Kudasheva, Elena Gennad'evna

Total publications: 17 (17)
in MathSciNet: 3 (3)
in zbMATH: 2 (2)
in Web of Science: 1 (1)
in Scopus: 1 (1)
Cited articles: 3
Citations: 11

Number of views:
This page:355
Abstract pages:1048
Full texts:367
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Keywords: holomorphic function, entire function, meromorphic function, subharmonic function, distribution of zeros of a function
UDC: 517.547, 517.538, 517.574


Distributions of zeros of holomorphic functions, transformation in the behavior of an entire function, transformation in the behavior of a subharmonic function

Main publications:
  • Sbornik: Mathematics, 2009, Volume 200, Issue 9, Pages 1353–1382 DOI:
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, “Completeness of exponential systemsin function spaces in terms of area”, Proceedings of the Voronezh international spring mathematical school “Modern methods of the theory of boundary-value problems. Pontryagin readings—XXXIV”, Voronezh, May 3-9, 2023, Part 4, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 233, VINITI, Moscow, 2024, 107–117  mathnet  crossref

2. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, A. E. Salimova, “Completeness criteria of an exponential system in geometric terms of breadth in the direction”, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 225, VINITI, Moscow, 2023, 150–159  mathnet  crossref
3. E. G. Kudasheva, B. N. Khabibullin, “Polnota eksponentsialnykh sistem v terminakh ploschadi”, Kompleksnyi analiz, matematicheskaya fizika i nelineinye uravneniya, Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Yuzhnyi Ural, Yakty-Kul (ozero Bannoe), 13 – 17 marta 2023 g.), ISBN 978-5-00177-608-6, 130 str., eds. R.N. Garifullin (otv. redaktor); I.Kh. Musin; V.Yu. Novokshenov; R.A. Bashmakov, Aeterna, Ufa, 2023, 67–68
4. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, R. R. Muryasov, Completeness of exponential systems and the perimeter of the convex hull, 2023 , 12 pp., arXiv: 2304.01967v1
5. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, Completeness of exponential systems in spaces of functions on a compact or domain and their area, 2023 , 10 pp., in Russian, arXiv: 2306.15899v1
6. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, R. R. Muryasov, “Completeness of exponential systems in functional spaces in terms of perimeter”, Proceedings of the Voronezh international winter mathematical school “Modern methods of function theory and related problems”, Voronezh, January 27 - February 1, 2023, Part 1, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 227, VINITI, Moscow, 2023, 79–91  mathnet  crossref
7. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, “Subgarmonicheskie dopolneniya k teoremam Berlinga–Malyavena. I. O multiplikatore”, Matematika i teoreticheskie kompyuternye nauki, 1:3 (2023), 59–76
8. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, “Subgarmonicheskie dopolneniya k teoremam Berlinga–Malyavena. II. O radiuse polnoty”, Matematika i teoreticheskie kompyuternye nauki, 1:4 (2023), 104–115

9. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, A. E. Salimova, Completeness of the exponential system in geometric terms of width, breadth and diameter, 2022 , 13 pp., in Russian, arXiv: 2207.07582v1
10. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, Subharmonic addition to the Beurling-Malliavin multiplier theorem, 2022 , 12 pp., in Russian, arXiv: 2210.09406v2

11. E. G Kudasheva, L. Yu. Cherednikova, B. N. Khabibullin, “Vlozheniya kompaktov sdvigami i nepolnota sistem eksponent”, Sovremennye metody teorii kraevykh zadach. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii Voronezhskaya vesennyaya matematicheskaya shkola PONTRYaGINSKIE ChTENIYa — XXVI (Voronezh, 3–9 maya 2015 g.), PONTRYaGINSKIE ChTENIYa, 26, Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Voronezh, 2015, 121–122 Full Text in Russian

12. B. N. Khabibullin, E. G. Kudasheva, L. Yu. Cherednikova, “Proektivnye predely vektornykh reshetok i funktsionaly na nikh”, Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii «Poryadkovyi analiz i smezhnye voprosy matematicheskogo modelirovaniya» (Vladikavkaz, 14-20 iyulya 2013 g.), YuMI VNTs RAN i RSO-A, Vladikavkaz, 2013, 96–97 Full Text in Russian

13. Khabibullin B.N., Kudasheva E.G., Khabibullin F.B., Cherednikova L.Yu., “Raspredelenie nulei golomorfnykh funktsii s ogranicheniyami na ikh rost v edinichnom kruge”, VI Ufimskaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya "Kompleksnyi analiz i differentsialnye uravneniya, posvyaschennaya 70-letiyu chl.-korr. RAN V. V. Napalkova. 2012. Sbornik tezisov. (Ufa,2011), Institut matematiki s VTs UNTs RAN, 2011, 151–153 Full Text in Russian

14. E. G. Kudasheva, B. N. Khabibullin, “The distribution of the zeros of holomorphic functions of moderate growth in the unit disc and the representation of meromorphic functions there”, Sb. Math., 200:9 (2009), 1353–1382  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

15. E. G. Kudasheva, B. N. Khabibullin, “Variation of subharmonic function under transformation of its Riesz measure”, Zhurn. matem. fiz., anal., geom., 3:1 (2007), 61–94  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; 1

16. Kudasheva E. G., Khabibullin B. N., “O blizosti tselykh funktsii s blizkimi posledovatelnostyami nulei”, Mezhdunarodnaya shkola-seminar po geometrii i analizu pamyati N.V. Efimova, (Abrau-Dyurso, baza otdykha Rostovskogo gosuniversiteta "Limanchik, 5-11 sentyabrya 2006 g.), Izd-vo OOO «TsVVR», Rostov-na-Donu, 2006, 139–140 Full Text in Russian
17. Khabibullin B. N., Kudasheva E. G., “Variations of entire (subharmonic) function under perturbations of its zero set (Riesz measure)”, Abstracts of International Conference dedicated to the centennial of B.Ya. Levin «Entire and subharmonic functions and related topics». (Kharkiv, 2006 (August 14-18).), KhNU, 2006, 20–21 Full Text in English  mathscinet

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