Gorelov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich

Total publications: 107 (103)
in MathSciNet: 20 (20)
in zbMATH: 23 (23)
in Web of Science: 11 (11)
in Scopus: 45 (45)
Cited articles: 28
Citations: 112

Number of views:
This page:1620
Abstract pages:1319
Full texts:431
Gorelov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
Doctor of technical sciences (1967)
Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: The theory covered.
UDC: 621.548, 532.528, 532.5, 532.52, 517.968, 532, 517.54, 517.5, 532.5:533.6, 621.48, 533
MSC: 76.00, 76C05, 76-08, 76B47, 45F15, 76B10, 76M15, 65D32, 76B99, 76D10, 76G25, 30E20, 30E25, 45E05


Mechanics of the continuous environment.

Main publications:
  1. Gorelov D. N., “Some Specific Features of Integral Equations with the Cauchy Kernel on a Closed Contour in Hydrodynamic Problems”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 59:4 (2018), 631–637  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  2. D. N. Gorelov, A. I. Govorova, “Formation of vortex wakes at flow separation from plate”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 24:3 (2017), 361–368  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  3. D. N. Gorelov, “Semi-empirical method for calculating optimal geometric parameters of the Darrieus rotor”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 56:3 (2015), 426–432  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  4. D. N. Gorelov, “Propulsive device of the flapping wing type”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 55:6 (2014), 1010–1015  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  5. Gorelov D. N., “ON THE NONLINEAR THEORY OF THE WING IN A PLANE UNSTEADY FLOW”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 52:5 (2011), 755-762  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
  6. Gorelov D. N., “Three-dimensional analog of the Sokhotsky-Plemelj formulas and its application in the wing theory”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 52:6 (2011) , 877–882 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  7. Gorelov, D.N.; Govorova, A.I., “Modeling of initial state of separated flow in open contour by discrete vortex method”, Vychisl. Tekhnol., 15:5 (2010), 24-33  mathscinet  zmath  elib
  8. Gorelov D.N., “ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS OF DARRIEUS ROTOR (REVIEW)”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 17:3 (2010), 301-308  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  9. Gorelov D.N., “ANALOGY BETWEEN A FLAPPING WING AND A WIND TURBINE WITH A VERTICAL AXIS OF REVOLUTION”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 50:2 (2009), 297-299  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  10. Gorelov D.N., “CALCULATION OF PRESSURE ON AN AIRFOIL CONTOUR IN AN UNSTEADY SEPARATED FLOW”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 49:3 (2008), 437-441  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  11. Gorelov D.N., Krivospitsky V.P., “PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WIND TURBINES WITH ORTHOGONAL ROTOR”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 15:1 (2008), 153-157  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  12. Gorelov, D. N., “To formulating a nonlinear initial-boundary problem of an unsteady separated flow around an airfoil”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 48:2 (2007), 184–191  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
  13. Gorelov, D.N., “Criteria for the separation of unsteady ideal fluid flow past a smooth airfoil.”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 47:1 (2006), 61-67  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib  scopus
  14. D. N. Gorelov, D. G. Redreev, “Application of cubic splines for the analytic representation of a closed contour defined by a table of coordinates”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 8:2 (2005), 26–31  mathnet  mathscinet  elib
  15. Gorelov D.N., “PARADOX OF THE BLUNT EDGE OF AN AIRFOIL IN AN UNSTEADY FLOW”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 43:1 (2002) , 37-42 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib
  16. Gorelov D.N., Metody resheniya ploskikh kraevykh zadach teorii kryla, Izd-vo SO RAN,, Novosibirsk, 2000 , 214 pp.  mathscinet
  17. D. N. GorelovS. I. Gorlov, “The linear problem of hydrofoil moving under an interface between two heavy fluids”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 37 (1996), 650–653  crossref  zmath  adsnasa
  18. D. N. Gorelov, “Calculation of pressure distribution near the leading edge of an airfoil using the discrete-vortex method”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 37:1 (1996), 96–100  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
  19. D. N. GorelovS. I. Gorlov, “Motion of an airfoil near a flat screen”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 36:1 (1995), 45–49  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
  20. Gorelov D.N., “Integral equations in two-dimensional airfoil theory”, Fluid Dynamics, 27:4 (1992), 586–589  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus  scopus
  21. Gorelov D.N., O. V. Chernov, “Taking account of local singularities of a vortex lifting surface in the method of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 31:6 (1990), 831–838  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
  22. Gorelov D.N., “Discussion of the choice of control points in the method of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 31:1 (1990), 156–160  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
  23. Gorelov D.N., Gidrodinamika podvodnogo kryla, Vychislitelnyi tsentr SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1986 , 146 pp.
  24. Gorelov D.N., “Flapping flight produced by high-frequency forced vibrations of a wing”, Fluid Dynamics, 19:2 (1984), 303–307  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
  25. Gorelov D.N., “Local approximation of a vortex layer by a system of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 21:5 (1980), 638–643  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
  26. Gorelov, D.N., “Analysis of the sound field of a large span oscillating body of revolution”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 18:5 (1977), 637-642  crossref  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus
  27. Gorelov D.N., Teoriya kryla v nestatsionarnom potoke., NGU, Novosibirsk, 1975 , 152 pp.
  28. D. N. Gorelov, V. B. Kurzin, V. E. Saren, Atlas nestatsionarnykh aerodinamicheskikh kharakteristik reshetok profilei, AN SSSR. Sib. otd-nie. In-t gidrodinamiki, eds. Otv. red. chl.-kor. AN SSSR L. V. Ovsyannikov, Nauka. Sib. otd-nie,, Novosibirsk, 1974 , 150 pp.
  29. Gorelov D.N., “Hydrodynamic interaction of cascades of plates during their relative motion”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 15:1 (1974), 40-44  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus  scopus
  30. Gorelov D.N., “Acoustic interaction of two cylinders”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 14:3 (1973), 419–422  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
  31. Gorelov D.N., Meshman V. A., “Nonstationary gas flow with shock waves in a supersonic compressor”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 14:5 (1973), 636–641  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. Gorelov D. N., “Ob odnoi osobennosti integrala Koshi po zamknutomu konturu”, Matematicheskie struktury i modelirovanie, 2020, no. 1 (53), 94–99  crossref  elib
2. Gorelov D. N., “Parametricheskaya osobennost trekhmernogo analoga integrala Koshi”, Matematicheskie struktury i modelirovanie, 2020, no. 1 (53), 100–103  crossref  elib

3. Gorelov D. N., “Razmyshleniya o turbulentnosti”, Matematicheskie struktury i modelirovanie, 2019, no. 3 (51), 54–58  crossref  elib

4. Gorelov D. N., “Some Specific Features of Integral Equations with the Cauchy Kernel on a Closed Contour in Hydrodynamic Problems”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 59:4 (2018), 631–637  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
5. D. N. Gorelov, “Ob odnoi osobennosti integralnykh uravnenii s yadrom Koshi na zamknutom konture v zadachakh gidrodinamiki”, Prikl. mekh. tekhn. fiz., 59:4 (2018), 64–71  mathnet  crossref  elib;  crossref

6. D. N. Gorelov, A. I. Govorova, “Formation of vortex wakes at flow separation from plate”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 24:3 (2017), 361–368  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
7. Gorelov D.N., Kharina O.V., “POTENTsIALNAYa ENERGIYa UPRUGOI TsILINDRIChESKOI OBOLOChKI”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2017, no. 1, 12–14  elib

8. Gorelov D.N., “Otsenka kineticheskoi energii tornado po ego vizualnym geometricheskim kharakteristikam”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 1 (2016), 18–21  elib

9. D. N. Gorelov, “Semi-empirical method for calculating optimal geometric parameters of the Darrieus rotor”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 56:3 (2015), 426–432  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
10. D. N. Gorelov, “Poluempiricheskii metod rascheta optimalnykh geometricheskikh parametrov rotora Dare”, Prikl. mekh. tekhn. fiz., 56:3 (2015), 96–104  mathnet  crossref  elib;  crossref 2

11. D. N. Gorelov, “Propulsive device of the flapping wing type”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 55:6 (2014), 1010–1015  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
12. Gorelov D.N., “PRISOEDINENNYE MASSY ZhIDKOSTI, KOLEBLYuSchEISYa VNUTRI KRUGOVOGO TsILINDRA PRI DEFORMATsII EGO STENOK”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2:72 (2014), 17-20  elib
13. Gorelov D.N., Lemeshko E.I., “OB ODNOM PREDSTAVLENII FUNKTsII S SINGULYaRNYMI OSOBENNOSTYaMI PROIZVODNYKh”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2:72 (2014), 21-24  elib
14. D. N. Gorelov, “Dvizhitel tipa mashuschego kryla”, Prikl. mekh. tekhn. fiz., 55:6 (2014), 120–126  mathnet  elib;  crossref

15. Gorelov D.N., Nelineinaya teoriya kryla v ploskom nestatsionarnom potoke, Omskii filial Instituta matematiki im. S.L. Soboleva SO RAN, Poligraficheskii tsentr KAN, Omsk, 2013 , 142 pp.

16. Gorelov D.N., Aerodinamika vetrokoles s vertikalnoi osyu vrascheniya, Omskii filial Instituta matematiki im. S.L. Soboleva SO RAN, Poligraficheskii tsentr KAN, Omsk, 2012 , 68 pp.

17. Gorelov D. N., “ON THE NONLINEAR THEORY OF THE WING IN A PLANE UNSTEADY FLOW”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 52:5 (2011), 755-762  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
18. Gorelov D. N., “Three-dimensional analog of the Sokhotsky-Plemelj formulas and its application in the wing theory”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 52:6 (2011) , 877–882 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
19. Gorelov D.N., “Approksimatsiya slozhnykh konturov multisplainami”, Tezisy Rossiiskoi konferentsii «Metody splain-funktsii» (Novosibirsk, 2011), IM SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2011, 41–42
20. D. N. Gorelov, “Three-dimensional analog of the Sokhotsky–Plemelj formulas and its application in the wing theory”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 52:6 (2011), 877–882  mathnet  crossref  elib
21. D. N. Gorelov, “On the nonlinear theory of the wing in a plane unsteady flow”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 52:5 (2011), 755–762  mathnet  crossref  elib

22. Gorelov, D.N.; Govorova, A.I., “Modeling of initial state of separated flow in open contour by discrete vortex method”, Vychisl. Tekhnol., 15:5 (2010), 24-33  mathscinet  zmath  elib
23. Gorelov D.N., “ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS OF DARRIEUS ROTOR (REVIEW)”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 17:3 (2010), 301-308  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus

24. Gorelov D.N., “ANALOGY BETWEEN A FLAPPING WING AND A WIND TURBINE WITH A VERTICAL AXIS OF REVOLUTION”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 50:2 (2009), 297-299  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
25. Gorelov D.N., Redreev D.G., “METOD KRIVOLINEINYKh PANELEI DLYa REShENIYa SINGULYaRNYKh INTEGRALNYKh URAVNENII S YaDROM KOShI PO ZAMKNUTOMU KONTURU”, Vychislitelnye tekhnologii, 14:1 (2009) , 52-61 pp.  zmath  elib
26. D. N. Gorelov, “Analogy between a flapping wing and a wind turbine with a vertical axis of revolution”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 50:2 (2009), 297–299  mathnet  crossref  elib

27. Gorelov D.N., “CALCULATION OF PRESSURE ON AN AIRFOIL CONTOUR IN AN UNSTEADY SEPARATED FLOW”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 49:3 (2008), 437-441  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
28. Gorelov D.N., Krivospitsky V.P., “PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WIND TURBINES WITH ORTHOGONAL ROTOR”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 15:1 (2008), 153-157  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
29. D. N. Gorelov, “Calculation of pressure on an airfoil contour in an unsteady separated flow”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 49:3 (2008), 437–441  mathnet  crossref  elib

30. Gorelov, D. N., “To formulating a nonlinear initial-boundary problem of an unsteady separated flow around an airfoil”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 48:2 (2007), 184–191  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
31. D. N. Gorelov, “To formulating a nonlinear initial-boundary problem of an unsteady separated flow around an airfoil”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 48:2 (2007), 184–191  mathnet  crossref  elib

32. Gorelov, D.N., “Criteria for the separation of unsteady ideal fluid flow past a smooth airfoil.”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 47:1 (2006), 61-67  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib  scopus 3
33. Gorelov D.N., Redreev D.G., “POSTROENIE KVADRATURNOI FORMULY DLYa SINGULYaRNOGO INTEGRALA S YaDROM KOShI PO KONTURU KRYLOVOGO PROFILYa”, Vychislitelnye tekhnologii, 11:4 (2006), 29-36  zmath  elib
34. Gorelov D.N., “Aerodinamika vetrokoles s vertikalnoi osyu vrascheniya”, 9 Vserossiiskii s'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike (Nizhnii Novgorod, 22-28 avg., 2006), ISBN 5-85746-921-X, 2, Izd-vo NNGU,, N. Novgorod, 2006, 63
35. D. N. Gorelov, “Criteria for the separation of unsteady ideal fluid flow past a smooth airfoil”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 47:1 (2006), 61–67  mathnet  crossref  elib

36. D. N. Gorelov, D. G. Redreev, “Application of cubic splines for the analytic representation of a closed contour defined by a table of coordinates”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 8:2 (2005), 26–31  mathnet  mathscinet  elib
37. Gorelov D.N., Vyugov V.V., Krivospitsky V.P., “MODEL TESTING OF A TWO-TIER DARRIEUS ROTOR”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 12:2 (2005), 229-233  mathscinet

38. Gorelov D.N., “AERODYNAMIC PROBLEMS OF DARRIEUS WIND TURBINES”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 10:1 (2003), 47–51  mathscinet  elib

39. Gorelov D.N., “PARADOX OF THE BLUNT EDGE OF AN AIRFOIL IN AN UNSTEADY FLOW”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 43:1 (2002) , 37-42 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib
40. Gorelov D.N., Mekhanika sploshnykh sred, «Nasledie. Dialog-Sibir», Omsk, 2002 , 157 pp.
41. D. N. Gorelov, “Paradox of the blunt edge of an airfoil in an unsteady flow”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 43:1 (2002), 37–42  mathnet  crossref  elib

42. Gorelov D.N., Kuzmenko Y.N., “EXPERIMENTAL ESTIMATION OF THE LIMITING POWER OF A VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE”, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 8:2 (2001), 303  mathscinet  zmath
43. Gorelov D.N., Matematicheskoe modelirovanie fizicheskikh yavlenii, OmGU, Omsk, 2001 , 89 pp.

44. Gorelov D.N., Metody resheniya ploskikh kraevykh zadach teorii kryla, Izd-vo SO RAN,, Novosibirsk, 2000 , 214 pp.  mathscinet
45. Gorelov D.N., Smolin Yu.S., “NESTATsIONARNOE OBTEKANIE PROFILYa S UGLOVOI KROMKOI”, Vychislitelnye tekhnologii, 5:3 (2000) , 10 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  elib
46. Gorelov D.N., Metody resheniya ploskikh kraevykh zadach teorii kryla, Izd-vo SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2000 , 215 pp.
47. Gorelov D.N., Teoreticheskaya gidrodinamika. Kr. kurs, OmGU, Omsk, 2000

48. Gorelov D.N., Smolin Yu.S., “PRIMENENIE SISTEMY INTEGRALNYKh URAVNENII K REShENIYu PLOSKIKh ZADACh TEORII KRYLA”, Vychislitelnye tekhnologii, 4:5 (1999) , 24–29 pp.  mathscinet  elib

49. D. N. GorelovS. I. Gorlov, “The linear problem of hydrofoil moving under an interface between two heavy fluids”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 37 (1996), 650–653  crossref  zmath  adsnasa
50. D. N. Gorelov, “Calculation of pressure distribution near the leading edge of an airfoil using the discrete-vortex method”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 37:1 (1996), 96–100  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
51. D. N. Gorelov, S. I. Gorlov, “The linear problem of hydrofoil moving under an interface between two heavy fluids”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 37:5 (1996), 650–653  mathnet  crossref  elib
52. D. N. Gorelov, “Calculation of pressure distribution near the leading edge of an airfoil using the discrete-vortex method”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 37:1 (1996), 96–100  mathnet  crossref

54. D. N. GorelovS. I. Gorlov, “Motion of an airfoil near a flat screen”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 36:1 (1995), 45–49  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
55. D. N. Gorelov, S. I. Gorlov, “Motion of an airfoil near a flat screen”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 36:1 (1995), 45–49  mathnet  crossref  elib

56. Gorelov D.N., RAZRABOTKA METODOV REShENIYa NELINEINOI KRAEVOI ZADAChI O DVIZhENII TELESNOGO PROFILYa VBLIZI GRANITsY RAZDELA DVUKh TYaZhELYKh ZhIDKOSTEI, otchet o NIR # 94-01-01049 (Rossiiskii fond fundamentalnykh issledovanii), 1994  elib

57. Gorelov D.N., “Integral equations in two-dimensional airfoil theory”, Fluid Dynamics, 27:4 (1992), 586–589  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus  scopus

58. Gorelov D.N., “Propulsivnye kharakteristiki mashuschego kryla s uprugo zakreplennym eleronom”, Bionika, 24 (1991), 18-24

59. Gorelov D.N., O. V. Chernov, “Taking account of local singularities of a vortex lifting surface in the method of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 31:6 (1990), 831–838  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
60. Gorelov D.N., “Discussion of the choice of control points in the method of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 31:1 (1990), 156–160  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
61. D. N. Gorelov, “Discussion of the choice of control points in the method of discrete vortices”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 31:1 (1990), 156–160  mathnet  crossref
62. D. N. Gorelov, O. V. Chernov, “Taking account of local singularities of a vortex lifting surface in the method of discrete vortices”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 31:6 (1990), 831–838  mathnet  crossref

63. V. A. GorelovL. A. Kildyushova, “Features of ionization and emission behind strong shock waves in air”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 28:6 (1987), 825–830  crossref  adsnasa  scopus 3

64. Gorelov D.N., Gidrodinamika podvodnogo kryla, Vychislitelnyi tsentr SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1986 , 146 pp.

65. Gorelov, D.N., “Determination of hydrodynamic reactions acting on an oscillating profile”, Fluid Dynamics, 20:4 (1985), 660-663  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus

66. Gorelov D. N., “Convergence of the method of discrete vortices, based on the local approximation of a vortex layer. (Russian)”, Dinamika Sploshn. Sredy, 157:68 (1984) , 82–91 pp.  mathscinet
67. Gorelov D.N., “Flapping flight produced by high-frequency forced vibrations of a wing”, Fluid Dynamics, 19:2 (1984), 303–307  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus

68. Gorelov D.N., Kurzin V.B., Saren V.E., “Sovremennoe sostoyanie aerodinamiki reshetok v nestatsionarnom potoke”, Aeroprugost turbomashin, Naukova dumka, Kiev, 1980
69. Gorelov D.N., “Local approximation of a vortex layer by a system of discrete vortices”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 21:5 (1980), 638–643  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
70. Gorelov D.N., “Selection of the Optimal Law of Oscillation of a Wing Acting as a Propulsor”, Izvestia Sibirskogo otdelenia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seria tehniceskih nauk, 1980, no. 3, 12–17  scopus
71. Gorelov D.N., “Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie tyagi mashuschego kryla”, Bionika, 1980, no. 14, 42-45
72. D. N. Gorelov, “Local approximation of a vortex layer by a system of discrete vortices”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 21:5 (1980), 638–643  mathnet  crossref

73. Gorelov, D.N., Guseva, L.A., “Calculation of Natural Vibrations of Sectorial Plates of Variable Thickness”, Problemy Prochnosti, 1978, no. 8, 89–92  scopus
74. Gorelov, D.N., Guseva, L.A., “Calculation of the free vibration of a slab sector of variable thickness”, Strenght of Materials, 10:8 (1978), 958–962  crossref  scopus

75. Gorelov, D.N., “Analysis of the sound field of a large span oscillating body of revolution”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 18:5 (1977), 637-642  crossref  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus
76. Gorelov, D.N., “A theoretical study of the flutter of the runner of an axial flowhydraulic turbine”, ENERGOMASHINOSTROENIE, 12 (1977), 16–19  scopus
77. Golovchenko V.V., Gorelov D.N., “STEADY MOTION OF THIN PROFILE NEAR INTERFACE OF TWO HEAVY FLUIDS”, Arch Mech, 29:2 (1977), 223–227  zmath  scopus
78. D. N. Gorelov, “Analysis of the sound field of a large span oscillating body of revolution”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 18:5 (1977), 637–642  mathnet  crossref

79. Gorelov D.N., Kurzin V.B., “SOME THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF AEROELASTICITY PROBLEMS IN TURBOMACHINES”, RFM, Revue Francaise de Mecanique, RFM Rev Fr Mec Numero Spec 1 1976, Symp IUTAM (Int Union of Theor and Appl Mech) sur l`Aeroelasticite dans les Turbomach (Paris, France, 18–23 October 1976), 1976, 13–18  scopus
80. Gorelov D.N., Kulyaev R.L., Saren V.E., “THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF HYDRODYNAMIC INTERACTION BETWEEN PROFILE CASCADES”, RFM, Revue Francaise de Mecanique, RFM Rev Fr Mec Numero Spec 1 1976, Symp IUTAM (Int Union of Theor and Appl Mech) sur l`Aeroelasticite dans les Turbomach (Paris, France, 18–23 October 1976), 1976, 19–23  scopus

81. Gorelov D.N., Teoriya kryla v nestatsionarnom potoke., NGU, Novosibirsk, 1975 , 152 pp.
83. Gorelov D.N., Teoriya kryla v nestatsionarnom potoke. – Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NGU, 1975. 152 s., Izd-vo NGU, Novosibirsk, 1975 , 152 pp.  mathscinet

84. Gorelov D.N., “Hydrodynamic interaction of cascades of plates during their relative motion”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 15:1 (1974), 40-44  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus  scopus
85. D. N. Gorelov, V. B. Kurzin, V. E. Saren, Atlas nestatsionarnykh aerodinamicheskikh kharakteristik reshetok profilei, AN SSSR. Sib. otd-nie. In-t gidrodinamiki, eds. Otv. red. chl.-kor. AN SSSR L. V. Ovsyannikov, Nauka. Sib. otd-nie,, Novosibirsk, 1974 , 150 pp.
86. Gorelov D.N., Shumskii G.M., “Calculation of Hydrodynamic Reactions to Airfoil Cascade in a Flow of Wet Steam”, [RASCHET GIDRODINAMICHESKIKH REAKTSII NA RESHETKU PROFILEI V POTOKE VLAZHNOGO PARA], Energomashinostroenie, 1974, no. 12, 4–6  scopus
87. D.N. Gorelov, L.V. Ovsyannikov, V.M. Menschikov, V.V. Pukhnachev, V.M. Teshukov., Sbornik zadach po gidrodinamike, Izdatelstvo NGU, 1974
88. D. N. Gorelov, V. B. Kurzin, V. E. Saren, Atlas nestatsionarnykh aerodinamicheskikh kharakteristik reshetok profilei, AN SSSR. Sib. otd-nie. In-t gidrodinamiki, eds. Otv. red. chl.-kor. AN SSSR L. V. Ovsyannikov, Nauka. Sib. otd-nie, Novosibirsk, 1974 , 150 pp.
89. D. N. Gorelov, “Hydrodynamic interaction of cascades of plates during their relative motion”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 15:1 (1974), 40–44  mathnet  crossref

90. Gorelov D.N., “Acoustic interaction of two cylinders”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 14:3 (1973), 419–422  crossref  adsnasa  scopus 1
91. Gorelov D.N., Meshman V. A., “Nonstationary gas flow with shock waves in a supersonic compressor”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 14:5 (1973), 636–641  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
92. Gorelov D. N., Shchepanovskaya G. I., “Method of Solving Problems of Flow of a Viscous Fluid Around Bodies at High Reynolds Numbers”, [OB ODNOM METODE RESHENIYA ZADACH OBTEKANIYA TEL VYZKOI ZHIDKOSTYU PRI BOLSHIKH CHISLAKH REINOLDSA] (Über eine Methode zur Lösung von Problemen der Strömung einer zähen Flüssigkeit um Körper bei großen Reynoldsschen Zahlen), Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, 1973, no. 4, 50–58  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus  scopus
93. Gorelov, D.N., “Associated Masses of a Cascade of Plates in an Incompressible Fluid”, [PRISOEDINENNYE MASSY RESHETKI PLASTIN V NESZHIMAEMOI ZHIDKOSTI], Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Mekhanika Zhidkosti I Gaza, 1973, no. 2, 14–18  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus  scopus
94. D. N. Gorelov, V. A. Meshman, “Nonstationary gas flow with shock waves in a supersonic compressor”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 14:5 (1973), 636–641  mathnet  crossref
95. D. N. Gorelov, “Acoustic interaction of two cylinders”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 14:3 (1973), 419–422  mathnet  crossref

96. Gorelov, D.N., “Vibrations of cascade profiles in nonuniform incompressible flow”, Fluid Dynamics, 4:4 (1972), 19-24  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus

97. D. N. GorelovR. L. Kulyaev, “Nonlinear problem of unsteady flow of an incompressible fluid past a slender profile”, Fluid Dynamics, 6:6 (1971), 942–950  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
98. Gorelov D.N., Kurzin V.B., Saren V.E., Aerodinamika reshetok v nestatsionarnom potoke, Nauka, Sib. otdelenie, Novosibirsk, 1971 , 272 pp.

99. Gorelov D.N., “O KOLEBANIYaKh PROFILEI REShETKI V NERAVNOMERNOM POTOKE NESZhIMAEMOI ZhIDKOSTI”, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, 4:32 (1969), 31-40  zmath
100. Gorelov, D.N., “Lattice of plates in an unsteady supersonic flow”, Fluid Dynamics, 1:4 (1969), 34-39  crossref  adsnasa  scopus 7

101. Gorelov D. N., Dominas L. V., “Determining unsteady aerodynamic forces for three-dimensional plate cascade in subsonic gas flow”, Fluid Dynamics, 2:6 (1967), 13–18  crossref  adsnasa  scopus 1

102. D. N. Gorelov and L. V. Dominas, “PLATE CASCADE IN SUBSONIC UNSTEADY GAS FLOW”, Izv. AN SSSR. Mekhanika Zhfdkosti i Gaze, 1:6 (1966), 56–64  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
103. Gorelov, D.N., “Oscillations of a plate cascade in a transonic gas flow”, Fluid Dynamics, 1:1 (1966), 47-50  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
104. Gorelov D.N., Aerodinamika reshetok osevykh turbomashin v nestatsionarnom potoke, Avtoreferat. AN SSSR. Sib. otd-nie. Sovet sektsii tekhn. nauk Ob'edin. uchen. soveta po fiz.-mat. i tekhn. naukam, Novosibirsk : [b. i.], Novosibirsk, 1966 , 17 pp.
105. Gorelov D.N., Aerodinamika reshetok osevykh turbomashin v nestatsionarnom potoke, Diss. … doktora tekhnicheskikh nauk : 05.00.00, Novosibirsk, 1966 , 202 pp.

106. Gorelov, D. N., Opredelenie aerodinamicheskikh sil, deistvuyuschikh na krylo s podvizhnym noskom v nestatsionarnom potoke, Moskva : Byuro nauch. informatsii TsAGI, 1960. - 9 s. : chert.; 25 sm. - (Tekhnicheskie otchety Tsentralnogo aero-gidrodinamicheskogo instituta im. professora N. E. Zhukovskogo; Vyp. 175)., 1960

107. Gorelov, D.N., “Oscillating airfoil in subsonic flow”, Vestnik Leningrad. Univ., 1957, no. 13, 93–101  mathscinet  zmath

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