Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
L. Yu. Zhilyakova, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Graph methods for solving the unconstrained and constrained optimal assignment problem for locomotives on a single-line railway section”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2021, no. 5, 45–67 ; Autom. Remote Control, 82:5 (2021), 780–797 |
2020 |
2. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, K. V. Semenikhin, “Analysis and optimization of a controlled model for a closed queueing network”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2020, no. 3, 67–85 ; Autom. Remote Control, 81:3 (2020), 430–444 |
2019 |
3. |
V. S. Kozyakin, N. A. Kuznetsov, P. Yu. Chebotarev, “Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. III. Constructive stability and stabilizability”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2019, no. 6, 3–27 ; Autom. Remote Control, 80:6 (2019), 989–1015 |
4. |
V. S. Kozyakin, N. A. Kuznetsov, P. Yu. Chebotarev, “Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II. Method of joint spectral radius”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2019, no. 5, 3–31 ; Autom. Remote Control, 80:5 (2019), 791–812 |
5. |
V. S. Kozyakin, N. A. Kuznetsov, P. Yu. Chebotarev, “Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. I”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2019, no. 4, 3–40 |
6. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, K. V. Semenikhin, “Parametric optimization of packet transmission with resending packets mechanism”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18:4 (2019), 809–830 |
2018 |
7. |
L. Yu. Zhilyakova, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. G. Matiukhin, A. B. Shabunin, A. K. Takmaz'yan, “Locomotive assignment graph model for freight traffic on linear section of railway. The problem of finding a maximal independent schedule coverage”, Probl. Upr., 2018, no. 3, 65–75 |
2009 |
8. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, I. N. Sinitsyn, “Development of the Kotel'nikov sampling theorem”, UFN, 179:2 (2009), 216–218 ; Phys. Usp., 52:2 (2009), 197–199 |
2008 |
9. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Yumagulov, I. V. Sharafutdinov, “The investigation algorithm of stability of periodic oscillations in the problem for the Andronov–Hopf bifurcation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2008, no. 12, 47–52 ; Autom. Remote Control, 69:12 (2008), 2033–2038 |
10. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. N. Fetisov, “Enhanced-robustness Dijkstra algorithm for control of routing in the IP-networks”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2008, no. 2, 80–85 ; Autom. Remote Control, 69:2 (2008), 247–251 |
2007 |
11. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. N. Fetisov, “Routing control in IP-networks with the variable performance criterion”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2007, no. 7, 180–189 ; Autom. Remote Control, 68:7 (2007), 1284–1293 |
2005 |
12. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. N. Fetisov, “Robust control of information networks”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2005, no. 9, 86–101 ; Autom. Remote Control, 66:9 (2005), 1440–1453 |
2002 |
13. |
V. N. Burkov, N. A. Kuznetsov, D. A. Novikov, “Control Mechanisms in Network Structures”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2002, no. 12, 96–115 ; Autom. Remote Control, 63:12 (2002), 1947–1965 |
2001 |
14. |
A. Yu. Ishlinskii, N. A. Kuznetsov, E. A. Fedosov, B. E. Chertok, “To the 80-th Anniversary of Academician A. A. Krasovskii”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2001, no. 7, 4–17 ; Autom. Remote Control, 62:7 (2001), 1027–1041 |
2000 |
15. |
F. N. Grigor'ev, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Time-optimal control in a nonlinear problem”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2000, no. 8, 11–25 ; Autom. Remote Control, 61:8 (2000), 1246–1258 |
1999 |
16. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Lyubetskii, “Computer Logic in Information Processes”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 35:2 (1999), 107–111 |
1998 |
17. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, N. I. Matveenko, M. G. Yumagulov, “Tests for the sub- and supercriticality of the Hopf bifurcation and problems of one-sided bifurcation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1998, no. 12, 51–59 ; Autom. Remote Control, 59:12 (1998), 1739–1745 |
18. |
B. G. Dostupov, S. V. Emel'yanov, I. E. Kazakov, A. I. Kibzun, N. A. Kuznetsov, I. A. Mizin, I. V. Sinitcina, I. N. Sinitsyn, V. I. Sinitsyn, “Review of scientific works of academician V. S. Pugachev”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1998, no. 11, 8–21 ; Autom. Remote Control, 59:11 (1998), 1507–1516 |
19. |
S. A. Kosyachenko, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Kul'ba, A. B. Shelkov, “Emergency management: models, methods, and automation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1998, no. 6, 3–66 ; Autom. Remote Control, 59:6 (1998), 765–806 |
1997 |
20. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, R. Mertz, D. I. Rachinskii, “Iterative Procedures with Incomplete Corrections and Solution of Nonlinear Equations”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1997, no. 8, 46–56 ; Autom. Remote Control, 58:8 (1997), 1285–1293 |
21. |
V. G. Borisov, F. B. Gul'ko, F. N. Grigor'ev, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On Control Systems Desynchronized with Respect to Measurements”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1997, no. 7, 98–111 ; Autom. Remote Control, 58:7 (1997), 1146–1156 |
22. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Yumagulov, “Cycle Stability Conditions under Hopf Bifurcations at Infinity”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1997, no. 1, 56–62 ; Autom. Remote Control, 58:1 (1997), 43–48 |
23. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, “On the Development of Fundamental Research on Informational Interaction in Nature and Society”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 33:3 (1997), 111–112 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 33:3 (1997), 285–286 |
1996 |
24. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Yumagulov, “An Operator Method for Cycle Stability Analysis in the Hopf Bifurcation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1996, no. 12, 15–24 ; Autom. Remote Control, 57:12 (1996), 1701–1708 |
25. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Yumagulov, “Functionalization of a Parameter and Cycle Asymptotics in the Hopf Bifurcation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1996, no. 11, 22–28 ; Autom. Remote Control, 57:11 (1996), 1548–1553 |
26. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, D. I. Rachinskii, “Nonlinear Potential Systems with Incomplete Corrections”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1996, no. 7, 11–17 ; Autom. Remote Control, 57:7 (1996), 918–924 |
27. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. S. Kozyakin, A. V. Pokrovskii, “A phenomenological model of statistics of the lengths of cycles
and transient processes of discretizations of dynamical systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:2 (1996), 165–168 |
1995 |
28. |
M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Yumagulov, “Localization and construction of cycles for the Hopf bifurcation
at infinity”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 344:4 (1995), 446–449 |
1994 |
29. |
N. A. Bobylev, M. A. Krasnosel'skiĭ, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Approximate procedures for constructing oscillatory regimes”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1994, no. 9, 23–33 ; Autom. Remote Control, 55:9 (1994), 1256–1264 |
30. |
E. A. Gorin, M. A. Krasnosel'skiĭ, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Substantiation of algorithms for nonparametric identification”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1994, no. 8, 51–68 ; Autom. Remote Control, 55:8 (1994), 1123–1138 |
31. |
A. M. Krasnosel'skii, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, T. Eirola, O. Nevanlinna, “Iterations with incomplete corrections for linear systems with
selfadjoint operators”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 338:1 (1994), 35–38 |
1993 |
32. |
G. Z. Kaziev, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Kul'ba, A. B. Shelkov, “Models, methods and techniques for analyzing and synthesizing modular management information systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1993, no. 6, 3–59 ; Autom. Remote Control, 54:6 (1993), 873–918 |
33. |
A. A. Vladimirov, V. S. Kozyakin, N. A. Kuznetsov, A. Mandelbaum, “Investigation of the dynamic complementarity problem by methods of
the theory of desynchronized systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 329:1 (1993), 5–8 ; Dokl. Math., 47:2 (1993), 169–173 |
1992 |
34. |
E. A. Gorin, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Theorems on equiconvergence for nonparametric identification
algorithms”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 326:2 (1992), 237–240 ; Dokl. Math., 37:9 (1992), 448–449 |
1991 |
35. |
E. A. Gorin, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Algorithms for the nonparametric identification of linear systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 319:6 (1991), 1342–1345 ; Dokl. Math., 36:8 (1991), 561–562 |
36. |
A. M. Krasnosel'skii, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Nonlinear systems with incomplete corrections and their stability”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 318:2 (1991), 291–294 ; Dokl. Math., 36:5 (1991), 356–357 |
1990 |
37. |
N. I. Grachev, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Pokrovskii, “On the identification of a linear system on the basis of two
tests”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 310:4 (1990), 807–809 ; Dokl. Math., 35:2 (1990), 109–110 |
1989 |
38. |
E. A. Asarin, M. Krasnosselsky, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On the dynamics of desynchronized systems with random times of component corrections”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1989, no. 6, 6–13 ; Autom. Remote Control, 50:6 (1989), 719–724 |
39. |
N. I. Grachev, V. Kh. Kivelidi, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On a problem of determining the impulse characteristic of a stable
linear link”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 304:6 (1989), 1312–1314 ; Dokl. Math., 34:2 (1989), 89–90 |
1984 |
40. |
A. F. Kleptsyn, V. S. Kozyakin, M. Krasnosselsky, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On the effect of small desynchronization on stability of complex systems. III”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1984, no. 8, 63–67 ; Autom. Remote Control, 45:8 (1984), 1014–1018 |
41. |
A. F. Kleptsyn, V. S. Kozyakin, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On the effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1984, no. 3, 42–47 ; Autom. Remote Control, 45:3 (1984), 309–314 |
42. |
A. F. Kleptsyn, V. S. Kozyakin, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, “Stability of desynchronized systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 274:5 (1984), 1053–1056 |
1983 |
43. |
A. F. Kleptsyn, V. S. Kozyakin, M. Krasnosselsky, N. A. Kuznetsov, “On the effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. I”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1983, no. 7, 44–50 ; Autom. Remote Control, 44:7 (1983), 861–867 |
1981 |
44. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Lubkov, A. I. Yashin, “On consistency of в aye si an parameter estimates in a circuit for adaptive kalman filtering”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1981, no. 4, 47–56 ; Autom. Remote Control, 42:4 (1981), 446–454 |
45. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, E. A. Kurdova, “Control of observations in interpolation of random sequences”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1981, no. 2, 25–34 ; Autom. Remote Control, 42:2 (1981), 153–160 |
46. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, A. I. Yashin, “Conditions for identifiability of partially observable systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 259:4 (1981), 790–792 |
1980 |
47. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, R. Sh. Liptser, A. P. Serebrovskii, “Optimal control and information processing in continuous time (a linear system and quadratic functional)”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1980, no. 10, 47–53 ; Autom. Remote Control, 41:10 (1981), 1369–1374 |
1977 |
48. |
F. N. Grigor'ev, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Ovchinkin, “Control of observations in discrete-time data-processing systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1977, no. 8, 61–69 ; Autom. Remote Control, 38:8 (1978), 1162–1169 |
1975 |
49. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Orlov, “Approximation of Functions with Limited Derivatives and Applications to Filtration Problems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1975, no. 8, 29–35 |
50. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Lubkov, “Adaptive filtering of components of Markov processes”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1975, no. 4, 49–55 ; Autom. Remote Control, 36:4 (1975), 566–571 |
2010 |
51. |
N. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Rykov, “VI International Conference “Mathematical Methods in Reliability Theory (MMR-2009)””, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2010, no. 7, 5–8 ; Autom. Remote Control, 71:7 (2010), 1285–1287 |
2004 |
52. |
A. M. Barg, L. A. Bassalygo, V. M. Blinovskii, M. V. Burnashev, N. D. Vvedenskaya, G. K. Golubev, I. I. Dumer, K. Sh. Zigangirov, V. V. Zyablov, V. A. Zinov'ev, G. A. Kabatiansky, V. D. Kolesnik, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Malyshev, R. A. Minlos, D. Yu. Nogin, I. A. Ovseevich, V. V. Prelov, Yu. L. Sagalovich, V. M. Tikhomirov, R. Z. Khas'minskii, B. S. Tsybakov, “Mark Semenovich Pinsker. In Memoriam”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 40:1 (2004), 3–5 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 40:1 (2004), 1–4 |
2001 |
53. |
N. D. Vvedenskaya, E. B. Dynkin, A. Ya. Kreinin, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Malyshev, R. A. Minlos, I. A. Ovseevich, E. A. Pechersky, A. N. Rybko, Yu. M. Sukhov, “Fridrikh Izrailevich Karpelevich. In Memoriam”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 37:2 (2001), 110–111 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 37:2 (2001), 185–186 |
54. |
N. D. Vvedenskaya, A. M. Vershik, E. A. Zhizhina, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Malyshev, I. A. Ovseevich, S. A. Pirogov, A. N. Rybko, Ya. G. Sinai, S. B. Shlosman, R. Z. Khas'minskii, “Robert Adol'fovich Minlos (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 56:4(340) (2001), 173–176 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 56:4 (2001), 789–792 |
1998 |
55. |
E. A. Asarin, I. A. Bakhtin, N. A. Bobylev, V. A. Bondarenko, V. Sh. Burd, E. A. Gorin, S. V. Emel'yanov, P. P. Zabreiko, L. A. Ivanov, V. S. Kozyakin, A. M. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov, A. B. Kurzhanskii, A. Yu. Levin, È. M. Muhamadiev, A. I. Perov, Yu. V. Pokornyi, A. V. Pokrovskii, D. I. Rachinskii, V. V. Strygin, Ya. Z. Tsypkin, V. V. Chernorutski, “Memory of M. A. Krasnosel'skii”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1998, no. 2, 179–184 |
1995 |
56. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, A. Yu. Ishlinskii, N. A. Kuznetsov, A. B. Kurzhanskii, Ya. Z. Tsypkin, N. A. Bobylev, “Mark Aleksandrovich Krasnosel'skij (on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday)”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1995, no. 11, 4–6 ; Autom. Remote Control, 56:11 (1995), 1509–1510 |
1978 |
57. |
F. N. Grigor'ev, N. A. Kuznetsov, V. A. Ovchinkin, “Correction in the article: «Control of observations in discrete-time data processing systems»”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1978, no. 11, 191 ; Autom. Remote Control, 39:11 (1979), 1736 |
Organisations |