Zolotarev, Sergei Alekseevitsch

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Total publications: 2
Scientific articles: 2

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This page:149
Abstract pages:157
Full texts:76
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Keywords: shell methods of a x-ray tomography, deformation algorithms, the aprioristic information, incomplete trajectories.


Solution of inverse illconditioned problems for incomplete input datas. Mining of mathematical algorithms and software for reconstruction of objects under the incomplete data. (Restricted look angle and small number of projections.) In particular, mining of shell methods of reconstruction two dimensional and three-dimensional binary objects. Mining of algorithms for simulation three-dimensional electromagnetic fields in multilayer conductive materials.


Date and place of birth: May 7, 1956, Voronezh, Russia.

1973 till 1978 — student of the Voronezh institute of technology. Faculty of Automation and complex mechanization of manufacturing processes.

1978 — Electrical Engineer Diploma in Technological measurements and devices, the Voronezh Institute of technology.

1978 till 1985 — worked the engineer on different firms of Russia and Belorussia.

1985 till 1988 — scientific activity as the post-graduate student in Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

1992 — Doctor degree in Mathematical physics and differential equations, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.Title of a thesis: "Research of composite centers and focal points for autonomous differential windings".

1988 till 2006 — worked the scientific employee in institute of Applied Physics.

Main publications:
  • Vengrinovich V., Zolotarev S. IAP(Minsk), Tillack G.-R. BAM(Berlin). Three-dimensional reconstruction on minimum number of projections with iterative suppression of shaded artifacts // Techn. Diagnostika i Nerazrushayuch. Control (Russian), 1998, ¹ 2, p. 32.
  • Vengrinovich V., Zolotarev S. IAP(Minsk), Tillack G.-R. BAM(Berlin). Modification of methods of disintegrating in final series for multistage reconstruction on small number of projections // Transactionses of 2 international conference "Computer methods and return problems in NDE", Minsk, 1998, p. 185.
  • Vengrinovich V., Zolotarev S. Algorithm of calculation of an electromagnetic field of a non-magnetic lamina with a local non-uniformity by a method of a fundamental function // There seconds~17.
  • Vengrinovich V., Zolotarev S., Kuntsevich A., Tillack G.-R. New Technique for 2D and 3D X-Ray Image Reconstruction of Pipes in Service from Limited Data // Review of Progress in QNDE, 2000, p. 158.
  • Vengrinivich V., Denkevich Yu., Kuntsevich A., Zolotarev S., Artemiev V., Naumov A. Final Report INTAS-96-2240. Research and Development of Advanced 3D X-Ray Tomography Theory, Algorithms, Software, Concept of Application Using Maximum-Entropy Method and Statistical Approach to A Priopi Knowledge Consideration. Project Coordinator: Dr. Gerd-Rudiger Tillack, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing(BAM), Germany. Partners: Riso National Laboratories(RISO), Denmark ,Institute of Applied Physics(IAP), Belarus, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, (KIAM), Russia. October 31, 2000.
  • Vengrinovich V., Zolotarev S., Kuntsevich A., Tillack G.-R., Ewert U., Redmer B. Image Reconstruction of Multisurface Objects from Strongly Limited X-Ray Perstektive Angle // Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Brunswiek, Maine, 2001 , p. 198.
  • Vengrinovich V.,Zolotarev S. IAP(Minsk), Tillack G.-R. BAM(Berlin). Two- and hree-dimensional reconstruction of doubly-connected binary objects at restricted number of projections and small look angle // Defectoskopiya(Russian), 2001, ¹ 6, pp. 77–85.
  • Vengrinovich V.,Zolotarev S. Calculation of a three-dimensional electromagnetic field of a non-magnetic lamina with a local non-uniformity by a method of a fundamental function of a stratified medium. Defectoskopiya(Russian), 2001, ¹ 7, pp. 25–33.
  • Vengrinovich V., Denkevich Y., Zolotarev S., Jaenisch C., Zscherpel U. Tomographic Reconstruction and Wall Thickness Measurement with Special Attention to Scattered Radiation for In-Service Inspection of Pipes // Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. A Journal of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, v. 16, ¹ 1 (January–March 2005), pp. 3–22.
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. A. Zolotarev, “On the problem of distinguishing the center and focus in a certain case”, Differ. Uravn., 27:11 (1991),  1852–1862  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Differ. Equ., 27:11 (1991), 1297–1307
2. S. A. Zolotarev, “Some cases of the integrability of differential equations of the form $y''+p(x)y'+h(x)y+f(x)F(y,k(x))=0$”, Differ. Uravn., 21:4 (1985),  720–724  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

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