Zuyev, Alexander Leonidovich

Total publications: 68 (68)
in MathSciNet: 44 (44)
in zbMATH: 38 (38)
in Web of Science: 22 (22)
in Scopus: 33 (33)
Cited articles: 32
Citations: 336

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This page:4274
Zuyev, Alexander Leonidovich
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2008)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: mathematical control theory; stability theory; distributed parameter systems; differential inclusions; stabilization; Lyapunovs direct method; mechanics of hybrid systems
UDC: 517.977, 531.36, 531.39
MSC: 93D15, 93D30, 34D20, 34A60, 34G20


Mathematical Control Theory; Distributed Parameter Systems; Stability Theory; Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations

Main publications:
  1. Zuyev A.L., Partial Stabilization and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Elastic Elements, Springer, 2015  crossref  mathscinet
  2. Sklyar G., Zuyev A. (Eds.), Stabilization of Distributed Parameter Systems: Design Methods and Applications, Springer, 2021  crossref
  3. Zuev A.L., Ignatev A.O., Kovalev A.M., Ustoichivost i stabilizatsiya nelineinykh sistem, Naukova dumka, Kiev, 2013  crossref
  4. Zuyev A., “Exponential stabilization of nonholonomic systems by means of oscillating controls”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54 (2016), 1678–1696  crossref  mathscinet
  5. Zuyev A., Grushkovskaya V.,, “Motion planning for control-affine systems satisfying low-order controllability conditions”, International Journal of Control, 90 (2017), 2517–2537  crossref

Full list of scientific publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. A. L. Zuyev, “Mathematical control theory: nonlinear dynamics and engineering applications”, Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020, no. 1, 29-37  crossref
2. P. Benner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, A. Zuyev, “Periodic switching strategies for an isoperimetric control problem with application to nonlinear chemical reactions”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 69 (2019), 287–300 , arXiv: 1811.07421  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 24
3. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, C. Ebenbauer, “On a class of generating vector fields for the extremum seeking problem: Lie bracket approximation and stability properties”, Automatica, 94 (2018), 151–160 , arXiv: 1703.02348  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 72
4. A. Zuyev, J. Novikova, “Modeling and Stabilization of a Rotating Mechanical System with Elastic Plates”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51:2 (2018), 493–498  crossref  isi  scopus
5. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Obstacle Avoidance Problem for Second Degree Nonholonomic Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018), IEEE, 2018, 1500–1505 arXiv: 1811.09120  crossref  scopus 11
6. V. Grushkovskaya, S. Michalowsky, A. Zuyev, M. May, C. Ebenbauer, “A family of extremum seeking laws for a unicycle model with a moving target: Theoretical and experimental studies”, Proc. 2018 European Control Conference (ECC 2018), IEEE, 2018, 912–917  crossref  scopus 10
7. A. Zuyev, V. Grushkovskaya, “Motion planning for control-affine systems satisfying low-order controllability conditions”, International Journal of Control, 90:11 (2017), 2517–2537  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus 18
8. V. V. Grushkovskaya, A. L. Zuyev, “Two-point problem for systems satisfying the controllability condition with Lie brackets of the second order”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 220:3 (2017), 301-317  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
9. A. Zuyev, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, P. Benner, “An isoperimetric optimal control problem for a non-isothermal chemical reactor with periodic inputs”, Chemical Engineering Science, 161 (2017), 206-214  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 23
10. A. Zuyev, V. Grushkovskaya, “Obstacle Avoidance Problem for Driftless Nonlinear Systems with Oscillating Controls”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50:1 (2017), 15343–15348  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 8
11. V. Grushkovskaya, H.-B. Dürr, C. Ebenbauer, A. Zuyev, “Extremum Seeking for Time-Varying Functions using Lie Bracket Approximations”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50:1 (2017), 5522–5528  crossref  isi  scopus 17
12. A. Zuyev, A. Kienle, P. Benner, “Construction of a Lyapunov functional for a class of controlled population balance models”, PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 17 (2017), 827–828  crossref 2
13. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Motion planning problem with obstacle avoidance for step-2 bracket-generating systems”, PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 17 (2017), 799–800  crossref 1
14. A. Zuyev, “Exponential stabilization of nonholonomic systems by means of oscillating controls”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54:3 (2016), 1678-1696 , arXiv: 1503.04413  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 39
15. A. Zuyev, P. Benner, “Local steering problem for a class of control-affine systems with application to continuous crystallization processes”, PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 16:1 (2016), 831-832  crossref  mathscinet 2
16. A. Zuyev, V. Grushkovskaya, P. Benner, “Time-varying stabilization of a class of driftless systems satisfying second-order controllability conditions”, 2016 European Control Conference (ECC) (Aalborg, Denmark, June 29-July 1, 2016.), IEEE, 2016, 575-580  crossref  isi  scopus 9
17. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Attractors of nonlinear dynamical systems with a weakly monotone measure”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2015), 559–570 link  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 11
18. A. Zuyev, O. Sawodny, “Modelling and control of a shell structure based on a finite dimensional variational formulation”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 21:6 (2015), 591–612 link  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 4
19. A. Zuyev, “Reachable sets of quasilinear hyperbolic control systems with applications to separation processes”, PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15:1 (2015), 647–648 link  crossref
20. A. L. Zuev, Yu. V. Novikova, “Estimation of the reachable set for the problem of vibrating Kirchhoff plate”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 66:11 (2015), 1639-1653  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 1
21. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Optimal stabilization problem with minimax cost in a critical case”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59:9 (2014), 2512-2517 link  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 7
22. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a nonlinear system in the critical case of q pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues”, Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 80 (2013), 156-178 link  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 8
23. T. N. Astakhova, A. L. Zuev, “Zadacha planirovaniya dvizheniya dlya klassa nelineinykh sistem s trigonometricheskimi funktsiyami upravleniya”, Dinamicheskie sistemy, 3 (31):1-2 (2013), 159-167  zmath  elib
24. A. L. Zuev, Yu. I. Kucher, “Stabilizatsiya modeli uprugoi balki s raspredelennymi i sosredotochennymi upravlyayuschimi vozdeistviyami”, Dinamicheskie sistemy, 3 (31):1-2 (2013), 25-35  zmath  elib
25. V. Grushkovskaya, A. Zuyev, “Optimal stabilization of nonlinear systems by an output feedback law in a critical case”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013 (Florence, 10-13 December 2013), IEEE, 2013, 4607-4612  crossref  isi  scopus
26. V. V. Grushkovskaya, A. L. Zuev, “Asimptoticheskie svoistva traektorii nelineinoi sistemy v sluchae rezonansa chetvertogo poryadka”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2013, no. 43, 109-123 link  mathscinet
27. I. G. Vasileva, A. L. Zuev, “Chastichnaya stabilizatsiya nelineinykh sistem so sluchainymi vozdeistviyami”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 25 (2012), 33-41  mathscinet  zmath
28. T. N. Astakhova, A. L. Zuev, “Eksponentsialnaya stabilizatsiya klassa nelineinykh sistem s pomoschyu gibridnogo zakona upravleniya”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 25 (2012), 3-10  mathscinet  zmath
29. A. L. Zuev, Yu. V. Novikova, “Optimalnoe upravleniya modelyu plastiny Kirkhgofa”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2012, no. 42, 165-178 link  mathscinet  zmath
30. V. V. Grushkovskaya, A. L. Zuev, “Usloviya ustoichivosti nelineinykh dinamicheskikh sistem s monotonnoi meroi na fazovom potoke”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 22 (2011), 62-70  mathscinet  zmath
31. A. L. Zuev, Yu. I. Kucher, “Skhodimost posledovatelnosti priblizhennykh reshenii dinamicheskikh uravnenii uprugoi balki”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 23 (2011), 86-99  mathscinet  zmath
32. V. V. Grushkovskaya, A. L. Zuev, “Asimptoticheskoe povedenie reshenii sistemy s kriticheskimi peremennymi v sluchae dvukh par chisto mnimykh kornei”, Dinamicheskie sistemy, 1 (29):2 (2011), 207-218  zmath  elib
33. A. L. Zuyev, “Modal approach to the controllability problem of distributed parameter systems”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 21 (2010), 107-113  mathscinet  zmath
34. Zuyev A., “Approximate controllability of a rotating Kirchhoff plate model”, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2010 (Atlanta, 15-17 December 2010), IEEE, 2010, 6944-6948  crossref  isi  scopus 2
35. Zuyev A., “Feedback Stabilization of a System of Rigid Bodies with a Flexible Beam”, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 396, eds. K. Kozlowski, Springer, 2009, 69-81  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 1
36. Chumachenko T., Zuyev A., “Application of the Return Method to the Steering of Nonlinear Systems”, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 396, eds. K. Kozlowski, Springer, 2009, 83-91  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 1
37. Kovalev A.M., Martynyuk A.A., Boichuk O.A., Mazko A.G., Petryshyn R.I., Slyusarchuk V.Yu., Zuyev A.L., Slyn'ko V.I., “Novel Qualitative Methods of Nonlinear Mechanics and their Application to the Analysis of Multifrequency Oscillations, Stability, and Control Problems”, Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 9:2 (2009), 117-145  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
38. Zuyev A., “Approximate controllability and spillover analysis of a class of distributed parameter systems”, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference, CDC/CCC 2009 (Shanghai, 15-18 December 2009), IEEE, 2009, 3270-3275  crossref  isi  scopus 2
39. V. V. Grushkovskaya, A. L. Zuev, “Stabilizatsiya nelineinoi sistemy s ogranichivayuschim mnozhestvom v vide treugolnika”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 19 (2009), 53-64  mathscinet  zmath
40. A. L. Zuev, “Localization of the limit set of trajectories of the Euler-Bernoulli equation with control”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 60:2 (2008), 199-210  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
41. T. N. Chumachenko, A. L. Zuev, “Issledovanie lokalnoi upravlyaemosti nelineinykh sistem metodom vozvrata”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2008, no. 38, 136-144  mathscinet
42. Zuyev A., Sawodny O., “Stabilization and Observability of a Rotating Timoshenko Beam Model”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2007, 57238 , 19 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 15
43. Zuev A.L., “Ob otnositelnoi kompaktnosti traektorii differentsialnykh uravnenii v banakhovom prostranstve”, Dopovidi NAN Ukraїni, 2007, no. 2, 7-12  zmath
44. Zuev A.L., “Optimalnoe upravlenie v zadache o kolebaniyakh uprugoi sistemy”, Dinamicheskie sistemy, 2007, no. 22, 37-45  zmath
45. Zuev A.L., “Priblizhennaya upravlyaemost uprugoi sistemy s obobschennymi koordinatami”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 14 (2007), 89-96  mathscinet  zmath
46. A. L. Zuev, “Asimptoticheskie svoistva traektorii v zadache ob upralyaemykh kolebaniyakh uprugoi balki”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 15 (2007), 70-78  mathscinet  zmath
47. A. L. Zuev, “Partial asymptotic stability of abstract differential equations”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 58:5 (2006), 709-717  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 6
48. Zuyev A.L., “Control of a system with elastic components in the non-resonance case”, Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin, 3:1 (2006), 131-144  mathscinet  zmath
49. Zuev A.L., “Upravlenie uprugimi kolebaniyami s ispolzovaniem kanonicheskoi formy”, Dinamicheskie sistemy, 2006, no. 20, 27-34  zmath
50. Zuev A.L., “Asimptoticheskie svoistva sobstvennykh znachenii v zadache o kolebanii uprugogo manipulyatora”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2006, no. 36, 114-122  mathscinet
51. Zuev A.L., “O linearizatsii upravlyaemoi sistemy s modalnymi koordinatami”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 13 (2006), 97-102  mathscinet  zmath
52. A. Zuyev, O. Sawodny, “Observer design for a flexible manipulator model with a payload”, 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006, CDC (San Diego, 13-15 December 2006), IEEE, 2006, 4490-4495  scopus
53. Zuyev A., “Partial asymptotic stabilization of nonlinear distributed parameter systems”, Automatica, 41:1 (2005), 1-10  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 5
54. Jakubczyk B., Zuyev A., “Stabilizability conditions in terms of critical Hamiltonians and symbols”, Systems & Control Letters, 54:6 (2005), 597-606  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 3
55. A. L. Zuev, “Control of a flexible manipulator within the framework of the Timoshenko beam model”, International Applied Mechanics, 41:12 (2005), 1418-1425  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib  scopus 1
56. Zuev A.L., “Modelirovanie prostranstvennogo uprugogo manipulyatora s teleskopicheskim dvizheniem zvenev”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 10 (2005), 51-58  mathscinet  zmath
57. Zuev A.L., “Sintez dinamicheskogo nablyudatelya dlya modeli uprugogo manipulyatora”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2005, no. 35, 217-223  mathscinet
58. Zuev A.L., “Stabilizatsiya modeli gibkogo mnogozvennika s passivnymi sharnirami”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2004, no. 34, 180-188  mathscinet
59. Peiffer K., Savchenko A.Ya., Zuyev A.L., “On the asymptotic behavior of solutions in the critical case of two pairs of purely imaginary roots”, Problems of Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering Systems, 9:2(18) (2003), 1-10 link
60. Kovalev A.M., Zuyev A.L., Shcherbak V.F., “The Synthesis of Stabilizing Control of a Rigid Body with Attached Elastic Elements”, Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 34:11 (2002), 5-16  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 1
61. Zuev A.L., “Stabilizatsiya neavtonomnykh sistem po chasti peremennykh s pomoschyu upravlyaemykh funktsii Lyapunova”, Problemy upravleniya i informatiki, 2000, no. 4, 25–34  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 13
62. Zuev A.L., “Primenenie funktsii Lyapunova so znakootritsatelnoi proizvodnoi v zadachakh chastichnoi stabilizatsii”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2000, no. 30, 222-227  mathscinet  zmath
63. A. L. Zuiev, “On Brockett's condition for smooth stabilization with respect to a part of the variables”, European Control Conference, ECC 1999 - Conference Proceedings (Karlsruhe, 31 August - 3 September 1999), IEEE, 1999, 1729-1732  crossref  scopus 6
64. Zuev A.L., “Ob asimptoticheskikh otsenkakh reshenii v sluchae ustoichivosti po formam tretego poryadka”, Trudy Instituta prikladnoi matematiki i mekhaniki, 2 (1998), 63-71  mathscinet  zmath
65. Zuev A.L., Savchenko A.Ya., “Ob ustoichivosti ravnomernykh vraschenii modeli uzla vetroenergeticheskoi ustanovki”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1997, no. 29, 30-38  mathscinet  zmath


66. G. Sklyar, A. Zuyev, Stabilization of Distributed Parameter Systems: Design Methods and Applications, SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Springer International Publishing, 2021  crossref 3
67. A. Zuyev, Partial Stabilization and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Elastic Elements, Springer, 2015 , 232 pp. link  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi 10
68. A. L. Zuev, A. O. Ignatev, A. M. Kovalev, Ustoichivost i stabilizatsiya nelineinykh sistem, Naukova dumka, Kiev, 2013 , 431 pp. link  crossref

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