Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2001 |
1. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Alexandroff's Double Arrow Compact Space and Approximation Theory”, Mat. Zametki, 69:6 (2001), 820–827 ; Math. Notes, 69:6 (2001), 749–755 |
1998 |
2. |
L. P. Vlasov, ““Suns” and geometric properties of the unit sphere in a Banach space”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 5 (1998), 247–253 |
1997 |
3. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Finite-codimensional Chebyshev subspaces in the complex space $C(Q)$”, Mat. Zametki, 62:2 (1997), 178–191 ; Math. Notes, 62:2 (1997), 148–159 |
4. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Norm-attaining functionals on $C(Q,X)$”, Mat. Zametki, 61:1 (1997), 45–56 ; Math. Notes, 61:1 (1997), 38–47 |
1996 |
5. |
V. S. Balaganskii, L. P. Vlasov, “The problem of convexity of Chebyshev sets”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 51:6(312) (1996), 125–188 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 51:6 (1996), 1127–1190 |
6. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Minimizing nets and generalized best approximation elements”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 4 (1996), 146–156 |
1995 |
7. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Existence of best approximation elements in $C(Q,X)$”, Mat. Zametki, 58:2 (1995), 163–175 ; Math. Notes, 58:2 (1995), 785–793 |
1992 |
8. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Continuity of the metric projection on convex sets”, Mat. Zametki, 52:6 (1992), 3–9 ; Math. Notes, 52:6 (1992), 1173–1177 |
1987 |
9. |
L. P. Vlasov, G. M. Ustinov, “Duality of faces of the unit sphere in Banach spaces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 292:4 (1987), 788–790 |
1986 |
10. |
L. P. Vlasov, “The existence of elements of best approximation in the complex space $C(Q)$”, Mat. Zametki, 40:5 (1986), 627–634 ; Math. Notes, 40:5 (1986), 857–861 |
1985 |
11. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Subspaces of finite codimension: The existence of elements of best approximation”, Mat. Zametki, 37:1 (1985), 78–85 ; Math. Notes, 37:1 (1985), 45–49 |
1983 |
12. |
L. P. Vlasov, G. M. Ustinov, “Closed faces of the unit ball in Banach spaces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 273:3 (1983), 529–531 |
13. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Boundary of the unit ball and approximation by elements of subspaces of finite codimension in $C(Q)$”, Mat. Zametki, 34:5 (1983), 699–710 ; Math. Notes, 34:5 (1983), 841–847 |
1982 |
14. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Elements of best approximation relative to subspaces of finite codimension”, Mat. Zametki, 32:3 (1982), 325–341 ; Math. Notes, 32:3 (1982), 642–651 |
1981 |
15. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Continuity of the metric projection”, Mat. Zametki, 30:6 (1981), 813–818 ; Math. Notes, 30:6 (1981), 906–909 |
1980 |
16. |
L. P. Vlasov, “A characterization of generalized and classical best approximation elements relative to spaces of finite codimension”, Mat. Zametki, 28:5 (1980), 707–716 ; Math. Notes, 28:5 (1980), 809–813 |
17. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Approximative properties of subspaces of finite codimension in $C(Q)$”, Mat. Zametki, 28:2 (1980), 205–222 ; Math. Notes, 28:2 (1980), 565–574 |
1979 |
18. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Uniqueness of generalized elements of best approximation”, Mat. Zametki, 25:2 (1979), 161–175 ; Math. Notes, 25:2 (1979), 83–91 |
1978 |
19. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Properties of generalized elements of best approximation”, Mat. Zametki, 24:4 (1978), 513–522 ; Math. Notes, 24:4 (1978), 774–778 |
1976 |
20. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Generalized elements of best approximation”, Mat. Zametki, 19:4 (1976), 513–523 ; Math. Notes, 19:4 (1976), 314–319 |
1975 |
21. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Almost convex sets”, Mat. Zametki, 18:3 (1975), 343–356 ; Math. Notes, 18:3 (1975), 791–799 |
1974 |
22. |
L. P. Vlasov, “The concept of approximative compactness and alternate versions of it”, Mat. Zametki, 16:2 (1974), 337–348 ; Math. Notes, 16:2 (1974), 786–792 |
1973 |
23. |
L. P. Vlasov, ““Solar” properties of sets in Banach spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 13:6 (1973), 795–805 |
24. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Approximative properties of sets in normed linear spaces”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 28:6(174) (1973), 3–66 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 28:6 (1973), 1–66 |
1972 |
25. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Some theorems on Chebyshev sets”, Mat. Zametki, 11:2 (1972), 135–144 ; Math. Notes, 11:2 (1972), 87–92 |
1970 |
26. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Approximate properties of sets in Banach spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 7:5 (1970), 593–604 ; Math. Notes, 7:5 (1970), 358–364 |
1968 |
27. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Methods of summation and best approximation”, Mat. Zametki, 4:1 (1968), 11–20 ; Math. Notes, 4:1 (1968), 493–499 |
28. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Chebyshev sets and some generalizations of them”, Mat. Zametki, 3:1 (1968), 59–69 ; Math. Notes, 3:1 (1968), 36–41 |
1967 |
29. |
L. P. Vlasov, “On Cebysev sets”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 173:3 (1967), 491–494 |
30. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Chebyshev sets and approximately convex sets”, Mat. Zametki, 2:2 (1967), 191–200 ; Math. Notes, 2:2 (1967), 600–605 |
31. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Approximatively convex sets in uniformly smooth spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 1:4 (1967), 443–449 ; Math. Notes, 1:4 (1967), 295–299 |
1965 |
32. |
L. P. Vlasov, “On almost convex sets in Banach spaces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 163:1 (1965), 18–21 |
1961 |
33. |
L. P. Vlasov, “Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 141:1 (1961), 19–20 |
Organisations |