Utkin, Pavel Sergeevich

Total publications: 231 (224)
in MathSciNet: 10 (10)
in zbMATH: 4 (4)
in Web of Science: 38 (38)
in Scopus: 46 (46)
Cited articles: 38
Citations: 178
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:5784
Abstract pages:3818
Full texts:1140
Utkin, Pavel Sergeevich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
Birth date: 10.03.1985
Keywords: Numerical simulation, compressible media, numerical combustion, shock waves, detonation waves, two-phase flows, high-performance computing


1. Mathematical modeling of flows with detonation waves. Studies of nonlinear dynamics of one-dimensional pulsating detonation. Investigation of the mechanisms of initiation and propagation of gas detonation waves in areas of complex shape.

2. Cartesian grid methods for numerical simulation of gas flows in areas with varying boundary geometry. Numerical study of the dynamics of motion of several bodies (in general, bodies of complex shape and interact with each other) in the flow of a compressible medium.

3. Numerical simulation of flows of two-phase compressible media within the framework of models of mechanics of heterogeneous media. The Baer-Nunziato equations. The interaction of shock waves with dust layers and clouds.



2002 – 2008 – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics, Master of Applied Mathematics and Physics

2008 – 2010 – Postgraduate study at the Institute for Computer Aided Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.

Work experience:

August 2005 – June 2022 – Institute for Computer Aided Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Research Associate, Associate director

September 2009 – June 2022 – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Computational Physics, Associate Professor

I participated in various projects at Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of RAS, Nuclear Safety Institute of RAS, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS from 2008 to 2022.

Funding received: one grant from the Russian Science Foundation (2021), two grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2015, 2018), one grant of the President of the Russian Federation fort young scientists (2016), one grant from the Harbin Institute of Technology (2023).

From 2010 to 2022, he conducted seminars and lectures at MIPT on the courses Computational Mathematics (for Bachelor students), Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flows (for Master students) and Nonlinear Computational Processes (for Master students). Since 2023, he has been lecturing for Doctorate students on the Computational Gas Dynamics course at the Harbin Institute of Technology.

I supervised two PhD candidates (A.I. Lopato, 2017; D.A. Sidorenko, 2019) and three Master students.

The medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists in 2007. Award of Moscow State University and the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics named after academician G.G. Cherny for young scientists in 2018.

Peer review of journals: Journal of Computational Physics; Physics of Fluids; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Journal of Applied Physics; International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow; International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems; Engineering Computations; Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences; AIMS Mathematics; MDPI Journals (Fluids, Metals, Computation, Mathematics, Aerospace, Processes, Applied Sciences, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction); Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves; Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B; Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics; JETP Letters; Computer Research and Modeling; Gorenie i vzryv (Moskva) — Combustion and Explosion; Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki, Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics

Chair of the sessions at the International conferences ICDERS 2023, ICCFD 2024.

The editor of the Special Issue of the Computation Journal (2023 – 2024).

Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016 – 2022), expert of the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (2020 – 2022).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Explosion Dynamics and Reactive Systems (IDERS,, since 2019).

Full texts of the papers are available at

Main publications:
  1. P. S. Utkin, A. I. Lopato, A. A. Vasilev, “Mechanisms of detonation initiation in multi-focusing systems”, Shock Waves, 30:7-8 (2020), 741–753, (JCR 2020 Q3, SJR 2020 Q2)  crossref  isi  scopus
  2. Ya. E. Poroshyna, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Nonlinear dynamics of pulsating detonation wave with two-stage chemical kinetics in the shock-attached frame”, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 29:4 (2021), 557–576, (JCR 2020 Q1)  crossref  isi  scopus
  3. Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of a normally incident shock wave – dense particles layer interaction using the Godunov solver for the Baer–Nunziato equations”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 142 (2021), 103718, (JCR 2020 Q2, SJR 2020 Q1)  crossref  isi  scopus
  4. P. S. Utkin, D. A. Sidorenko, V. M. Boiko, “Dynamics of motion of a pair of particles in a supersonic flow”, Shock Waves, 31:6 (2021), 571–582, (JCR 2020 Q3, SJR 2020 Q2)  crossref  isi  scopus
  5. P. S. Utkin, P. A. Chuprov, “Numerical simulation of shock wave propagation over a dense particle layer using the Baer-Nunziato model”, Physics of Fluids, 35:11 (2023), 113313, (JCR 2022 Q1, SJR 2022 Q1)  crossref  isi  scopus

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “The mechanism of resonant amplification of one-dimensional detonation propagating in a non-uniform mixture”, Computation, 12:2, This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flows (2024), 37 , 11 pp. (JCR 2022 Q2, SJR 2022 Q2, belyi spisok)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
2. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie rasprostraneniya udarnoi volny nad plotnoi zasypkoi chastits”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov X Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii LAPLAZ-2024” (Moskva, 26–29 marta 2024 g.), MIFI, 2024, 165  elib
3. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of dense particulate flows using Baer-Nunziato-like models”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD12) (Kobe, Japan, July 14–19, 2024), 2024, Paper No. C000120
4. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, A. D. Kiverin, “Numerical simulation of the interaction of a shock wave with a foam layer using a two-fluid approach”, High Temperature, 61:3 (2023), 409–416 (SJR 2023 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
5. A. I. Lopato, Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie mekhanizmov rasprostraneniya pulsiruyuschei gazovoi detonatsii v neodnorodnoi srede”, Kompyuternye issledovaniya i modelirovanie, 15:5 (2023), 1263–1282 (SJR 2023 Q4, belyi spisok)  mathnet  crossref  elib  scopus 1
6. P. A. Chuprov, S. V. Fortova, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical investigation of the interaction between a shock wave and aqueous foam with compaction”, Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 17:2 (2023), 272–280 (SJR 2023 Q2)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib  elib  scopus
7. A. I. Lopato, Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of detonation wave propagation in a non-uniform medium in the shock-attached frame”, Prezentatsiya doklada:, Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (SNU Siheung, Korea, 23–28 July 2023), 2023, Paper No. 66
8. P. S. Utkin, P. A. Chuprov, “Numerical simulation of shock wave propagation over a dense particle layer using the Baer-Nunziato model”, Physics of Fluids, 35:11 (2023), 113313 , 13 pp., arXiv: 2308.09628 (JCR 2022 Q1, SJR 2022 Q1, belyi spisok)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
9. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of a high-speed collision of metal plates using a multiphase model”, Plenary Speaker, Conference Handbook of the International Workshop on Intensive Loading and Its Effects, online meeting (Beijing, China, December 29–30 2023), State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology (Beijing Institute of Technology), 2023, 16  youtube
10. Ya. E. Poroshyna, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Characteristic analysis of the dynamics of shock wave propagation in a medium with a nonuniform density distribution”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 16:4 (2022), 670–679 (JCR 2021 Q4, SJR 2021 Q3)  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
11. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie dinamiki dvizheniya tela kvadratnoi formy v sverkhzvukovom potoke za udarnoi volnoi”, Kompyuternye issledovaniya i modelirovanie, 14:4 (2022), 755–766 (SJR 2021 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  elib  scopus
12. P. A. Chuprov, Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie prokhozhdeniya udarnoi volny nad plotnym sloem chastits v ramkakh uravnenii Baera-Nuntsiato”, Ezhegodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya otdela goreniya i vzryva Instituta khimicheskoi fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN (Moskva, 9–11 fevralya 2022 g.), Gorenie i vzryv, 15, no. 2, 2022, 67–74 (Spisok VAK)  crossref  elib  scopus 2
13. Ya. E. Poroshyna, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Nonlinear dynamics of pulsating detonation wave with two-stage chemical kinetics in the shock-attached frame”, Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and Their Applications (Dolgoprudny, 2–4 December 2019), Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 29, no. 4, 2021, 557–576 (JCR 2020 Q1)  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 2
14. V. V. Elesin, D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Three-dimensional Cartesian grid method for the simulations of flows with shock waves in the domains with varying boundaries”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 18:4 (2021), 2050046 , 20 pp. (JCR 2021 Q3, SJR 2021 Q2)  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
15. A. V. Sosin, D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s podvizhnymi vraschayuschimisya telami slozhnoi formy”, Kompyuternye issledovaniya i modelirovanie, 13:3 (2021), 513–540 (SJR 2021 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  elib  scopus 3
16. Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of a normally incident shock wave – dense particles layer interaction using the Godunov solver for the Baer–Nunziato equations”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 142 (2021), 103718 (JCR 2021 Q2, SJR 2021 Q1)  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 13
17. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Numerical simulation of a high-speed impact of metal plates using a three-fluid model”, Metals, 11:8 (2021), 1233 , 15 pp. (JCR 2021 Q2, SJR 2021 Q1)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 4
18. Ya. E. Poroshyna, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of detonation wave propagation in the nonuniform medium in the shock-attached frame”, Proceedings of 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD), Detonation: Latest accomplishments (St. Petersburg, 19–22 October 2020), eds. S.M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2021, 43–49  crossref
19. Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of the compaction effect during the shock wave – particles layer interaction”, Proceedings of 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD), Detonation: Latest accomplishments (St. Petersburg, 19–22 October 2020), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2021, 131 – 140  crossref
20. P. S. Utkin, D. A. Sidorenko, V. M. Boiko, “Dynamics of motion of a pair of particles in a supersonic flow”, 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (Singapore, 14–19 July 2019), Shock Waves, 31, no. 6, 2021, 571–582 (JCR 2021 Q3, SJR 2021 Q2)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 4
21. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie dinamiki dvizheniya tela kvadratnoi formy v sverkhzvukovom potoke za udarnoi volnoi”, Tezisy dokladov XVII Vserossiiskogo seminara s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Dinamika Mnogofaznykh Sred» (DMS-2021) (Novosibirsk, 27 avgusta–4 sentyabrya 2021 g.), ITPM SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2021, 46  elib
22. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny so sloem chastits s uchetom obratimogo i neobratimogo uplotneniya chastits”, Tezisy dokladov XVII Vserossiiskogo seminara s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Dinamika Mnogofaznykh Sred» (DMS-2021), klyuchevoi doklad (Novosibirsk, 27 avgusta–4 sentyabrya 2021 g.), ITPM SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2021, 22  elib
23. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Dinamika dvizheniya tel slozhnoi formy v sverkhzvukovom potoke za udarnoi volnoi”, Doklad na konferentsii pamyati O.M. Belotserkovskogo “Smart Computational Methods in Continuum Mechanics” (Dolgoprudnyi, 27–29 oktyabrya 2021 g.), 2021  youtube
24. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of shock-to-detonation transition in the curvilinear channels”, A talk at the Young Researchers' Forum on Detonation: From Fundamentals to Applications, online meeting (8 February 2021), 2021  youtube
25. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya normalno padayuschei udarnoi volny so sloem chastits v ramkakh uravnenii Baera-Nuntsiato”, Prezentatsiya doklada:, Ezhegodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya otdela goreniya i vzryva Instituta khimicheskoi fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN (Moskva, 12–14 fevralya 2020 g.), Gorenie i vzryv, 13, no. 1, 2020, 95–104 (Spisok VAK)  crossref  elib
26. A. I. Lopato, A. G. Eremenko, P. S. Utkin, D. A. Gavrilov, “Numerical simulation of detonation initiation: the quest of grid resolution”, 21st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems, Advances in Theory and Practice of Computational Mechanics, (SJR 2020 Q4), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 173, eds. L. Jain, I. Nikitin, M. Favorskaya, D. Reviznikov, Springer, Singapore, 2020, 79–89  crossref  elib  scopus 4
27. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya prokhodyaschei udarnoi volny so sloem chastits metodom dekartovykh setok”, Ezhegodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya otdela goreniya i vzryva Instituta khimicheskoi fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN (Moskva, 12–14 fevralya 2020 g.), Gorenie i vzryv, 13, no. 2, 2020, 62–74 (Spisok VAK)  crossref  mathscinet  elib
28. A. I. Lopato, A. G. Eremenko, P. S. Utkin, D. A. Gavrilov, “Parallel computational algorithm for the simulation of flows with detonation waves on fully unstructured grids”, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Parallel Computational Technologies (PCT2020) (Perm, 27–29 May 2020), (SJR 2020 Q4), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1263, eds. L. Sokolinsky, M. Zymbler, Springer, Cham, 2020, 198–208  crossref  elib  scopus
29. P. S. Utkin, A. I. Lopato, A. A. Vasilev, “Mechanisms of detonation initiation in multi-focusing systems”, 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Beijing, China, 28th July–2nd August 2019), Shock Waves, 30, no. 7-8, 2020, 741–753 (JCR 2020 Q3, SJR 2020 Q2)  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 8
30. Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of the compaction effect during shock wave – particle layer interaction”, Progress in detonation research. Abstracts of the 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD). (St. Petersburg, Russia, October 19–22), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2020, 43–44  crossref  elib
31. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the shock wave – particle layer interaction using Cartesian grid method”, Progress in detonation research. Abstracts of the 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD). (St. Petersburg, Russia, October 19–22), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2020, 45–46  crossref  elib
32. Ya. E. Poroshyna, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of detonation wave propagation in the nonuniform media in the shock-attached frame”, Progress in detonation research. Abstracts of the 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD). (St. Petersburg, Russia, October 19–22), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2020, 16–17  crossref  elib
33. P. A. Chuprov, Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie deflagratsii porokha v ramkakh modeli Baera-Nuntsiato”, Gorenie i vzryv, 13:3 (2020), 91–106 (Spisok VAK)  crossref  elib 1
34. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical modeling of detonation initiation in multifocused systems using unstructured computational meshes”, Nonequilibrium processes. Fundamentals of combustion, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Nonequilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena (Sochi, Russia, October 1–5 2018), 2, eds. S. M. Frolov, A. I. Lanshin, Torus Press, Moscow, 2019, 195–203  crossref  elib
35. V. V. Elesin, D. A. Sidorenko, A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Cartesian grid method for the simulation of the flows with detonation waves in the areas with variable geometry”, Nonequilibrium processes. Fundamentals of combustion, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Nonequilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena (Sochi, Russia, October 1–5 2018), 2, eds. S. M. Frolov, A. I. Lanshin, Torus Press, Moscow, 2019, 224–230  crossref  elib
36. S. V. Fortova, P. S. Utkin, T. S. Kazakova, “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the development of instability of a contact boundary of colliding metal plates within the gasdynamic approximation”, High Temperature, 57:2 (2019), 236–241 (SJR 2019 Q1)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
37. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Chislennoe issledovanie vysokoskorostnogo soudareniya plastin s ispolzovaniem shirokodiapazonnykh uravnenii sostoyaniya”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov V Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii» LaPlaz-2019 (Moskva, 12–15 fevralya 2019 g.), v. 1, NIYaU MIFI, Moskva, 2019, 341–342  elib
38. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of shock wave – dense particles cloud interaction using Godunov solver for Baer-Nunziato equations”, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 29:9 (2019), 3225–3241 (JCR 2019 Q1)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 11
39. P. S. Utkin, Ya. E. Poroshina, “Numerical simulation of heterogeneous detonation using HLL method for Baer-Nunziato equations”, Gorenie i vzryv, 12:1 (2019), 84–89  mathnet  crossref  elib
40. Alexander I. Lopato, Pavel S. Utkin, “The usage of grid-characteristic method for the simulation of flows with detonation waves”, Smart Modeling for Engineering Systems, Proceedings of the Conference 50 Years of the Development of Grid-Characteristic Method (Moscow, March 31–April 3 2018), (SJR 2018 Q3), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 133, Springer, Cham, 2019, 281–290  mathnet  crossref  elib  scopus 8
41. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Two-dimensional mathematical modeling of interaction of a shock wave with moving cylinders”, XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (Elbrus) (Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, March 1–6, 2018), JPCS, 1147, 2019, 12028 , 8 pp. (SJR 2019 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
42. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of detonation initiation and propagation in the complex-shaped domains”, XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (Elbrus) (Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, March 1–6, 2018), JPCS, 1147, 2019, 12039 , 10 pp. (SJR 2019 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
43. P. S. Utkin, “Some aspects of the numerical modeling of shock wave – dense particles bed interaction using two-fluid approach”, Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves (Nagoya, Japan, 9–14 July 2017), v. 2, eds. A. Sasoh, T. Aoki, M. Katayama, Springer, 2019, 649–656  crossref
44. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “To the complex approach to the numerical investigation of the shock wave – dense particles bed interaction”, Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves (Nagoya, Japan, 9–14 July 2017), v. 2, eds. A. Sasoh, T. Aoki, M. Katayama, M., Springer, 2019, 657–663  crossref
45. S. Fortova, P. Utkin, V. Shepelev, T. Kazakova, “Mathematical modeling of the impact of high-speed metallic plates”, Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves (Nagoya, Japan, 9–14 July 2017), v. 2, eds. A. Sasoh, T. Aoki, M. Katayama, Springer, 2019, 351–358  crossref
46. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, A. A. Vasilev, “Simulation of detonation initiation in multifocused systems”, Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (ISFEH9) (St. Petersburg, Russia, 21–26 April 2019), v. 1, eds. A. Snegirev et al., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 2019, 247–256  crossref
47. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, F. A. Maksimov, “Multidimensional gas dynamics simulation of the attenuation of shock wave by the granular beds”, Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (ISFEH9) (St. Petersburg, Russia, 21–26 April 2019), v. 1, eds. A. Snegirev et al., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 2019, 308–313  crossref
48. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical modeling of the relaxation of a body behind the transmitted shock wave”, Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 11:4 (2019), 509–517 (SJR 2019 Q3)  crossref  mathscinet  elib  scopus 5
49. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie rasprostraneniya detonatsionnoi volny v ramkakh dvukhstadiinoi kinetiki khimicheskikh reaktsii v sisteme koordinat, svyazannoi s frontom lidiruyuschei volny”, Vychislitelnye metody i programmirovanie, 20:3 (2019), 293–308 (Russian Science Citation Index, RSCI:39540783)  mathnet  crossref  elib
50. V. V. Elesin, D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Metod dekartovykh setok dlya trekhmernogo chislennogo modelirovaniya rasprostraneniya udarnykh voln v oblastyakh slozhnoi formy s podvizhnymi granitsami”, Vychislitelnye metody i programmirovanie, 20:3 (2019), 309–322 (Russian Science Citation Index, RSCI:39540784)  mathnet  crossref  elib 1
51. A. Lopato, P. Utkin, A. Vasilev, “Investigation of detonation initiation due to the shock wave reflection from the multiple elliptical surfaces”, Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Paper No. OR-04-0056 (Singapore, 14–19 July 2019), ISBN 978-981-11-2730-4, Research Publishing, Singapore, 2019, 557–563  crossref
52. Y. Poroshyna, P. Utkin, “Pressure relaxation procedure with compaction for the problems of shock wave – particles beds interaction”, Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Paper No. OR-14-0254, ISBN 978-981-11-2730-4 (Singapore, 14–19 July 2019), Research Publishing, Singapore, 2019, 1649–1656  crossref
53. D. Sidorenko, P. Utkin, V. Boiko, “Dynamics of motion of a pair of particles in a supersonic flow”, Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Paper No. OR-15-0049, ISBN 978-981-11-2730-4 (Singapore, 14–19 July 2019), Research Publishing, Singapore, 2019, 1753–1760  crossref 1
54. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Parallel computational algorithm of a Cartesian grid method for simulating the interaction of a shock wave and colliding bodies”, Proceedings of Parallel Computational Technologies Conference (PCT2019) (Kaliningrad, 2–4 April 2019), (SJR 2019 Q3), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1063, Springer, 2019, Chapter 23  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
55. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s plotnym oblakom chastits s uchetom effektov kompaktirovaniya”, XII Vserossiiskii s'ezd po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki: sbornik trudov v 4 tomakh. T. 2: Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza. (Ufa, 19–24 avgusta 2019 g.), v. 2, RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2019, 857–859  elib
56. P. S. Utkin, A. I. Lopato, A. A. Vasilev, “Chislennoe i eksperimentalnoe issledovanie initsiirovaniya detonatsii v mnogofokusiruyuschikh sistemakh”, XII Vserossiiskii s'ezd po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki: sbornik trudov v 4 tomakh. T. 2: Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza. (Ufa, 19–24 avgusta 2019 g.), v. 2, RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2019, 907–909  elib
57. P. S. Utkin, D. A. Sidorenko, V. M. Boiko, “Chislennoe i eksperimentalnoe issledovanie relaksatsii chastits v sverkhzvukovom potoke za prokhodyaschei udarnoi volnoi”, XII Vserossiiskii s'ezd po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki: sbornik trudov v 4 tomakh. T. 2: Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza. (Ufa, 19–24 avgusta 2019 g.), v. 2, RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2019, 446–448  elib
58. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “The practice of detonation waves simulation on fully unstructured computational grids”, Advances in Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Proceedings of 11th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–21 September 2018), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2019, 116–126  crossref  elib
59. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “To the mechanisms of particle relaxation behind a shock wave”, Advances in Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Proceedings of 11th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–21 September 2018), eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2019, 184–191  crossref  elib
60. A. V. Sosin, P. S. Utkin, “Nestatsionarnyi aerodinamicheskii koeffitsient soprotivleniya tel za prokhodyaschei udarnoi volnoi”, Trudy 62-i Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii. (Dolgoprudnyi, 18–24 noyabrya 2019 g.), MFTI, 2019, 143–144
61. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya i rasprostraneniya voln detonatsii v oblastyakh slozhnoi formy s ispolzovaniem polnostyu nestrukturirovannykh raschetnykh setok”, Materialy XII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po prikladnoi matematike i mekhanike v aerokosmicheskoi otrasli (NPNJ’2018) (Alushta, 24–31 maya 2018 g.), MAI, Moskva, 2018, 134–135  elib
62. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Dvumernoe gazodinamicheskoe modelirovanie relaksatsii chastits za prokhodyaschei udarnoi volnoi”, Materialy XII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po prikladnoi matematike i mekhanike v aerokosmicheskoi otrasli (NPNJ’2018) (Alushta, 24–31 maya 2018 g.), MAI, Moskva, 2018, 145–147  elib
63. P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie plotnykh techenii dvukhfaznykh sred s udarnymi volnami s ispolzovaniem dvukhzhidkostnykh modelei”, Materialy XII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po prikladnoi matematike i mekhanike v aerokosmicheskoi otrasli (NPNJ’2018) (Alushta, 24–31 maya 2018 g.), MAI, Moskva, 2018, 229–230  elib
64. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of detonation wave propagation in the variable cross-section channel using unstructured computational grids”, J. Combus., 2018 (2018), 3635797 , 8 pp. (SJR 2018 Q2)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 9
65. P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Mathematical modeling of impact of two metal plates using two-fluid approach”, XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (Elbrus) (Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, March 1–6, 2017), JPCS, 946, 2018, 12047 , 10 pp. (SJR 2018 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
66. S. V. Fortova, P. S. Utkin, A. P. Pronina, T. S. Narkunas, V. V. Shepelev, “Improvement of three-dimensional mathematical model for the simulation of impact of high-speed metallic plates”, XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (Elbrus) (Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, March 1–6, 2017), JPCS, 946, 2018, 12052 , 7 pp. (SJR 2018 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
67. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 11:1 (2018), 47–52  mathnet  crossref  elib
68. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Two-dimensional gas dynamic modeling of the interaction of a shock wave with beds of granular media”, Rus. J. Physic. Chemistry B, 12:5 (2018), 869–874 (JCR 2018 Q4)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
69. P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Mathematical modeling of high-speed interaction of metallic plates within the two-fluid Euler approach”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:8 (2018), 1377–1383 (SJR 2018 Q2)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
70. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 11:3 (2018), 79–86  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
71. P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Numerical modeling of dense flows of two-phase media with shock waves using two-fluid model”, International conference on the methods of aerophysical research (Novosibirsk, Russia, August 13–19, 2018), AIP Conf. Proc., 2027, 2018, 30107 , 7 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
72. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Two-dimensional gas dynamics modeling of the relaxation of particles behind the transmitted shock wave”, International conference on the methods of aerophysical research (Novosibirsk, Russia, August 13–19, 2018), AIP Conf. Proc., 2027, 2018, 30068 , 6 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
73. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of initiation and propagation of detonation in the areas of complex shapes using fully unstructured grids”, International conference on the methods of aerophysical research (Novosibirsk, Russia, August 13–19, 2018), AIP Conf. Proc., 2027, 2018, 30057 , 7 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
74. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical modeling of the relaxation of a body behind the transmitted shock wave”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 11:4 (2019), 509–517  mathnet  crossref  elib
75. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Sravnitelnyi analiz chislennykh metodov dlya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya geterogennoi detonatsii”, Sbornik tezisov dokladov 8-oi Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov i konstruktsii, slozhnykh i geterogennykh sred» (Moskva, 18–19 dekabrya 2018 g.), IPRIM RAN, Moskva, 2018, 114  elib
76. P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Two-fluid model of high-sreed impact of metal plates”, Gorenie i vzryv, 11:4 (2018), 118–124  mathnet  crossref  elib
77. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Osobennosti matematicheskogo modelirovaniya techenii s volnami detonatsii na nestrukturirovannykh raschetnykh setkakh”, Vych. met. programmirovanie, 18:4 (2017), 348–358 (Russian Science Citation Index, RSCI:36735948)  mathnet  crossref  elib
78. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Osobennosti modelirovaniya detonatsionnoi volny na treugolnykh setkakh”, Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh-mekhanikov (Sochi, 5–15 sentyabrya 2017 g.), MGU, Moskva, 2017, 79  elib
79. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Mnogomernye effekty pri vzaimodeistvii udarnoi volny s plotnoi zasypkoi chastits”, Sbornik dokladov V Minskogo mezhdunarodnogo kollokviuma po fizike udarnykh voln, goreniya i detonatsii (Minsk, Belarus, 13–16 noyabrya 2017 g.), Institut teplo- i massoobmena im. A.V. Lykova, Minsk, Belarus, 2017, 159–165  crossref
80. N. N. Schelkunov, D. A. Gavrilov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Elesin, I. S. Nikitin, A. G. Eremenko, M. V. Karpov, “Razrabotka programmnogo obespecheniya dlya rascheta funktsionirovaniya boevoi chasti vysokoskorostnogo letatelnogo apparata”, Sbornik materialov Pervoi vserossiiskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem “Tsifrovye sredstva proizvodstva inzhenernogo analiza” (Tula, 28 noyabrya–1 dekabrya 2017 g.), Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped. un-ta im. L.N. Tolstogo, Tula, 2017, 321–328  elib
81. S. V. Fortova, P. S. Utkin, T. S. Narkunas, V. V. Shepelev, “Numerical simulation of the impact of high-speed metallic plates using two approaches”, JPCS, 899 (2017), 52006 , 7 pp. (SJR 2017 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
82. P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 10:3 (2017), 53–57  mathnet  crossref  elib
83. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 10:2 (2017), 47–51  mathnet  crossref  elib
84. P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of the interaction of a shock wave with a dense cloud of particles within the framework of the two-fluid approach”, Rus. J. Physic. Chemistry B, 11:6 (2017), 963–973 (SJR 2017 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
85. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Two approaches to the mathematical modeling of detonation waves”, Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 8:5 (2016), 585–594 (SJR 2016 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  elib  scopus
86. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, I. Akhmedyanov, “Mathematical modeling of detonation initiation via flow cumulation effects”, Progress in Propulsion Physics. EUCASS advances in aerospace sciences book series. (5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Munich, Germany, July 1–5, 2013), v. 8, eds. M. Calabro, L. DeLuca, S. Frolov, L. Galfetti, O. Haidn, Torus Press, Moscow, 2016, 389–406  crossref  isi  elib
87. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of weakly unstable pulsating detonation wave propagation: laboratory versus shock-attached frame”, Progress in Detonation Physics (10th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD), St. Petersburg, Russia, July 4–8, 2016), ISBN 978-5-94588-199-5, eds. S. M. Frolov, G. D. Roy, Torus Press, Moscow, 2016, 100–105  mathscinet  elib
88. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Cartesian grid approach for the modeling of shock waves propagation in complex-shape domains”, Progress in Detonation Physics (10th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD), St. Petersburg, Russia, July 4–8, 2016.), ISBN 978-5-94588-199-5, eds. S. M. Frolov, G. D. Roy, Torus Press, Moscow, 2016, 62–70  elib
89. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Metod dekartovykh setok dlya chislennogo modelirovaniya rasprostraneniya udarnykh voln v oblastyakh slozhnoi formy”, Vych. met. programmirovanie, 17:4 (2016), 353–364  mathnet  crossref  elib
90. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Detailed simulation of the pulsating detonation wave in the shock-attached frame”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 56:5 (2016), 841–853 (SJR 2016 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
91. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Towards second-order algorithm for the pulsating detonation wave modeling in the shock-attached frame”, 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (Leeds, UK, 2 – 7 August 2015), Combustion Science and Technology, 188, no. 11, 2016, 1844–1856 (SJR 2016 Q2)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 7
92. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of shock waves dynamics in the multifocused systems in the context of the detonation initiation problems”, Nonequilibrium processes in physics and chemistry (7th International Symposium on Nonequilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena (NEPCAP), Sochi, Russia, October 2–7, 2016), v. 2, Combustion and detonation, eds. A. M. Starik, S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2016, 281–287  elib
93. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Unsteady effects in the problem of shock wave – array of cylinders interaction”, Nonequilibrium processes in physics and chemistry (7th International Symposium on Nonequilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena (NEPCAP), Sochi, Russia, October 2 – 7, 2016), v. 2, Combustion and detonation, eds. A. M. Starik, S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2016, 288–295  elib
94. S. V. Fortova, V. V. Shepelev, A. P. Pronina, P. S. Utkin, “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the instability of the interface between two high-speed colliding metal plates”, XXXI International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (Elbrus, Russia, March 1-6, 2016), JPCS, 774, 2016, 12028 , 4 pp. (SJR 2016 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 5
95. S. V. Fortova, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Shepelev, “Application of software complex turbo problem solver to Rayleigh-Taylor instability modeling”, JPCS, 754 (2016), 62003 , 6 pp. (SJR 2016 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
96. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “The details of the detonation wave calculation using numerical schemes of different approximation orders”, Matem. Mod., 27:7 (2015), 75–79  mathnet  elib
97. P. S. Utkin, “Ob odnom podkhode k matematicheskomu opisaniyu vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s oblakom chastits”, Sbornik dokladov XI Vserossiiskogo s'ezda po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki (Kazan, 20–24 avgusta 2015 g.), Izd-vo Kazanskogo universiteta, Kazan, 2015, 3865–3867  elib
98. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 8:1 (2015), 145–150  mathnet  elib
99. P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of shock wave – dense particles bed interaction using Godunov solver for Baer-Nunziato equations”, Transient Combustion and Detonation Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications (9th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 19–23, 2014), ISBN 978-5-94588-149-5, eds. G. D. Roy, S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2014, 582–589  elib
100. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of pulsating detonation wave propagation using monotone numerical methods of different approximation orders”, Transient Combustion and Detonation Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications (9th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 19–23, 2014), ISBN 978-5-94588-149-5, eds. G. D. Roy, S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2014, 261–268  elib
101. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, M. Yu. Nemtsev, “Numerical modeling of detonation initiation and propagation in methane-air mixture using high performance computing”, Transient Combustion and Detonation Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications (9th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 19–23, 2014), ISBN 978-5-94588-149-5, eds. G. D. Roy, S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moscow, 2014, 254–260  elib
102. P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie techenii dvukhfaznykh szhimaemykh sred metodom Godunova”, Sbornik trudov XV nauchnoi shkoly molodykh uchenykh IBRAE RAN, Preprint IBRAE RAN # IBRAE-2014-02 (Moskva, 24–25 aprelya 2014 g.), IBRAE RAN, Moskva, 2014, 210–213  elib
103. P. S. Utkin, Gorenie i vzryv, 7 (2014), 187–190  mathnet  elib
104. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, Computer Research and Modeling, 6:5 (2014), 643–653  mathnet  crossref  elib
105. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “BARS-1MP – programmnyi kompleks dlya chislennogo issledovaniya vnutriballisticheskikh protsessov na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Vosmaya vserossiiskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya «Fundamentalnye i prikladnye problemy sovremennoi mekhaniki», posvyaschennaya 135-letiyu TGU i 45-letiyu NII PMM TGU, Tomsk, 22–25 aprelya 2013 g., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, 56:6-3 (2013), 61–63  elib
106. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. A. Pasynkov, A. A. Popov, “Mnogomernoe chislennoe modelirovanie svyazannykh zadach vnutrennei i promezhutochnoi ballistiki”, Vosmaya vserossiiskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya «Fundamentalnye i prikladnye problemy sovremennoi mekhaniki», posvyaschennaya 135-letiyu TGU i 45-letiyu NII PMM TGU, Tomsk, 22–25 aprelya 2013 g., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, 56:6-3 (2013), 58–60  elib
107. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, V. Markov, “Numerical modeling of dust-layered detonation structure in a narrow tube”, Best paper award, 8th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE) (Yokohama, Japan, September 5–10 2010), Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26, no. 2, 2013, 380–386 (SJR 2013 Q1)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  isi  elib  scopus 16
108. I. V. Semenov, P. A. Pasynkov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, I. S. Menshov, Gorenie i vzryv, 6 (2013), 109–111  mathnet  elib
109. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, A. Yu. Lebedeva, “Numerical modelling of initiation and propagation of detonation waves in tubes with complex shape”, Moscow State University. High Performance Computing. Facilities, applications, activities, MSU, Moscow, 2012, 30
110. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, A. Yu. Lebedeva, “High-performance computing for the problems of multiphase dynamics and explosions hazards”, Moscow State University. High Performance Computing. Facilities, applications, activities, MSU, Moscow, 2012, 31
111. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, I. S. Menshov, “Application of high performance computing to the solution of interior ballistics problems”, Vychisl. Metody Programm., 12:1 (2011), 183–193  mathnet  elib
112. P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, A. Yu. Lebedeva, “Chislennoe issledovanie initsiirovaniya gazovoi detonatsii v trubakh so slozhnoi geometriei stenok”, Prezentatsiya doklada:, 10-yi Vserossiiskii s'ezd po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki (Nizhnii Novgorod, 24–30 avgusta 2011 g.), Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo, no. 4(3), 2011, 1206–1208  elib
113. I. Semenov, I. Akhmedyanov, A. Lebedeva, P. Utkin, “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of shock and detonation waves propagation in tubes with curved walls”, Eighth International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE) (Yokohama, Japan, September 5–10 2010), Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 72, no. 4, 2011, 116–122 (SJR 2011 Q3)  isi  elib  scopus
114. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, A. Yu. Lebedeva, V. V. Markov, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie mnogofaznykh mnogokomponentnykh reagiruyuschikh potokov na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Nauchnoe izdanie «Fragmenty istorii i dostizheniya IAP RAN 1986 – 2011», Izdatelskii tsentr «Polet Dzhonatana», Moskva, 2011, 249–268
115. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, N. E. Demidov, “Chislennoe issledovanie initsiirovaniya detonatsii v metanovozdushnoi smesi”, Tezisy dokladov Vtorogo Minskogo mezhdunarodnogo kollokviuma po fizike udarnykh voln, goreniya i detonatsii (Minsk, Belarus, 14–18 noyabrya 2011 g.), 2011, 35  zmath
116. I. V. Semenov, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, A. Yu. Lebedeva, “Chislennoe modelirovanie trekhmernykh techenii s volnami detonatsii na mnogoprotsessornoi vychislitelnoi tekhnike”, Vestnik UGATU, 14:5 (40) (2010), 140–149  elib
117. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, S. M. Frolov, V. S. Aksenov, “Numerical and experimental investigation of detonation initiation in profiled tubes”, 22nd International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Minsk, Belarus, July 27–31 2009), Combustion Science and Technology, 182, no. 11–12, 2010, 1735–1746 (SJR 2010 Q1)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 6
118. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, V. S. Aksenov, S. M. Frolov, “Numerical and experimental study of shock-to-detonation transition in a tube with a shaped converging-diverging section”, Explosion dynamics and hazards, eds. S. M. Frolov, F. Zhang, P. Wolanski, Torus Press, 2010, 185–202  elib
119. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Initiation of detonation in a tube with parabolic contraction and conic expansion”, Doklady Physics, 55:3 (2010), 150–154 (SJR 2010 Q3)  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
120. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Razrabotka programmnogo kompleksa dlya resheniya zadach vnutrennei ballistiki” (Nauchnaya konferentsiya otdela goreniya i vzryva Instituta khimicheskoi fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN, Moskva, 10–12 fevralya 2010 g.), v. 3, Gorenie i vzryv, eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moskva, 2010, 200–203  elib
121. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Trekhmernoe chislennoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya detonatsii v trube s parabolicheskim suzheniem i konicheskim rasshireniem” (Nauchnaya konferentsiya otdela goreniya i vzryva Instituta khimicheskoi fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN, Moskva, 10–12 fevralya 2010 g.), v. 3, Gorenie i vzryv, eds. S. M. Frolov, Torus Press, Moskva, 2010, 71–75  elib
122. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, “Primenenie mnogoprotsessornoi vychislitelnoi tekhniki dlya resheniya mnogomernykh zadach vnutrennei ballistiki”, Superkompyuternye tekhnologii v nauke, obrazovanii i promyshlennosti, eds. V. A. Sadovnichii, G. I. Savin, Vl. V. Voevodin, MGU, Moskva, 2010, 104–108
123. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Numerical simulation of detonation initiation in a contoured tube”, Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 45:6 (2009), 700–707 (SJR 2009 Q2)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
124. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, A. Yu. Lebedeva, V. V. Markov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya i rasprostraneniya voln gazovoi detonatsii v trubakh so slozhnoi geometriei”, Superkompyuternye tekhnologii v nauke, obrazovanii i promyshlennosti, eds. V. A. Sadovnichii, G. I. Savin, Vl. V. Voevodin, MGU, Moskva, 2009, 137–142
125. V. P. Korobeinikov, V. V. Markov, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie bystroprotekayuschikh nelineinykh volnovykh protsessov v gazovykh i pylegazovykh smesyakh”, Sovremennye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy: sbornik izbrannykh trudov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii pamyati akademika Leonida Ivanovicha Sedova v svyazi so stoletiem so dnya rozhdeniya, eds. G. G. Chernyi, Torus Press, Moskva, 2009, 311–329  elib
126. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Numerical modeling of two-dimensional flows with detonation waves using high performance computing”, Vychisl. Metody Programm., 9:1 (2008), 119–128  mathnet  elib
127. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Numerical study of the influence of tube wall profile on shock-to-detonation transition”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE) (St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7–11, 2008), v. 2, 2008, 16–24
128. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Profilirovanie truby dlya minimizatsii energii udarnoi volny, initsiiruyuschei detonatsiyu”, Tezisy dokladov XIV Simpoziuma po goreniyu i vzryvu (Chernogolovka, 13–17 oktyabrya 2008 g.), 2008, 295  zmath
129. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Chislennoe issledovanie mekhanizma initsiirovaniya detonatsii v profilirovannykh trubakh”, Trudy 51 Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk»: Chast VII. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Dolgoprudnyi, 28–30 noyabrya 2008 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2008, 69–71
130. S. M. Frolov, I. V. Semenov, P. V. Komissarov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Reduction of the deflagration-to-detonation transition distance and time in a tube with regular shaped obstacles”, Doklady Physical Chemistry, 415:2 (2007), 209–213 (SJR 2007 Q3)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
131. I. V. Semenov, S. M. Frolov, V. V. Markov, P. S. Utkin, “Shock-induced dust ignition in curved pipeline with steady flow”, Sixth International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE) (Halifax, Canada. 27 August–1 September 2006), Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20, no. 4, 2007, 366–374 (SJR 2006 Q1)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1


132. P. S. Utkin, Chislennoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya i rasprostraneniya voln gazovoi detonatsii v profilirovannykh trubakh, Diss. kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, Moskovskii fiziko-tekhnicheskii institut, Dolgoprudnyi, 2010 , 167 pp.  elib


133. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s chastitsei treugolnoi formy”, Doklad na XVIII Vserossiiskoi shkole-konferentsii molodykh uchenykh “Problemy mekhaniki: teoriya, eksperiment i novye tekhnologii” (Novosibirsk – Sheregesh, 10–18 marta 2024 g.), 2024
134. P. S. Utkin, P. A. Chuprov, “Numerical study of the mechanism of convective burning of black powder”, Book of Abstracts of the 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC2024) (Kyoto, Japan, May 7–10 2024), 2024, 143
135. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “The mechanism of a resonant amplification of pulsations behind a detonation wave propagating in a nonuniform mixture”, Book of Abstracts of the 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC2024) (Kyoto, Japan, May 7–10 2024), 2024, 146–147
136. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe issledovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s zasypkoi chastits s ispolzovaniem modeli Baera-Nuntsiato”, Chuprov P.A. – diplom za pervoe mesto v Konkurse dokladov molodykh uchenykh, Sbornik trudov VIII Rossiiskoi konferentsii – shkoly molodykh uchenykh s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Mnogofaznye sistemy: modeli, eksperiment, prilozheniya» (Ufa, 24–28 iyunya 2024 g.), Izd-vo IMekh im. R.R. Mavlyutova, 2024, 126
137. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of wave processes inside a dense particle bed subjected to a periodic shock wave loading”, Plenary Speaker, Conference Handbook of the International Symposium of Explosions and Reactive Flows, online meeting (Beijing, China, August 30–31 2024), State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology (Beijing Institute of Technology), 2024, 17–18  youtube
138. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Nonlinear effects of one-dimensional pulsating detonation propagating in a mixture with initial density non-uniformity”, Book of Abstracts of the International Conference Non-linear Phenomena and Dynamics of Flame Propagation (Borovoe (Burabay) National Nature Park Kazakhstan, September 23–27, 2024), 2024, 14
139. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of shock wave propagation over a dust layer using a two-fluid model”, Book of abstracts of the 20th National Conference on CFD (第二十届全国计算流体力学会议) (Harbin, China, 24–27 June, 2023), 2023, 86–87
140. A. I. Lopato, Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Characteristic analysis of detonation propagation in a nonuniform medium”, The 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34). Online abstract book, Password: ISSW34 (Daegu, Korea, 16–21 July 2023), 2023, T04-0150
141. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, Ya. E. Poroshyna, “Numerical simulation of shock wave propagation above the dense particle layer using the Baer-Nunziato model”, Prezentatsiya doklada:, The 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34). Online abstract book (Daegu, Korea, 16–21 July 2023), Password: ISSW34, 2023, T09-0157
142. P. S. Utkin, “Particle-resolved numerical simulation of shock wave propagation over a particle layer”, The 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34). Online abstract book (Daegu, Korea, 16–21 July 2023), Password: ISSW34, 2023, T09-0161
143. P. S. Utkin, “Detonation initiation in multi-focusing systems”, Plenary Speaker, Conference Handbook of the International Symposium of Explosions and Reactive Flows, online meeting (Beijing, China, August 26–27 2023), State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology (Beijing Institute of Technology), 2023, 13–14
144. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of two-phase particulate flows relevant to spacecraft landings”, Keynote speech, A talk at the International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Applications. Forum on Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology (Harbin, China, 24 October 2023), 2023
145. P. S. Utkin, “Tsifrovizatsiya obrazovatelnogo protsessa v MFTI. Novye CFD-kursy”, Onlain-doklad na mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii Uspekhi tsifrovykh tekhnologii v translyatsionnoi meditsine (Turkestan, Kazakhstan, 20 maya 2022 g.), 2022
146. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Sravnitelnyi analiz vosplameneniya vodorodno-kislorodnoi smesi pri otrazhenii udarnoi volny ot krivolineinoi poverkhnosti s ispolzovaniem razlichnykh kineticheskikh skhem”, Problemy mekhaniki: teoriya, eksperiment i novye tekhnologii: tezisy dokladov XV Vserossiiskoi shkoly-konferentsii molodykh uchenykh (Novosibirsk – Sheregesh, 25 fevralya–5 marta 2021 g.), Avtograf, Novosibirsk, 2021, 148–149
147. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Effekty neobratimogo szhatiya granulirovannykh sred pod deistviem udarnoi volny”, Problemy mekhaniki: teoriya, eksperiment i novye tekhnologii: tezisy dokladov XV Vserossiiskoi shkoly-konferentsii molodykh uchenykh (Novosibirsk – Sheregesh, 25 fevralya–5 marta 2021 g.), Avtograf, Novosibirsk, 2021, 187–188
148. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Ustoichivoe polozhenie kvadratnogo tela za udarnoi volnoi”, Problemy mekhaniki: teoriya, eksperiment i novye tekhnologii: tezisy dokladov XV Vserossiiskoi shkoly-konferentsii molodykh uchenykh (Novosibirsk – Sheregesh, 25 fevralya–5 marta 2021 g.), Avtograf, Novosibirsk, 2021, 208–209
149. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Dvumernoe chislennoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny so sloem chastits metodom dekartovykh setok”, Tezisy dokladov IX Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii Lavrentevskie chteniya po matematike, mekhanike i fizike, posvyaschennoi 120-letiyu akademika M.A. Lavrenteva (Novosibirsk, 7–11 sentyabrya 2020 g.), Institut gidrodinamiki im. M.A. Lavrenteva SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2020, 164
150. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie effekta kompaktirovaniya v zadache o vzaimodeistvii udarnoi volny so sloem chastits”, Tezisy dokladov IX Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii Lavrentevskie chteniya po matematike, mekhanike i fizike, posvyaschennoi 120-letiyu akademika M.A. Lavrenteva (Novosibirsk, 7–11 sentyabrya 2020 g.), Institut gidrodinamiki im. M.A. Lavrenteva SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2020, 165–166
151. P. A. Chuprov, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical study of combustion waves in heterogeneous explosive using Baer-Nunziato model”, 6th International Conference Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications (QIPA). Conference handbook and proceedings. (Dolgoprudny, Russia, November 30–December 2, 2020), MIPT, Dolgoprudny, 2020, 11
152. A. I. Lopato, Ya. E. Poroshyna, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of shock propagation in the non-uniform media in the shock-attached frame”, 6th International Conference Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications (QIPA). Conference handbook and proceedings. (Dolgoprudny, Russia, November 30–December 2, 2020), MIPT, Dolgoprudny, 2020, 21
153. A. V. Sosin, D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Metod dekartovykh setok dlya modelirovaniya techeniya gaza v oblasti s podvizhnym telom s uchetom ego vrascheniya”, Trudy 63-ei Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii. (Dolgoprudnyi, 23–29 noyabrya 2020 g.), MFTI, 2020, 96–98
154. P. A. Chuprov, Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie rasprostraneniya volny goreniya v geterogennom vzryvchatom veschestve”, Trudy 63-ei Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii. (Dolgoprudnyi, 23–29 noyabrya 2020 g.), MFTI, 2020, 120–121
155. A. Lopato, P. Utkin, A. Vasilev, “Numerical simulation of detonation initiation in multifocused systems”, Book of Abstracts of 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (Aachen, Germany, May 6–8, 2019), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, 2019, 88
156. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie detonatsionnoi volny v sisteme koordinat, svyazannoi s lidiruyuschim skachkom, v ramkakh dvukhstadiinoi modeli kinetiki”, Sbornik tezisov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov «Aviatsionnye dvigateli i silovye ustanovki» (Moskva, 28–30 maya 2019 g.), TsIAM, Moskva, 2019, 134–136
157. P. S. Utkin, A. I. Lopato, A. A. Vasilev, “Numerical and experimental investigation of detonation initiation in multifocused systems”, Proceedings of 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Beijing, China, 28 July–2nd August 2019), 2019, 105
158. P. S. Utkin, Y. E. Poroshyna, “Numerical simulation of the detonation wave in the shock-attached frame for the two-stage kinetics model”, Proceedings of 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Beijing, China, 28 July–2 August 2019), 2019, 104
159. Ya. Poroshina, P. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of pulsating detonation wave in the shock-attached frame using two-stage chemical kinetics model”, QIPA. Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications. 5th International Conference. Conference handbook and proceedings. (Dolgoprudny, December 2–3, 2019), MIPT, Dolgoprudny, 2019, 22
160. A. G. Eremenko, A. I. Lopato, D. A. Gavrilov, P. S. Utkin, “Parallelnyi vychislitelnyi algoritm dlya modelirovaniya detonatsionnykh voln na nestrukturirovannykh setkakh”, Trudy 62-i Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Radiotekhnika i kompyuternye tekhnologii. (Dolgoprudnyi, 18–24 noyabrya 2019 g.), MFTI, 2019, 14–15
161. P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Mathematical modeling of high-speed flows of two-phase media with shock waves”, 50 Years of the Development of Grid-Characteristic Method. Conference handbook and proceedings (Dolgoprudny, March 31–April 3 2018), MIPT, 2018, 32
162. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “The usage of grid-characteristic method for the simulation of flows with detonation waves”, 50 Years of the Development of Grid-Characteristic Method. Conference handbook and proceedings (Dolgoprudny,March 31–April 3, 2018), MIPT, 2018, 33
163. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of the shock wave – system of moving and colliding bodies interaction”, 50 Years of the Development of Grid-Characteristic Method. Conference handbook and proceedings (Dolgoprudny, March 31–April 3, 2018), MIPT, 2018, 33
164. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie rasprostraneniya pulsiruyuschei volny detonatsii v ramkakh dvukhstadiinoi modeli kinetiki khimicheskikh reaktsii”, Trudy 61-i Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii. (Dolgoprudnyi, 19–25 noyabrya 2018 g.), MFTI, 2018, 116–118
165. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Novye vychislitelnye tekhnologii dlya modelirovaniya gazovoi detonatsii”, Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii «Sovremennye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy», posvyaschennoi pamyati akademika L.I. Sedova (Moskva, 13–15 noyabrya 2017 g.), MIAN, 2017, 146–148
166. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Osobennosti modelirovaniya techenii s volnami detonatsii na polnostyu nestrukturirovannykh raschetnykh setkakh”, Sbornik dokladov V Minskogo mezhdunarodnogo kollokviuma po fizike udarnykh voln, goreniya i detonatsii (Minsk, Belarus, 13–16 noyabrya 2017 g.), Institut teplo- i massoobmena im. A.V. Lykova, Minsk, Belarus, 2017, 106–113
167. T. S. Kazakova, P. S. Utkin, S. V. Fortova, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie razvitiya neustoichivosti kontaktnoi granitsy dvukh sred pri vysokoskorostnom soudarenii”, Trudy 60-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Prikladnaya matematika i informatika (Dolgoprudnyi, 20–26 noyabrya 2017 g.), MFTI, 2017, 120–121
168. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, F. A. Maksimov, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s podvizhnym tsilindrom”, Trudy 60-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii (Dolgoprudnyi, 20–26 noyabrya 2017 g.), MFTI, 2017, 139–141
169. Ya. E. Poroshina, P. S. Utkin, “ZND-struktura detonatsionnoi volny v ramkakh dvukhstadiinoi modeli kinetiki khimicheskikh reaktsii”, Trudy 60-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii (Dolgoprudnyi, 20–26 noyabrya 2017 g.), MFTI, 2017, 146–147
170. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya detonatsii pri otrazhenii udarnoi volny ot profilirovannogo tortsa kanala”, Trudy 60-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerokosmicheskie tekhnologii (Dolgoprudnyi, 20–26 noyabrya 2017 g.), MFTI, 2017, 147–149
171. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Issledovanie ustoichivosti rasprostraneniya volny gazovoi detonatsii v dvukh postanovkakh”, Materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Nelineinye zadachi teorii gidrodinamicheskoi ustoichivosti i turbulentnost» (Zvenigorod, 14–21 fevralya 2016 g.), eds. N. V. Nikitin, MGU, Moskva, 2016, 111–117
172. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s sistemoi tel metodom dekartovykh setok”, Trudy 59-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya (Moskva, 21–26 noyabrya 2016 g.), eds. S. S. Negodyaev, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2016, 179–180
173. T. S. Narkunas, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie techenii granulirovannykh sred setochno-kharakteristicheskim metodom”, Trudy 59-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 21–26 noyabrya 2016 g.), eds. A. A. Shananin, MFTI, Dolgorudnyi, 2016, 2
174. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie techenii s udarnymi i detonatsionnymi volnami s ispolzovaniem vysokoproizvoditelnykh vychislenii”, A.I. Lopato – diplom pobeditelya, Trudy 59-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 21–26 noyabrya 2016 g.), eds. A. A. Shananin, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2016, 2
175. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Primenenie WENO-skhem na treugolnykh setkakh dlya chislennogo resheniya uravnenii gazovoi dinamiki na primere zadachi o perenose izoentropicheskogo vikhrya”, A.I. Lopato – diplom pobeditelya, Trudy 58-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya. (Moskva, 23–28 noyabrya 2015 g.), eds. S. S. Negodyaev, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2015, 165–166
176. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical investigation of shock wave – dense particles cloud interaction”, Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (Leeds, UK, 2 – 7 August 2015), 2015, 118
177. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya udarnoi volny s klinom metodom dekartovykh setok”, Trudy 58-oi nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya (Moskva, 23–28 noyabrya 2015 g.), eds. S. S. Negodyaev, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2015, 167–168
178. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie detonatsionnoi volny s ispolzovaniem ENO-skhem razlichnykh poryadkov approksimatsii”, Nauchnye trudy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii XL Gagarinskie chteniya (Moskva, 7–11 aprelya 2014 g.), v. 5, MATI, Moskva, 2014, 137–139
179. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Metod dekartovykh setok dlya resheniya dvumernykh zadach gazovoi dinamiki”, Nauchnye trudy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii XL Gagarinskie chteniya (Moskva, 7–11 aprelya 2014 g.), v. 5, MATI, Moskva, 2014, 174–175
180. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Mathematical modeling of pulsating detonation wave using non-oscillating schemes of different approximation orders”, Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (MPAMCS'2014): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference for Young Scientists (Dubna, August 25–29, 2014), JINR, Dubna, 2014, 164–168
181. P. S. Utkin, “Numerical investigation of the shock wave – dense particles layer interaction”, Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (MPAMCS'2014): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference for Young Scientists (Dubna, August 25–29, 2014), JINR, Dubna, 2014, 169–172
182. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Primenenie WENO-skhem na treugolnykh setkakh dlya chislennogo integrirovaniya dvumernogo lineinogo uravneniya perenosa”, A.I. Lopato – diplom pobeditelya, Trudy 57-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 24–29 noyabrya 2014 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2014, 32–34
183. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Vychislitelnyi algoritm metoda h-box dlya integrirovaniya uravnenii Eilera v oblastyakh s krivolineinymi granitsami”, Trudy 57-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya (Moskva, 24–29 noyabrya 2014 g.), MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2014, 138–140
184. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. A. Pasynkov, A. A. Popov, S. M. Frolov, V. A. Smetanyuk, Yu. N. Deryugin, D. K. Zelenskii, A. S. Kozelkov, “Modelirovanie dinamiki kapelno-dispersnykh sred v pakete programm LOGOS”, Supervychisleniya i matematicheskoe modelirovanie. Trudy XIV mezhdunarodnogo seminara. (XIV Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Supervychisleniya i matematicheskoe modelirovaniya», Sarov, 1–4 oktyabrya 2012 g.), FGUP «RFYaTs-VNIIEF», Sarov, 2013, 520–529
185. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, I. Akhmedyanov, I. Menshov, P. Pasynkov, “Numerical investigation of near-muzzle blast levels for perforated muzzle brake using high-performance computing”, Collection of scientific papers of International Conference «Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems» (PDCS 2013) (Kharkiv, Ukraine, March 13–14, 2013), 2013, 281–289
186. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, I. Akhmedyanov, P. Pasynkov, A. Popov, “Mathematical models and numerical algorithm for the dynamics of gas-droplets flows investigations using high performance computing”, Collection of scientific papers of International Conference «Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems» (PDCS 2013) (Kharkiv, Ukraine, March 13–14, 2013), 2013, 290–298
187. P. S. Utkin, “Osobennosti realizatsii metoda Godunova resheniya sistemy uravnenii Baera-Nuntsiato dlya opisaniya techenii dvukhfaznykh szhimaemykh sred”, Trudy 56-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 25–30 noyabrya 2013 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2013, 31–32
188. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Ob odnom metode dekartovykh setok dlya resheniya uravnenii gazovoi dinamiki”, Trudy 56-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya (Moskva, 25–30 noyabrya 2013 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2013, 14–15
189. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Sravnenie ADER-skhem razlichnykh poryadkov approksimatsii na primere resheniya lineinogo uravneniya perenosa”, Trudy 56-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Aerofizika i kosmicheskie issledovaniya (Moskva, 25–30 noyabrya 2013 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2013, 15–17
190. P. S. Utkin, “Realization of Godunov method for the Baer-Nunziato equations for the two-phase compressible media problems”, Waves and Vortices in Complex Media. Proceedings of 4-th International Scientific School of Young Scientists (Moscow, November 26–29, 2013), Moscow, MAKS, 2013, 46–48
191. D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “One Cartesian grids approach for the numerical solution of gas dynamics equations”, Waves and Vortices in Complex Media. Proceedings of 4-th International Scientific School of Young Scientists (Moscow, November 26–29, 2013), MAKS, Moscow, 2013, 39–41
192. A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin, “Comparison of different approximation order ADER-schemes on the example of linear transport equation solution”, Waves and Vortices in Complex Media. Proceedings of 4-th International Scientific School of Young Scientists (Moscow, November 26–29, 2013), MAKS, Moscow, 2013, 21–23
193. I. V. Semenov, P. A. Pasynkov, A. A. Popov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie nekotorykh zadach vnutrennei i promezhutochnoi ballistiki”, Sbornik materialov III Vserossiiskoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii «Fundamentalnye osnovy ballisticheskogo proektirovaniya» (Sankt-Peterburg, 2–6 iyulya 2012 g.), v. 1, eds. B.E. Kert, Balt. gos. tekhn. un-t, SPb, 2012, 123–125
194. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, I. Akhmedyanov, N. Demidov, “Multidimensional modeling of detonation initiation in natural gas-air mixtures”, Flash-memory, Paper No. 75, Proceedings of the Ninths International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE) (Cracow, Poland. July 22–27, 2012), 2012
195. I. V. Semenov, A. A. Popov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. A. Pasynkov, “Numerical investigation of wave processes formation mechanisms in the internal ballistics problems”, Abstracts of the XVI International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research (ICMAR) (Kazan, Russia. August 19–25, 2012), v. 2, 2012, 236–237
196. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, N. E. Demidov, “Mathematical modeling of detonation initiation and propagation in methane-air mixture”, Abstracts of the XVI International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research (ICMAR) (Kazan, Russia. August 19–25, 2012), v. 2, 2012, 238–239
197. P. S. Utkin, I. V. Semenov, “Ob odnoi matematicheskoi modeli dvizheniya kapli zhidkosti v gaze”, Trudy 55-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Problemy fundamentalnykh estestvennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk v sovremennom informatsionnom obschestve». Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 19–25 noyabrya 2012 g.), v. 2, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2012, 19-20
198. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie zadach vnutrennei ballistiki na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Supervychisleniya i matematicheskoe modelirovanie. Trudy XII mezhdunarodnogo seminara. (Sarov, 11–15 oktyabrya 2010 g.), eds. R. M. Shagaliev, FGUP «RFYaTs-VNIIEF», Sarov, 2011, 320–323
199. I. Semenov, P. Utkin, N. Demidov, I. Akhmedyanov, I., “Numerical modelling of shock-to-detonation transition in methane-air mixture”, Flash-memory, Paper No. 243, Proceedings of the 23rd International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Irvine, USA, July 24–29, 2011), 2011
200. A. Yu. Lebedeva, A. A. Popov, P. S. Utkin, I. V. Semenov, “Primenenie metoda vzveshennykh naimenshikh kvadratov dlya rascheta gradientov trekhmernykh setochnykh funktsii”, Trudy 54-i nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Problemy fundamentalnykh estestvennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk v sovremennom informatsionnom obschestve». Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 24 noyabrya 2011 g.), v. 1, MFTI, Moskva, 2011, 125–126
201. G. I. Zakamennykh, V. V. Chernov, A. K. Abdullin, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, A. Yu. Lebedeva, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Issledovanie vliyaniya raspolozheniya modulnogo zaryada v kamore na kharakteristiki vnutriballisticheskogo protsessa”, Trudy trinadtsatoi Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii RARAN «Aktualnye problemy zaschity i bezopasnosti» (Sankt-Peterburg, 5–8 aprelya 2010 g.), v. 1, NPO Spetsialnykh materialov, Sankt-Peterburg, 2010, 622–625
202. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Razrabotka programmnogo kompleksa dlya resheniya mnogomernykh zadach vnutrennei ballistiki na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Trudy trinadtsatoi Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii RARAN «Aktualnye problemy zaschity i bezopasnosti» (Sankt-Peterburg, 5–8 aprelya 2010 g.), v. 1, NPO Spetsialnykh materialov, Sankt-Peterburg, 2010, 632–636
203. G. I. Zakamennykh, V. V. Chernov, A. K. Abdullin, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, A. Yu. Lebedeva, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Eksperimentalnoe i chislennoe issledovanie vliyaniya polozheniya modulnogo zaryada na kharakteristiki vystrela”, Sbornik materialov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii «Fundamentalnye osnovy ballisticheskogo proektirovaniya» (Sankt-Peterburg, 28 iyunya–2 iyulya 2010 g.), v. 1, eds. B. E. Kert, Balt. gos. tekhn. un-t, SPb, 2010, 169–172
204. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie osesimmetrichnykh zadach vnutrennei ballistiki”, Sbornik materialov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii «Fundamentalnye osnovy ballisticheskogo proektirovaniya» (Sankt-Peterburg, 28 iyunya – 2 iyulya 2010 g.), v. 1, eds. B. E. Kert, Balt. gos. tekhn. un-t, SPb, 2010, 169–172
205. P. S. Utkin, I. V. Semenov, “Chislennoe issledovanie dinamiki pod'ema pyli iz sloya”, Trudy 53-i Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk»: Chast VII. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika (Moskva, 24 noyabrya 2010 g.), v. 3, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2010, 86–88
206. I. V. Semenov, I. F. Ahmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, A. Yu. Lebedeva, V. V. Markov, “Modeling of shock-to-detonation transition in tubes with complex shapes”, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS) (Versailles, France, July 6–10, 2009), v. CD, 2009
207. I. V. Semenov, V. V. Markov, I. S. Menshov, S. M. Frolov, B. S. Ermolaev, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Primenenie mnogoprotsessornykh EVM dlya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya nestatsionarnykh mnogokomponentnykh reagiruyuschikh techenii v ustroistvakh so spetsialnoi geometriei”, Tezisy dokladov Sankt-Peterburgskogo nauchnogo foruma «Nauka i obschestvo»: Informatsionnye tekhnologii (Sankt-Peterburg, 21–25 sentyabrya 2009 g.), Izd-vo SPGUTD, Sankt-Peterburg, 2009, 292–298
208. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Ahmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Three-dimensional investigation of detonation initiation in profiled tubes”, Book of abstracts at Russian-Japan Joint Symposium (Moscow, Russia, November 11–13, 2009), Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow, 2009, 52–54
209. N. E. Demidov, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, P.S., “Verifikatsiya kineticheskoi modeli goreniya metana”, Trudy 52 Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk»: Chast VII. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika, v. 3, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2009, 82–85
210. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, V. V. Markov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie vnutriballisticheskikh protsessov na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Trudy 52 Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk»: Chast VII. Upravlenie i prikladnaya matematika, v. 3, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2009, 111–114
211. I. V. Semenov, V. V. Markov, I. F. Ahmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, “Numerical optimization of shock to detonation transition by using shaped tubes”, Abstracts book of XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) (Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008), eds. J. Denier, M. Finn, T. Mattner, 2008, 90
212. I. V. Semenov, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, “Razrabotka vychislitelnogo kompleksa dlya resheniya dvukh- i trekhmernykh zadach gazodinamiki reagiruyuschikh techenii na mnogoprotsessornykh EVM”, Vysokoproizvoditelnye parallelnye vychisleniya na klasternykh sistemakh. Materialy shestogo Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara. (Sankt-Peterburg, 12–17 dekabrya 2006 g.), v. 2, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosuniversiteta, Sankt-Peterburg, 2007, 138–145
213. S. M. Frolov, P. V. Komissarov, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Initsiirovanie detonatsii v kanale s profilirovannymi regulyarnymi prepyatstviyami”, Aktualnye problemy rossiiskoi kosmonavtiki: Trudy XXXI Akademicheskikh chtenii po kosmonavtike (Moskva, 30 yanvarya–1 fevralya 2007 g.), Komissiya RAN po razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya pionerov osvoeniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva, Moskva, 2007, 142–144
214. S. M. Frolov, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, P. V. Komissarov, V. V. Markov, “Enhancement of Shock-to-Detonation Transition in Channels with Regular Shaped Obstacles”, Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) (Poitiers, France. July 23 – 27, 2007), 2007, 215, CD
215. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Modeling of shock-to-detonation transition in round tubes with regular shaped obstacles”, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS) (Brussels, Belgium. July 1 – 6, 2007), 2007, 5_06_03, CD
216. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie initsiirovaniya detonatsii v trubakh s regulyarnymi prepyatstviyami”, XVIII sessiya Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly po modelyam mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Saratov. 27 avgusta – 1 sentyabrya 2007 g.), Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta, Saratov, 2007, 99
217. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Initsiirovanie detonatsii v profilirovannykh trubakh”, Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii Problemy mekhaniki sploshnykh sred i fiziki vzryva, posvyaschennoi 50-letiyu Instituta gidrodinamiki im. M.A. Lavrenteva SO RAN (Novosibirsk, 17 – 22 sentyabrya 2007 g.), Izd-vo Instituta gidrodinamiki im. M.A. Lavrenteva SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2007, 151
218. V. P. Korobeinikov, V. V. Markov, I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, I. F. Akhmedyanov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie bystroprotekayuschikh nelineinykh volnovykh protsessov v gazovykh i pylegazovykh smesyakh”, Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii Sovremennye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, posvyaschennoi pamyati akademika Leonida Ivanovicha Sedova v svyazi so stoletiem so dnya ego rozhdeniya (Moskva, 12–14 noyabrya 2007 g.), 2007, 87–89
219. I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, “Teoreticheskii analiz roli formy stenok kanala v formirovanii detonatsii”, Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii Sovremennye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, posvyaschennoi pamyati akademika Leonida Ivanovicha Sedova v svyazi so stoletiem so dnya ego rozhdeniya (Moskva, 12–14 noyabrya 2007 g.), 2007, 148–149
220. P. S. Utkin, I. V. Semenov, V. V. Markov, “Optimizatsiya geometrii kamery sgoraniya dlya sokrascheniya vremeni i rasstoyaniya perekhoda goreniya v detonatsiyu”, Utkin P.S. – pobeditel konkursa nauchno-issledovatelskikh rabot studentov i aspirantov, Trudy 50 Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI «Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk» (Dolgoprudnyi, 23–26 noyabrya 2007 g.), v. 7, MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2007, 152–154
221. I. V. Semenov, S. M. Frolov, V. V. Markov, P. S. Utkin, “Shock-to-detonation transition in tubes with shaped obstacles”, Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (Fifth International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, Moscow, Russia, July 3–7, 2006), eds. G. Roy, S. Frolov, J. Sinibaldi, Torus Press, Moscow, 2006, 159–169
222. I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, “Chislennoe modelirovanie reagiruyuschikh potokov v kanale s profiliruemymi prepyatstviyami”, IX Vserossiiskii s'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike. Annotatsii dokladov (Nizhnii Novgorod, 22–28 avgusta 2006 g.), v. 2, Izd-vo Nizhegorodskogo gosuniversiteta im. N.N. Lobachevskogo, Nizhnii Novgorod, 2006, 17–18
223. I. V. Semenov, S. M. Frolov, V. V. Markov, P. S. Utkin, “Vliyanie geometrii kanala i intensivnosti initsiiruyuschei udarnoi volny na formirovanie detonatsii”, Trudy 49 Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk. Chast VII. Fakultet upravleniya i prikladnoi matematiki. (Dolgoprudnyi, 24–25 noyabrya 2006 g.), MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2006, 303–304
224. P. S. Utkin, “Analiz i optimizatsiya rasparallelivaniya neyavnogo algoritma dlya resheniya zadach vychislitelnoi gazovoi dinamiki”, Trudy XLVIII Nauchnoi konferentsii MFTI. Sovremennye problemy fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauk. Chast VII. Fakultet upravleniya i prikladnoi matematiki. (Dolgoprudnyi, 25–26 noyabrya 2005 g.), MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi, 2005, 234–236

Popular science or education materials

225. P. S. Utkin, “V fokuse - detonatsiya”, Kommersant' Nauka, 2020
226. P. S. Utkin, A. I. Lopato, Matematicheskoe modelirovanie detonatsionnykh voln: uch.-metod. posobie, MFTI, 2017 , 24 pp.  crossref
227. Ya. A. Kholodov, P. S. Utkin, A. S. Kholodov, Monotonnye raznostnye skhemy vysokogo poryadka approksimatsii dlya odnomernykh uravnenii giperbolicheskogo tipa: ucheb. posobie, MFTI, 2015 , 69 pp.


228. I. B. Petrov, B. N. Chetverushkin, Vl. V. Voevodin, V. A. Gushchin, K. V. Rudakov, A. I. Tolstykh, A. A. Shananin, A. I. Lobanov, G. Yu. Riznichenko, A. V. Borisov, A. V. Koganov, V. I. Kosarev, S. A. Ishanov, I. S. Nikitin, V. B. Pirogov, A. A. Polezhaev, G. A. Tirskii, I. G. Tormasov, S. S. Simakov, E. L. Stupitsky, P. S. Utkin, Ya. A. Kholodov, V. L. Yakushev, “In memory of A. S. Kholodov”, Computer Research and Modeling, 9:5 (2017), 677–678  mathnet  crossref  elib


229. P. S. Utkin, Svidetelstvo o gosudarstvennoi registratsii programmy dlya EVM # 2018613082 «1d2phc», 2018  elib
230. P. S. Utkin, Razoblachenie vzryva. Virtualnaya ustanovka pokazhet, na chto sposobna udarnaya volna, Ezhenedelnaya gazeta nauchnogo soobschestva «Poisk», # 3, 2017
231. I. V. Semenov, I. S. Menshov, I. F. Akhmedyanov, P. S. Utkin, V. V. Markov, Svidetelstvo o gosudarstvennoi registratsii programmy dlya EVM # 2011610905 «Programmnyi kompleks BARS-1MP», 2011

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A. I. Lopato, P. S. Utkin
All-Russian conference "Modern Problems of Continuum Mechanics" devoted to 110 anniversary of L. I. Sedov
November 14, 2017 18:00
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Mathematical Seminar
March 18, 2014 17:00   
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I. V. Semenov, P. S. Utkin
Mathematical Seminar
April 6, 2012

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