Maergoiz, Lev Sergeevich

Total publications: 78 (78)
in MathSciNet: 56 (56)
in zbMATH: 42 (42)
in Web of Science: 15 (15)
in Scopus: 27 (27)
Cited articles: 28
Citations: 101

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This page:2448
Abstract pages:9957
Full texts:3753
Maergoiz, Lev Sergeevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1991)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Growth Characteristics of Entire Functions (order, type, indicator, indicator and conjugate diagrams), Integral Transformations Laplace-Borel and Their Analogues, Optimal Extrapolation, Prony Algorithm Modifications.
UDC: 517.598, 517.925.7, 517.555, 517.547, 517.988, 517.55, 517, 517.53, 519.8


Entire Functions Theory and Its Applications. Applied Mathematics.


Place of birth — Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Russia. I have finished Department of Mathematics, Faculty Phisics & Mathematics, Ural State University, Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Russia; in the same place — Postgraduate School.

  • 1965 — Ph. D. in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch, AS USSR, Novosibirsk, Russia, Title of doctoral paper "Some Questions of Growth Theory of Entire Functions of Several Complex Variables", supervisor — Corresponding Member of AS USSR (Academy of Sciences of USSR), Prof. Valentin K. Ivanov .
  • 1991 — D. Sc. in Mathematics in the same place. Title of doctoral thesis ‘’Asymptotic Characteristics of Entire Functions and Their Applications’’.

Main places of work:

  • 2019– at present – Leading Scientist; Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS; .
  • 2010–2018— Professor of Chair "Business-Informatics", School of Business Management and Economics, SFU (Siberian Federal University), Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
  • 1983–2010 — Associate Professor, Professor of Chair of High Mathematics, Krasnoyarsk State Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy (IAC SFU with 2007), Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
  • 1978–1983 — Leader of Mathematical Modelling Groupe, Institute of Medical Problems of North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
  • 1965–1976 — Scientist, Senior Scientist of Functions Theory Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Simultaneously Associate Professor (half of a day), Chair of Functions Theory, Krasnoyarsk State University.

I have supervised 4 Ph.D. in Mathematics students.

Main Results:

Entire Functions of One Variable. Plane indicator diagram of an entire function (e. f.) of an order ρ ≠ 1 with the indicator of general form, its geometric description with the help of (ρ, α)-convex sets. Generalized Laplace–Borel transform, its role in a description of e. f. spaces [ρ, h], [ρ, h), where h is a given 2π-periodic trigonometrically ρ-convex function (an analogue Polya Theorem) and its some applications in complex analysis. Analytic proximate orders and their generators. Relations between indicator and conjugate diagrams for e. f. with a given proximate order and an nonnegative indicator, and for e. f. of order 1 and minimal type – with any indicator (an analogue Polya Theorem). Application: the criterion of representation of meromorphic function in the form of the sum of the series of principal parts of the Laurent expansion of this function near its poles and an e. f. An analog of the Paley-Wiener Theorem for e. f. belonging to Lp, 1 < p < ∞, p ≠ 2 in $\mathbb{R}$. The construction of the Chebyshev monic polynomial of degree\ $n$\ with zeros on the circle and with the smallest deviation from zero on an arc of the circle. he Puiseux series generated by the power function , where , is considered. A version of the Pólya–Bernstein theorem for an entire function of order $\rho \neq 1$ and normal type is proposed. It is applied to describe the domain of analytic continuation of the Puiseux series generated by the power function .$z = w^{1/\rho}$, $\rho > 0,\ \rho \neq 1$. The domain of summability of a “regular” Puiseux series is found (this is a many-sheeted “Borel polygon”); in the case , the “onesheeted” result of Borel is substantially extended. These results make it possible to describe domains of analytic continuation of the Puiseux expansions of popular many-sheeted functions (such as inverses of rational functions). A new approach to the solution of algebraic equations is found.

Entire Functions of Many Variables. Development of new growth characteristics of entire functions of many variables (e. f. m. v.): the function of orders, the system of type-functions of e. f. m. v. in the directions of its nonzero order growth, their properties, structure, the relation with Taylor coefficients of its expansion in the multiple power series. Existence of e. f. m. v. with given mentioned growth characteristics. Ñomparative growth of the maximum of the modulus in a polydisk and the maximal term of an e. f. m. v. The system of regularized indicators of e. f. m. v. of a finite nonzero order in the totality of variables. Indicator diagram of an e. f. m. v. with prescribed system of positive conjugate orders, associated with its indicator. Generalized Laplace--Borel transform of this function; its role in a description of e. f. m. v. space [ρ, h], where h is a given plurisubharmonic function with properties of the indicator (an analog of the Polya--Martineau--Ehrenprice Theorem; applications: the system of integral summation methods for multiple power series, existence of e. f. m. v. with a given positive indicator). Extensions of the class of entire functions of e. f. m. v.: the functions equivalent to e. f. several variables, holomorphic functions in a~multidimensional torus; the description of these functions in terms of geometric properties of their Laurent series supports; growth characteristics and their properties. Preliminary results: the modification of an analog of Abels lemma and an~analog of the Cauchy--Hadamard formula for multiple Laurent series, a~multidimensional analog of the expansion of a~holomorphic function in a~Laurent series.

Extrapolation Entire Functions from a Finite Set. The recovery operator of solutions of homogeneous OLDE (ordinary linear differential equations) of fixed order with unknown constant coefficients their values at a finite number of nodes of a uniform net (the Prony algorithm), conditions for their existence, uniquess, stability. Its specific character in the case of wave-types solutions of these equations. Applications in biophysics: mathematical prediction of behavior dynamics of the sugar curves. Modified Prony Algorithm for an Inhomogeneous OLDE with ñonstant ñoefficients. The variant of Carlson Theorem for quasipolynomials. An inverse problem for an homogeneous evolutionary differential equation of finite order with e. f. m. v. coefficients (the multidimensional version of the Prony Algorithm). An optimal error for extrapolation of e. f. m. v. in the given point from a finite set in the Wiener class and its estimate. Optimal error of analytic continuation from a finite set with inaccurate data in Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions with reproducing kernel.

Mathematical Methods in Economics. The mathematical model of optimal distribution of limited resource of social-economic contents between people groups under different conditions. It demonstrates how the model can be used to possibly solve the problem of objectification of greenhouse gas emission quotas. A mathematical model of the just distribution of bonus funds.

Main publications:
  1. L. S. Maergoiz, Asymptotic Characteristics of Entire Functions and Their Applications in Mathematics and Biophysics, Second edition (revised and enlarged), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2003, 362 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
  2. L. S. Maergoiz, “Indicator Diagram and Generalized Borel-Laplace Transforms for Entire Functions of a Given Proximate Order”, Algebra i Analiz, 12:2 (2000), 1–63  mathscinet; St. Peterburg Math. J., 12:2 (2001), 191–232  mathscinet
  3. L. S. Maergoiz, Doklady Mathematics, 78:3 (2008), 822–824  crossref
  4. L. S. Maergoiz, N. N. Rybakova, “Chebyshev polynomials with zeros on a circle and adjacent problems”, Algebra i Analiz, 25:6 (2014), 965–979
  5. L. S. Maergoiz, “Extensions of the class of entire functions of several variables and related topics”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 55:5 (2014), 1137-1158  mathnet; Siberian Math. J., 41:6 (2000), 1126–1136  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
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Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. L. S. Maergoiz, “Model for optimal control the activity mode of the pollution sources located in a megacity”, Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 24:1 (2024), 67–72  mathnet  crossref
2. L. S. Maergoiz, “Mathematical method of allocating quotas of the harmful emission between its sources in a megacity”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 15:2 (2021), 302–306  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib  scopus
3. L. S .Maergoiz, R. G. Khlebopros., Indikator «schastya» v resursnoi ekonomike: ekstremalnyi podkhod, ed. N. G. Shishatskii, Izd-vo SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2020, 86 pp.
4. L. S. Maergoiz, “The multivalent indicator and conjugate diagrams of an entire function of order $\rho \neq 1$. Application to solution of algebraic equations”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 261:6 (2022), 792–807  mathnet  crossref
5. L. S. Maergoiz, “Analytic continuation methods for multivalued functions of one variable and their application to the solution of algebraic equations”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 308, suppl. 1 (2020), 135–151  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus  scopus
6. L. S. Maergoiz, “Many-Sheeted Versions of the Polya–Bernstein and Borel Theorems for Entire Functions of Order ρ ≠ 1 and Their Applications”, Doklady Math., 97:1 (2018), 42-46  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
7. M. N. Zav'yalov, L.S. Maergoiz, “Sketch of the theory of growth of functions holomorphic in a multidimensional torus”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 241:6 (2019), 735–749  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
8. L. S. Maergoiz, R.G. Khlebopros, “A Mathematical Model of the Just Distribution of Bonus Funds”, Economics and Mathematical Methods”, Economics and Mathematical Methods, 53:4 (2017), 114-118  elib
9. Ufa Math. Journal, 8:2 (2016), 104–111  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
10. L. S. Maergoiz, “Laplace–Borel Transformation of Functions Holomorphic in the Torus and Equivalent to Entire Functions”, Methods of Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, eds. M. Ruzhansky, S. Tikhonov, Birkhäuser, Switzerland, 2016, 195–209  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 1
11. Lev S. Maergoiz, Rem G. Khlebopros, “The Indicator of “Happiness” in the Resourse-based Economy: an Extreme Approach”, Journal of Siberian Federal University, Ser. Humanities & Social Sciences, 9:8 (2016), 1739–1745
12. L. S. Maergoiz, E. A. Galkova, “Matematicheskii podkhod k mnogoetapnomu raspredeleniyu sotsialno znachimogo resursa pri nalichii reitinga potrebitelei”, Vestnik NGU, seriya Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie nauki, 15:1 (2015), 13–22
13. E.A. Gal'kova, L.S. Maergoiz, “An Optimizational Mathematical Model of Two-Level Distribution of Limited Resources between Groupes of People”, Economics and Mathematical Methods, 51:3 (1915), 109-116  elib
14. L. S. Maergoiz, “Extensions of the class of entire functions of several variables and related topics”, Siberian Math. J., 55:5 (2014), 929–947  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
15. L. S. Maergoiz, N. N. Rybakova, “Chebyshev polynomials with zeros on a circle and adjacent problems”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:6 (2014), 965–979  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
16. L. S. Maergoiz, “Multidimensional Analogue of Laurent Series Expansion of a Holomorphic Function and Related Issues”, Doklady Math., 88:2 (2013), 569–572  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
17. L. S. Maergoiz,, T. Ju. Sidorova, R. G. Khlebopros, “Global Climate Change: Variants for Solution”, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 3:4a, special issue on “Global Warming” (2013), 1–5  crossref
18. E. A. Gal'kova, L. S. Maergoiz, R. G. Khlebopros, “A matematical algorithm of a “fair” distribution of a humanitarian resource and related topics”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 15:4 (2012), 71–77  mathnet  mathscinet
19. L. S. Maergoiz, Elementy integralnogo ischisleniya funktsii odnoi peremennoi, uchebnoe posobie c grifom UMO po stroitelnomu obrazovaniyu, SFU, Krasnoyarsk, 2012, 67 pp.; 2-å èçäàíèå, ÈÀÑÂ, Ì., 2013, 67 ñ.
20. L. S. Maergoiz, T. Yu. Sidorova, R. G. Khlebopros, “A mathematical algorithm of distributing the greenhouse gas emissions”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 6:2 (2012), 210–215  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  scopus
21. L. S. Maergoiz, N. N. Tarkhanov, “An analogue of the Paley–Wiener theorem and its applications to optimal recovery of entire functions”, Ufa Math. Journal, 3:1 (2011), 16–29  mathnet  zmath  elib
22. L. S. Maergoiz, “Construction ways of Laurent polynomials with given branching properties and some applications”, Matematichni Studii, 34:2 (2010), 145–151  mathscinet  zmath
23. L. S. Maergoiz, “An inverse problem for an homogeneous evolutionary differential equation with analytic coefficients”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, 5:1 (2010), 1–9  mathscinet  zmath  isi
24. L. S. Maergoiz, T. Ju. Sidorova, R. G. Khlebopros, “A Mathematical Approach to Develop the Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, Applied Mathematics, 1:6 (2010), 515–519  crossref  mathscinet 1
25. L. S. Maergoiz, N. N. Rybakova, “Chebyshev Polynomials with Zeros Lying on a Circular Arc”, Doklady Math., 79:3 (2009), 319–321  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
26. L. S. Maergoiz, N. N. Tarkhanov, “Optimal Recovery from a Finite Set in Banach Spaces of Entire Functions”, Advances in mathematics, 222 (2009), 1727–1745  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
27. L. S. Maergoiz, “Preobrazovaniya Borelya–Laplasa i analiticheskoe prodolzhenie $n$-kratnykh ryadov Lorana”, Matematicheskii forum. Issledovaniya po matematicheskomu analizu, Itogi nauki, YuFO, 3, VNTs RAN i RSO-A, Vladikavkaz, 2009, 129–142
28. Natalia Yu. Dmitrieva, Denis V. Elizarov, Lev S. Maergoiz, Andrey A. Savchenko, “A computing Modelling of the Chemiluminescense Dynamics for neutrophil Granulocytes”, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 1:4 (2008), 435–442  mathnet
29. L. S. Maergoiz, “Modified Prony Algorithm for an Inhomogeneous linear Ordinary Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients”, Doklady Math., 78:3 (2008), 822–824  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
30. L. C. Maergoiz, “Modifikatsiya algoritma Proni dlya neodnorodnogo OLDU s postoyannymi koeffitsientami”, Izvestiya Uralskogo gos. un-ta, cer.11 Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 58 (2008), 88–105  zmath
31. L. S. Maergoiz, B. N. Varava, “On a modification of the Prony method”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 10:2 (2007), 93–100  mathnet  mathscinet
32. E. A. Gal'kova, L. S. Maergoiz, “On a linear problem of collective investment”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 9:3 (2006), 26–30  mathnet  mathscinet
33. L. S. Maergoiz, “An Analog of the Paley–Wiener Theorem for Entire Functions of the Space $W^\rho_\sigma (1 <\rho < 2)$ and some Applications”, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 6:2 (2006), 459–469  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 3
34. S. S. Lavrenko, D. V. Elizarov, L. S. Maergoiz, E. I. Yakovlev, “Vychislitelnoe modelirovanie kinetiki izmeneniya tokoprovodimosti protivopolozhnykh po svoistvam obraztsov vody”, Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gos. un-ta, ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 9 (2006), 179–187
35. M. N. Zav'yalov, L. S. Maergoiz, “Operator of extrapolation from a finite set of quasipolynomial vector functions and its applications”, J. Inv. Ill-Posed problems, 12:5 (2004), 1–12  mathscinet
36. L. C. Maergoiz, “Poryadki rosta tselykh funktsii mnogikh peremennykh”, Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gos. un-ta, ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 1 (2004), 124–128
37. L. S. Maergoiz, Elementy lineinoi algebry i analiticheskoi geometrii, uchebnik (s grifom Min. obrazovaniya RF), IASV, M., 2004, 228 pp.
38. L. S. Maergoiz, Asymptotic Characteristics of Entire Functions and Their Applications in Mathematics and Biophysics, Second edition (revised and enlarged), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2003, 362 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
39. L. S. Maergoiz, “On partial fraction expansion for meromorphic functions”, Matem. fiz., anal., geom., 9:3 (2002), 487–492  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 3
40. L. S. Maergoiz, A. M. Fedotov, “Optimal error of analytic continuation from a finite set with inaccurate data in Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions”, Siberian Math. J., 42:5 (2001), 926–935  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
41. L. C. Maergoiz, “K probleme konstruktivnogo postroeniya mnogochlenov Lorana, assotsiirovannykh s indikatorom tseloi funktsii poryadka $\rho\ne 1$”, Trudy Inst. matem. NAN Belarusi, 9 (2001), 95–100
42. L. S. Maergoiz, “The indicator diagram of an entire function of proximate order and its generalized Borel–Laplace transforms”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 12:2 (2001), 191–232  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
43. L. S. Maergoiz, “An optimal estimate for extrapolation from a finite set in the Wiener class”, Siberian Math. J., 41:6 (2000), 1126–1136  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
44. L. S. Maergoiz, “Generators of analytic proximate orders and their applications”, Visnik Kharkiv. natsional. univ., cer. Matematika, prikladna matematika i mekhanika, 475 (2000), 96–104  zmath
45. L. S. Maergoiz, “Extreme properties of entire functions in the Wiener class, with applications”, Doklady Math., 356:2 (1997), 674–678  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
46. L. S. Maergoiz, “A method for identification of relaxation indices of wave-type homeostasis”, J. Inv. Ill-Posed problems, 3:1 (1995), 75–81  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
47. L. S. Maergoiz, “A multidimensional version of Prony's algorithm”, Siberian Math. J., 35:2 (1994), 351–366  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
48. L. S. Maergoiz, “Representating systems of the space of functions holomorphic in a $(\rho,\alpha)$-convex domain”, J. Math. Sci., 80:4 (1996), 1931–1940  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
49. L. C. Maergoiz, Asimptoticheskie kharakteristiki tselykh funktsii i ikh prilozheniya v matematike i biofizike, Nauka, Sib. otdelenie, Novosibirsk, 1991, 274 pp.
50. L. S. Maergoiz, “Indicator diagram for an entire function of several variables with nonnegative indicator”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 299:3 (1988), 413–417  mathnet  mathscinet
51. L. S. Maergoiz, “Plane indicator diagram of an entire function of an integer order $\rho \neq 1$’’”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 28:2 (1987), 263–277  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
52. L. S. Maergoiz, “On representing systems of entire functions in $(\rho, \alpha)$-convex domains”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 285:5 (1985), 833–836  mathnet  mathscinet
53. L. C. Maergoiz, E. I. Yakovlev, “O zadache Dirikhle dlya vypuklykh funktsii v neogranichennoi oblasti i ee primenenie k issledovanii asimptotiki funktsii mnogikh peremennykh”, Optimizatsiya, 35 (1985), 79-88
54. L. S. Maergoiz, B. N. Varava, V. T. Manchuk, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i prognozirovanie protsessa gomeostaza glyukozy i sakharov krovi”, Avtomatika, 2 (1985), 60–65
55. L. S. Maergoiz, “Representing systems of entire functions in $(\rho,\alpha)$-convex domains”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 285:5 (1985), 1058–1061  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
56. L. S. Maergoiz, L. I. Solovei, A. K. Avrameno, “O matematicheskom prognozirovanii dinamiki glikemii”, Kibernetika, 1 (1984), 106–109  mathscinet
57. L. S. Maergoiz, L. B. Zakharova, I. O. Egorushkin, V. P. Kondrateva, “O matematicheskom prognozirovanii dinamiki fermentnoi aktivnosti v ontogeneze”, Byul. Sib. otd-niya AMN SSSR, 1984, no. 1, 92–95  mathscinet
58. L. S. Maergoiz, “On an analytic realization of operators commuting with the operator of generalized differentiation”, Russian Math. Surveys, 37:3 (1982), 213–214  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
59. L. S. Maergoiz, “Regularization of types of convex and entire functions with strictly convex order-hypersurface”, Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 24:11 (1980), 68–75  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
60. L. C. Maergoiz, “Ob odnom analoge teoremy Polia i ego prilozheniyakh”, Izv. AN Arm. SSR, 15:1 (1980), 45–62  mathscinet
61. L. C. Maergoiz, “Ob odnom rezultate Valirona”, Teoriya funktsii, funktsionalnyi analiz i ikh prilozheniya, 29, Kharkov, izd-vo Kharkov. un-ta, 1978, 89–98
62. L. S. Maergoiz, “An analog of Pólya's theorem for entire functions of proximate order and some applications of it”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 11:3 (1977), 232–234  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
63. L. S. Maergoiz, “An analogue of a theorem of Pólya”, Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 21:12 (1977), 40–47  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
64. L. S. Maergoiz, “Regularized types of convex and entire functions of several variables”, Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 21:11 (1977), 48–54  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
65. L. S. Maergoiz, “The multidimensional analogue of the type of an entire function”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 30:5(185) (1975), 215–216  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
66. L. S. Maergoiz, “The structure of the indicator of an entire function of finite order and normal type’”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 16:2 (1975), 232–241  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  isi  scopus
67. L. S. Maergoiz, “Functions of types of an entire function of several variables in the directions of its growth’”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 14:5 (1973), 723–736  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
68. L. S. Maergoiz, “On types and the related growth scales for entire functions”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 213:5 (1973), 1846–1850  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
69. L. C. Maergoiz, “Analog teoremy Polia dlya tselykh funktsii utochnennogo poryadka”, Nekotorye svoistva golomorfnykh funktsii mnogikh kompleksnykh peremennykh, IF SO AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk, 1973, 109–121
70. L. S. Maergoiz, “Function of orders and scales of growth of integral functions of many variables”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 13:1 (1972), 83–93  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
71. L. S. Maergoiz, “Plane $\rho$-convex sets and some their applications”, Amer. Math. Soc. Translations, 122, Ser. 2 (1984), 173–185  crossref
72. L. S. Maergoiz, “A boundary value problem for convex functions, and its applications to the study of the asymptotics of functions”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 198:4 (1971), 881–885  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath
73. L. S. Maergoiz, “On growth scales for entire functions of several variables”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 192:3, 662–666  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
74. L. S. Maergoiz, “Properties of convex sets and their applications to the theory of growth of convex and entire functions”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 9:3 (1968), 435–444  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
75. L. S. Maergoiz, “The relations between the various definitions of the order of entire functions of several variables”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 7:6 (1966), 1001–1017  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
76. L. S. Maergoiz, “Sopryazhennye poryadki i klassifikatsiya tselykh funktsii mnogikh peremennykh”, Zasedaniya Uralskogo matematicheskogo obschestva, UMN, 21:1(127) (1966), 189–190  mathnet
77. L. S. Maergoiz, “The application of periodic generalized functions in the theory of growth of entire functions of several variables”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1965, no. 5, 99–114  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
78. L. S. Maergoiz, “A property of the indicator of an entire function of several variables”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1964, no. 6, 104–115  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

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