Ilyasov, Niyazi Aladdin oglu

Total publications: 62 (62)
in MathSciNet: 21 (21)
in zbMATH: 21 (21)
in Web of Science: 16 (16)
in Scopus: 4 (4)
Cited articles: 15
Citations: 49
Presentations: 1

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This page:4946
Abstract pages:8582
Full texts:3730
Ilyasov, Niyazi Aladdin oglu
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1988)
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date: 23.05.1955
Keywords: moduli of smoothness; best approximation; structural properties of functions of one and of several real variables; imbedding theorems for the classes of functions defined by structural and constructive conditions; direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory; extremal problems of approximation theory; linear methods of summability of the trigonometrical Fourier series; the orders of magnitudes of the uniform or absolute convergence of the ordinary and multiple Fourier series.
Main publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. N. A. Ilyasov, “Order equalities in the spaces $L_p(\mathbb T), 1$ < $p$ < $\infty$, for best approximations and moduli of smoothness of derivatives of periodic functions with monotone Fourier coefficients”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28, no. 4, 2022, 103–120  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib

2. N. A. Ilyasov, “Some supplements to S. B. Stechkin's inequalities in direct and inverse theorems on the approximation of continuous periodic functions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 26, no. 4, 2020, 155–181  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus

3. N. A. Ilyasov, “Multivariate version of Turan's type inequality and its applications to the estimation of uniform moduli of smoothness of periodic functions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 25, no. 2, 2019, 102–115  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib

4. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the equivalence of some inequalities in the theory of approximation of periodic functions in the spaces $L_p(\mathbb T),1 < p < \infty$”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 24, no. 2, 2018, 93–106  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib
5. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the equivalence of some relations in different metrics between norms, best approximations, and moduli of smoothness of periodic functions and their derivatives”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 24, no. 4, 2018, 176–188  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib
6. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “Order equalities in different metrics for moduli of smoothness of various orders”, Ural Math. J., 4:2 (2018), 24–32  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib
7. N. A. Il'yasov, “The direct theorem of the theory of approximation of periodic functions with monotone Fourier coefficients in different metrics”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 303, suppl. 1 (2018), 100–114  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  scopus

8. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the order of decrease of uniform moduli of smoothness for the classes of periodic functions $H_{p}^{l}[\omega],\ l\in \mathbb N,\ 1\le p < \infty$”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 23, no. 4, 2017, 162–175  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  elib

9. N. A. Il'yasov, “The inverse theorem in various metrics of approximation theory for periodic functions with monotone Fourier coefficients”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22, no. 4, 2016, 153–162  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib

10. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the order of the uniform convergence of partial cubic sums of multiple trigonometric Fourier series on the function classes $H_{1,m}^{l}[\omega]$”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 21, no. 4, 2015, 161–177  mathnet  mathscinet  isi  elib

11. N. A. Il'yasov, “A rate $L_p$-version for the Riesz criterion of the absolute convergence of trigonometric Fourier series”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 16, no. 4, 2010, 193–202  mathnet  elib
12. Niyazi A. Ilyasov, “Estimations of the smoothness modules of derivatives of convolution of two periodic functions by means of their best approximations in Lp(\bbfT)”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., 30:1 (2010), 89-104  zmath
13. Niyazi A. Ilyasov, “Estimations of the smoothness modules of convolution of two periodic functions by means of their best approximations in Lp(\bbfT) (the case of different metrics)”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., 30:4 (2010), 75-88  zmath
14. N. A. Ilyasov, “K neravenstvu raznykh metrik dlya proizvodnykh trigonometricheskikh polinomov v $L_p(T)$”, Tezisy dokaladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Teoriya priblizhenii”, posvyaschennaya 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya prof. S.B.Stechkina (Moskva, MIAN, Rossiya, 23.08-26.08.2010 g.), izd-vo Matem. in-ta RAN, 2010, 36-37
15. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke ubyvaniya $L_p$-modulei gladkosti i nailuchshikh $L_p$-priblizhenii na klassakh funktsii $S_p^{(l)}[\lambda]$, $1\&lt;p\le q&lt;\infty$”, Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Teoriya priblizhenii” (Mezhdunarodnyi Matematicheskii institut im. Eilera, Sankt-Peterburg, Rossiya, 06.05-08.05.2010 g.), VVM, SPb, 2010, 38-41
16. N. A. Ilyasov, “Skorostnaya $L_p$-versiya neravenstva Besselya–Khausdorfa–Yunga po trigonometricheskoi sisteme”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii i ikh prilozheniya (Materialy 15-i Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly) (Saratov, Rossiya, 27.01-03.02 , 2010 g.), SGU, 2010, 79

17. N. A. Ilyasov, “Skorostnaya $L_p$-versiya neravenstva Besselya po trigonometricheskoi sisteme”, Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po matematike i mekhanike, posvyaschennoi 50-letiyu Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki NAN Azerbaidzhana (Baku, Azerbaidzhan, 06.05-08.05, 2009 g), Baku, 2009, 149

18. N. A. Ilyasov, “Kriterii P.L.Ulyanova i poryadok ravnomernoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funtsii i ikh prilozheniya. Tezisy dokladov 14-i Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly, posvyaschennoi pamyati akademika P.L.Ulyanova (Saratov, Rossiya, 28.01-04.02.2008 g.), SGU, Saratov, 2008, 77-78

19. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “Marchaud’s type inequalities for convolution of two periodical functions in Lp(T), I”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., XXVII:4 (2007), 47-66  zmath
20. N. A. Ilyasov, “Neravenstvo Yunga v modulyakh gladkosti (sluchai periodicheskikh funktsii mnogikh peremennykh)”, Tezisy dokladov XII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po matematike i mekhanike, posvyaschennoi 70-letiyu akademika NAN Azerbaidzhana, prof. A.D. Gadzhieva (Baku, Azerbaidzhan, 21.11-23.11.2007 g.), 2007, 74

21. N. A. Il'yasov, “Structural properties of periodic functions with absolutely converging Fourier series”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 50:1 (2006), 23–31  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
22. N. A. Ilyasov, “Pryamaya i obratnaya teoremy v teorii absolyutno skhodyaschikhsya ryadov Fure nepreryvnykh periodicheskikh funktsii”, Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika. Kompyuternye nauki, 44 (2006), 89-112  zmath
23. N. A. Ilyasov, “O "pravilnykh otsenkakh v neravenstvakh tipa Marsho”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funtsii i ikh prilozheniya. Tezisy dokladov 13-i Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly (Saratov, Rossiya, 27.01-03.02, 2006 g.), Nauchnaya kniga, Saratov, 2006, 76-77
24. N. A. Ilyasov, “Two extremal problems and their applications”, Abstracts of International Scientific Conference "Mathematical analysis, differential equations and their applications (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, September 18-23, 2006), IMM NAS Ukraine, Kiev, 2006, 152-153

25. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the Order of Decrease of Uniform Moduli of Smoothness for the Classes of Functions $E_{p,m}[\epsilon]$”, Math. Notes, 78:4 (2005), 481–497  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
26. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “Estimations of the best approximation of convolution of functions by means of their smoothness modules in Lp (T)”, Niyazi A. Il'yasov, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., XXV:4 (2005), 39-48  mathscinet  zmath
27. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “Estimations of the smoothness modules of convolution of functions by means of their best approximations in Lp (T)”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., XXV:7 (2005), 15-30
28. N. A. Ilyasov, “A rate version of M. Riesz criterion on absolute convergence of trigonometric Fourier series”, Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Funktsionalnye prostranstva, teoriya priblizhenii, nelineinyi analiz”, posvyaschennoi 100-letiyu akademika S.M. Nikolskogo (Moskva, 23.05–29.05, 2005 g.), izd-vo Matem. in-ta RAN, 2005, 295

29. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “To the M. Riesz theorem on absolute convergence of the trigonometric Fourier series”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci, XXIV:1 (2004), 113-120  mathscinet  zmath
30. Niyazi A. Il'yasov, “To the M. Riesz theorem on absolute convergence of the trigonometric Fourier series (the second report)”, Trans. NAS Azerbaijan. Ser. Phys.-Tech. and Math. Sci., XXIV:4 (2004), 135-142  mathscinet
31. N. A. Ilyasov, “Vokrug kriteriya M.Rissa absolyutnoi skhodimosti trigonometricheskikh ryadov Fure”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funtsii i ikh prilozheniya. Tezisy dokladov 12-i Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly (Saratov, Rossiya, 27.01-03.02, 2004 g.), Izd-vo Gos. UNS “Kolledzh”, Saratov, 2004, 91-92
32. Niyazi A. Ilyasov, “The direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory for the convolution in $L_p(T)$ spaces”, Abstracts of talks of the “International workshop on analysis and its applications” (Mersin, Turkey, September 07-01.09.2004), Mersin University, 2004, 32
33. N. A. Ilyasov, “K voprosu o predstavlenii prostranstva $A(T)$ posredstvom klassov $L_p(T)*L_q(T)$, $1\le p,q\le\infty$”, Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po matematike i mekhanike, posvyaschennoi 45-letiyu IMM NAN Azerbaidzhana (Baku, 05.05–07.05 , 2004 g.), IMM NAN Azerbaidzhana, Baku, 2004, 80

34. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke priblizheniya periodicheskikh funktsii v obobschennykh gëlderovykh prostranstvakh”, Tezisy dokladov III Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Analiticheskii metody analiza i differentsialnykh uravnenii” (Minsk, 04.09-09.09, 2003 g.), IM NAN Belarusi, Minsk, 2003, 80

35. N. A. Ilyasov, “On the order of magnitude of the uniform convergence of multiple trigonometric Fourier series with respect to cubes on the function classes $H^l_{p,m}[\omega]$”, Analysis Mathematica, 28:1 (2002), 25-42  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 1
36. N. A. Ilyasov, “O pryamoi i obratnoi teoremakh v teorii absolyutno skhodyaschikhsya ryadov Fure”, Tezisy dokladov II Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma "Ryady Fure i ikh prilozheniya (Novorossiisk, Rossiya, 27.05-02.06, 2002 g.), Novorossiisk, 2002, 27-28

37. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the Order of Approximation in the Uniform Metric by the Fejér–Zygmund Means on the Classes $E_p[\varepsilon]$”, Math. Notes, 69:5 (2001), 625–633  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi

38. Il'yasov N.A., “On approximation of multivariable periodic functions in the $H^l_{p,m}[\omega]$ spaces”, Trans. Nat. Acad. Sci. Azerb., Ser. Phys.-Techn. and Math. Sci., XX:4 (2000), 91-96  zmath
39. N. A. Ilyasov, “Obobschenie odnogo rezultata Lorentsa o koeffitsientakh Fure periodicheskikh funktsii”, Vestnik Bakinskogo universiteta, Ser. fiz-matem. nauk, 2000, no. 4, 122-128

40. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke absolyutnoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure periodicheskikh funktsii iz klassov $H^l_p[\omega]$”, Vestnik Bakinskogo universiteta, Ser. fiz-matem. nauk, 1998, no. 1, 143-154
41. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke ravnomernoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure periodicheskikh funktsii iz klassov $H^l_p[\omega]$”, Vestnik Bakinskogo universiteta, Ser. fiz-matem. nauk, 1998, no. 2, 158-170
42. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke absolyutnoi i ravnomernoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure periodicheskikh funktsii iz klassov $H^l_p[\omega]$”, Teoriya priblizhenii i garmonicheskii analiz. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Tula, Rossiya, 26.05-29.05. 1998 g.), Izd-vo Tulskogo gos. un-ta, Tula, 1998, 120-121
43. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke absolyutnoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure na nekotorykh klassakh periodicheskikh funktsii v $L_p$”, Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii, posvyaschennoi 80-letiyu Azerbaidzhanskoi gosudarstvennosti (Baku, Azerbaidzhan, 25.05-26.05.1998 g.), Izd-vo BGU, Baku, 1998, 39-40

44. N. A. Il'yasov, “On the Direct Theorem of Approximation Theory of Periodic Functions in Different Metrics”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 219 (1997), 215–230  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
45. N. A. Ilyasov, “K neravenstvu Dzheksona-Stechkina v prostranstvakh $L^p(T^n)$, $1<p<\infty$”, Trudy IMM AN Azerb. respubliki, 6(14) (1997), 66-73
46. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadke ravnomernoi skhodimosti ryadov Fure periodicheskikh funktsii iz klassov $H^l_p(\omega)$”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii (Tezisy 9-i Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly) (Saratov, Rosiya, 26.01-01.02 1998 g.), Izd-vo SGU, Saratov, 1997, 71

47. N. A. Ilyasov, “Priblizhenie srednimi Feiera-Zigmunda na nekotorykh klassakh periodicheskikh funktsii v $L^p$”, Trudy. Azerb. matem. obschestva, 2 (1996), 91-110

48. N. A. Il'yasov, “An inverse theorem of approximation theory of periodic functions in various metrics”, Math. Notes, 52:2 (1992), 791–798  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi

49. N. A. Il'yasov, “An inverse approximation theorem in various metrics”, Math. Notes, 50:6 (1991), 1253–1260  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
50. N. A. Il'yasov, “Inequality between moduli of smoothness of different orders in different metrics”, Math. Notes, 50:2 (1991), 877–879  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
51. N. A. Ilyasov, “K neravenstvam mezhdu nailuchshimi priblizheniyami i modulyami gladkosti raznykh poryadkov periodicheskikh funktsii v $L_p$, $1\le p\le \infty$”, Singulyarnye integralnye operatory, Izd-vo Bakinskogo universiteta, Baku, 1991, 40-52
52. N. A. Ilyasov, “Ob usloviyakh vlozheniya klassov $S^l_p[\lambda]$ v $W^rH^k_q[\varphi]$”, Singulyarnye integralnye operatory, Izd-vo Bakinskogo universiteta, Baku, 1991, 98-108

53. N. A. Il'yasov, “Approximation of periodic functions by Fejer–Zygmund means in various metrics”, Math. Notes, 48:4 (1990), 1004–1010  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi

54. N. A. Ilyasov, “O poryadkakh $L_p$-modulei gladkosti funktsii na m-mernom tore”, Singulyarnye i integralnye operatory, Izd-vo Azgosuniversiteta, 1989, 43-58

55. N. A. Ilyasov, Teoremy vlozheniya dlya strukturnykh i konstruktivnykh kharakteristik funktsii, Diss. … kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, Azerb. un-t, Baku, 1987 , 150 pp.

56. N. A. Ilyasov, “On embedding theorems for generalized Nikol'skii–Besov spaces in $L_p$”, Dokl. Math., 36:3 (1988), 528–531  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

57. N. A. Il'yasov, “Approximation of periodic functions by Zygmund means”, Math. Notes, 39:3 (1986), 200–209  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
58. N. A. Ilyasov, “On imbedding theorems of generalized Hölder spaces in $L_p$”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 289:5 (1986), 1053–1055  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

59. N. A. Ilyasov, “Imbedding theorems for some classes of periodic functions in $L_p,$ $1\le p\le\infty$”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 276:6 (1984), 1301–1304  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

60. E. G. Guseinov, N. A. Ilyasov, “Sravnenie differentsialno-gladkostnogo i gladkostnogo sposobov opisaniya svoistv nepreryvnykh funktsii”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii (Materialy Vsesoyuznoi shkoly po teorii funktsii) (Baku, 21.05-01.06.1977 g.), Baku, Azerb. un-t, 1980, 118-123

61. N. A. Ilyasov, “O funktsiyakh, udovletvoryayuschikh usloviyu Gëldera”, Nauchnye trudy. Azerb. universitet. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk, 1979, no. 4, 39-42  mathscinet

62. E. G. Guseinov, N. A. Il'yasov, “Differential and smoothness properties of continuous functions”, Math. Notes, 22:6 (1977), 931–936  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. S. B. Stechkin's inequalities in approximation theory: the key estimation and pairwise equivalency
N. A. Ilyasov
International Conference "Approximation Theory and Applications" Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary S. B. Stechkin
September 7, 2021 11:00   

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