Shostak, Rodion Yakovlevich
Statistics Math-Net.Ru |
Total publications: |
1 |
Scientific articles: |
1 |
Number of views: |
This page: | 102 | Abstract pages: | 418 | Full texts: | 177 |
Associate professor |
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1945) |
Website: |
http://fn.bmstu.ru/history-fn1?start=3; https://library.bmstu.ru/Authors/Details/cb947f6c-5002-4ac4-b632-2d284f9de992 |
Main publications: |
- Konspekt uprazhnenii po lineinoi teorii avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya / V. N. Plotnikov, R. Ya. Shostak ; Pod red. k. t. n. dots. V. A. Kabanova ; - Moskva : MVTU, 1958. - 186 s.
- Kurs vysshei matematiki : [Dlya vtuzov] / S. V. Frolov, R. Ya. Shostak. - Moskva : Vyssh. shkola, 1966. - 663 s.
- Operatsionnoe ischislenie: (Kratkii kurs) : [Dlya vtuzov] / R. Ya. Shostak. - Moskva : Vyssh. shkola, 1968. - 191 s.
- Teoriya ryadov : [Ucheb. pos.] / / R. Ya. Shostak. Mosk. vyssh. tekhn. uchilische im. N. E. Baumana. - Moskva : [b. i.], 1969. - 87 s.
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/person30077 |
List of publications on Google Scholar |
https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/549392 |
Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
1954 |
1. |
R. Ya. Shostak, “On a criterion of conditional definiteness of a quadratic form of $n$ variables, subject to linear relations, and on a sufficient condition for a conditional extremum of a function of $n$ variables”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 9:2(60) (1954), 199–206 |
Organisations |