Rothos, Vassilis

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Total publications: 2
Scientific articles: 2

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Abstract pages:230
Full texts:6
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1998)
Speciality: 01.01.00 (Mathematics)
Birth date: 9.04.1971
Keywords: Solitons, Nonlinear Waves, Dynamical Systems.


Applied Dynamical Systems


I was appointed to a tenureAssist Professor inNonlinearMathematics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in September 2006. Currently, I am a Prof. in Applied Dynamical Systems at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2018- now). Previously I was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at University of Crete (2005-2006), a lecturer in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the Queen Mary College in September (2003-2005), a lecturer of AppliedMathematics at the University of Loughborough (2000-2002) and University of Leicester (2002-2003). I spent two years as an individual EU Marie Curie TMR Fellow-Categ 30 at DAMTP Cambridge and at the University of Warwick (1998-2000). I obtained my PhD degree in Nonlinear Dynamics at University of Patras (Greece) in June 1998 under the supervision of Prof. T. Bountis. My mathematical contributions can be roughly divided into three main fields: (1) dynamical systems methods and chaos for nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and lattices, (2) localized structure in nonlinear dispersive wave equations and lattices. Integrable and near-integrable Systems. Applications in nonlinear optics, discrete breathers, Parity-Symmetry in nonlinear systems, (3) geometry and dynamics of nonlinear ODEs, applications in mathematical biology. I was awarded an EPSRCgrant to employ a postdoc and four LMS-EPSRC Grants (International Visits). I was a scientific organizer of LMS/EPSRCworkshop, Loughborough 4-5 July 2002. I have three years of teaching experience at both postgraduate and undergraduate level. I have served the period of probation in Loughborough University (2000-2002). I have provided more details of relevant training undertaken in my curriculum vitae, which is included. Currently, I am co-investigator of IRSES-EU grant (260,000euros for the period 2013-2017) and I am a member of main research group of two research grants funded by EU and Greek Research council (up to 350,000 euros each grant). I supervised two phd students. My first student works on dynamics of nonlinear lattices in metamaterials (Dr. Agaoglou 2015) and the second on stability of solutions in Nonlinear Wave equations (Dr. Mylonas, 2016).

Main publications:
  1. D.E.Pelinovsky and V.M. Rothos, “Bifurcations of travelling waves solutions in the discrete NLS equation”, Physica D., 202:1–2 (2005), 16–36  crossref
  2. E. Doktorov, V. M. Rothos, Y. Kivshar, “Full-time dymanics of modulational instability in spinor Bose.Einstein condensates”, Phys Rev A., 76 (2007), 013626  crossref
  3. P. Tsilifis, P. G. Kevrekidis, V. M. Rothos,, “Cubic-Quintic Long-Range Interactions With Double Well Potentials”, J. Phys. A, 47 (2014), 035201  crossref
  4. M. Agaoglou, M. Feckan, M. Pospisil, V. M. Rothos, H. Susanto., “Travelling Waves in Nonlinear Magneto-inductive Lattices”, Journal of Differential Equations, 260 (2016), 1717–1746  crossref
  5. V. M. Rothos, P. V. Vasilopoulos, A. Charalambopoulos, “Invariant Manifolds in the Second Order Maxwell Bloch Equations”, Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, 36 (2022), 71–101  crossref
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. V. M. Rothos, “Adiabatic perturbation theory for the vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonvanishing boundary conditions”, TMF, 220:1 (2024),  164–190  mathnet  mathscinet; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 220:1 (2024), 1201–1223  scopus
2. V. M. Rothos, I. K. Mylonas, T. Bountis, “Dissipative soliton dynamics of the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation”, TMF, 215:2 (2023),  190–206  mathnet  mathscinet; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 215:2 (2023), 622–635  scopus

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