1, Dedicated to 80th anniversary of professor Anatolii Alekseevich Karatsuba, Sovrem. Probl. Mat., 23, ed. E. A. Karatsuba, 2016, 114 ñ.