Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
1973 |
1. |
M. K. Gavurin, V. M. Ryabov, “Application of Chebyshev polynomials to the regularization of ill-posed and ill-conditioned equations in Hilbert space”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 13:6 (1973), 1599–1601 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 13:6 (1973), 283–287 |
1969 |
2. |
M. K. Gavurin, V. G. Afonin, “The numerical integration of certain systems of nonlinear vibration theory”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 186:4 (1969), 750–752 |
1966 |
3. |
M. K. Gavurin, J. B. Farforovskaja, “An iterational method for finding the minimum of a sum of squares”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 6:6 (1966), 1094–1097 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 6:6 (1966), 206–211 |
1962 |
4. |
M. K. Gavurin, G. Sh. Rubinshtein, S. S. Surin, “On the optimal utilization of production resources in fulfillment of several types of jobs (Generalized transportation problem)”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 3:4 (1962), 481–499 |
5. |
M. K. Gavurin, “Ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2:3 (1962), 387–397 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 2:3 (1963), 407–418 |
1961 |
6. |
M. K. Gavurin, “The set of solutions of a linear differential equation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 137:2 (1961), 261–264 |
7. |
M. K. Gavurin, “The method of false perturbations in the location of eigenvalues”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 1:5 (1961), 757–770 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 1:4 (1962), 911–925 |
1960 |
8. |
M. K. Gavurin, “Solution to “almost-singular” operator equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 15:5(95) (1960), 151–154 |
1958 |
9. |
M. K. Gavurin, “Nonlinear functional equations and continuous analogues of iteration methods”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1958, no. 5, 18–31 |
1957 |
10. |
M. K. Gavurin, “Approximate determination of eigenvalues and the theory of perturbation”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 12:1(73) (1957), 173–175 |
1950 |
11. |
M. K. Gavurin, “The use of polynomials of best approximation for improving the convergence of iterative processes”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 5:3(37) (1950), 156–160 |
1949 |
12. |
M. K. Gavurin, “On a method of numerical integration of homogeneous linear differential equations convenient for mechanization of the computation”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 28 (1949), 152–156 |
1948 |
13. |
M. K. Gavurin, “On the approximation of a continuous function by a linear differential transform of a polynomial”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 12:1 (1948), 15–30 |
14. |
L. V. Kantorovich, M. K. Gavurin, “On some new processes of calculation on a tabulator, connected with the use of binary representations of numbers”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 3:4(26) (1948), 160–162 |
1987 |
15. |
A. G. Aganbegyan, A. D. Aleksandrov, M. K. Gavurin, S. S. Kutateladze, V. L. Makarov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, J. V. Romanovsky, G. Sh. Rubinshtein, S. L. Sobolev, D. K. Faddeev, “Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 42:2(254) (1987), 177–182 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 42:2 (1987), 225–232 |
1986 |
16. |
A. I. Veksler, D. A. Vladimirov, M. K. Gavurin, L. V. Kantorovich, E. S. Lyapin, D. K. Faddeev, “Aron Grigor'evich Pinsker (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 41:2(248) (1986), 177–178 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 41:2 (1986), 181–183 |
1982 |
17. |
A. D. Aleksandrov, M. K. Gavurin, S. S. Kutateladze, V. L. Makarov, G. Sh. Rubinshtein, S. L. Sobolev, D. K. Faddeev, “Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich (on his seventieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 37:3(225) (1982), 201–209 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 37:3 (1982), 229–238 |
1979 |
18. |
A. I. Veksler, D. A. Vladimirov, M. K. Gavurin, L. V. Kantorovich, S. M. Lozinskii, A. G. Pinsker, D. K. Faddeev, “Boris Zakharovich Vulikh (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 34:4(208) (1979), 133–137 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 34:4 (1979), 145–150 |
1972 |
19. |
B. Z. Vulikh, M. K. Gavurin, A. N. Kolmogorov, Yu. V. Linnik, V. L. Makarov, A. G. Pinsker, G. Sh. Rubinshtein, D. K. Faddeev, “Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich (on his sixtieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 27:3(165) (1972), 221–227 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 27:3 (1972), 193–201 |
1965 |
20. |
B. Z. Vulikh, M. K. Gavurin, S. M. Lozinskii, “Iisidor Pavlovich Natanson (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 20:1(121) (1965), 171–175 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 20:1 (1965), 169–173 |
1962 |
21. |
G. P. Akilov, B. Z. Vulikh, M. K. Gavurin, V. A. Zalgaller, I. P. Natanson, A. G. Pinsker, D. K. Faddeev, “Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich (in honour of his fiftieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 17:4(106) (1962), 201–205 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 17:4 (1962), 115–128 |
1958 |
22. |
M. K. Gavurin, “Scientific session on Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Leningrad University”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1958, no. 5, 3–4 |
1948 |
23. |
M. K. Gavurin, “The works on the application of countably analytical machines for mathematical computations in Leningrad”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 3:3(25) (1948), 212 |
Organisations |