Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2020 |
1. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “Hermite interpolation polynomial for holomorphic functions in a simply connected domain”, Math. Ed., 2020, no. 4(96), 35–41 |
2019 |
2. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On partial derivatives of symmetric polynomials with respect to elementary polynomials”, Math. Ed., 2019, no. 3(91), 18–21 |
2015 |
3. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On an Extremal Property of Normal Matrices”, Mat. Zametki, 97:1 (2015), 67–73 ; Math. Notes, 97:1 (2015), 57–62 |
4. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “Subdiscriminants of a symmetric matrix and Jacobians of its invariant mappings”, Mat. Sb., 206:6 (2015), 3–14 ; Sb. Math., 206:6 (2015), 770–781 |
2013 |
5. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On Relations between Summands in the Discriminant of a Symmetric Matrix”, Mat. Zametki, 93:2 (2013), 310–312 ; Math. Notes, 93:2 (2013), 337–339 |
2003 |
6. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On some identities for the elements of a symmetric matrix”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 303 (2003), 119–144 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 129:4 (2005), 3994–4008 |
1994 |
7. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “Orthogonal invariants of skew-symmetric matrices”, Mat. Zametki, 56:1 (1994), 26–31 ; Math. Notes, 56:1 (1994), 669–672 |
1993 |
8. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On some classes of smooth transformations in the space of symmetric matrices”, Mat. Sb., 184:9 (1993), 89–102 ; Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 80:1 (1995), 75–86 |
1992 |
9. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “Discriminant of the characteristic polynomial of a normal matrix”, Mat. Zametki, 51:3 (1992), 16–23 ; Math. Notes, 51:3 (1992), 230–235 |
1985 |
10. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On a certain class of smooth matrix-valued functions”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 40:1(241) (1985), 201–202 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 40:1 (1985), 223–224 |
2024 |
11. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “On the multiplicities of eigenvalues of a pair of quadratic forms”, Math. Ed., 2024, no. 3(111), 26–30 |
2023 |
12. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “A simple proof of the inequality $ e < 3 $”, Math. Ed., 2023, no. 2(106), 17–19 |
2015 |
13. |
N. V. Ilyushechkin, “Letter to the Editor”, Mat. Zametki, 98:4 (2015), 640 ; Math. Notes, 98:4 (2015), 704 |
Organisations |
- Joint Stock Company "Concern Morinformsystem–Agat", Moscow