Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, M. R. Mostova, V. E. Shvets, “On the Regular Behavior of Entire Functions of Zero Order along Curves of Regular Rotation”, Mat. Zametki, 110:4 (2021), 537–549 ; Math. Notes, 110:4 (2021), 532–542 |
2016 |
2. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, O. V. Kostjuk, “Regular Growth of Various Characteristics of Entire Functions of Order Zero”, Mat. Zametki, 100:3 (2016), 363–374 ; Math. Notes, 100:3 (2016), 380–390 |
2003 |
3. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, “Existence of an Angular Density of Roots of Entire Functions of Order Zero”, Mat. Zametki, 73:5 (2003), 698–703 ; Math. Notes, 73:5 (2003), 656–661 |
1999 |
4. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, M. N. Sheremeta, “On the slow growth of the principal characteristics of entire functions”, Mat. Zametki, 65:2 (1999), 206–214 ; Math. Notes, 65:2 (1999), 168–174 |
1998 |
5. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, “Strongly regular growth of entire functions of order zero”, Mat. Zametki, 63:2 (1998), 196–208 ; Math. Notes, 63:2 (1998), 172–182 |
1996 |
6. |
M. M. Sheremeta, R. I. Tarasyuk, N. V. Zabolotskii, “On asymptotics of entire functions of finite logarithmic order”, Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 3:1/2 (1996), 146–163 |
1994 |
7. |
N. V. Zabolotskii, “Classes of meromorphic functions characterizable by growth of the spherical derivative”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 35:1 (1994), 96–104 ; Siberian Math. J., 35:1 (1994), 88–95 |
1989 |
8. |
N. V. Zabolotskiĭ, “Asymptotic behavior of $\delta$-subharmonic functions of order zero”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1989, no. 12, 58–61 ; Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 33:12 (1989), 69–72 |
1987 |
9. |
N. V. Zabolotskiĭ, “Picard sets for some classes of entire functions”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1987, no. 5, 47–49 ; Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 31:5 (1987), 61–64 |
1983 |
10. |
A. A. Gol'dberg, N. V. Zabolotskii, “Concentration index of a subharmonic function of zeroth order”, Mat. Zametki, 34:2 (1983), 227–236 ; Math. Notes, 34:2 (1983), 596–601 |
11. |
A. A. Gol'dberg, N. V. Zabolotskii, “$a$-points of functions meromorphic in the disk”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 24:3 (1983), 34–46 ; Siberian Math. J., 24:3 (1983), 342–352 |
Organisations |