Kashtanova, Stanislava Viktorovna

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

Number of views:
This page:46
Abstract pages:82
Full texts:62
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2017)
Speciality: 01.02.04 (Mechanics of deformable solids)
Birth date: 6.01.1986
Keywords: elasticity, there of shells and plates with holes and inclusions, stability loss problems, nanomechanics


construction of a new fundamental theory for the derivation of stress formulas in the explicit form of a cylindrical shell with a hole under various boundary conditions; problem of buckling of a plate with an elliptical inclusion under tension


2017 Saint-Petersburg State University Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics PhD in Solid Mechanics Phd thesis “Deformation and Stability of Nanoscale Shells and Plates” 2003 – 2009 Saint-Petersburg State University Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics Master degree in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics

2020 – pres Associate Professor, course of Theoretical Mechanics; Theory of Elasticity Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Higher School of Theoretical Mechanics 2018 – pres Associate Professor, course of General Math Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology Department of Mathematics 2019 – 2022 Senior Research Officer Russian Academy of Sciences Grant ¹ 19-31-60008

2018 Visiting researcher in University of Southampton, UK 2017-2018 Secondment in University of Trento (Italy), reseacher 2016 – 2018 Lecturer of Theoretical Mechanics Military Institute of Engineering 2010 – 2018 Researcher Saint-Petersburg State University

Scientific activity, awards: 2019 – 2022 RFBR grant “Perspective” for young scientists 2022 Diploma of the first degree for the report at the IX Belarusian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics "Mechanics-2022" 2021: a grant for young scientists from the Committee on Science and Higher Education, supervisor 2021: WCCM Contribution Fellowship - ECCOMAS Congress from IACM Female Research Chapter 2019-2022: a three-year grant for young scientists (RFBR), supervisor 09/30/2020: Diploma of the I degree in the nomination scientific articles in physics and mathematics in the XXIII international competition of scientific works 09/21/2020: certificate of participation in the webinar of the International Scientific and Methodological Center "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Myths and Reality" 2019: a grant for young scientists from the Committee on Science and Higher Education, supervisor

Main publications:
  • \begin{thebibliography}{9}
  • \RBibitem{1} \by Kashtanova S.V., Rzhonsnitskiy A.V. \paper INVESTIGATION OF SYSTEMS OF THE STRESS FIELD PROBLEM OF A CYLINDRICAL SHELL WITH A CIRCULAR CUTOUT UNDER THE ACTION OF VARIOUS TYPES OF LOAD \jour Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering \yr 2022 \vol 44 \issue 6
  • \RBibitem{2} \by Kashtanova S.V., Rzhonsnitskiy A.V. \paper ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO THE DERIVATION OF THE STRESS FIELD OF A CYLINDRICAL SHELL WITH A CIRCULAR HOLE UNDER AXIAL TENSION \jour Advanced Structured Materials \yr 2022 \vol 151 \pages 115-130
  • \RBibitem{3} \by Kashtanova S.V., Rzhonsnitskiy A.V., Gruzdkov A.A. \paper ON THE ISSUE OF ANALYTICAL DERIVATION OF STRESS STATE IN A CYLINDRICAL SHELL WITH A CIRCULAR HOLE UNDER AXIAL TENSION \jour Materials Physics and Mechanics \yr 2021 \vol 47 \issue 2 \pages 186-195
  • \RBibitem{4} \by Bauer S.M., Kashtanova S.V., Morozov N.F., Ermakov A.M. \paper LOCAL STABILITY OF A PLATE WITH A CIRCULAR INCLUSION UNDER TENSILE STRESS \jour Shell Structures: Theory and Applications Volume 4 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Shell Structures: Theory and Applications \yr 2018 \pages 199-202
  • nd{thebibliography}
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. V. Kashtanova, A. V. Rzhonsnitskiy, “Cylindrical shell with a circular hole under various loads: Comparison of analytical and numerical solutions”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 23:2 (2023),  195–206  mathnet

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