Morzhin, Oleg Vasilevich

Total publications: 67 (61)
in MathSciNet: 23 (23)
in zbMATH: 18 (18)
in Web of Science: 24 (24)
in Scopus: 21 (21)
Cited articles: 23
Citations: 193
Presentations: 74

Number of views:
This page:13732
Abstract pages:8661
Full texts:2005
Morzhin, Oleg Vasilevich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2011)
Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Keywords: optimization methods, optimal control, control of quantum systems, mathematical modeling, algorithms.


Optimization problems and methods in finite-dimensional and functional spaces. Mathematical methods for control of quantum systems.


2018 — current time. Senior Scientific Researcher, Department of Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). In this period, a number of papers by O.V. Morzhin and Dr. Phys.-Math. Sc., RAS Prof. A.N. Pechen were published. Other co-authors: Cand. Phys.-Math. Sc. B.O. Volkov and V.N. Petruhanov. The scientific domain belongs to quantum optimal control and is focussed on study of open-loop control for certain classes of closed and open quantum systems via adapting the various mathematical methods of optimal control and finite-dimensional optimization.

In 2020, O.V. Morzhin and A.N. Pechen for the first time give the lecture course "Control of Quantum Systems" for master students of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University, MIPT) due to the formation of the Department "Methods of Modern Mathematics" jointly by the Steklov Mathematical Institute and MIPT in 2020. Then this one-semester course was given again: in 2021, in 2022, and in 2023. In Sept. 2024, the corresponding course has been started which will be during the next two semesters. Since 2022, these courses have the three lecturers including B.O. Volkov.

2022 — current time. Scientific project's member at the University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow). Now he is in the laboratory of superconducting quantum technologies.

2011 — 2017. Scientific work at the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS, Moscow): a) in 2011 — 2015, in the 45th Lab. "Mathematical Methods for Study of Optimal Control Systems" under the leadership of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation V.F. Krotov; b) in 2015 — 2017, in the 38th Lab. "Control of Incomplete Data". Senior Researcher since 2012.

2013 — 2014, 2018. Teaching at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Moscow). Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Economic Sciences.

2011. On Nov. 3, 2011, by the decision of a dissertation council at ICS RAS, O.V. Morzhin was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences -- Russian degree like to PhD in the relevant field. The Council's decision was accepted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the order dated March 22, 2012. The dissertation's title: "Methods for Nonlocal Improvement of Controls in Nonlinear Systems". Specialization: 05.13.01 -- "System Analysis, Control and Information Processing (in the Fields of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Automation)". The dissertation proposes some new methods of sequential nonlocal improvements of controls in nonlinear optimal control problems considering differential and discrete systems. The approach uses, in particular, some special representations of the objective functionals' increments. Scientific adviser: Dr. Phys.-Math. Sc., Prof. A.S. Buldaev. Scientific consultant: Dr. Tech. Sc., Prof. A.I. Tyatyushkin.

2006 — 2011. Teaching and scientific work at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Buryat State University (IMCS BSU, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, Russia). In 2007, O.V. Morzhin became the winner in the nomination "The Best Assistant in the Natural Sciences" of the BSU competition "Best teacher".

2006 — 2009. Postgraduate studies at the Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISDCT of SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia). Specialization: 05.13.18 — "Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software Packages".

2006. Graduated with with honors from IMCS BSU. Specialization: "Applied Mathematics and Informatics". In 2003 — 2004, O.V. Morzhin coursework was on asymptotic methods for ODEs under the guidance of RAS acad. A.M. Ilyin who worked for several years at IMCS BSU. The second coursework and diploma thesis were on iterative methods in optimal control, under the guidance of A.S. Buldaev. In 2001 — 2006, O.V. Morzhin was the headman of the students' group (05210). Being a student, in 2005 — 2006 he worked as a programmer at ISDCT of SB RAS.

2001. Graduated with a gold medal from the 37th Secondary School in Ulan-Ude (class with an in-depth study of mathematics). Mathematics teacher was G.M. Koneva being Excellent worker of national education (1991) who now is also a Honored Teacher of the Republic of Buryatia (2019).

in 2009 became a winner of the 2009 best teachers' competition in Russia.

Main publications:
  1. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improvement of nonlinear controlled processes on the basis of sufficient optimality conditions”, Autom. Remote Control, 71:8 (2010), 1526–1539  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  2. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improvement of controlling functions and parameters in nonlinear dynamical systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 73:11 (2012), 1822–1837  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  3. V. F. Krotov, O. V. Morzhin, E. A. Trushkova, “Discontinuous solutions of the optimal control problems. Iterative optimization method”, Autom. Remote Control, 74:12 (2013), 1948–1968  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  4. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Krotov method for optimal control of closed quantum systems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 74:5 (2019), 851–908  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus
  5. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Optimal state manipulation for a two-qubit system driven by coherent and incoherent controls”, Quantum Inf. Process., 22 (2023), 241  mathnet  crossref  isi

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Using and optimizing time-dependent decoherence rates and coherent control for a qutrit system”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 153–168  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
2. Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, “Control of the von Neumann entropy for an open two-qubit system using coherent and incoherent drives”, Entropy, 26:1 (2024), 36 , 22 pp. (Correction: Entropy, 26(9), 750,  mathnet  crossref  isi; 1
3. A. N. Pechen, V. N. Petruhanov, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov, “Control landscapes for high-fidelity generation of C-NOT and C-PHASE gates with coherent and environmental driving”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139 (2024), 411 , 21 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi;
4. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Generation of C-NOT, SWAP, and C-Z Gates for two qubits using coherent and incoherent controls and stochastic optimization”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 45:2 (2024), 728–740 , arXiv: 2312.05625  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi
5. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls for two-level quantum systems”, Izv. Math., 87:5 (2023), 1024–1050  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus
6. Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, “Optimal state manipulation for a two-qubit system driven by coherent and incoherent controls”, Quantum Inf. Process., 22 (2023), 241 , 27 pp., arXiv: 2304.00863  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi; 10
7. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Krotov Type Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls for Open Two-Qubit Systems”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, Series Mathematics, 45 (2023), 3–23 , arXiv: 2308.06119  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib 4
8. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “On Reachable and Controllability Sets for Minimum-Time Control of an Open Two-Level Quantum System”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 313 (2021), 149–164  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
9. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Numerical estimation of reachable and controllability sets for a two-level open quantum system driven by coherent and incoherent controls”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2362 (2021), 060003 , 16 pp., arXiv: 2106.10146  mathnet  crossref  scopus 4
10. B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Quantum control landscape for ultrafast generation of single-qubit phase shift quantum gates”, J. Phys. A, 54:21 (2021), 215303 , 23 pp., arXiv: 2104.12699  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus; 19
11. Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, “Minimal Time Generation of Density Matrices for a Two-Level Quantum System Driven by Coherent and Incoherent Controls”, Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 60 (2021), 576–584 , arXiv: 1909.09400 (Published first online in 2019)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus; 15
12. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Generation of density matrices for two qubits using coherent and incoherent controls”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 42:10 (2021), 2401–2412  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus;  mathscinet 9
13. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Maximization of the Uhlmann–Jozsa Fidelity for an Open Two-Level Quantum System with Coherent and Incoherent Controls”, Phys. Part. Nucl., 51:4 (2020), 464–469 (Open access: . Also see: Nature research highlights: Bringing quantum computing a step closer,  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
14. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Machine Learning for Finding Suboptimal Final Times and Coherent and Incoherent Controls for an Open Two-Level Quantum System”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 41:12 (2020), 2353–2368  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus;  mathscinet 11
15. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Krotov method for optimal control of closed quantum systems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 74:5 (2019), 851–908 , arXiv: 1809.09562  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
16. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Maximization of the overlap between density matrices for a two-level open quantum system driven by coherent and incoherent controls”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 40:10 (2019), 1532–1548  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 14
17. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Time Optimal Coherent and Incoherent Control of Two–Level Open Quantum Systems”, Abstracts of The First International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis” (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia, June 17–21, 2019), 2019, 63
18. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal Improvement of Controls in Nonlinear Discrete Systems”, Izv. Irkutsk. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat., 19:1 (2017), 150–163 (Title, abstract, key words, and references are given in Russian and English)  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
19. O. V. Morzhin, “Auto-encoders: examples of their using for data dimensionality reduction”, Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN 2016): Proc. of the 19th International Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2016  elib
20. O. V. Morzhin, “Manifolds and dimensionality reduction in machine learning. On the Student's t-distribution role in the t-SNE method”, Geometry of manifolds and its applications: Proc. of the 4th scientific conference (Ulan-Ude), 2016  elib
21. V. F. Krotov, O. V. Morzhin, E. A. Trushkova, “Razryvnye resheniya zadach optimalnogo upravleniya. Iteratsionnyi metod optimizatsii”, XII Vserossiiskoe soveschanie po problemam upravleniya, IPU RAN, Moskva, 2014, 2300–2312  elib
22. O. V. Morzhin, “Nelokalnye uluchsheniya upravlenii v nelineinykh diskretnykh zadachakh optimalnogo upravleniya”, XII Vserossiiskoe soveschanie po problemam upravleniya, IPU RAN, Moskva, 2014, 650-658  elib
23. V. F. Krotov, O. V. Morzhin, E. A. Trushkova, “Discontinuous solutions of the optimal control problems. Iterative optimization method”, Autom. Remote Control, 74:12 (2013), 1948–1968  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
24. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improvement of controlling functions and parameters in nonlinear dynamical systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 73:11 (2012), 1822–1837  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
25. O. V. Morzhin, “Metody nelokalnogo uluchsheniya upravlenii v nelineinykh dinamicheskikh sistemakh”, Mater. konf. “Upravlenie v tekhnicheskikh, ergaticheskikh, organizatsionnykh i setevykh sistemakh”, eds. S. N. Vasilev, I. A. Kalyaev, D. A. Novikov, G. G. Sebryakov, TsNII “Elektropribor”, Sankt-Peterburg, 2012, 183  elib
26. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “Numerical investigation of attainability sets of nonlinear controlled differential systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 72:6 (2011), 1291–1300  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
27. O. V. Baturina, O. V. Morzhin, “Optimal control of the spin system on a basis of the global improvement method”, Autom. Remote Control, 72:6 (2011), 1213–1220  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
28. O. V. Baturina, A. V. Bulatov, O. V. Morzhin, “Algorithms for nonlocal improvement of controls in classes of nonlinear differential systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2:5 (2011), 31–48  mathnet  elib
29. O. V. Morzhin, “Computational aspects of nonlocal improvement for control in differential systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2:2 (2011), 37–51  mathnet  elib
30. O. V. Baturina, O. V. Morzhin, “Quantum system control optimization for the Landau-Ziner model”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2:1 (2011), 51–61  mathnet  elib
31. O. V. Morzhin, Metody nelokalnogo uluchsheniya upravlenii v klassakh nelineinykh sistem: Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kand. fiz.-mat. nauk po spetsialnosti 05.13.01 – “Sistemnyi analiz, upravlenie i obrabotka informatsii (v otraslyakh informatiki, vychislitelnoi tekhniki i avtomatizatsii)”, Mesto zaschity: In-t problem upr. im. V.A. Trapeznikova RAN, Moskva, 2011 , 112 pp.  elib
32. O. V. Morzhin, “Proektsionnye metody nelokalnogo uluchsheniya upravlyayuschikh funktsii i parametrov”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i informatika, 2011, no. 9, 31–35  elib
33. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improvement of nonlinear controlled processes on the basis of sufficient optimality conditions”, Autom. Remote Control, 71:8 (2010), 1526–1539  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
34. O.V. Morzhin, A.I. Tyatyushkin, “On optimization of position control in attainability tube in a model problem”, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 49:Issue 5 (2010), pp. 740–749  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
35. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improvement methods in optimal control problems on based on exact formulas for the cost functional's increment”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 1:4 (2010), 67–83  mathnet  elib
36. O. V. Morzhin, “Nonlocal improving controls of nonlinear discrete systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 1:1 (2010), 21–44  mathnet
37. O.V. Morzhin, A.I. Tyatyushkin, “Approximation of Reachable and Solvability Sets of Nonlinear Controlled Differential Systems”  elib
38. A. S. Buldaev, O. V. Morzhin, “Modifikatsiya metoda proektsii dlya uluchsheniya nelineinykh upravlenii”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2010, Matematika i informatika, no. 9, 10–17  elib
39. O.V. Morzhin, “Nelokalnoe uluchshenie upravlenii differentsialnymi i diskretnymi sistemami”, Upravlenie, informatsiya i optimizatsiya: Sb. tr. II Vseros. tradits. molodezhnoi letnei shkoly (Pereslavl-Zalesskii, 20–27 iyunya 2010 g.), eds. B. T. Polyak, IPU RAN, 2010, 81–86  elib
40. O. V. Morzhin, A. I. Tyatyushkin, “K approksimatsii mnozhestv dostizhimosti nelineinykh upravlyaemykh differentsialnykh sistem”, Mater. III mezhdunar. konf. IKVTS-2010 (g. Ulan-Ude – oz. Baikal, 6–11 sent. 2010 g.), Izd-vo BGU, 2010, 115–119
41. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “Constructive methods of control optimization in nonlinear systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 70:5 (2009), 772–786  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
42. O. V. Morzhin, “On approximation of the subdifferential of the nonsmooth penalty functional in the problems of optimal control”, Autom. Remote Control, 70:5 (2009), 761–771  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
43. O. V. Morzhin, A. I. Tyatyushkin, “Metody optimizatsii i programmnaya sistema dlya resheniya prikladnykh zadach optimalnogo upravleniya”, Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie, no. 3, Izd-vo Irkutskogo gos. un-ta putei soobscheniya, 2009, 78–82  elib
44. A. S. Buldaev, O. V. Morzhin, “O prakticheskoi realizatsii nelokalnogo uluchsheniya v nelineinykh zadachakh optimalnogo upravleniya”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2009, no. 9, Matematika i informatika, 22–27  elib
45. A. S. Buldaev, O. V. Morzhin, “Uluchshenie upravlenii v nelineinykh sistemakh na osnove kraevykh zadach”, Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2009, no. 1, Matematika, 94–107  elib
46. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “Vychislitelnye tekhnologii optimizatsii pozitsionnykh upravlenii v differentsialnykh sistemakh”, Programmnye produkty i sistemy, 2009, no. 2, 100–103  elib
47. O. V. Morzhin, “Postroenie minimiziruyuschikh posledovatelnostei v sistemakh s neogranichennymi upravleniyami”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gos. un-ta. Matematika i informatika, 2009, no. 9, 39–51  elib
48. O. V. Morzhin, “Optimizatsiya pozitsionnykh upravlenii dlya differentsialnykh sistem v trubkakh razreshimosti”, Trudy I Traditsionnoi vserossiiskoi molodezhnoi letnei shkoly “Upravlenie, informatsiya i optimizatsiya”, eds. B. T. Polyak, IPU RAN, Moskva, 2009, 56–61  elib
49. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “An algorithm for numerical synthesis of optimal control”, Autom. Remote Control, 69:4 (2008), 645–653  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
50. O.V. Morzin; A.I. Tyatyushkin, “An algorithm of the method of sections and program tools for constructing reachable sets of nonlinear control systems”, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 47:1 (2008), 1-7  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
51. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “Algoritmicheskoe obespechenie chislennoi optimizatsii pozitsionnogo upravleniya v nelineinykh sistemakh”, Mater. Mezhdunar. konf. “Dinamicheskie sistemy: ustoichivost, upravlenie, optimizatsiya” (DSSCO'08), posvyaschennoi 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akad. E.A. Barbashina, Institut matematiki NAN Belorussii, Minsk, 2008, 151–153
52. O. V. Morzhin, A. S. Buldaev, “Adaptivnyi algoritm realizatsii differentsialnogo printsipa maksimuma”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i informatika, 2008, no. 9, 35–41  elib
53. O. V. Morzhin, A. I. Tyatyushkin, “Optimizatsiya pozitsionnogo upravleniya v odnoi zadache ukloneniya ot presledovatelya”, Materialy IV mezhdunar. simpoziuma “Obobschennye resheniya v zadachakh upravleniya”, posvyaschennogo 80-letiyu akad. RAN V.A. Ilina (GSCP) (23–28 iyunya 2008 g., Ulan-Ude — oz. Baikal), Izd-vo BGU, Ulan-Ude, 2008, 77–85
54. O. V. Morzhin, “On one approach for global solution of optimal control problems with terminal constraints”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conf. on Optimization and Optimal Control, dedicated to the memory of Oleg V. Vasiliev (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 17–20, 2007), Conf. Program, 2007
55. O. V. Morzhin, E. S. Izyureva, “O realizatsii approksimatsii optimalnogo impulsnogo skolzyaschego rezhima”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i informatika, fizika i tekhnika, 2007, no. 6, 41–44  elib
56. O. V. Morzhin, I. A. Sidorov, “Raspredelennye vychisleniya v algoritmakh otsenivaniya fazovogo sostoyaniya upravlyaemykh sistem”, Mater. II Vseros. konf. “Infokommunikatsionnye i vychislitelnye tekhnologii i sistemy” (IKVTS-06) s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Ulan-Ude — oz. Baikal, p. Enkhaluk), v. 2, Izd-vo BGU, Ulan-Ude, 2006, 35–47
57. O. V. Morzhin, A. I. Tyatyushkin, “Postroenie mnozhestva upravlyaemosti (dostizhimosti) dlya dvumernoi nelineinoi sistemy”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gos. un-ta. Matematika i informatika, 2006, no. 2, 38–46
58. A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin, “Chislennyi sintez optimalnogo upravleniya”, Tez. dokl. Mezhdunar. simpoziuma “Obobschennye resheniya v zadachakh upravleniya” (GSCP'06), Ulan-Ude — oz. Baikal, p. Enkhaluk, Izd-vo VSGTU, 2006, 82–84
59. O.V. Morzhin, “Voprosy sravnitelnoi effektivnosti metodov resheniya kvadratichnykh zadach optimalnogo upravleniya”, Mater. XIII Mezhdunar. nauch. stud. konf. “Student i nauchno-tekhnicheskii progress”. Sektsiya: Matematika (Novosibirsk, NGU, 12–14 aprelya 2005 g.), Izd-vo NGU, 2005, 208
60. D. O. Trunin, O. V. Morzhin, “Reshenie zadach optimalnogo upravleniya s posledeistviem, funktsionalnymi i fazovymi ogranicheniyami na osnove metoda proektsionnykh vozmuschenii”, Vestnik Buryatskogo gosuniversiteta. Ser. 13: Matematika i informatika, 2005, no. 2, 169–180
61. O. V. Morzhin, “Zadachi mnogometodnoi optimizatsii programmnykh upravlenii v sistemakh s fazovymi ogranicheniyami”, Tez. dokl. VII shkoly-seminara molodykh uchenykh “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i informatsionnye tekhnologii”, IDSTU SO RAN, Irkutsk, 2005, 25
62. E. Ya. Rubinovich, O. V. Morzhin, “The VI International scientific workshop “Generalized statements and solutions of control problems” (GSSCP-2012)”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2013, no. 12, 3–4  mathnet  elib
63. A. S. Buldaev, O. V. Morzhin, “Simpozium matematikov na Baikale”, UniverSiti: gazeta Buryatskogo gos. un-ta, 2008, no. 4 (113), 2
64. A. S. Buldaev, O. V. Morzhin, A. Yu. Lenkhoboev, “U matematikov – yubilei!”, UniverSiti: gazeta Buryatskogo gos. un-ta, 2007, no. 9 (106), 5
65. O. V. Morzhin, “IMI BGU na mezhdunarodnoi matematicheskoi konferentsii”, UniverSiti: gazeta Buryatskogo gos. un-ta, 2007, no. 10 (107), 2
66. O. V. Morzhin, B. D. Shirapov, “BGU na vystavke “Innovatsii dlya ekonomiki i sotsialnoi sfery””, UniverSiti: gazeta Buryatskogo gos. un-ta, 2007, no. 12 (109), 4
67. O. V. Morzhin, A. A. Irincheev, “Olimpiada po matematike sredi studentov IMI i FEU”, UniverSiti: gazeta Buryatskogo gos. un-ta, 2007, no. 12 (109), 4

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Lecture 5. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 7, 2024 13:10   
2. Lecture 4. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 30, 2024 13:10   
3. Lecture 3. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 23, 2024 13:10   
4. Lecture 2. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 16, 2024 13:10   
5. Lecture 1. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 9, 2024 13:10   
6. Lecture 13. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
December 4, 2023 13:10   
7. Lecture 12. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 27, 2023 13:10   
8. Lecture 11. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 20, 2023 13:10   
9. Lecture 10. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 13, 2023 13:10   
10. Lecture 9. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 30, 2023 13:10   
11. Lecture 8. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 23, 2023 13:10   
12. Lecture 7. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 16, 2023 13:10   
13. Lecture 6. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 9, 2023 13:10   
14. Lecture 5. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 2, 2023 13:10   
15. Lecture 4. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 25, 2023 13:10   
16. Lecture 3. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 18, 2023 13:10   
17. Lecture 2. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 11, 2023 13:10   
18. Lecture 1. Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 4, 2023 13:10   
19. On Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls in One- and Two-Qubit Open Systems
O. V. Morzhin
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 6, 2023 15:00   
20. On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls in one- and two-qubit open systems
O. V. Morzhin
International Conference "Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory"
June 2, 2023 12:00   
21. On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls in one- and two-qubit open systems
O. V. Morzhin
One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO 2023)
March 1, 2023 11:00   
22. Lecture 12. Coherent and Incoherent Controls of Open Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
December 13, 2022 13:10   
23. On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls in one- and two-qubit open systems
O. V. Morzhin
Mathematics in Quantum Technologies - 2022
December 5, 2022 14:45
24. Lection 11. Krotov Method in Optimal Control of Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 29, 2022 13:10   
25. Lecture 10. Gradient Methods in Optimal Control of Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 22, 2022 13:10   
26. Lecture 9. Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 15, 2022 13:10   
27. On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls in one- and two-qubit open systems
O. V. Morzhin
International Conference "New Trends in Mathematical Physics"
November 12, 2022 18:00   
28. Lecture 8. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. IV
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
November 1, 2022 13:10   
29. Lecture 7. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. III
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 25, 2022 13:10   
30. Íåêîòîðûå ìåòîäû íåëîêàëüíîãî óëó÷øåíèÿ êîãåðåíòíîãî è íåêîãåðåíòíîãî óïðàâëåíèé äëÿ ìàêñèìèçàöèè ïåðåêðûòèÿ êâàíòîâûõ ñîñòîÿíèé îòêðûòîé äâóõêóáèòíîé ñèñòåìû
O. V. Morzhin
International Conference "Functions Theory, Operators Theory and Quantum Information Theory"
October 21, 2022 16:00   
31. Lecture 6. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 18, 2022 13:10   
32. Lecture 5. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. I
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 11, 2022 13:10   
33. Lecture 4. Notions and Conditions on Controllability for Closed Quantum Systems. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
October 4, 2022 13:10   
34. Lecture 3. Notions and Conditions on Controllability for Closed Quantum Systems. I
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 27, 2022 13:10   
35. Lecture 2. Formulating Optimal Control Problems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 20, 2022 13:10   
36. Lecture 1. Introduction to Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov
Control of Quantum Systems
September 13, 2022 13:10   
37. Optimal control problems and methods for some open quantum systems
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
International Conference “Differential Equations and Optimal Control” dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Academician Evgenii Frolovich Mishchenko
June 8, 2022 13:10   
38. Optimization methods for open quantum systems driven by coherent and incoherent controls
O. V. Morzhin
One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2022
February 18, 2022 16:35   
39. Lecture 12. Coherent and Incoherent Control of Open Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
December 13, 2021 13:10
40. On optimization methods for control of quantum systems
O. V. Morzhin
International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
December 7, 2021 16:15   
41. Lecture 11. Krotov Method in Optimal Control of Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 29, 2021 13:10
42. Lecture 10. Gradient Methods in Optimal Control of Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 22, 2021 13:10
43. Lecture 9. Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Closed Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 15, 2021 13:10
44. Lecture 8. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. IV
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 8, 2021 13:10
45. Lecture 7. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. III
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 1, 2021 13:10   
46. Lecture 6. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 25, 2021 13:10   
47. Lecture 5. Landscapes of Quantum Control Problems. I
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 18, 2021 13:10   
48. Lecture 4. Notions and Conditions on Controllability for Closed Quantum Systems. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 11, 2021 13:10   
49. Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls for Open One- and Two-Qubit Systems
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
Function Theory, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory
October 4, 2021 15:00   
50. Lecture 3. Notions and Conditions on Controllability for Closed Quantum Systems. I
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 27, 2021 13:10
51. Lecture 2. Formulating Optimal Control Problems for Closed Quantum Ssytems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 20, 2021 13:10   
52. Lecture 1. Introduction to Control of Quantum Systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 13, 2021 13:10   
53. Optimization of coherent and incoherent controls for open one- and two-qubit systems
O. V. Morzhin
International Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry - 2021
August 26, 2021 17:50   
54. Quantum control landscape for phase shift quantum gates
B. O. Volkov, O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
July 3, 2021 15:35   
55. Estimation of reachable and controllability sets for an open two-level quantum system driven by coherent and incoherent controls
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
July 3, 2021 15:00   
56. Optimization of coherent and incoherent controls and estimation of reachable sets for an open two-level quantum system
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2021
April 9, 2021 15:00   
57. Optimization of coherent and incoherent controls and estimation of reachable sets for an open two-level quantum system
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen
One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2021
April 9, 2021 12:35   
58. Lecture 13. Coherent and incoherent control of closed and open quantum systems. Comparison of optimization methods
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
December 14, 2020 15:05
59. Lecture 12. Control of open quantum systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
December 7, 2020 15:05
60. Lecture 11. Krotov method. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 30, 2020 15:05
61. Lecture 10. Gradient optimization methods (part II) and Krotov method (part I)
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 23, 2020 15:05
62. Lecture 9. Gradient optimization methods. I
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 16, 2020 15:05
63. Lecture 8. Landscapes of quantum control problems. III
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
November 9, 2020 15:05
64. On machine learning for time-minimal control for an open two-level quantum system with coherent and incoherent controls
O. V. Morzhin
Conference on Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies
November 2, 2020 16:30   
65. Lecture 7. Landscapes of quantum control problems. II
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 26, 2020 15:05
66. Lecture 6. Landscapes of quantum control problems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 19, 2020 15:05
67. Lecture 5. Proof of the main theorem on the controllability conditions
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 12, 2020 15:05
68. Lecture 4. Theorem on the equivalence of the definitions of controllability for pure states. Examples of checking the controllability conditions
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
October 5, 2020 15:05
69. Lecture 3. Definitions of controllability. Main theorem about controllability
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 28, 2020 15:05
70. Lecture 2. Schrödinger equation with control. Theorem on the existence and uniqueness of the solution. The problems for maximizing mean and population transfer, for generation of quantum gates
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 21, 2020 15:05
71. Lecture 1. Introduction to control of quantum systems
A. N. Pechen, O. V. Morzhin
Control of Quantum Systems
September 14, 2020 15:05
72. Estimation of Reachable Sets for a Two-Level Quantum System Driven by Coherent and Incoherent Controls. A Comparison of Optimization Methods
O. V. Morzhin
Third Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
November 25, 2019 12:25   
73. Time optimal control of two-level open quantum systems
O. V. Morzhin
International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov's birth
September 9, 2019 16:20   
74. On methods for constructing optimal controls for quantum systems
O. Morzhin
Second International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
November 26, 2018 16:50   

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