Imomov, Azam Abdurakhimovich

Total publications: 40 (40)
in MathSciNet: 14 (14)
in zbMATH: 6 (6)
in Web of Science: 12 (12)
in Scopus: 34 (34)
Cited articles: 17
Citations: 29
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:3535
Abstract pages:1465
Full texts:564
Imomov, Azam Abdurakhimovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2019)
Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 18.01.1972
Keywords: Branching Processes, Immigration, Transition Functions, Markov Chain, Limit Theorems, Q-Processes, Invariant Measures
UDC: 519.218
MSC: 60J80, 60J85


Theory of Markov Branching Processes


Graduated the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Tashkent State University in 1994 (chair of Mathematical Analysis). Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics (2019, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan); PhD in Mathematics (2000, Institute of Mathematics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Speciality: Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics.

Main publications:
  1. Azam A. Imomov, “On conditioned limit structure of the Markov branching process without finite second moment”, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 11:3 (2017), 393–422
  2. Azam A. Imomov, “Limit Properties of Transition Functions of Continuous-Time Markov Branching Processes”, International Journal of Stochastic Analysis, (2014), 10
  3. Azam A. Imomov, “Limit theorem for joint distribution in Q-processes”, Journal of Siberian Federal University: Mathematics and Physics, 7:3 (2014), 289–296
  4. Azam A. Imomov, “On Markov continuous time analogue of Q-processes”, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2012, no. 84, 57–64
  5. Azam Imomov, “A Differential Analog of the Main Lemma of the Theory of Markov Branching Processes and Its Applications”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 57:2 (2005), 307–315
List of publications on Google Scholar

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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. A.A.Imomov, M.Murtazaev, “On the Kolmogorov constant explicit form in the theory of discrete-time stochastic branching systems”, Journal of Applied Probability, 2024, 1–15 (Published online)  crossref  scopus 1
2. Azam A. Imomov, Sarvar B. Iskandarov, “Further remarks on the explicit generating function expression of the invariant measure of critical Galton-Watson branching systems”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 17:2 (2024), 220–228  mathnet  scopus;
3. A.A.Imomov, M.Murtazaev, “Renewed Limit Theorems for Noncritical Galton–Watson Branching Systems”, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 37:3 (2024), 2843–2858  crossref  scopus
4. A.A.Imomov, Z.A.Nazarov, “Central Limit Theorem and Law of Large Numbers Analogues for the Total Progeny in the Q-Processes”, Contemporary Mathematics (Singapore), 5:3 (2024), 2751–2769  crossref  scopus
5. A.A.Imomov, S.B.Iskandarov, “Further Improvement of the Basic Lemma of Critical Bienaymé-Galton-Watson Branching Systems and Its Applications”, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications, ITMM 2023 Conf. Proc. (Tomsk, Russia, 2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2163, eds. A.Dudin, A.Nazarov, A.Moiseev, Springer, Germany, 2024, 228–240  crossref  scopus
6. A.A.Imomov, Z.A.Nazarov, S.P.Moiseeva, “On Estimation of Structural Parameters in Q-Process”, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications, ITMM 2023 Conf. Proc. (Tomsk, Russia, 2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2163, eds. A.Dudin, A.Nazarov, A.Moiseev, Springer, Germany, 2024, 241–254  crossref  scopus
7. A.A.Imomov, E.E.Tukhtaev, J.Sztrik, On Properties of Karamata Slowly Varying Functions with Remainder and Their Applications, by, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2024 , 11 pp.  crossref
8. Imomov, A.A., Tukhtaev, E.E., “On asymptotic structure of critical Galton-Watson branching processes allowing immigration with infinite variance”, Stochastic Models, 39:1 (2023), 118–140  crossref  isi  scopus 2
9. A.A.Imomov, Further remarks on the explicit generating function expression of the invariant measure of critical Galton-Watson Branching Systems, 2023 , 9 pp., arXiv: 2304.13326  crossref  scopus
10. A.A.Imomov, Z.A.Nazarov, “Limit Theorems for the Positive Recurrent Q-process”, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications, ITMM 2022 Conf. Proc. (Karshi, Uzbekistan, 2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1803, eds. A.Dudin, A.Nazarov, A.Moiseev, Springer, Germany, 2023, 1–15  crossref  scopus 1
11. A.A.Imomov, M.Murtazaev, “Refined Limit Theorems for the Critical Continuous-Time Markov Branching Systems”, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications, ITMM 2022 Conf. Proc. (Karshi, Uzbekistan, October 25–29, 2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1803, eds. A.Dudin, A.Nazarov, A.Moiseev, Springer, Germany, 2023, 68–79  crossref  scopus 1
12. A.A.Imomov, Z.A.Nazarov, On asymptotic normality of the total progeny in the positive recurrent Q-processes, 2023 , 13 pp., arXiv: 2306.09367  crossref
13. A.A.Imomov, On conditioned limit structure of the Markov branching process without finite second moment, 2022 , 23 pp., arXiv: 2201.01941  scopus
14. A.A.Imomov, Z.A.Nazarov, “Limit theorems for the sums of random variables in a special form”, Mathematics and Statistics, 10:1 (2022), 262–268  crossref  scopus
15. A.A.Imomov, A.Meyliyev, “On the Application of Slowly Varying Functions with Remainder in the Theory of Markov Branching Processes with Mean One and Infinite Variance”, Ukrainian Math Journal, 73:8 (2022), 1225–1237  crossref  isi  scopus 1
16. A.A.Imomov, Z.Nazarov, Ob otsenke strukturnogo parametra markovskogo Q-protsessa, 2022 , 14 pp., arXiv: 2203.16904  crossref  scopus
17. S. P. Moiseeva, T. V. Bushkova, E. V. Pankratova, M. P. Farkhadov, A. A. Imomov, “Asymptotic analysis of resource heterogeneous qs
$$ (\mathrm {mmpp}+2\mathrm {m})^{(2,\nu )}/\mathrm {gi}(2)/\infty $$
under equivalently increasing service time”, Autom. Remote Control, 83:8 (2022), 1213–1227  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet
18. A. A. Imomov, I. N. Bozorov, A. M. Hurramov, “On the number of eigenvalues of a model operator on a one-dimensional lattice”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2022, no. 78, 22–37  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
19. A. A. Imomov, A. I. Eshniyazov, “Infinite distohastic square operators in $l_1$”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2022, no. 76, 20–31  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
20. A.A.Imomov, A.Kh.Meyliev, “Ob asimptoticheskoi strukture nekriticheskikh markovskikh vetvyaschikhsya sluchainykh protsessov s nepreryvnym vremenem”, Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i mekhanika, 2021, no. 69, 22–36  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
21. A.A.Imomov, A.Meyliyev, “On asymptotic structure of continuous-time Markov branching processes allowing immigration without higher-order moments”, Ufa Math. J., 13:1 (2021), 137–147  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
22. A.A.Imomov, “On estimation of the convergence rate to invariant measures in Markov branching processes with possibly infinite variance and immigration”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 14:5 (2021), 573–583  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus;
23. A.A.Imomov, A.Kh.Meyliev, On application of slowly varying functions with remainder in the theory of Markov branching processes with mean one and infinite variance, 2021 , 11 pp., arXiv: 2108.12180  crossref  scopus
24. A. A. Imomov, Y. T. Khodjaev, “Some Remarks on a Direct Calculation of Probabilities in Urn Schemes”, Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes, 8:1 (2020), 177–184  crossref  scopus
25. A. A. Imomov, Renewed Limit Theorems for the discrete-time Branching Process and its Conditioned Limiting Law interpretation, 2020 , 32 pp., arXiv: 2004.09307  scopus
26. A. A. Imomov, Y. T. Khodjaev, “On Some Methods for Solution of Linear Diophantine Equations”, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 3:2 (2020), 86–92  crossref  scopus 1
27. A.A.Imomov, A.Kh.Meyliev, On asymptotic structure of continuous-time Markov Branching Processes allowing Immigration and without high-order moments, 2020 , 11 pp., arXiv: 2006.09857  scopus
28. A. A. Imomov, E. E. Tukhtaev, “On application of slowly varying functions with remainder in the theory of Galton–Watson branching process”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 12:1 (2019), 51–57  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 2
29. A. A. Imomov, “On a limit structure of the Galton–Watson branching processes with regularly varying generating functions”, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 39:1 (2019), 61–73  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
30. Imomov, A.A., Tukhtaev, E.E., On asymptotic structure of the critical Galton-Watson Branching Processes with infinite variance and Immigration, 2019 , 7 pp., arXiv: 1904.09723  scopus
31. Imomov, A.A., Khodjaev, Y., Some remarks on the direct calculation of Probabilities in Urn Schemes, 2019 , 10 pp., arXiv: 1908.07184  scopus
32. A. A. Imomov, “On the limit structure of continuous-time Markov branching process”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 10:1 (2017), 117–127  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
33. A. A. Imomov, “On conditioned limit structure of the Markov branching process without finite second moment”, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 11:3 (2017), 393–422  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
34. A. A. Imomov, “On long-time behaviors of states of Galton–Watson branching processes allowing immigration”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 8:4 (2015), 394–405  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 2
35. A. A. Imomov, “On Long-Term Behavior of Continuous-Time Markov Branching Processes Allowing Immigration”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 7:4 (2014), 443–454  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus 2
36. A. A. Imomov, “Limit theorem for the joint distribution in the $Q$-processes”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 7:3 (2014), 289–296  mathnet  mathscinet  isi  scopus 1
37. A. A. Imomov, “Limit properties of transition functions of continuous-time markov branching processes”, International Journal of Stochastic Analysis, 2014, 1–10  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 1
38. A. A. Imomov, “On a Markov analogue of continuous-time Q-processes”, Theor. Probability and Math. Statist., 2012, no. 84, 57–64  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 6
39. A. A. Imomov, “A differential analog of the main lemma of the theory of Markov branching processes and its applications”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 57:2 (2005), 307–315  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 2
40. A. A. Imomov, “A differential analogue of the main lemma of the theory of Markov branching processes and its applications”, translation in Ukr. Math. J. 57, No. 2, 307-315 (2005), Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 57:2 (2005), 258–264  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 2

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. On the explicit generating function expression for the invariant measure of critical Galton-Watson Branching Systems
A. A. Imomov
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 11, 2023 13:10
2. On the Laplace method for functions of large numbers: some improvements
A. A. Imomov
International Conference "Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory"
June 3, 2023 11:00   
3. On the calculation of the Kolmogorov constant from the theory of Galton-Watson branching processes
A. Imomov
International Conference "Branching Processes, Random Walks and Probability on Discrete Structures"
June 21, 2022 16:00

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