Kudinov, Andrey Valer'evich

Total publications: 9 (9)
in MathSciNet: 7 (7)
in zbMATH: 7 (7)
in Web of Science: 8 (8)
in Scopus: 5 (5)
Cited articles: 5
Citations: 34
Presentations: 36

Number of views:
This page:3137
Abstract pages:1487
Full texts:524
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date: 19.01.1979
E-mail: ,
Keywords: real line, difference modality, spatial logic.


Modal logic, spatial logic, complexity.

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. Andrey Kudinov, “On neighbourhood product of some Horn axiomatizable logics”, Log. J. IGPL, 26:3 (2018), 316–338 , arXiv: 1609.03232  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 2

2. A. V. Kudinov, I. B. Shapirovsky, “Partitioning Kripke frames of finite height”, Izv. Math., 81:3 (2017), 592–617  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

3. A. Kudinov, I. Shapirovsky, “Finite model property of modal logics of finite depth”, Russian Math. Surveys, 71:1 (2016), 164–166  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

4. Andrey Kudinov, Valentin Shehtman, “Derivational modal logics with the difference modality”, Leo Esakia on duality in modal and intuitionistic logics, Outst. Contrib. Log., 4, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014, 291–334  mathnet  crossref  zmath 7
5. Andrey Kudinov, “Neighbourhood frame product $K\times K$”, Proceedings of the 10th conference (AiML 2014), Groningen, Netherlands, August 5–8, 2014, Advances in Modal Logic, 10, College Publications, London, 2014, 373–386  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

6. Philippe Balbiani, Hans van Ditmarsch, Andrey Kudinov, “Subset space logic with arbitrary announcements”, Indian Conference on Logic and Its Applications (ICLA 2013), Chennai, India, January 10–12, 2013, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 7750, Springer, Berlin, 2013, 233–244  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 17

7. Andrey Kudinov, Ilya Shapirovsky, Valentin Shehtman, “On modal logics of Hamming spaces”, Proceedings of the 9th conference (AiML 2012), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22–25, Advances in Modal Logic, 9, College Publications, London, 2012, 395–410  mathnet  zmath  isi
8. A. V. Kudinov, “Modal logic of some products of neighborhood frames”, Advances in Modal Logic, 9, 2012, 386–394  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

9. A. V. Kudinov, “Topological modal logic of $\mathbb R$ with inequality”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:1 (2008), 163–165  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Лекция 5. Сложность неклассических логик
A. V. Kudinov

October 8, 2024 18:00
2. Лекция 4. Сложность неклассических логик
A. V. Kudinov

October 1, 2024 18:00   
3. Лекция 3. Сложность неклассических логик
A. V. Kudinov

September 24, 2024 18:00   
4. Лекция 2. Сложность неклассических логик
A. V. Kudinov

September 17, 2024 18:00   
5. Лекция 1. Сложность неклассических логик
A. V. Kudinov

September 10, 2024 18:00   
6. Complexity of non-normal logics and the logics with counting of axioms applications
A. V. Kudinov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
May 27, 2024 18:30   
7. Lecture 13. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
December 12, 2023 18:30   
8. Lecture 12. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
December 5, 2023 18:30   
9. Lecture 11. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
November 28, 2023 18:30   
10. Lecture 10. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
November 21, 2023 18:30   
11. Lecture 9. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
November 14, 2023 18:30   
12. Lecture 8. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
November 7, 2023 18:30   
13. Lecture 7. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
October 24, 2023 18:30   
14. Lecture 6. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
October 17, 2023 18:30   
15. Lecture 5. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
October 10, 2023 18:30   
16. Lecture 4. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
October 3, 2023 18:30   
17. Lecture 3. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
September 26, 2023 18:30   
18. Lecture 2. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
September 19, 2023 18:30   
19. Lecture 1. Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics
A. V. Kudinov, D. S. Shamkanov
Course by A. V. Kudinov and D. S. Shamkanov "Neighbourhood semantics of modal logics"
September 12, 2023 18:30   
20. Many-dimensional modal logics for neighborhood semantics
Andrey Kudinov
Workshop "Semantical and Computational Aspects of Non-Classical Logics" (SCAN 2023)
June 15, 2023 12:00   
21. Lecture 13. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
May 15, 2023 14:45   
22. Lecture 12. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 24, 2023 14:45   
23. Lecture 11. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 17, 2023 14:45   
24. Lecture 10. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 10, 2023 14:45   
25. Lecture 9. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 3, 2023 14:45   
26. Lecture 8. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 27, 2023 14:45   
27. Lecture 7. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 20, 2023 14:45   
28. Lecture 6. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 13, 2023 14:45   
29. Lecture 5. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 6, 2023 14:45   
30. Lecture 4. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 27, 2023 14:45   
31. Lecture 3. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 20, 2023 14:45   
32. Lecture 2. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 13, 2023 14:45   
33. Lecture 1. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
A. V. Kudinov
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 6, 2023 14:45   
34. On Strictly Positive Fragments of Modal Logics with Confluence
A. V. Kudinov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
November 14, 2022 18:30   
35. Топологические модальные логики прямой
A. V. Kudinov

March 14, 2017 18:30
36. Об одной старой просто формулируемой нерешенной задаче в модальной логике
A. V. Kudinov

December 2, 2014

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