Roshchupkin, Alexandr Mitrofanovich

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Total publications: 25
Scientific articles: 25

Number of views:
This page:87
Abstract pages:1424
Full texts:637
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1991)
Speciality: 01.04.07 (Physics of condensed states)
Birth date: 18.10.1942
Main publications:
  • Dinamika dislokatsii i kogerentnykh mezhfaznykh granits v kristallakh : ucheb. pos. / A. T. Kosilov, A. M. Perevoznikov, A. M. Roschupkin ; Voronezhskii politekhn. in-t. - Voronezh : VPI, 1984. - 93 s.
  • Molekulyarno-kinematicheskaya teoriya metallov : Ucheb. pos. / V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roschupkin; Voronezh. politekhn. in-t. - Voronezh : VPI, 1986. - 82 s.
  • Relaksatsionnye yavleniya v nitevidnykh kristallakh poluprovodnikov / S. A. Antipov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. M. Roschupkin. - Voronezh : Izd-vo Voronezh. un-ta, 1987. - 191 s.
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. A. Antipov, I. L. Bataronov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. P. Ermakov, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Rotational-instability kinetics in stretched silicon whiskers”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 33:1 (1992),  144–149  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 33:1 (1992), 128–133
2. V. E. Gromov, L. B. Zuev, I. L. Bataronov, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On the concept of dislocation motion under current”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 33:10 (1991),  3027–3032  mathnet
3. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On bending vibrations of interphase boundaries in crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 33:3 (1991),  719–724  mathnet
4. I. L. Bataronov, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Elastoplastic torsion theory for whisker crystals”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 32:2 (1991),  127–134  mathnet; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 32:2 (1991), 259–265 1
5. A. M. Roshchupkin, “Effect of reactive motive force of shear phase transformation in crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:7 (1990),  2004–2006  mathnet
6. A. M. Roshchupkin, “Dynamics of new phase crystal growth in shear transformation”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:4 (1990),  1186–1193  mathnet
7. V. V. Dezhin, V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Bending vibrations of dislocations in a ferroelectric”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:4 (1990),  1148–1155  mathnet
8. V. V. Dezhin, V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Generalized dislocation susceptibility in a crystal with soft mode”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:3 (1990),  810–817  mathnet
9. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On the domain wall oscillation spectrum in ferroelectrics-ferroelastics”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:11 (1989),  243–247  mathnet
10. S. A. Antipov, I. L. Bataronov, A. I. Drozhzhin, I. V. Mishin, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On low-temperature dislocation-induced internal friction peaks in filamentary silicon crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:9 (1989),  163–169  mathnet
11. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On a new type of elastic waves in crystals with a twin boundary”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:8 (1989),  77–82  mathnet
12. I. V. Zolotukhin, V. S. Zheleznyi, A. A. Lukin, A. M. Roshchupkin, V. M. Fedorov, “Structural instability in the superconducting amorphous system $\mathrm{Re}$$\mathrm{Ta}$$\mathrm{H}$”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:4 (1989),  251–253  mathnet
13. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Effect of point defects on crystallographic orientation of habit faces in the new phase crystals formed in martensite-type phase transformations”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:2 (1989),  286–287  mathnet
14. S. A. Antipov, I. L. Bataronov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. P. Ermakov, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Temperature-rate relations of the torsional strain diagrams for filamentary semiconductor crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:12 (1988),  3591–3596  mathnet
15. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On phase equilibrium in solids with point defects”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:11 (1988),  3431–3435  mathnet
16. I. L. Bataronov, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On the effect of electric and magnetic fields on the dislocation interaction with point defects in metals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:11 (1988),  3311–3318  mathnet
17. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On a generalized condition of phase equilibrium in orientationally ordering media”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:10 (1988),  3053–3056  mathnet
18. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Effect of point defects on coherent interphase boundary dynamics in solid solutions”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:9 (1988),  2576–2584  mathnet
19. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On a generalized expression for the configurational force acting on domain boundary in ferroelectrics–ferroelastics”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:8 (1988),  2286–2291  mathnet
20. V. N. Nechaev, A. M. Roshchupkin, “On domain wall dynamics in ferroelectrics and ferromagnets”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:6 (1988),  1908–1910  mathnet
21. S. A. Antipov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. P. Ermakov, A. M. Roshchupkin, M. I. Starovikov, “Creep of silicon whiskers under tension”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 29:8 (1987),  2476–2478  mathnet
22. S. A. Antipov, A. I. Drozhzhin, I. V. Mishin, A. M. Roshchupkin, “LOW-TEMPERATURE DISLOCATION MAXIMUM OF THE INTERNAL-FRICTION IN SILICON THREAD-LIKE CRYSTALS”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 57:12 (1987),  2382–2384  mathnet
23. I. L. Bataronov, A. M. Belikov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Stress relaxation in filamentary germanium crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 28:12 (1986),  3709–3715  mathnet
24. S. A. Antipov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. M. Roshchupkin, “Anomalous attenuation in silicon in the temperature range $300$$700$ K”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 27:7 (1985),  2091–2094  mathnet
25. S. A. Antipov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. M. Roshchupkin, “High-temperature maximum of internal friction in silicon whiskers”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 25:5 (1983),  1392–1396  mathnet

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