D. N. Babin, A. A. Letunovskii, “About expressibility of automata with superposition”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 27:4 (2023), 76–78
D. N. Babin, “On the question of a functional system of automata with a superposition operation”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 26:1 (2022), 91–93
D. N. Babin, V. B. Kudryavtsev, “The classes of automata embeddable to pre-complete classes”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2020, no. 2, 55–57; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 75:2 (2020), 87–89
V. B. Kudryavtsev, D. N. Babin, “Classification of bases in $P_k$ by the property of decidability of the completeness for automata”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 23:1 (2019), 137–145
D. N. Babin, “Solvability of the problem of completeness of automaton basis depending on its boolean part”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2019, no. 1, 52–54; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 74:1 (2019), 32–34
D. N. Babin, “Precomplete classes of automata with the superposition operation”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2018, no. 6, 73–74; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 73:6 (2018), 269–270
D. N. Babin, “Класс автоматов с суперпозициями, нерасширяющийся до предполного”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 20:4 (2016), 155–166
D. N. Babin, D. V. Parkhomenko, “О мультимножестве выходных слов конечного автомата”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 20:3 (2016), 101–102
D. N. Babin, A. A. Letunovskii, “Алгоритмически разрешимые случаи в задаче выразимости автоматов относительно суперпозиции”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 20:3 (2016), 98–100
A. A. Petyushko, D. N. Babin, “Chomsky classification for matrices of bigram languages”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 20:2 (2016), 331–336
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D. N. Babin, A. A. Letunovskii, “About superposition capabilities for automata basis containing fixed additive of Boolean functions and delay automaton”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 19:3 (2015), 71–78
D. N. Babin, “On the classification of bases in $P_k$ according to the decidability of the completeness problem for automata”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 15:3 (2009), 33–47; J. Math. Sci., 168:1 (2010), 21–31
D. N. Babin, I. L. Mazurenko, “Математическая модель произнесения команд на основе монотонных вероятностных автоматов”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2004, no. 2, 52–55
D. N. Babin, “Efficient recognition of the completeness of a system of automaton functions with a complete Boolean part”, Diskr. Mat., 15:1 (2003), 110–130; Discrete Math. Appl., 13:1 (2003), 63–84
D. N. Babin, “Finiteness of the set of automaton Post bases with a decidable completeness problem”, Diskr. Mat., 10:3 (1998), 57–63; Discrete Math. Appl., 8:5 (1998), 475–482
D. N. Babin, “On the decidability of the completeness problem for special systems of automata functions”, Diskr. Mat., 8:4 (1996), 79–91; Discrete Math. Appl., 6:5 (1996), 491–504
D. N. Babin, “Undecidability of the completeness and A-completeness problems for some systems of automaton functions”, Diskr. Mat., 7:1 (1995), 52–65; Discrete Math. Appl., 5:1 (1995), 31–42
D. N. Babin, “Completeness of two-place boundedly deterministic functions with respect to superposition”, Diskr. Mat., 1:4 (1989), 86–91; Discrete Math. Appl., 1:4 (1991), 423–431