Myshlyavtseva, Marta Dorzhukaevna

Total publications: 17 (17)
in MathSciNet: 1 (1)
in Web of Science: 8 (8)
in Scopus: 8 (8)
Cited articles: 9
Citations: 64

Number of views:
This page:522
Abstract pages:513
Full texts:393
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1999)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Keywords: lattice gas model, transfer-matrix method, adsorption, critical phenomena.
UDC: 541.124/128, 519.62, 519.614, 519.615, 517.988.5
MSC: 65F15, 65F50, 15A06, 15A72, 65L04, 34C15 65L06, 34C10,34C23


surface, mathematical modelling, numerical methods

Main publications:
  1. Gorbunov, V. A.; Akimenko, S. S.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Adsorption of triangular-shaped molecules with directional nearest-neighbor interactions on a triangular lattice”, Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 19:2-4 (2013), 571-580  crossref  isi  scopus
  2. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Devil's staircase behavior of a dimer adsorption model”, Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 19:2-4 (2013), 495-499  crossref  isi  scopus
  3. Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; Myshlyavtseva, M. D.; et al., “The Simulation of the Adsorption of Unsaturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons on the (001)-2 x 1 Reconstructed Silicon Surface by the Monte Carlo and Transfer-Matrix Methods”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 82:1 (2011), 94-101  crossref  adsnasa  elib  scopus
  4. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Model of homonuclear dimer adsorption in terms of two possible molecule orientations with respect to surface: Square lattice”, Physical Review E Volume, 82:4 (2010), 6  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
  5. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “The simplest model of adsorption of molecules with different orientations in adlayer on the stepped surface”, Applied Surface Science, 256:17 (2010), 5298-5304  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
  6. A. V. Mishliavtsev, M. D. Mishliavtseva, R. K. Romanovskii, “Application of the transfer matrix method to lattice systems without translational invariance”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 9:1 (2006), 106–115  mathnet  mathscinet
List of publications on Google Scholar

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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. Gorbunov, V. A.; Akimenko, S. S.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Adsorption of triangular-shaped molecules with directional nearest-neighbor interactions on a triangular lattice”, Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 19:2-4 (2013), 571-580  crossref  isi  scopus 16
2. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Devil's staircase behavior of a dimer adsorption model”, Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 19:2-4 (2013), 495-499  crossref  isi  scopus 9
3. Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; Myshlyavtseva, M. D.; et al., “The Simulation of the Adsorption of Unsaturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons on the (001)-2 x 1 Reconstructed Silicon Surface by the Monte Carlo and Transfer-Matrix Methods”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 82:1 (2011), 94-101  crossref  adsnasa  elib  scopus 1
4. Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; Myshlyavtseva, M. D.; et al., “The Simulation of the Adsorption of Unsaturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons on the (001)-2 x 1 Reconstructed Silicon Surface by the Monte Carlo and Transfer-Matrix Methods”, RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 85:1, 10.1134/S0036024411010080 (2011), , 94-101 pp.  crossref  elib  scopus
5. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “Model of homonuclear dimer adsorption in terms of two possible molecule orientations with respect to surface: Square lattice”, Physical Review E Volume, 82:4 (2010), 6  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 6
6. Fefelov, V. F.; Gorbunov, V. A.; Myshlyavtsev, A. V.; et al., “The simplest model of adsorption of molecules with different orientations in adlayer on the stepped surface”, Applied Surface Science, 256:17 (2010), 5298-5304  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 7
7. Myshlyavtsev A.V., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “LATERAL INTERACTIONS IN THE ADSORPTION LAYER AND CRITICAL PHENOMENA IN THE LANGMUIR-HINSHELWOOD REACTION”, Kinetics and Catalysis, 48:4, (2007), 541-549  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
8. Myshlyavtsev A.V., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “SRAVNITELNYI ANALIZ VLIYaNIYa TIPA REShETKI NA OBLAST MNOZhESTVENNOSTI V MEKhANIZME LENGMYuRA-KhINShELVUDA V USLOVIYaKh NEIDEALNOSTI ADSORBTsIONNOGO SLOYa”, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Seriya: Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 50:11 (2007.), 104-109  elib
9. Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V.; Myshlyavtseva, Marta D., “Modeling of adsorption and phase diagrams for stepped surfaces: Transfer matrix approach”, Conference: 6th International Symposiium on Effects of Surface, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 6th International Symposiium on Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids (Zakopane, POLAND Date: AUG 28-SEP 02, 2006), 253 (13), ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, BV, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2007, 5591-5595  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 11
10. A. V. Mishliavtsev, M. D. Mishliavtseva, R. K. Romanovskii, “Application of the transfer matrix method to lattice systems without translational invariance”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 9:1 (2006), 106–115  mathnet  mathscinet
11. Myshlyavtsev A.V., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “IZOTERMY ADSORBTsII GETEROYaDERNYKh DVUKhATOMNYKh POLYaRNYKh MOLEKUL NA ODNORODNYKh POVERKhNOSTYaKh: METOD TRANSFER-MATRITs”, Omskii nauchnyi vestnik, 2 (2006) , 64-68 pp.  elib
12. Myshlyavtsev A.B., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “DIAGRAMMY KRATNOSTI DLYa PARALLELNOGO ADSORBTsIONNOGO MEKhANIZMA V USLOVIYaKh NEIDEALNOSTI ADSORBTsIONNOGO SLOYa. NEOBRATIMAYa ADSORBTsIYa”, Doklady Akademii nauk vysshei shkoly Rossiiskoi Federatsii., 2 (2005) , 56-64 pp.  elib
13. Myshlyavtsev A.V., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “THERMODYNAMICS FOR LATTICE MODELS WITH RANDOMLY DISTRIBUTED QUENCHED IMPURITIES: EXACT SOLUTION”, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures (PLDS), 2000:9-10 (2000) , 9 pp.  crossref  elib
14. Myshlyavtsev, AV; Myshlyavtseva, MD, “Thermodynamics for lattice models with randomly distributed quenched impurities: Exact solution”, PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES, 2000, no. 9-10 , 127-135 pp.  isi  elib
15. Myshlyavtsev A.V., Myshlyavtseva M.D., “APPARENT ARRHENIUS PARAMETERS FOR DESORPTION FROM A SQUARE LATTICE WITH TOP AND BRIDGE SITES: TRANSFER-MATRIX APPROACH”, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures (PLDS), 1998:9-10 (1998), 55-64  crossref  elib
16. A. V. Myshlyavtsev, M. D. Dongak, “Statistics of adsorption on top and bridge sites of a square lattice: Transfer-matrix approach”, Journal of Statistical Physics, 87:3-4 (1997), 593-606  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 12


17. Marta Dorzhukaevna Myshlyavtseva, MATEMATIChESKOE MODELIROVANIE ELEMENTARNYKh FIZIKO-KhIMIChESKIKh PROTsESSOV NA POVERKhNOSTI TVERDYKh TEL PRI NALIChII NESKOLKIKh TIPOV AKTIVNYKh TsENTROV: METOD TRANSFER-MATRITsY, dissertatsiya ... kandidata fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk : 05.13.16 Sistemy avtomatizatsii proektirovaniya (po otraslyam)/ Sankt-Peterburg, Kyzyl, Kyzyl, 1999 , 16 pp.  elib

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