Azarova, Olga Alekseevna

Total publications: 163 (161)
in MathSciNet: 19 (19)
in zbMATH: 13 (13)
in Web of Science: 29 (29)
in Scopus: 55 (55)
Cited articles: 48
Citations: 462

Number of views:
This page:3279
Abstract pages:4474
Full texts:1557
Azarova, Olga Alekseevna
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2013)
Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Complex conservative difference schemes, supersonic flow, flow control, Richtmyer–Meshkov instability, shear layer instability, vortex contact structures, turbulent fluctuations, triple-shock configurations, voids.
UDC: 519.634
MSC: 76L05, 76N15


Computational fluid dynamics, difference schemes construction, flow visualization, interaction of shocks, flow/flight control, shock wave-turbulence interaction, dynamics of shock wave structures, dynamics of vortex structures, triple-shock configurations, dusty plasma voids dynamics.


1. Present position: Leading Research Scientist in Federal Research Center "Computer Sciences and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CC FRS CSC RAS) Department of Mathematical Modeling of Computer-Aided Design Systems

2. Academic degree and appointments: graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), 1976 (Applied Mathematics) PhD — CC RAS, 1991 (Mechanics of liquids, gases and plasma): Numerical Investigation of One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow of Arbitrary Symmetry Under Fast Energy Injection. DSci — CC RAS, 2013 (Mechanics of liquids, gases and plasma): Instabilities and Contact-Vortex Structures in Problems of Supersonic Streamlining with External Energy Sources.

3. Membership: AIAA Senior member; a member of Editorial Board of "Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal"; a member of Editorial Board of the "International Journal of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering"; Guest Editor of Journal "Fluids"; Guest Editor of Journal "Energies"; Expert of Russian Academy of Sciences; Full member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; a member of Dissertation Council D 002.073.03 of FRC CSC RAS

4. Languages spoken: English

5. Domestic scientific experience: from 1976 till present worked in Radiotechnical Institute RAS — RTI RAS (1976–1977), Moscow Radiotechnical Institute RAS (MRTI RAS) (1977—–1991) (from the moment of founding) and in Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control”

6. Experience in Projects Participation and Management Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches projects ¹96-01-01252a, ¹94-01-01638a, ¹97-01-00298a, ¹01-01-00951a, ¹00-03-32011à, ¹00-01-00250a, ¹00-15-96123, ¹01-01-00807a (project management from 31.01.2001), ¹15-01-04635a, ¹16-08-01228a, ¹ 16-01-00489à; European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD): ¹2014p and ¹3058p. RSF ¹ 18-19-00672; Project ¹ 075-15-2020-799 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

7. Participation in the international conferences: 20 Int. RGD Symp., 1996, China, Symp. On Shock Waves, 1996, 1997, 1998 è 1999, Japan, 21st Int. Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 1998, Marseille, France, Int. Symp. "Shock Waves", 1999, London, GB, XI Int. Conf. on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems, 2001, M. Russia, 16th Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Acoustics, 2002, M., Russia, Int. Workshop on Turbulence and Instabilities, 2004, M., Russia, Int. Conf. "Non-linear problems of gas dynamics stability and turbulence", 2004, M., Russia, Int. Conf. "European Drag Reduction and Flow Control", 2006, Ischia, Italy, Int. Symp. "Thermochemical and Plasma Processes in Aerodynamics", 2006, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 5th–9th Int. Workshops on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, M., Russia, Int. Conf. "Modern problems of fluid medium mechanics (in memory of L.I. Sedov)", 2007, M., Russia, West-East High Speed Flow Field Conference (WEHSFFC), 2007, M., Russia, Int. Conf. "Numerical geometry, grid generation and high performance computing (NUMGRID2008, NUMGRID2010)", Moscow, 10–13 June, 2008, XVII Russian Conference "Theoretical Basics and Construction of Numerical Algorithms for Problems of Mathematical Physics with Application to Multi-Processors Systems", Sept. 16–20, 2008, Russia, Abrau-Durso, Sixth European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, 3–6 November 2008, Versailles, France, Int. Conf. "Modern problems on mathematics, mechanics and its applications", devoted to 70th anniversary of rector of MSU academician V. A. Sadovnichii, Moscow, MSU, April 2009, Int. Conf. "Fluxes and Structures in Fluids: Physics of Geospheres", Moscow, MSU, June, 2009, 19th Int. Shock Interaction Symposium (ISIS19), Moscow, 2010, III Int. Conf. "Aeroengines of XXI Century", Moscow, CIAM, 2010, 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW28), Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011, 40th–42nd, 44rh–51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meetings & Exhibits, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, USA, Interaction (ISIS21), 2014, Riga, Latvia, Int. Conf. “SciTech 2014", “SciTech2015”, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; 2014-2015, USA, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2015), Cambridge, UK, 6th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) 2015, Poland, IV Int. Conf. "Aeroengines of XXI Century", Moscow, CIAM, 2015, 13th–15th Int. Workshops on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications, 2014, 2015, 2016, M., Russia, "XL, XLI Academic readings on cosmonautics" (Moscow, January, 2016, 2017) " 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Milan, Italy July 3-6, 2017; 16th International Conference on Fluid Mehanics & Aerodynamics (FMA 18), Sliema, Malta, June 22-24, 2018; IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018-Germeyer100), Moscow, Russia,October 22-27, 2018; International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19), Oxford, UK, March 14–15, 2019; 18th International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics, Moscow, Russia, April 9–11, 2019; 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Madrid, Spain, July 1-4, 2019; 19th International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics, JIHT, Moscow, September, 15-17, 2020; International Conference on Aviation Motors – ICAM 2020, CIAM, Moscow, May 18-21, 2021; 16th International Conference Optical Methods of Flow Investigation – OMFI 2021, Moscow, June 28 – July 2, 2021; 1st International Scientific and Technical Conference «High-Speed Transport Development (HSTD 2022)» MAI, Alushta, August 29 - September 2, 2022; The 3rd International Congress on Optics, Electronics, and Optoelectronics (ICOEO) Xiamen, China December 2-4, 2022; All-Russian Scientific Symposium on Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Gorimir Gorimirovich Cherny, Moscow, Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, January 23-24, 2023; International Conference "Laser, Plasma Research and Technologies" (LaPlas-2023), National Research Nuclear University of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, March 28 - 31, 2023; International conference "AeroResCon & MechResCon" 2023, Rome, Italy, March 27-29, 2023 (invited); International conference "Physics and its Applications" (Physics-2023), Los Angeles, USA, July 17-20, 2023 (invited); XIII All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 21-25, 2023 (two presentations); 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Sustainable and Renewable Energy (GSESRE2023), London, UK, August 28-30, 2023 (invited);3rd Global Summit and Expo on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (GSEAME2023), Rome, Italy, November 16-18, 2023 (Keynote); 7th Global Conference & Expo on Materials Science and Engineering (ISTMSE-2024), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 22-23, 2024 (Plenary); 2024 International Conference on Computational Modeling and Applied Mathematics - Chinese-Russian Conference "Differential Equations and Applications"(CMAM2024 & DEA)», August 2-4, 2024, Dalian, China (invited); European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Turin, Italy, 10 - 13 September 2024.

8. International collaborations: Rutgers University, NJ, USA, Laboratory of Computing Design, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian, Ecole Polytechnique Laboratory de Physique des Plasmas (Route de Saclay, Palaiseau Cedex, France).

9. Expertise: 2000-2009 10 expertises for “Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics”; 2010 Expertise: Section “Flight Physics” of International Conference “European Conference on Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS2009)”, Versailles, France, July 6-9, 2009; 2013, 2014 Expertise: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; 2015, 2016 Expertise: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering; 2015 Expertise: Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering; 2016 Expertise: Journal of Aerospace Engineering; 2016 Expertise: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering; 2017 Expertise: Aerospace Science and Technology (two manuscripts); 2017 Expertise: Physics of Fluids; 2018 Expertise: Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics; 2018 Expertise: Physics of Fluids; 2018 Expertise: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing; 2019 Expertise: Aerospace Science and Technology (three manuscripts); 2019 Expertise: Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics; 2019 Expertise: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering; 2019 Expertise: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; 2020 Expertise: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering; 2020 Expertise: Energies; 2020 Expertise: Applied Sciences (two manuscripts); 2021 Expertise: Aerospace Science and Technology (4 manuscripts); 2021 Expertise: European Journal of Mechanics. Fluids (two manuscripts); 2021 Expertise: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (two manuscripts); 2021 Expertise: Physics of Fluids (two manuscripts); 2021 Expertise: Fluids (two manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: Aerospace Science and Technology (9 manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: Physics of Fluids(two manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (two manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: Computers and Fluids (two manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: Energies; 2022 Expertise: Symmetry; 2022 Expertise: Aerospace; 2022 Expertise: Fluids; 2022 Expertise: International Journal of Aerospace Engeneering (two manuscripts); 2022 Expertise: Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal (two manuscripts); 2023 Expertise: Aerospace, Applied Sciences, Physics of Fluids, Aerospace Science and Technology, Water, Fluids; 2024 Expertise: Aerospace, Applicable Analysis, Physics of Fluids.

Main publications:
  1. O.A. Azarova, “Complex conservative difference schemes for computing supersonic flows past simple aerodynamic forms”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 55:12 (2015), 2015–2049 WoS, Scopus
  2. O.A. Azarova, “Generation of Richtmyer-Meshkov and secondary instabilities during the interaction of an energy release with a cylinder shock layer”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 42 (2015), 376-383 WoS, Scopus  crossref
  3. O.A. Azarova, D.D. Knight, “Interaction of microwave and laser discharge resulting "Heat spots" with supersonic combined cylinder bodies”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 43 (2015), 343-349 WoS, Scopus  crossref
  4. T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Interaction of a plane shock wave with an area of ionization instability of discharge plasma in air”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 85 (2019), 347–358 WoS, Scopus
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of scientific publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “The use of plasma structures and combined energy deposition for high-speed flow control: A selective review”, Energies, 17:7 (2024), 1632 , 39 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
2. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, K. V. Krasnobaev, O. V. Kravchenko, “Impact of thermally stratified plasma region on redistribution of energy behind a shock wave front at hypersonic speeds”, Chapter 4, New Frontiers in Physical Science Research, 8, eds. Thomas F. George, B P International, India and United Kingdom, 2023, 39–70 Book Link:  mathnet  crossref
3. Olga A. Azarova, “High Speed Flows”, Editorial, Fluids, 8:109 (2023) , 4 pp. https://  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
4. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, K. V. Krasnobaev, O. V. Kravchenko, “Energy transformations accompanying a shock wave distortion and disappearance during the interaction with thermally stratified plasma”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2548 (2023), 012004 , 8 pp.  crossref  elib  scopus
5. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, D. D. Knight, “Impact of a thermally stratified energy source located in front of a pointed cylinder aerodynamic model on the pressure signatures and PLdB effect on the ground”, Applied Sciences, 13:13 (2023), 7927 , 21 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
6. T. A. Lapushkina, O. A. Azarova, Yu. A. Shustrov, “Plazmennoe upravlenie parametrami sverkhzvukovogo obtekaniya tsilindricheski zatuplennogo tela pri organizatsii lokalnykh gazorazryadnykh oblastei”, XIII Vserossiiskii S'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike, Sbornik tezisov dokladov v 4-kh tomakh (Sankt-Peterburg, 21–25 avgusta 2023 g.), 2, Sankt-Peterburgskii politekhnicheskii universitet Petra Velikogo, Sankt-Peterburg, 2023, 176–178  elib
7. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, T. A. Lapushkina, “Upravlenie vysokoskorostnymi potokami i aerodinamicheskimi kharakteristikami tel s pomoschyu stratifitsirovannykh istochnikov energii”, XIII Vserossiiskii S'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike, Sbornik tezisov dokladov v 4-kh tomakh (Sankt-Peterburg, 21–25 avgusta 2023 g.), 2, Sankt-Peterburgskii politekhnicheskii universitet Petra Velikogo, Sankt-Peterburg, 2023, 282–284  elib
8. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, Yu. A. Shustrov, “Near-surface gas discharge effect on unsteady bow shock wave position in a supersonic flow past a cylindrically blunted body in the air”, Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022), 066117 , 21 pp., doi: 10.1063/5.0093787 Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
9. Irina Znamenskaya, Vladimir Chernikov and Olga Azarova, “Dynamics of shock structure and frontal drag force in a supersonic flow past a blunt cone under the action of plasma formation: A recent study”, Chapter 4, Current Overview on Science and Technology Research., v. 4, eds. Dr. Giovanni Bucci, B P International, India and United Kingdom, 2022, 51–80 DOI: 10.9734/bpi/costr/v4 (ISBN 978-93-5547-861-0 (Print), ISBN 978-93-5547-862-7 (eBook))  crossref
10. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Principles of unsteady high-speed flow control using a time-limited thermally stratified energy source”, Fluids, 7:10 (2022), 326 , 18 pp. fluids7100326  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
11. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Printsipy upravleniya vysokoskorostnym potokom s ispolzovaniem termicheski stratifitsirovannogo istochnika energii”, Tezisy 1-oi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii “Skorostnoi transport buduschego: perspektivy, problemy, resheniya”. (OUTs «Alushta» MAI 29 avgusta –- 3 sentyabrya 2022 g.), ISBN 978-5-00204-594-5, Moskovskii aviatsionnyi institut (natsionalnyi issledovatelskii universitet), Moskva, 2022, 100–103  elib
12. Olga A. Azarova, “Basics of Control of the Bow Shock Wave, Drag and Lift Forces, and Stability in a Steady Supersonic Flow Past an AD Body Using Permanently Operating Thermally Stratified Energy Deposition”, Energies, 15:22 (2022), 8627 , 31 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 3
13. O. A. Azarova, D. D. Knight, O. V. Kravchenko, “Self-sustained oscillations of lift and drag forces, heat fluxes, and flowfield parameters over supersonic bodies under asymmetric energy deposition”, Shock waves, 2022, 1–19 (Published online: 22 December 2022)  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
14. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Vozdeistvie termicheski stratifitsirovannogo istochnika energii na golovnuyu udarnuyu volnu i aerodinamicheskie kharakteristiki tela”, Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Aviatsionnoe motorostroenie» ICAM 2020 (Moskva, 18–21 maya 2021 g.), 1, FGUP TsIAM im. P.I. Baranova, Moskva, 2021, 122–126  crossref
15. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Impact of a thermally stratified energy source on the bow shock wave and aerodynamic characteristics of a body”, ICAM 2020 (Moscow, May, 18–21, 2021), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1891, 2021, 012025 , 9 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 5
16. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, “Image-based processing simulation of shock wave propagation through the area of ionization instability”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2127 (2021), 012013 , 12 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
17. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, K. V. Krasnobaev, O. V. Kravchenko,, “Redistribution of energy during interaction of a shock wave with a temperature layered plasma region at hypersonic speeds”, Aerospace, 2021, 8, 326 , 22 pp. 10.3390/aerospace811032  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
18. Irina Znamenskaya, Vladimir Chernikov, Olga Azarova., “Dynamics of shock structure and frontal drag force in a supersonic flow past a blunt cone under the action of plasma formation”, Fluids, 2021, 6, 399 , 20 pp. fluids6110399  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
19. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, “Density and Temperature Fluctuations behind a Shock Wave under the Influence of a Stratified Energy Source”, Technical Physics Letters, 46 (2020), 649–652  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  elib  scopus
20. Olga Azarova, “Supersonic Flow Control Using Combined Energy Deposition”, Prime Archives in Space Research, A Chapter, ISBN: 978-93-90014-17-0, eds. Amenosis Lopez, Wilfleaf, 2020, 1–20  crossref
21. O. A. Azarova, K. V. Krasnobaev, O. V. Kravchenko, T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, “Redistribution of energy in a viscous heat-conductive medium during the interaction of a shock wave with a temperature layered plasma region”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1698 012004 , 11 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 4
22. O. A. Azarova, E. M. Shakhov, “Propagation of a shock wave in viscous heat conductive gas in a long microchannel”, Fluid Dynamics, 54:3 (2019), 404–413  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
23. T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Interaction of a Plane Shock Wave with an Area of Ionization Instability of Discharge Plasma in Air”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 85 (2019), 347–358  crossref  isi  scopus 23
24. T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Passage of a Plane Shock Wave through the Region of a Glow Gas Discharge”, Technical Physics, 64:1 (2019), 34–41  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus
25. O. A. Azarova, K. V. Krasnobaev, T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, “Energy Transformation during a Shock Wave Distortion under a Thermally Stratified Plasma Region”, ID 737, Paper 200, Proc. International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19) (Oxford, UK, March 14–15, 2019), 2019  crossref  zmath
26. A. V. Erofeev, T. A. Lapushkina, O. A. Azarova, “Impact of homogeneous and ionization unstable glow discharge plasma on a shock wave in air”, Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 9–11, 2019), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, 2019, 87–92  elib
27. Olga Azarova, Doyle Knight, Oleg Kravchenko, “Lift Forces, Heat Fluxes and Self-Sustained Oscillations over Supersonic Bodies under Asymmetric Energy Deposition”, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) (Madrid, Spain, 1–4 July, 2019), 2019, 1–13  crossref
28. Irina Znamenskaya, Vladimir Chernikov, Olga Azarova, Dmitry Naumov, “Supersonic Flow past a Blunt Cone under the Action of Plasma Formation”, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) (Madrid, Spain, July, 1-4, 2019), 2019, 1–10  crossref  zmath
29. T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Passage of a plane shock wave through the region of a glow gas discharge”, Tech. Phys., 64:1 (2019), 34–41  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
30. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Triple-shock Configurations, Vortices and Instabilities Resulting from the Interaction of Energy Release with a Shock Layer in Gaseous Media”, Shock Wave Interactions, Selected Articles from the 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, University of Glasgow, UK, eds. K. Kontis, Springer, 2018, 263–277  crossref
31. X. N. Hou, Y. H. Liu, O. V. Kravchenko, T. A. Lapushkina, O. A. Azarova, Z. Y. Chen, F. Huang, “Structures and dynamics in a two-dimensional dipolar dust particle system”, Physics of Plasmas, 25, 053701 (2018), 053701 , 10 pp.  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 8
32. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. V. Kravchenko, “Passage of a shock wave through the region of ionization instability of gas discharge plasma”, WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, no. 13, 87–94 , E-ISSN: 2224-3461  scopus
33. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, O. V. Kravchenko, “Unsteady triple-shock configurations in high speed flows past combined cylinder AD bodies in different gas media”, WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, 2018, no. 13, 77–86 , E-ISSN: 2224-347X  scopus
34. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Control of triple-shock configurations in high speed flows over a cylindrically blunted plate in gases at different Mach numbers”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 24:August (2018) , 9 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 4
35. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, “A note on modeling a void generation and contraction in complex plasma”, Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal, 2:5 (2018), 283–285  crossref
36. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, “Control of dusty void characteristics in complex plasma”, Proc. IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018-Germeyer100) (Russia, Moscow, October 22-27, 2018), 1, eds. A.A. Vasin, A.F. Izmailov, Maks Press, Moscow, 2018, 231–238  mathnet
37. O. A. Azarova, D. D. Knight, “An Approach of Drag Force Decrease for Combined Cylinder AD Bodies under the Action of Microwave and Laser Energy Deposition”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 64 (2017), 154–160  crossref  isi  scopus 15
38. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Control of Triple-Shock Configurations and Vortex Structures Forming in High Speed Flows of Gaseous Media past AD Body under the Action of External Energy Sources”, Aerospace, 4:9 (2017), aerospace4010009 , 13 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 7
39. O. A. Azarova, A. V. Erofeev, T. A. Lapushkina, “A comparison of plasma and thermal effects upon supersonic flow past aerodynamic bodies”, Technical Physics Letters, 2017, no. 8, 93–101  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus  scopus
40. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Control of Triple-Shock Configurations in High Speed Flows past AD Bodies in Different Gases”, Proc. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS2017) (Italy, Milan, July 3-6, 2017), Politecnico Milano, Milan, 2017, 1–12  crossref
41. O. A. Azarova, A. V. Erofeev, T. A. Lapushkina, “Control of Plasma and Joule Heating Effects on Supersonic Flow past a Cylindrically Blunted Plate”, Proc. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS2017) (Italy, Milan, July 3-6, 2017), Politecnico Milano, Milan, 2017, 1–11  crossref
42. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, “Dusty Plasma Void Dynamics in Unmoving and Moving Flows”, Proc. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS2017) (Italy, Milan, July 3-6, 2017), Politecnico Milano, Milan, 2017, 1–12  crossref
43. O. A. Azarova, “Short Review of Modeling, Analysis and Prediction of Shock Structures with Multiple Reflections of Simple Waves. Experimental and Numerical Studies”, Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal (AAOAJ), 1:2, July 28, 2017 (2017), 00009 , 4 pp.  crossref
44. O. A. Azarova, O .V. Kravchenko, “Obrazovanie voidov v nepodvizhnoi i dvizhuscheisya pylevoi plazme”, Nanostruktury. Matematicheskaya fizika. Modelirovanie, 17:1 (2017), 5–16  mathscinet
45. O. A. Azarova, A. V. Erofeev, T. A. Lapushkina, “A comparison of plasma and thermal effects upon supersonic flow past aerodynamic bodies”, Tech. Phys. Lett., 43:4 (2017), 405–408  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
46. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Nestatsionarnye trekhudarnye konfiguratsii i kontaktno-vikhrevye struktury, initsiirovannye vzaimodeistviem istochnika energii s golovnoi udarnoi volnoi”, XL Akademicheskie chteniya po kosmonavtike (Moskva, 26–29 yanvarya 2016 g.), MGTU im. N. E. Baumana, Moskva, 2016, 105–106  elib
47. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Unsteady triple-shock configurations and vortex contact structures initiated by the interaction of an energy source with a shock layer in gases”, Technical Physics Letters, 42:8 (2016), 799–803  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
48. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Control of Unsteady Triple Configurations in Problems of High Speed Flows of Gaseous Media past AD Bodies with External Energy Deposition”, Abstr. XV International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 19–21 2016), eds. V. A. Bityurin, JIHT RAS, 2016, 37–38  elib
49. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Control of unsteady triple configurations in problems of high speed flows of gaseous media past AD bodies with external energy deposition”, Proc. XV International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 19–21), eds. Bityurin V.A., M.: Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, 2016, 1–8 (to appear)
50. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Unsteady triple-shock configurations and vortex contact structures initiated by the interaction of an energy source with a shock layer in gases”, Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:8 (2016), 799–803  mathnet  crossref  elib
51. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Numerical Prediction of Dynamics of Interaction of Laser Discharge Plasma with a Hemisphere-Cylinder in a Supersonic Flow”, Paper AIAA-2015-0582, Proc. Int. Conf. “SciTech 2015” (Kissimmee, FL, USA, January, 5–9, 2015), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 1–11  crossref  scopus 6
52. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Numerical Prediction of Dynamics of Microwave Filament Interaction with Supersonic Combined Cylinder Bodies”, Paper AIAA-2015-0581, Proc. Int. Conf. “SciTech 2015” (Kissimmee, FL, USA, January, 5–9, 2015), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 1–12  crossref  scopus 1
53. O. A. Azarova, “Generation of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Secondary Instabilities during the Interaction of an Energy Release with a Cylinder Shock Layer”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 42 (2015), 376–383 , doi:10.1016/j.ast.2015.01.027  crossref  isi  scopus 23
54. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Interaction of Microwave and Laser Discharge Resulting “Heat Spots” with Supersonic Combined Cylinder Bodies”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 43 (2015), 343–349  crossref  isi  scopus 26
55. O. A. Azarova, “Supersonic Flow Control Using Combined Energy Deposition”, Aerospace, 2:1 (2015), 118–134 (Published online) , doi:10.3390/aerospace2010118  crossref  scopus 18
56. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Drag Force Control for Combined Cylinder AD Bodies under the Action of Microwave and Laser Energy Deposition”, Proc. 6th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) (Krakow, Poland, 29 June - 3 July 2015), 2015, 1–12
57. O. A. Azarova, “Complex Conservative Difference Schemes for Computing Supersonic Flows Past Simple Aerodynamic Forms”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 55:12 (2015), 2025–2049  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus  scopus
58. Mahsa Mortazavi, Doyle Knight, Olga Azarova, Jingchang Shix, Hong Yan, “Numerical Simulation of Energy Deposition in a Supersonic Flow Past a Hemisphere”, Paper AIAA-2014-0944, Proc. Int. Conf. “SciTech 2014” (Washington, USA, January, 13-17, 2014), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014, 1–18  crossref  scopus 10
59. O. A. Azarova, “Supersonic Flow Control via Combining Energy Sources”, 21-st International Shock Interaction Symposium (ISIS21). Book of Proceedings (Riga, Latvia, August 3-8 2014), eds. I. Krasovskaya, A. Podlaskin, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS, Sankt-Petersburg, 2014, 230–235
60. O. A. Azarova, “Control of a Flow past a Hemisphere-Cylinder via External Energy Deposition”, Proc. 13th Int. Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics, ed. V.A. Bityurin (Moscow, April 8-10, 2014), Joint Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2014, 113–123
61. O. A. Azarova, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Osobennosti sverkhzvukovogo obtekaniya pri asimmetrichnom podvode energii vo vneshnii potok”, Entsiklopediya nizkotemperaturnoi plazmy. Seriya B. Spravochnye prilozheniya, bazy i banki dannykh. Red. V. E. Fortov, v. Tematicheskii tom IKh-34, Plazmennaya aerodinamika. Red. V. A. Bityurin, Yanus-K, Moskva, 2014, 8–20
62. O. A. Azarova, “Interaction of Combined Energy Release with Body in Supersonic Flow”, Paper AIAA-2013-0319, Proc. 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (Grapevine, USA, January 07–10, 2013), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 1–20  crossref  scopus 1
63. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, Y. F. Kolesnichenko, “Flowfields around Supersonic Aerodynamic Bodies under the Action of Asymmetric Energy Release”, Progress in Flight Physics, ISBN 978-2-7598-0877-9, EUCASS advances in aerospace sciences book series, 5, eds. Ph. Reijasse, D. Knight, M. Ivanov, and I. Lipatov, The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System, 2013, 139–152  crossref 5
64. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Flow Control via Instabilities, Vortices and Steady Structures under the Action of External Microwave Energy Release”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 227:9 (2013), 1498–1515  crossref  scopus 5
65. O. A. Azarova, “Complex Conservative Difference Schemes in Modeling of Instabilities and Contact Structures”, 28th Int. Symposium on Shock Waves (Manchester, UK, 17-22 July, 2011), 2, eds. K. Kontis, Springer, 2012, 683–689  crossref 2
66. O. Azarova, D. Knight, Y. Kolesnichenko., “Pulsating Stochastic Flows Accompanying Microwave Filament / Supersonic Shock Layer Interaction”, Shock Waves, 21:5 (2011), 439–450  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 27
67. Olga Azarova, Doyle Knight, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “Characterization of Flowfield Types Initiated by Interaction of Microwave Filament with Supersonic Body”, Paper AIAA-2011-1026, Proc. 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (Orlando, USA, January 04–07, 2011), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011, 1–14  crossref 5
68. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Flowfields around Supersonic Aerodynamic Bodies under the Action of Asymmetric Energy Release”, Proc. 4th European Conf. for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS) (Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, July 4 - 8, 2011), European Space Agency, 2011, 1–8
69. O. A. Azarova, “Complex Conservative Difference Schemes in Modeling of Instabilities and Contact Structures”, Paper 2624, Proc. 28 th Int. Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW28) (Manchester, UK, 17-22 July 2011), eds. K. Kontis, University of Manchester, 2011, 1–6
70. O. A. Azarova, “Numerical experiments on modeling of steady-state structures in supersonic flows with asymmetric energy supply”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 50:10 (2010), 1746–1759  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
71. Doyle Knight, Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “Instabilities, Vortices and Structures Characteristics During Interaction of Microwave Filaments with Body in Supersonic Flow”, Paper AIAA-2010-1004, Proc. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (Orlando, USA, January 04–07, 2010), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010, 1–16  crossref  scopus 6
72. Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “Specific features of supersonic streamlining for asymmetrical energy supply into external flow”, Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 13–15, 2010), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2010, 70–83
73. O. A. Azarova, “Modeling of Instabilities and Contact Structures on the Base of Minimum-Stencil Difference Schemes Using Viscous and Inviscid Approaches”, Proc. Int. Conference “Numerical geometry, grid generation and high performance computing (NUMGRID2010)” (Russia, Moscow, A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Center RAS, 11-13 Oct, 2010), eds. Yu. G. Evtushenko, V.A. Garanga, M.K. Kerimov, CC RAS, Moscow, 2010, 78–85  mathscinet
74. O. A. Azarova, “Modeling of Instabilities and Contact Structures in Front Separation Areas Using Minimum-Stencil Difference Schemes”, Proc. 19th International Shock Interaction Symposium (Russia, Moscow, August 31 – September 3, 2010), Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, 2010, 1–4
75. O. A. Azarova, “Simulation of stochastic pulsating flows with instabilities using minimum-stencil difference schemes”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 49:8 (2009), 1397–1414  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
76. O. A. Azarova, “A minimum-stencil difference scheme for computing two-dimensional axisymmetric gas flows: Examples of pulsating flows with instabilities”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 49:4 (2009), 710–728  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
77. Doyle Knight, Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “On Details of Flow Control via Characteristics and Location of Microwave Filament During Its Interaction with Supersonic Blunt Body”, Paper AIAA-2009-847, Proc. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (Orlando, USA, January 05–08, 2009), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2009, 1–21  crossref  scopus 11
78. D. Knight, O. Azarova, Y. Kolesnichenko, “Drag Force Control via Asymmetrical Microwave Filament Location in a Supersonic Flow”, id.114, Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, European Space Agency (Versailles, France, Nov. 3-6, 2008), eds. L. Noordwijk, European Space Agency, 2009, 1–8  scopus
79. Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, Doyle Knight,, “Instabilities and Vortex Characteristics During Interaction of Microwave Filaments with Body in Supersonic Flow”, Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, 31 March - 2 April, 2009), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2009, 348–358
80. O. A. Azarova, “Modeling of steady flow structures accompanying shear layer instability”, Proc. Int. Conf. “Fluxes and Structures in Fluids: Physics of Geospheres” (Moscow, MSU, 24 – 27 June, 2009), eds. Yu. D. Chashechkin, Ishlinsky Institute of Problems of Mechanics RAS, 2009, 22–27
81. O. A. Azarova, “On some mechanisms of gas dynamics established on a base of modified schemes on the minimal stencil”, High productive calculations in mechanics and physics (devoted to 75th annyversary of A.V. Zabrodin), eds. G.P. Prokopov, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, 2009, 25–38
82. O. A. Azarova, “Numerical analysis of some flow mechanisms on the base of modified difference schemes on the minimal stencil”, Proc. Int. Conf. “Modern Problems of Mathematics, Mechanics and their Applications” dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Rector MSU Acad. V.A. Sadovnichy (Russia, Moscow, MSU, March, 30 - April, 2, 2009), MSU, Moscow, 2009, 242–243  mathscinet
83. O. A. Azarova, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “A thin low density channel effect on supersonic flow past cylinder body with complicated cavity”, Matem. Mod., 20:4 (2008), 27–39  mathnet  zmath  elib
84. Farnaz Farzan, Doyle Knight, Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “Interaction of Microwave Filament and Blunt Body in Supersonic Flow”, Paper AIAA-2008-1356, Proc. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, USA, January 07–10, 2008), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008, 1–24  crossref  scopus 13
85. O. A. Azarova, “Numerical Procedure and Modeling of a Cylinder Pulse Flow with Instabilities of Contact Discontinuities”, Proc. Int. Conference “Numerical geometry, grid generation and high performance computing (NUMGRID2008)” (Russia, Moscow, A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Center RAS, 10-13 June, 2008), eds. V.A. Garanza, Yu.G. Evtushenko, B.K. Soni, N.P. Weatherill, CC RAS, 2008, 106–112  mathscinet
86. Doyle Knight, Olga Azarova, Yuri Kolesnichenko, “Drag Force Control via Asymmetrical Microwave Filament Location in a Supersonic Flow”, Proc. Sixth European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles (Versailles, France, Nov. 3-6, 2008), European Space Agency, 2008, 1–8  mathscinet
87. O. A. Azarova, “Direct numerical simulation of one type of compressible turbulence interacting with a shock wave”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 47:11 (2007), 1856–1866  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  elib  scopus
88. Valery Lashkov, Igor Mashek, Yuriy Anisimov, Vladimir Ivanov, Yuriy Kolesnichenko, Olga Azarova, “Gas-Dynamic Effects Around the Body Under Energy Deposition in Supersonic Flow”, Paper AIAA-2007-1231, Proc. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007, 1–13  crossref  scopus 5
89. O. A. Azarova, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Turbulent Mixing via Eddies Generation in Pulsating Flow Mode”, Proc. West-East High Speed Flow Field Conference 2007 (Russia, Moscow, November 19-22, 2007), Russian Academy of Scinces, 2007, 1–10
90. O. A. Azarova, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “On Details of Flow Structure during the Interaction of an Infinite Rarefied Channel with Cylinder Shock Layer”, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 2007), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2007, 101–113
91. O. A. Azarova, F. V. Shugaev, “Numerical investigation of statistical characteristics of developing compressible turbulence in a flow with a shock wave”, Modern problems of investigation of fast processes and catastrophe phenomena: to 75th anniversary of V.P. Korobeynikov, ISBN: 5-02-033785-4, eds. O.M. Belotserkovsky, V.V. Markov, I.V. Semenov, Nauka, Moscow, 2007, 176–190
92. O. A. Azarova, “Interaction of full developed turbulence with a shock wave: direct numerical simulation”, Proc. Int. Conf. "Modern problems of mechanics of solid media (in memory of L.I. Sedov)" (Moscow, Russia, 9–10 November, 2007), Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, Moscow, 2007, 9–10
93. O. A. Azarova, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Simulation of a pulse flow with instabilities of contact discontinuities”, Proc. Int. Conf. "Modern problems of mechanics of solid media (in memory of L.I. Sedov)" (Moscow, Russia, 9–10 November, 2007), Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, 2007, 11–12
94. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitskii, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Stationary streamlining bodies by supersonic flow with an infinite thin low density channel”, Matem. Mod., 18:1 (2006), 79–87  mathnet  zmath  elib
95. Valery Lashkov, Igor Mashek, Yuri Anisimov, Vladimir Ivanov, Yuri Kolesnichenko, Olga Azarova, “Method of Vortex Flow Intensification under MW Filament Interaction with Shock Layer on Supersonic Body”, Paper AIAA-2006-404, Proc. 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, USA, January 09–12, 2006), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2006, 1–13  crossref  scopus 4
96. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitskii, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Numerical analysis of a thin low density channel effect on supersonic flow past bodies with wedge-shaped ledges”, Matem. Mod., 17:10 (2005), 104–112  mathnet  zmath  elib
97. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, “Some Gas Dynamics Aspects of Flow Control by MW Energy Deposition”, Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications (Moscow, May 24-27, 2005), 1, eds. V. A. Bityurin, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2005, 152–163
98. O. A. Azarova, “The numerical analysis of a turbulence-shock wave interaction in a compressible gas flow”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 44:3 (2004), 514–522  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
99. Yuri Kolesnichenko, Olga Azarova, Vadim Brovkin, Dmitry Khmara, Valery Lashkov, Igor Mashek, “Basics in Beamed MW Energy Deposition for Flow/Flight Control”, Paper AIAA-2004-0669, Proc. 42nd AIAA Aerospace Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, USA, January 05 – 08, 2004), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004, 1–14.  crossref  scopus 24
100. O. A. Azarova, O. I. Dokukina, O. I. Ignat'eva, E. N. Terent'ev, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, “Interaction of turbulent fluctuations with a shock wave in a shock tube”, Proc. Int. Conf. "Nonlinear problems of theory of gasdynamic stability and turbulence (Mocsow, Russia, MSU, 2004), Moscow State University, 2004, 24–26
101. Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, V. G. Brovkin, O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. A. Lashkov, I. Ch. Mashek, “MW Energy Deposition for Aerodynamic Application”, Paper AIAA-2003-361, Proc. 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, USA, January 06–09, 2003), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003, 1–11  crossref  scopus 20
102. Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky et al, “Gas Dynamics Aspects of Flow Control by MW Energy Deposition”, Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications (Russia, Moscow, 7–10 April, 2003), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, 2003, 15–29
103. O. A. Azarova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, “Numerical modeling of shock propagation through a turbulent flow”, Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 12, ISSN: 0918-6654 (2003), 159–162
104. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Numerical analysis of turbulent compressed gas flows with shock waves”, Matem. Mod., 14:8 (2002), 56–60  mathnet  zmath
105. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Numerical analysis of $N$-wave propagation in a gas with fluctuating flow variables”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 42:1 (2002), 102–107  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
106. Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, V. G. Brovkin, O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. A. Lashkov, I. Ch. Mashek, “Microwave energy release regimes for drag reduction in supersonic flows”, Paper AIAA-2002-0353, Proc. 40th AIAA Aerospace Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, USA, January 14-17, 2002), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002, 1–13  crossref  scopus 45
107. O. A. Azarova, N. N. Kuznetsov, O. N. Davydova, “Detonation of a sylinder discharge: calculation of parameters and structure of a detonation wave”, Chemical Physics, 21:11 (2002), 69–74
108. O. A. Azarova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, E. A. Bratinkova, “The Role of Acoustic Radiation during the Interaction of a Shock Wave with a Turbulent Flow”, Proc. 16th Int. Symp. "Nonlinear Acoustics at the beginning of the 21st Century (Moscow, Russia, MSU,19-23 August, 2002), 1, eds. Oleg V. Rudenko, Oleg A. Sapozhnikov, Moscow State University, Moscow, 2002, 199–202
109. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Compressed Gas Flows with Shock Waves”, Proc. XI Int. Conf. on Computational Mechanics and Modern Softwear (Russia, Istra, 2-6 July, 2001), Moscow Aviation institute, 2001, 18–19
110. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Fluctuations in a gas flow with a shock wave”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 40:11 (2000), 1682–1689  mathnet  zmath  scopus
111. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, “Calculations of explosion in water including steam-gas cavity pulsations”, Chem. Phys. Reports, 19, Overseas Publishers Association:1 (2000), 31–38  scopus
112. O. A. Azarova, V. V. Vlasov, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. S. Rogov, P. D. Shirkov, “Calculation of the cylindrical explosion dynamics in a gas with capture of the basic discontinuities”, Chem. Phys. Reports, 19, Overseas Publishers Association:1 (2000), 25–30  scopus
113. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Density pulsation in a shock wave flow”, Proc. 21st Int. Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (Marseille, France, July 26-31, 1998), 2, Cepadues-Editions, 1999, 53–60
114. O. A. Azarova, E. A. Bratinkova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, V. E. Yanitskii, “Pulsatsii plotnosti i skorosti v turbulentnom potoke pered i za udarnoi volnoi”, Vestnik MGU.Ser.3. Fizika. Astronomiya, 1999, no. 4, 67–69
115. E. A. Bratinkova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, V. E. Yanitskii, O. A. Azarova,, “Density fluctuations behind a shock wave propagating through a turbulent gas”, Proc. Int. Symp. on shock waves (Shipuwa, Tokyo, JAPAN, March 19-21, 1999), Aoyama University, 1999, 561–562  mathscinet
116. O. A. Azarova, V. E. Yanitskii, “Numerical analysis of the statistical characteristics of density fluctuations in a flow with a shock wave”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 38:10 (1998), 1680–1685  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
117. O. A. Azarova, F. V. Shugaev, G. I. Singaevskaya, “Density distribution behind a planar shock wave propagating through a discharge plasma”, Proc. Symp. on Shock Waves (Japan, Urawa, Saitama, 1998), Saitama University, 1998, 731–733,
118. O. A. Azarova, E. A. Bratinkova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, V. E. Yanitskii, “Vliyanie udarnoi volny na pulsatsii plotnosti potoka”, Vestnik MGU. Ser. 3. Fizika. Astronomiya, 1997, no. 6, 43–46
119. E. A. Bratinkova, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, V. E. Yanitskii, “Propagation of a shock wave through a turbulent flow”, Proc. Symp. on Shock Waves (Japan, Tokyo, March, 1997), Tokyo University, 1997, 463–466  mathscinet
120. O. A. Azarova, E. A. Bratinkova, A. V. Samsonov, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev, V. E. Yanitskii, “Vzaimodeistvie udarnoi volny s pulsatsiyami parametrov potoka”, Vestnik MGU. Ser. 3. Fizika, astronomiya, 1996, no. 5, 46–53
121. O. A. Azarova, A. V. Samsonov, V. E. Yanitskii, “Numerical simulation of propagation of shock waves in stochastically nonhomogeneous media”, Chemical physics of combustion and explosion, 1996, no. 2, 190–191
122. O. A. Azarova, A. V. Samsonov, L. S. Shtemenko, F. V. Shugaev V. E. Yanitskii, “Motion of a shock wave through a gas with random inhomogeneities”, Proc. Symp. on Shock Waves (Japan, Tokyo, March, 1996), Tokyo University, 1996, 579–581  mathscinet
123. O. A. Azarova, V. V. Vlasov, V. G. Grudnitsky, N. N. Popov, V. N. Rygalin, “A difference shceme on the minimal stencil and its application in shock- tracking algorithms”, Algorithms for numerical investigation of flows with shocks. Collected papers, Proceedings of A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, ISBN 5-201-09892-4, eds. V.M. Borisov, CC RAS, Moscow, 1993, 9–55  mathscinet
124. O. A. Azarova, V. V. Vlasov, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. N. Rygalin, “Calculations of one-dimensional flows with tracking of shock waves and contact discontinuities”, Algorithms for numerical investigation of flows with shocks. Collected papers, Proceedings of A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, ISBN 5-201-09892-4, eds. V.M. Borisov, CC RAS, Moscow, 1993, 56–79  mathscinet
125. O. A. Azarova, “Numerical simulation of processes under a fast energy injection in water”, Algorithms for numerical investigation of flows with shocks. Collected papers, Proceedings of A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, ISBN 5-201-09892-4, eds. V.M. Borisov, CC RAS, Moscow, 1993, 80–98  mathscinet
126. O. A. Azarova, “A difference scheme with shock tracking for calculations of explosions in gases and fluids”, Acoustics of nonhomogeneous media. Continuum dynamics, Siberian Dep. RAS, Lavrent’ev Inst. of Hydrodynamics, ISSN 0420-0497, 105, Lavrent’ev Inst. of Hydrodynamics RAS, Novosibirsk, 1992, 8–14  mathscinet
127. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, “Front-tracking methods for calculation of flows under local energy release in gases and liquids”, Mathematical modeling, 4:12 (1992), 9–13  mathnet
128. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, “Calculations of the dynamics of two-phase flow under an explosion in water including steam-gas cavity pulsations”, Acoustics of nonhomogeneous media. Continuum dynamics, Siberian Dep. RAS, Lavrent’ev Inst. of Hydrodynamics, ISSN 0420-0497, Lavrent’ev Inst. of Hydrodynamics RAS, Novosibirsk, 1991, 3–8
129. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, “Dynamics of strong discontinuities under an explosion in water and consequent steam-gas cavity pulsations”, Russian Symposium “Gas dynamics of blast and shock waves, detonation and supersonic combustion” (Russia, Alma-Ata, October 21-25, 1991), eds. G.G. Cherny, University of Alma-Ata, 1991, 3–4
130. O. A. Azarova, V. V. Vlasov, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. B. Kornilov, N. N. Popov, V. N. Rygalin, “A family of difference schemes allowing localization of flow areas with hight gradients of parameters”, III Russian Meeting on physics and gas dynamics of shock waves. Part I (Russia, Vladivostok, October 2-6, 1989), RAS, Moscow, 1989, 145–174
131. O. A. Azarova, I. V. Kuznetsova, M. M. Khapaev, “Investigation of stability in certain problems of non-linear mechanics”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 48:2 (1984), 151–154  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus


132. Olga Azarova, Tatiana Lapushkina, Alexander Erofeev and Oleg Kravchenko, Research Trends and Challenges in Physical Science, 1, Chapter 4. Passage of a shock wave through the region of ionization instability of gas discharge plasma: experimental and numerical study, eds. Prof. Shi-Hai Dong, B P International, 2021 , 12 pp.  crossref
133. Olga Azarova, Ludmila Gvozdeva, Oleg Kravchenko, New Approaches in Engineering Research, New Approaches in Engineering Research, 12, Chapter 9. Study on unsteady triple-shock configurations in supersonic flows past combined cylinder AD Bodies in different gas media, eds. Prof. Giovanni Bucci, B P International, 2021 , 16 pp.  crossref


134. O. A. Azarova, Instabilities and vortex-contact structures in problems of supersonic streamlining with external energy supply, Author's abstract of Doctor of Sciences Thesis, CC RAS, Moscow, 2012 , 35 pp.
135. O. A. Azarova, Instabilities and vortex-contact structures in problems of supersonic streamlining with external energy supply, Doctor of Sciences Thesis, CC RAS, Moscow, 2013 , 385 pp.
136. O. A. Azarova, Numerical investigation of one-dimensional two-phase flow of arbitrary symmetry under fast energy release, PhD thesis, Physics and mathematics, CC RAS, Moscow, 1991 , 132 pp.
137. O. A. Azarova, Numerical investigation of one-dimensional two-phase flow of arbitrary symmetry under fast energy release, Author's abstract of PhD thesis, CC RAS, Moscow, 1990 , 15 pp.


138. Olga Azarova, Tatiana Lapushkina, “Impulse and steady energy deposition of various spatial forms for high-speed flow control”, Proc. 7th Global Conference & Expo on Materials Science and Engineering ISTMSE-2024 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 22-23, 2024), InovSciTech, 2024, 7
139. Olga Azarova, “Plasmagasdynamic control of high-speed flows”, Proc. 2024 International Conference on Computational Modeling and Applied Mathematics - Chinese-Russian Conference "Differential Equations and Applications"(CMAM2024 & DEA)» (Dalian, China, August 2-4, 2024), Dalian Martime University, 2024, 28
140. O. A. Azarova, “Some approaches to controlling high-speed flows using remote and surface plasma energy deposition”, ID 32, Book of Abstracts. Proc. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (Turin, Italy, 10 - 13 September 2024), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, 2024, 1–2
141. Olga A. Azarova, “Near-surface gas discharge effect on a steady bow shock wave position in a supersonic flow past a cylindrically blunted body in air”, Paper No. 22, AeroResCon & MechResCon 2023. Conference Proceedings Abstract eBook (Rome, Italy, March 27–29), 2023, 1 p.
142. O. A. Azarova, T. A. Lapushkina, O. V. Kravchenko, “Upravlenie vysokoskorostnymi potokami okolo aerodinamicheskikh tel s pomoschyu plazmennykh obrazovanii, pomeschaemykh v razlichnye oblasti potoka”, Trudy Vserossiiskogo nauchnogo simpoziuma po problemam aeromekhaniki i gazovoi dinamiki, posvyaschennogo 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Gorimira Gorimirovicha Chernogo (Moskva, 23-24 yanvarya 2023 goda), ID018, MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova, Moskva, 2023, C. 10 018_GGChernyi-2023_Abstract (
143. O. V. Kravchenko, O. A. Azarova, “Modelirovanie upravleniya vysokoskorostnymi potokami s ispolzovaniem stratifitsirovannykh istochnikov energii”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IX Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii» (LaPlaz-2023) (Moskva, 28 - 31 marta 2023 g.), ISBN 978-5-7262-2952-2, Institut lazernykh i plazmennykh tekhnologii NIYaU MIFI, Moskva, 2023, 340
144. Olga Azarova, “Near-surface gas discharge effect on a steady bow shock wave position in a supersonic flow past a cylindrically blunted body in air”, AeroResCon & MechResCon 2023, Rome, Italy, March 27-29. Conference Proceedings Abstract eBook, paper No. 22, 2023
145. Olga Azarova, Tatiana Lapushkina, Oleg Kravchenko, “Control of high-speed flows over aerodynamic bodies using plasma formations located in various flow areas”, Abstract Book. 2nd International Conference on Physics and its Applications (Physics-2023) (Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 17-20, 2023), 2023, P. 65
146. O. A. Azarova, K. V. Krasnobaev, O. V. Kravchenko, T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, “Redistribution of energy in a viscous heat-conductive medium during the interaction of a shock wave with a temperature layered plasma region”, Proc. 19th International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, September, 15-17, 2020), eds. V. A. Bityurin, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, 2020, 45–52
147. A. V. Erofeev, T. A. Lapushkina, O. A. Azarova, “Gazorazryadnoe vozdeistvie na pryamuyu udarnuyu volnu”, Materialy Devyatnadtsatoi Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-seminara «Modeli i metody aerodinamiki» (Evpatoriya, 4–11 iyunya, 2019 g.), 2019, 1c.
148. O. A. Azarova, L. G. Gvozdeva, “Trekhudarnye konfiguratsii, kontaktno-vikhrevye struktury i neustoichivosti, initsiirovannye energeticheskim vozdeistviem na udarnyi sloi v gazakh”, XLI Akademicheskie chteniya po kosmonavtike (Moskva, 24–27 yanvarya 2017g.), MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 2017, 139–141
149. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Drag Force Control for Hemisphere-Cylinder under the Action of Laser Energy Deposition”, Proc. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2015) (23-26 March 2015, Cambridge, UK), Sidney Sussex College University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2015, 105–106
150. O. A. Azarova, D. Knight, “Interaction of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Microwave and Laser “Heat Spots” with Supersonic Aerodynamic Bodies”, Proc. XIV Int. Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (Moscow, April 21 – 23, 2015), eds. V.A. Bityurin, Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, 2015
151. O. A. Azarova, “Modelirovanie mikrovolnovykh i lazernykh eksperimentov po upravleniyu sverkhzvukovym potokom s ispolzovaniem kompleksno konservativnykh raznostnykh skhem”, Vserossiiskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya «Aviadvigateli XXI veka» (Moskva, 24-27 noyabrya 2015 g.), ISBN 978-5-94049-039-5, 1, TsIAM imeni P.I. Baranova, Moskva, 2015, 324–325
152. O. A. Azarova, “Complex conservative minimum-stencil difference schemes in applications to problems of supersonic streamlining bodies with external energy supply”, Proc. III Int. Scince-Technical Conf. "Avia-Motors of XXI century (devoted to 80th anniversary of the Baranov Central Institute of Avia-Motors)" (Moscow, Russia, November 31 - December 3, 2010), CIAM, Moscow, 2010, 1–4
153. O. A. Azarova, “Numerical methods and simulation of flows with instabilities of contact discontinuities and fluctuations of parameters”, Proc. XVII Russian Conf. "Theoretical basis and construction of numerical algorithms for problems of mathematical physics with the use of multiprocessor systems (in memory of K.I. Babenko)" (Abrau-Durso, Russia, September 13-17, 2008), Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, 2008, 3–5
154. Yuri F. Kolesnichenko, Olga A. Azarova, Vadim G. Brovkin, Dmitry V. Khmara, Valery A. Lashkov, Igor Ch. Mashek, Mark I. Ryvkin, “Beamed MW Energy Deposition for Supersonic Drag Reduction”, Proc. Int. Conf. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control (Ischia, Italy, April 10-13, 2006), European Space Agency, 2006, 3–4
155. V. A. Lashkov, I. Ch. Mashek, Yu. I. Anisimov, V. I. Ivanov, Yu. F. Kolesnichenko, O. A. Azarova, “Combination of Gas Injection and MW Discharge for Drag Reduction Under Supersonic Flight”, Paper No. 34, Proc. 5th Int. Workshop “Thermochemical and Plasma Processes in Aerodynamics” (St.-Petersburg, Russia,19-21 June, 2006), Leninets, St.-Petersburg, 2006, 1–18
156. F. V. Shugaev, O. A. Azarova, O. I. Dokukina, O. I. Ignateva, E. N. Terentiev, L. S. Shtemenko, “Numerical Modeling of the Interaction of Turbulent Fluctuations with a Shock Wave”, Russia–Japan Workshop on Turbulence and Instabilities. Abstracts (Moscow, Russia, September 21-24, 2004, MSU), Moscow State University, 2004, 3


157. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitsky, Numerical front-tracking method for calculation of one dimensional two-phase flows of arbitrary symmetry, Preprint No. 9007, Moscow Radiotechnical Institute of RAS, MRTI RAS, Moscow, 1990 , 27 pp.


158. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, The use of plasma structures and combined energy deposition for high-speed flow control. A selective review, 2023 , 49 pp., arXiv:}{\href{  crossref


159. High Speed Flows. Special Issue reprint, eds. Olga A. Azarova, MDPI Books, 2024 , 238 pp., ISBN 978-3-7258-0685-0 (Hbk) ISBN 978-3-7258-0686-7 (PDF)
160. O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, Multy-vortex impact of a thermally stratified energy deposition on a high-speed flow/flight, Chapter, BP International, 2024 (to appear)


161. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitskii, V. N. Rygalin, Sravnenie kachestva rascheta razryvnykh reshenii skhemami vtorogo poryadka tochnosti v normakh, uchityvayuschikh vid vospolneniya raznostnogo resheniya, Dep. v VINITI # 2022-V89, 8s., 1989
162. O. A. Azarova, V. G. Grudnitskii, Odin sposob vydeleniya razryvov v raznostnoi skheme na minimalnom podvizhnom shablone, Dep. v VINITI # 2021-V89, 19s., 1989
163. O. A. Azarova, V. V. Vlasov, V. G. Grudnitsky, V. A. Ushyapovsky, Investigation of different approachs to construction of hight accuracy difference schemes for quasilinear evolution systems of equations, Deposit manuscript of Scientific Research Institute of Economy and Information on Radioelectronics (NII EIR) MRC “TTE”, sery: “0”, No. 6, 31 pp., 1983

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