Sirbiladze, Gia Guram

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

Number of views:
This page:1872
Abstract pages:336
Full texts:155
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.02.00 (Mechanics)
Keywords: fuzzy extermal process, fuzzy measure and integrals.
UDC: 517.987.1, 517.987.4


Fuzzy extermal process, fuzzy measure and integrals.

Main publications:
  • G. Sirbiladze, N. Zaporozhets, About two Probability Representations of Fuzzy Measures on a Finite Set. The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics. Los Angeles, The International Fuzzy Mathematics Institute, USA, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2002, 1–17.
  • G. Sirbiladze, A. Sikharulidze, Weighted Fuzzy Averages in Fuzzy Environment, Part I. Insufficient Expert Data and Fuzzy Averages. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2003, 139–158.
  • G. Sirbiladze, A. Sikharulidze, Weighted Fuzzy Averages in Fuzzy Environment, Part II. Generalized Weighted Fuzzy Expected Values in Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2003, 159–172.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Fuzzy Subset Construction through the Associated Probabilities. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 163, N 3, 2001, 436–440.
  • G. Sirbiladze, N. Zaporozhets, Choquet's Capacity of Order Two in the Murofushi-Sugeno's Probability Representation of a Fuzzy Measure. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of sciences, 165, N 2, 2002, 235–238.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Choquet's Capacities on the Field of Insufficient Expert Data. Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 14, N 4, 1999, 67–70.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Fuzzy Measure Approximation on the Field of Insufficient Expert Data. Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 16. N 3, 2001, 108–111.
  • G. Sirbiladze, B. Gvaberidze, Possibilty Analysis of the Fuzzy Covering Problem. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Science, 167, N 1, 2003, 47–50.
  • G. Sirbiladze, A. Sikharulidze, Insufficient Date and Fuzzy Averages. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Vol. 6, N 2, 2001, 76–95.
  • G. Sirbiladze, F. Criado, T. Gachechiladze, Theory of Conectivity in the Problem of Decision-making Concerning Earthquake Possibility. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Vol. 6, N 2, 2001, 65–75.
  • G. Sirbiladze, F. Criado, T. Gachechiladze, Theory of Conectivity and Apportionment of Representative Chains in the Problem of Decision-making Concerning Earthquake Possibility. International Journal of General Systems, 32, No. 2, 2003, 103–121.
  • G. Sirbiladze, F. Criado, T. Gachechiladze, G. Tsertsvadze, Fuzzy Analysis of the Language Structure on a Finite Set of Insufficient Data. Journal of Quantitative Lingvistics, vol. 11, N 1/2, 2004, 93–132.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Insufficient Data and Weithed Fuzzy Expected Interval of Population. Proceeding of JavakhiSvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 342(20), 2000, 33–38.
  • G. Sirbiladze, N. Jorjiashvili, Probabilstic-Possibilistic Analysis of Insufficient Expert Data. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 343(21), 2001, 58–68.
  • G. Sirbiladze, N. Zaporozhets, Interpretations of Â-Additive Fuzzy Discrete Measures in the Problems of Fuzzy Measure Representation from Corresponding Insufficient Data. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 342(20), 2000, 39–54.
  • G. Sirbiladze, F. Criado, T. Gachechiladze, H. Meladze, G. Tsertsvadze, Ignorance, Knowledge and Information. Reports of Enlarge Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 14, N 4, 1999, 12–15.
  • G. Sirbiladze, A. Sikharulidze, G. Korakhashvili, Decision-Making Aiding Fuzzy Information Analysis in Investments. Part I: Discrimination Analysis in Investment Projects. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 353(22-23), 2003, 77–94.
  • G. Sirbiladze, G. Khachidze, Decision-Making Aiding Fuzzy Information Analysis in Investments. Part II: Demster-Shafer's Expected Utility in Investments. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 353(22-23), 2003, 95–108.
  • G. Sirbiladze, T. Gachechiladze, Restored Fuzzy Measures in Expert Decision-Making. Information Sciences. An International Journal. 169 (1/2), 2005, 71–95.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part I: Extended Extremal Fuzzy Measures. International Journal of General Systems. 34, 2, 2005, 107–138.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part II: Extended Extremal Fuzzy Measures on Composition Products of Measurable Spaces. International Journal of General Systems. 34, 2, 2005, 139–167.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part III: Modeling of Extremal and Controllable Extremal Fuzzy Processes. International Journal of General Systems. 34, 2, 2005, 169–198.
  • G. Sirbiladze, About a Universal Representation-Interpretator of a Fuzzy Measure. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. 170, N 3, 2004, 454–457.
  • G. Sirbiladze, N. Zaporozhets, N. Sirbiladze, The Stochastic and Possibilistic populations. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 364(24), 2005, 205–210.
  • G. Sirbiladze, T. Latsabidze, D. Korakhashvili, Extended Fuzzy Measures in Fuzzy Dynamic Systems, Part I: Extended Fuzzy Measure and its Properties. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 364(24), 2005, 23–36.
  • G. Sirbiladze, T. Latsabidze, D. Korakhashvili, Extended Fuzzy Measures in Fuzzy Dynamic Systems, Part II: Weakly Structurable Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Proc. of Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Vol. 364(24), 2005, 37–48.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part IV: Identification of Fuzzy-Integral Models of Extremal Fuzzy Processes. International Journal of General Systems. 35, 4, 2006, 435–459.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part V: Optimization of Continuous Controllablale Extremal Fuzzy Processes and the Choice of Decisions. International Journal of General Systems. 35, 5, 2006, 529–554.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Modeling of Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic Systems. Part VI: Problems of States Estimation (Filtration) of Extremal Fuzzy Process. International Journal of General Systems. 36, 1, 2007, 19–58.
  • G. Sirbiladze, Transformation Theorems for Extended Lower and Upper Sugeno Integrals. Matematical Notes. 2008 (in Russian, to appear).
  • G. Sirbiladze, On Fuzzy Optimal Controls in the Weakly Structurable Continuous Dynamic Sysytems (WSCDS). New Mathematics and Natural Computation. 4, 1, 2008, 41–60 (to appear).
  • G. Sirbiladze, B. Ghvaberidze, T. Latsabidze, B. Matsaberidze, Using Minimal Fuzzy Covering in Decision-making Systems. Information Sciences. An International Journal. 2008 (to appear).
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. G. G. Sirbiladze, “Transformation Theorems for Extended Lower and Upper Sugeno Integrals”, Mat. Zametki, 83:3 (2008),  439–460  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 83:3 (2008), 399–419  isi  scopus 13

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