Bogolyubov method of the reduced description of nonequilibrium processes.
Fluctuation phenomena in nonequilibrium systems.
Kinetics of electromagnetic field in medium
Kinetics of emitter systems of electromagnetic field.
Kinetics and hydrodynamics superfluid systems.
Brownian motion.
Kinetics of electron-phonon subsystem of solid.
Kinetics of systems in external random field.
Main publications:
Oppenheim I., Sokolovsky A.I., Tseitlin M.Yu., “On the reduced description of nonequlibrium states of simple fluids”, Physica A, 136:1 (1986), 1–20
Sokolovsky A.I., “Projection formulation of the Bogolyubov reduced description method and its application to fluctuation kinetics”, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 45:4-5 (2000), 545–553
Sokolovsky A.I. and Stupka A.A., “Equations of electrodynamics in a hydrodynamic medium with regard for nonequilibrium fluctuations”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 57:6 (2005), 1004–1019
Lyagushyn S.F., Salyuk Yu.M. and Sokolovsky A.I., “Kinetics of emitters of electromagnetic field in the Bogolyubov reduced description method”, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 36, Suppl. 1 (2005), S122–S126
Sokolovsky A.I., “Reduced description of nonequilibrium processes and correlation functions. Divergences and non-analyticity”, Condensed Matter Physics, 9:3(47) (2006), 415–430
M. Yu. Kovalevsky, N. M. Lavrinenko, S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, “Hydrodynamics of a superfluid with allowance for dissipative processes”, TMF, 50:3 (1982), 450–465; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 50:3 (1982), 296–306
A. I. Sokolovsky, M. Yu. Tseitlin, “Theory of brownian motion in Bogolyubov's method of abbreviated description. II”, TMF, 39:2 (1979), 252–267; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 39:2 (1979), 446–456
S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, V. S. Shchelokov, “Hydrodynamics of a superfluid bose liquid with allowance for dissipative processes in a model with weak interaction”, TMF, 34:1 (1978), 81–98; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 34:1 (1978), 51–61
A. I. Sokolovsky, M. Yu. Tseitlin, “Theory of Brownian motion in Bogolyubov's method of abbreviated description”, TMF, 33:3 (1977), 409–418; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 33:3 (1977), 1105–1111
M. Yu. Kovalevsky, S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, “Nonequilibrium entropy and symmetry principle of transport coefficients”, TMF, 33:3 (1977), 377–389; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 33:3 (1977), 1085–1093
S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, V. S. Shchelokov, “Kinetics of a spatially in homogeneous Bose gas in the presence of a condensate”, TMF, 30:1 (1977), 57–72; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 30:1 (1977), 35–45
S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, “Nonequilibrium entropy and definition of products of generalized functions. II”, TMF, 20:3 (1974), 381–398; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 20:3 (1974), 893–903
S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, “On the construction of nonequilibrium entropy. I”, TMF, 20:1 (1974), 85–99; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 20:1 (1974), 682–693
S. V. Peletminskii, A. I. Sokolovsky, “Reux operators of physical variables and the method of quasiaverages”, TMF, 18:1 (1974), 121–129; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 18:1 (1974), 85–91