Yalamov, Yurii Ivanovich

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Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. V. V. Dudko, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Generation of shear waves in gas by a vibrating surface”, TVT, 47:2 (2009),  262–268  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 47:2 (2009), 243–249  isi  elib  scopus 5
2. Yu. I. Yalamov, N. N. Golikova, “The thermophoretic capture of large volatile aerosol particles by growing or evaporating droplets in multicomponent gas mixtures”, TVT, 47:1 (2009),  117–124  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 47:1 (2009), 111–118  isi  elib  scopus
3. M. K. Kuz'min, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The inclusion of the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of droplet radius”, TVT, 45:3 (2007),  415–421  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 45:3 (2007), 370–376  isi  elib  scopus 1
4. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. S. Khasanov, “Photophoresis of large sublimating aerosol particles”, TVT, 44:2 (2006),  293–297  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 44:2 (2006), 291–295  elib  scopus 3
5. S. A. Savkov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Analytical solution of the kinetic equation in the problem about point-like source in polyatomic gases”, Matem. Mod., 16:11 (2004),  61–76  mathnet  zmath
6. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. K. Kuz'min, “The problem on nonstationary growth and evaporation of drops”, TVT, 41:5 (2003),  779–784  mathnet; High Temperature, 41:5 (2003), 688–693
7. S. N. D'yakonov, L. V. Kotlyarova, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The effect of the evaporation coefficient and temperature jumps on the thermophoresis of a particle in a binary gas mixture in view of thermodiffusion and stefan effects”, TVT, 41:3 (2003),  439–454  mathnet; High Temperature, 41:3 (2003), 384–398 1
8. S. A. Savkov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The Inclusion of Energy Accommodation in Calculating the Heat Flux from a Spherical Particle in a Polyatomic Gas”, TVT, 40:4 (2002),  662–668  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 40:4 (2002), 613–619  isi  scopus
9. A. B. Poddoskin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The Coefficients of the Temperature Jump and of the Stress Tensor Jump at the Interface between a Diatomic Gas with Rotational Degrees of Freedom and the Condensed Phase”, TVT, 40:1 (2002),  155–159  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 40:1 (2002), 145–148  isi  scopus
10. N. V. Malay, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The Effect of the Medium on the Thermocapillary Force of a Heated Droplet Drifting in a Viscous Liquid in the Field of External Temperature Gradient”, TVT, 40:1 (2002),  114–120  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 40:1 (2002), 105–111  isi  scopus
11. N. V. Malay, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Hydrodynamic resistance of a spheroidal particle with uniform internal heat release”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 42:6 (2001),  73–78  mathnet  elib; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 42:6 (2001), 986–990 2
12. A. B. Poddoskin, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Kinetic coefficients in the boundary-value problem on the slip of a multiatomic gas with rotational degrees of freedom”, TVT, 39:6 (2001),  977–985  mathnet; High Temperature, 39:6 (2001), 912–920 4
13. S. A. Savkov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Solution of the Boltzmann kinetic equation in the problem on calculation of heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary values of Knudsen number”, TVT, 39:4 (2001),  657–664  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 39:4 (2001), 612–619  isi  scopus
14. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Intense evaporation from the surface of a spherical particle into a vacuum with due regard for the evaporation coefficient”, TVT, 38:5 (2000),  780–785  mathnet; High Temperature, 38:5 (2000), 753–758
15. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Supersonic condensation of molecular gas”, TVT, 38:4 (2000),  639–645  mathnet; High Temperature, 38:4 (2000), 614–620 3
16. S. A. Savkov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Modification of the method of half-space moments as applied to the problem on the calculation of heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary Knudsen numbers”, TVT, 38:1 (2000),  96–100  mathnet; High Temperature, 38:1 (2000), 92–96  scopus
17. E. I. Alekhin, I. N. Golovkina, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The effect of a phase transition on the slip velocity of an inhomogeneous multicomponent gas mixture”, TVT, 35:4 (1997),  680–684  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:4 (1997), 671–675  isi
18. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. V. Chermoshentsev, O. F. Chermoshentseva, “Thermophoresis of a moderately large aerosol particle having a slightly deformed spherical shape”, TVT, 35:3 (1997),  432–438  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:3 (1997), 425–431 1
19. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Supersonic condensation of monoatomic gas”, TVT, 35:2 (1997),  342–346  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:2 (1997), 339–343  isi 1
20. Yu. I. Yalamov, S. N. D'yakonov, “Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part II: Hydrodynamic problem”, TVT, 35:1 (1997),  56–60  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 52–57  isi
21. Yu. I. Yalamov, S. N. D'yakonov, “Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part I: Thermal problem”, TVT, 35:1 (1997),  50–55  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 46–51  isi
22. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. S. Khasanov, “The theory of thermophoresis of inhomogeneous aerosol particles”, TVT, 34:6 (1996),  929–935  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:6 (1996), 915–921  isi 1
23. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “The state of a gas near a surface during subsonic condensation”, TVT, 34:4 (1996),  614–618  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:4 (1996), 609–613  isi
24. E. I. Alekhin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Boundary conditions during the flow of a multicomponent gas mixture on a volatile spherical surface of small curvature”, TVT, 34:3 (1996),  487–491  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:3 (1996), 484–487  isi
25. Yu. I. Yalamov, S. N. D'yakonov, “Unsteady motion of a hard sphere in a nonuniformly heated gas under conditions of low Reynolds numbers: Thermal problem. Determining the rate of thermophoresis”, TVT, 34:2 (1996),  250–254  mathnet
26. Yu. I. Yalamov, S. N. D'yakonov, “Unsteady motion of a hard sphere in nonuniformly heated gas under conditions of small Reynolds numbers: I. Hydrodynamic problem”, TVT, 34:1 (1996),  40–45  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:1 (1996), 36–41  isi  scopus
27. Yu. I. Yalamov, R. A. Safiullin, “Diffusiophoresis of a moderately large, nonvolatile, spherical aerosol particle in a binary gas mixture”, TVT, 33:4 (1995),  621–624  mathnet; High Temperature, 33:4 (1995), 614–617  isi
28. Z. L. Shulimanova, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Singularities of thermophoretic deposition of aerosol particles in plane-parallel and cylindrical channels with considerable longitudinal and small transverse temperature drops”, TVT, 32:6 (1994),  886–891  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:6 (1994), 828–832  isi
29. E. R. Shchukin, Z. L. Shulimanova, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Specific features of thermophoretic deposition of aerosol particles in plane-parallel channels with substantial transverse temperature drops”, TVT, 32:5 (1994),  726–731  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:5 (1994), 679–684  isi
30. S. A. Savkov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Calculation of the heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary Knudsen numbers”, TVT, 32:4 (1994),  554–557  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:4 (1994), 517–520  isi
31. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. N. Gaidukov, V. V. Levin, “Calculation of the coefficient of effective thermal conductivity of an aerodispersed system”, TVT, 32:2 (1994),  313–315  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:2 (1994), 296–298  isi
32. Yu. I. Yalamov, R. A. Safiullin, “The theory of thermophoresis of a cylindrical aerosol particle in a moderately rarefied gas”, TVT, 32:2 (1994),  271–275  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:2 (1994), 255–259  isi 1
33. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. N. Gaidukov, V. V. Levin, “Thermophoresis of two particles at small Knudsen numbers”, TVT, 32:1 (1994),  105–108  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:1 (1994), 101–104  isi
34. Yu. I. Yalamov, O. F. Chernomoshentseva, “Гидродинамическая теория движения двухслойной аэрозольной частицы в неоднородной по температуре газовой смеси”, TVT, 30:2 (1992),  422–425  mathnet
35. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Application of the Mott–Smith method to solving the problem of intense evaporation from a plane surface”, TVT, 30:2 (1992),  345–350  mathnet; High Temperature, 30:2 (1992), 277–281  isi
36. A. G. Lesskis, A. K. Titov, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Intensive vaporization of an aggregate of particles including thermal and ionization disequilibrium in a radiation field”, TVT, 29:5 (1991),  864–871  mathnet; High Temperature, 29:5 (1991), 676–682  isi  scopus
37. E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, V. M. Gorbunov, B. G. Krasovitov, “Motion of heterogeneously burning particles, heated by internal heat sources, in fields of temperature and concentration gradients”, TVT, 29:2 (1991),  303–307  mathnet; High Temperature, 29:2 (1991), 234–237  isi  scopus
38. I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “State of a binary gas mixture near an evaporating surface during intensive evaporation”, TVT, 29:1 (1991),  128–133  mathnet; High Temperature, 29:1 (1991), 121–125  isi  scopus
39. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, E. I. Alekhin, “Calculation of temperature and concentration discontinuities in a multicomponent gas mixture”, TVT, 28:2 (1990),  256–262  mathnet; High Temperature, 28:2 (1990), 184–190  isi
40. M. N. Gaidukov, Yu. I. Yalamov, M. M. Li, “On the motion of two spheroidal particles in a nonuniformly heated gas”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 305:4 (1989),  811–815  mathnet  zmath
41. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. A. Yushkanov, S. A. Savkov, “On the diffusiophoresis of moderately large non volatile aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 301:5 (1988),  1111–1114  mathnet 2
42. E. R. Shchukin, N. V. Malay, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Движение нагреваемых внутренними источниками тепла капель в бинарных газовых смесях”, TVT, 26:5 (1988),  1020–1024  mathnet
43. E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, O. A. Popov, “Thermophoretic and photophoretic motion of a heated drop in a viscous nonisothermal liquid”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 297:1 (1987),  91–95  mathnet
44. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. A. Yushkanov, S. A. Savkov, “The dependence of coefficients of isothermal and thermal slip on temperature”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 296:5 (1987),  1107–1111  mathnet  mathscinet 1
45. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. P. Melekhov, M. N. Gaidukov, “Thermophoresis of hydrodynamically interacting aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 287:2 (1986),  337–341  mathnet
46. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. F. Barinova, Yu. K. Ostrovskii, E. R. Shchukin, “Theory of the evaporation of two droplets with arbitrary distances between them”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 284:2 (1985),  341–344  mathnet
47. A. V. Latyshev, G. A. Manucharyan, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Integral equations of convolution type in boundary value problems of the kinetic theory of gases”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 284:2 (1985),  331–333  mathnet  mathscinet 2
48. M. G. Markov, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Deposition of small aerosol particles on the surface of moving evaporating crystals”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 26:1 (1985),  93–98  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 26:1 (1985), 82–87
49. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. G. Markov, E. R. Shchukin, “Thermodiffusiophoresis of a small volatile aerosol particle in the polyatomic gas mixture”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 278:3 (1984),  606–609  mathnet
50. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. M. Skachkov, E. R. Shchukin, “On the “temperature inertia” influence upon the motion of bodies in a gaseous medium with the non homogeneous temperature”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 276:3 (1984),  604–606  mathnet
51. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. N. Gaidukov, M. A. Melkumyan, “Thermophoresis of a weakly deformed spherical aerosol particle”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 274:3 (1984),  580–582  mathnet
52. Yu. I. Yalamov, M. N. Gaidukov, M. A. Melkumyan, “Generalized theory of temperature and concentration jumps in binary gas mixture near the surface of a liquid”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 270:6 (1983),  1384–1388  mathnet
53. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Chaplanova, M. N. Gaidukov, “Thermophoresis of aerosol-particles in a binary gas-mixture in the nearly free molecular-state”, TVT, 21:3 (1983),  533–537  mathnet; High Temperature, 21:3 (1983), 409–412  isi
54. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, L. G. Èidinov, Z. L. Shulimanova, “Surface combustion of aerosol particles heated by internal heat sources”, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 18:4 (1982),  42–44  mathnet; Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 18:4 (1982), 422–424
55. I. M. Skachkov, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Heat exchange of elliptical cylinders surrounded by a gas flow at low Peclet numbers”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 23:1 (1982),  31–34  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 23:1 (1982), 26–28
56. V. N. Kompaneetc, M. N. Gaidukov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Approximate method of solving the kinetic-equation for moderately dense gases near a boundary temperature. Jump in a binary mixture”, TVT, 20:5 (1982),  848–852  mathnet; High Temperature, 20:5 (1982), 684–688  isi
57. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. A. Gukasyan, M. N. Gaidukov, “Thermophoresis of a bilayer large particle of the ellipsoidal shape in a binary gas mixture when the phase transition is present”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 260:4 (1981),  871–875  mathnet
58. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Ivchenko, S. M. Muradyan, “The theory of spherical drop evaporation at arbitrary Knudsen numbers”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 258:5 (1981),  1106–1110  mathnet
59. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, L. I. Kostitsina, “О термофоретическом осаждении высокодисперсных аэрозольных частиц из ламинарных газовых потоков в плоских каналах с произвольным поперечным перепадом температуры (№ 2298-81 Деп. от 22.VI.1981)”, TVT, 19:6 (1981),  1327  mathnet
60. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. B. Poddoskin, A. A. Yushkanov, “On boundary conditions during the flow of a non uniformly heated gas past a spherical surface of small curvature”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 254:2 (1980),  343–346  mathnet 2
61. A. A. Gurchenkov, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Non-steady-state flow at a porous plate with blowing (suction) of the medium”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 21:4 (1980),  66–69  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 21:4 (1980), 488–491 1
62. M. F. Barinova, Yu. K. Ostrovskii, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Features of a laminar flow of volatile binary gas mixtures in plane and coaxial channels”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 21:3 (1980),  50–56  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 21:3 (1980), 335–339
63. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. K. Ostrovskii, “О влиянии термофоретических сил на захват аэрозольных частиц цилиндрической поверхностью”, TVT, 17:4 (1979),  813–818  mathnet
64. Yu. A. Ostrovskii, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “О гетерогенной конденсации в каналах с ламинарным режимом течения (№ 193–78 Деп. от 12 I 1978)”, TVT, 16:2 (1978),  442–443  mathnet
65. Yu. I. Yalamov, A. A. Yushkanov, “Diffusion slipping of binary gas mixture along a curved surface”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 237:2 (1977),  303–306  mathnet 1
66. Yu. I. Yalamov, V. B. Kutukov, E. R. Shchukin, “The motion of a drop in the field of optical radiation at small Knudsen numbers”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 234:5 (1977),  1047–1050  mathnet
67. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, V. B. Kutukov, V. L. Malyshev, “О диффузионном испарении капель в поле электромагнитного излучения при произвольных перепадах температуры”, TVT, 15:2 (1977),  434–436  mathnet 1
68. Yu. I. Yalamov, E. R. Shchukin, B. V. Deryagin, “On the effect of phase transition (volatility) upon the diffusiophoretic motion of moderately coarse and coarse volatile aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 230:3 (1976),  573–574  mathnet
69. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, L. Yu. Vasil'eva, E. R. Shchukin, “On the effect of Brownian movement and thermo-diffusiophoretic forces on the capture of aerosol particles by coarse drops”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 228:4 (1976),  833–836  mathnet
70. Yu. I. Yalamov, O. A. Barsegyan, V. S. Galoyan, B. V. Deryagin, “Theory of the motion of moderately coarse nonvolatile aerosol particles in a binary gas mixture of inhomogeneous temperature and concentration”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 216:2 (1974),  289–292  mathnet  zmath
71. Yu. I. Yalamov, B. A. Obukhov, B. V. Deryagin, “On the diffusiophoresis of coarse non-volatile aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 207:4 (1972),  824–826  mathnet
72. Yu. I. Yalamov, V. M. Aladzhyan, V. S. Galoyan, B. V. Deryagin, “Diffusiophoresis of volatile aerosol particles in the regime with slip”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 206:2 (1972),  316–318  mathnet
73. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Ivchenko, B. V. Deryagin, “Computation of the diffusion gliding velocity of a binary gas mixture”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 180:2 (1968),  330–333  mathnet
74. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Ivchenko, B. V. Deryagin, “Gas-kinetic computation of the thermal gliding velocity of a gas in the vicinity of a solid surface”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 177:1 (1967),  74–76  mathnet
75. Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Ivchenko, B. V. Deryagin, “The distribution function of gas molecules over velocities near a solid wall in a gasheated inhomogeneously”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 175:3 (1967),  549–552  mathnet
76. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “A theory of the motion of solution drops in a diffusing binary gas mixture”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 175:1 (1967),  59–62  mathnet
77. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “A theory of big volatile particles motion in a diffusing gas mixture”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 174:5 (1967),  1048–1051  mathnet
78. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, I. N. Ivchenko, “The use of Bhatnagar, Gross and Krook's method for determining the velocity of thermal gas gliding in the vicinity of a solid surface”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 173:6 (1967),  1287–1290  mathnet
79. Yu. I. Yalamov, B. V. Deryagin, “Theory of the diffusiophoresis of big nonvolatile aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 165:2 (1965),  364–367  mathnet
80. Yu. I. Yalamov, B. V. Deryagin, “Stresses due to temperature in unevenly heated gases”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 161:3 (1965),  572–574  mathnet
81. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “A theory of thermomolecular pressure drop and thermotranspiration (thermoosmosis) of gases in moderately wide capillaries”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 157:4 (1964),  940–943  mathnet
82. B. V. Deryagin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Theory of the thermophoresis of moderately large aerosol particles”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 155:4 (1964),  886–889  mathnet
83. V. G. Levich, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Certain problems in the theory of polyelectrolytes with slight ionizations”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 142:4 (1962),  851–854  mathnet
84. V. G. Levich, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Potential distribution at the surface of a strongly ionized polymer macromolecule in an electrolyte solution”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 142:2 (1962),  399–402  mathnet

85. Yu. I. Yalamov, O. Zh. Demberel, “Термо-диффузиофорез умеренно крупных капель концентрированных растворов с двойным фазовым переходом (№ 6218-86 Деп. от 28.VIII.1986)”, TVT, 24:6 (1986),  1230–1231  mathnet
86. V. I. Bahtilov, E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, “Об испарении крупных несферических аэрозольных частиц в поле электромагнитного излучения (№ 3590-85 Деп. от 23.V.1985)”, TVT, 23:6 (1985),  1233  mathnet
87. Yu. I. Yalamov, L. A. Uvarova, “Теория испарения крупных и умеренно крупных капель растворов в поле электромагнитного излучения (№ 2135-79 Деп. от 12 VI 1979)”, TVT, 17:5 (1979),  1115  mathnet

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