Golovatyj, Yuriy Danilovich

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Golovatyj, Yuriy Danilovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1989)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 17.06.1962
Keywords: singular perturbations, asymptotics, spectrum, eigenvalue problems, Schrodinger operators
UDC: 517.95, 517, 927.25, 517.928.5
MSC: 73D30, 35Q72, 47F05, 47N20, 73K12


Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. Spectral Theory. Asymptotic Methods. Quantum Mechanics.

Main publications:
  • Golovatyi Yu.D., Nazarov S.A., Oleinik O.A. Asimptotika sobstvennykh znachenii i sobstvennykh funktsii v zadachakh o kolebaniyakh sredy s singulyarnymi vozmuscheniyami plotnosti // UMN. – 1988.–T.43, #5 –.S.189–190.
  • Golovatyi Yu.D., Nazarov S.A., Oleinik O.A., Soboleva T.S. O sobstvennykh kolebaniyakh struny s prisoedinennoi massoi // Sib. mat. zhurn.– 1988. –T.29, #5.– S.71–91.
  • Golovatyi Yu.D., Nazarov S.A., Oleinik O.A. Asimptoticheskoe razlozhenie sobstvennykh znachenii i sobstvennykh funktsii zadach o kolebaniyakh sredy s kontsentrirovannymi vozmuscheniyami // Trudy Matematicheskogo instituta im. V.A.Steklova. –1990.–T.192– S.42–60.
  • Golovatyi Yu.D. Spektralnaya zadacha Neimana dlya operatora Laplasa s singulyarno vozmuschennoi plotnostyu // UMN.–1990. T.45, #4 –.S.147–148.
  • Golovatyi Yu.D. Nekotorye neravenstva dlya sobstvennykh chastot sterzhnei i plastin // Korrektnye kraevye zadachi dlya neklassicheskikh uravnenii / AN SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. In–t matematiki.– Novosibirsk, 1990.– S.99–102.
  • Yu. D. Golovaty, D. Gomez, M. Lobo and E. Perez Asymptotics for the eigenelements of vibrating membranes with very heavy thin inclusions. C.R. Mecanique, 330(11):777–782, 2002.
  • Yu. D. Golovaty, D. Gomez, M. Lobo and E. Perez On vibrating membranes with very heavy thin inclusions, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, No.7 (2004) 987-1034.
  • N. Babych and Yu. Golovaty Asymptotic analysis of vibrating system containing stiff-heavy and flexible-light parts. – Nelineinye granichnye zadachi. – 2008. – T. 18, s. 194–207.
  • Yu. Golovaty, S. Man'ko Solvable models for the Schrödinger operators with δ′-like potentials//Ukrainian Math. Bull.-2009.-V.6, no 2.- pp.169-203.
  • N. Babych, Yu. Golovaty Low and high frequency approximations to eigenvibrations of string with double contrasts// Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234 (2010) 1860-1867.
  • Yu D Golovaty and R O Hryniv On norm resolvent convergence of Schrödinger operators with δ’-like potentials// J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 155204 (14pp).
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Yu. D. Golovatyĭ, “Spectral properties of oscillatory systems with added masses”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 54 (1992),  29–72  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 3
2. Yu. D. Golovatyj, “The spectral Neumann problem for the Laplace operator with a singularly perturbed density”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 45:4(274) (1990),  147–148  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 45:4 (1990), 165–167  isi 3
3. Yu. D. Golovatyj, S. A. Nazarov, O. A. Oleinik, “Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in problems on oscillations of a medium with concentrated perturbations”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 192 (1990),  42–60  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 192 (1992), 43–63 8
4. Yu. D. Golovatyj, S. A. Nazarov, O. A. Oleinik, “The asymptotic behaviour of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in problems on vibrations of a medium with singular perturbation of the density”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 43:5(263) (1988),  189–190  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 43:5 (1988), 229–230  isi 5
5. Yu. D. Golovatyj, “On the characteristic frequencies of a clamped plate with adjoined mass”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 43:5(263) (1988),  185–186  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 43:5 (1988), 227–228  isi 5
6. Yu. D. Golovatyj, S. A. Nazarov, O. A. Oleinik, T. S. Soboleva, “Natural oscillations of a string with an additional mass”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 29:5 (1988),  71–91  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Siberian Math. J., 29:5 (1988), 744–760  isi 18

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