Teoriya chisel : sbornik zadach / A. E. Sergeev ; Minobrnauki RF, Kubanskii gos. un-t. - Krasnodar : Kubanskii gos. un-t, 2007. - 228 s. : tabl.; 20 sm.; ISBN 5-8209-0517-2
Osnovy teorii Galua : monografiya / A. E. Sergeev, E. A. Sergeev. - Izd. 2-e, pererab., ispr. i dop. - Krasnodar : Prosveschenie-Yug, 2019. - 334 s.; 25 sm.; ISBN 978-5-93491-804-1 : 500 ekz.
Vysshaya matematika: lineinaya, vektornaya algebra i analiticheskaya geometriya : ucheb. pos. / A. V. Kazakevich, A. V. Karmanova, A. E. Sergeev ; Min-vo selsk. khoz-va RF, FGBOU VO "Kubanskii gos. agrar. un-t im. I. T. Trubilina". - Krasnodar : KubGAU, 2021. - 159 s. : il., tabl.; 21 sm.; ISBN 978-5-907430-25-9 : 500 ekz.
A. È. Sergeev, V. O. Bushueva, “Nice-polynomials”, Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2023, no. 3, 83–91
A. È. Sergeev, A. V. Yakovlev, “Generic polynomials for transitive subgroups of the group $S_4$ over fields of characteristic 2”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 330 (2006), 247–258; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 140:5 (2007), 742–747
A. È. Sergeev, A. V. Yakovlev, “On the Galois spectra of polynomials with integral parameters”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 321 (2005), 275–280; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 136:3 (2006), 3984–3987