Kachiashvili, Kartlos Joseph

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Doctor of technical sciences (1990)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Birth date: 23.12.1950
Keywords: mathematical statistics, computing mathematics, mathematical modeling and simulation, data analysis, system analysis.


Mathematical Statistics, Computing Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, New Computer technologies development, Data Analysis (Environmental, Agricultural, Medical), System Analysis (Environmental Water Pollution).

Main publications:
  • Primak A. V., Kafarov V. V., KachiashviIi K. J. System analysis of air and water quality control. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1991. 360 p. (Science and technical progress).
  • KachiashviIi K. J. Bayesian algorithms of many hypothesis testing. Tbilisi. Ganatleba. 1989. 144 p.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Gordeziani D. G., Melikdzhanian D. I. Advanced Modeling and Computer Technologies for Fluvial Water Quality Research and Control. Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 2007, 251 p.
  • KachiashviIi K. J., Khuchua V. I. Covariance function computation of stationary random time series with the given precision // Zavodskaya laboratoriya. 1989. # 3. p. 89–93.
  • KachiashviIi K. J. Recovery of polynomial regression on active experiment basis // Zavodskaya laboratoriya. 1990. # 10, p. 87–90.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Melikdzhanian D. I. Methodology of nonlinear regressions identification by modified method of least squares. M.: Zavadskaia Laboratoria, # 5, 2000. 157–164.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Melikdzhanian D. I. Construction of confidence intervals for mathematical expectations of random variables of a certain type // Applied Mathematics and Informatics, v. 3, # 2, 1999, p. 86–95.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Melikdzhanian D. I. Construction of confidence intervals for mathematical expectation of random variables of a certain type. M.: Zavadskaia Laboratoria, # 3, Tom 67, 2001, p. 59&ndash63.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Stepanishvili V. A. Estimation of unknown parameters of some non-regularities probability distribution densities // Avtometria. 1988. # 2, p. 109–111.
  • Kachiashvili K. J. Generalization of Bayesian Rule of Many Simple Hypotheses Testing. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol. 2, No. 1. 2003, pp. 41–70.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Melikdzhanian D. I. Identification of River Water Excessive Pollution Sources // International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2006), 397–417 (
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Gordeziani D. G., Lazarov R. G., Melikdzhanian D. I. Modeling and simulation of pollutants transport in rivers // International Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM) 31 (2007), 1371–1396.
  • Kachiashvili K. J., Melikdzhanian D. I. Parameter optimization algorithms of difference calculation schemes for improving the solution accuracy of diffusion equations describing the pollutants transport in rivers // International Journal "Applied Mathematics and Computation" 183 (2006), 787–803 (
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