Elektrooptika i konduktometriya polidispersnykh sistem / V. V. Voitylov, A. A. Trusov; LGU. - Leningrad : Izd-vo LGU, 1989. - 186,[1] s. : il.; 20 sm.; ISBN 5-288-00250-9
O. S. Vezo, A. V. Voitylov, V. V. Voitylov, M. P. Petrov, A. A. Trusov, “An electrooptical method for studying the coagulation of nanodisperse systems: formation of aggregates of graphite particles in aqueous electrolytes”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:6 (2020), 713–721; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:6 (2020), 719–728
O. S. Vezo, A. V. Voitylov, V. V. Voitylov, M. P. Petrov, A. A. Trusov, “Investigations of light scattering and refraction in water-dispersed systems of detonation diamond”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 125:6 (2018), 778–785; Optics and Spectroscopy, 125:6 (2018), 948–956
V. P. Budtov, Yu. I. Vasilenok, V. V. Voitylov, A. A. Trusov, “Effect of electric and magnetic fields on percolation in soot-filled polyethylenes”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:8 (1989), 262–264