List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2025 |
1. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Modelnaya zadacha v polose dlya giperbolicheskogo differentsialno-raznostnogo uravneniya”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 61:1 (2025), 5-12 |
2. |
N. V. Zaitseva, Integralnoe ischislenie funktsii odnoi peremennoi : uchebnoe posobie, MAKS Press, Moskva, 2025 , 72 pp., Usl. pech. l. 5,85. Retsenzenty: d.f.-m.n., prof. I. V. Sadovnichaya, d.f.-m.n., prof. V. V. Fomichev. |
2024 |
3. |
V. Vasilyev, N. Zaitseva, “On hyperbolic equations with a translation operator in lowest derivatives”, Mathematics, 12:12, Special Issue. Analytical and Computational Methods in Differential Equations, Special Functions, Transmutations and Integral Transforms, 2nd Edition. Editor Dr. Sergei Sitnik (2024), 1896 , 8 pp.
4. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic differential-difference equations”, Differential Equations, 60:7 (2024), 817-867 |
5. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Nonlocal problem with integral condition for mixed-type equation with Bessel operator”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 45:9 (2024), 4631-4638 (Submitted by A. B. Muravnik) |
6. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Uniqueness of the solution of one nonlocal problem for a singular elliptic-hyperbolic equation”, Differential Equations, 60:8 (2024), 1056-1064 |
7. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “On the existence of smooth solutions to a hyperboliq differential-difference equation”, Differential Equations, 60:9 (2024), 1153-1159 |
8. |
N. V. Zaitseva, E. L. Shishkina, Matematicheskii analiz. Chast 1: uchebnik dlya vuzov, Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, Moskva, 2024 , 328 pp.: il. Usl. pech. l. 20,5. Retsenzenty: d.f.-m.n., prof. I. V. Sadovnichaya, d.f.-m.n., prof. V. V. Fomichev. Mesta khraneniya: |
9. |
A. V. Il'in, N. V. Zaitseva, A. V. Arutyunov, I. V. Astashova, F. L. Chernous'ko, V. V. Fomichev, D. V. Georgievskii, N. A. Izobov, V. I. Korzyuk, A. B. Kurzhanskii, Yu. S. Osipov, S. I. Repin, V. G. Romanov, Ya. T. Sultanaev, V. A. Vinokurov, “On the eighty-fifth anniversary of Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichii”, Differential Equations, 60:4 (2024), 409-411 |
2023 |
10. |
Vladimir Vasilyev, Natalya Zaitseva, “Initial problem for two-dimensional hyperbolic equation with a nonlocal term”, Mathematics, 11:1, Special Issue: Analytical and Computational Methods in Differential Equations, Special Functions, Transmutations and Integral Transforms. Editor Dr. Sergei Sitnik (2023), 130 , 24 pp. |
11. |
N. V. Zaitseva, A. B. Muravnik, “Smooth solutions of hyperbolic equations with translation by an arbitrary vector in the free term”, Differential Equations, 59:3 (2023), 371-376 |
12. |
A. B. Muravnik, N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic differential-difference equations with differently directed translations”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:3 (2023), 920-925
13. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Family of smooth solutions of a hyperbolic differential-difference equation”, Differential Equations, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Algorithms, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (DEMMCA 2021, Belgorod, Russia, October 25-29), 423, eds. Vladimir Vasilyev, Springer, Cham, 2023, 289-298
14. |
N. V. Zaitseva, A. B. Muravnik, “A classical solution to a hyperbolic differential-difference equation with a translation by an arbitrary vector”, Russian Mathematics, 67:5 (2023), 29-34 |
15. |
Vladimir Vasilyev, Natalya Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic equation with translation operators in free terms”, Mathematics, 11:14 (2023), 3137 , 9 pp.
16. |
Vasilyev V.B., Zaitseva N.V., “Analytical solution of one non-local problem for hyperbolic equation”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:7 (2023), 2970-2978
17. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Uniqueness of solution of boundary-value problem with integral condition for mixed-type equation with Bessel operator”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:8 (2023), 3640-3645 (Submitted by A. B. Muravnik)
18. |
Vladimir Vasilyev, Natalya Zaitseva, “Initial problem for two-dimensional hyperbolic equation with a nonlocal term”, Analytical and Computational Methods in Differential Equations, Special Functions, Transmutations and Integral Transforms, Special Issue Reprint, A reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390), eds. Sergei Sitnik, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2023, 215-238 |
19. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Mixed problems with integral conditions for hyperbolic equations with the Bessel operator”, Differential Equations, 59:Suppl. 1 (2023), S1-S72
20. |
Zaitseva N. V., “On one Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic differential-difference equation”, Differential Equations, 59:12 (2023), 1787-1792
2022 |
21. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Klassicheskie resheniya giperbolicheskikh differentsialno-raznostnykh uravnenii v poluprostranstve”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 58:5 (2022), 628-637 |
22. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of a multidimensional hyperbolic differential-difference equation with multidirectional shifts in potentials”, Mathematical Notes, 112:6 (2022), 872–880 |
23. |
N. V. Zaitseva, Gladkie resheniya giperbolicheskikh differentsialno-raznostnykh uravnenii, Diss. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk po spetsialnosti 01.01.02 - differentsialnye uravneniya, dinamicheskie sistemy i optimalnoe upravlenie, MAKS Press, Moskva, 2022 , 102 pp. |
2021 |
24. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Uniqueness of the solution of a nonlocal problem for an elliptic-hyperbolic equation with singular coefficients”, Mathematical Notes, 109:4 (2021), 563-569 |
25. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Nonlocal boundary value problem with an integral condition for a mixed type equation with a singular coefficient”, Differential Equations, 57:2 (2021), 210-220 |
26. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic differential-difference equations with several nonlocal terms”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:1 (2021), 231-236 (Submitted by A. B. Muravnik)
27. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic equations with nonlocal potentials”, (Presented by Academician of the RAS E. I. Moiseev), Doklady Mathematics, 103:3 (2021), 127-129 |
28. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Hyperbolic differential-difference equations with nonlocal potentials”, Ufa Mathematical Journal, 13:3 (2021), 36-43 |
29. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Keldysh-type problems with integral conditions for two-dimensional B-hyperbolic equations”, Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 76:5 (2021), 220-228 |
30. |
N. V. Zaitseva, Smeshannye zadachi s integralnymi usloviyami dlya giperbolicheskikh uravnenii s operatorom Besselya: monografiya, Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, Moskva, 2021 , 118 pp., Mesta khraneniya: |
31. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Classical solutions of hyperbolic differential–difference equations in a half-space”, Differential Equations, 57:12 (2021), 1629-1639
2020 |
32. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “On global classical solutions of hyperbolic differential-difference equations”, Doklady Mathematics, 101:2 (2020), 115-116 (Presented by Academician of the RAS E. I. Moiseev) |
33. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Global classical solutions of some two-dimensional hyperbolic differential-difference equations”, Differential Equations, 56:6 (2020), 734-739 |
34. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Boundary value problem with integral condition for the mixed type equation with a singular coefficient”, Trends in Mathematics, Transmutation Operators and Applications, eds. Vladislav V. Kravchenko, Sergei M. Sitnik, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2020, 671-686
2019 |
35. |
K. B. Sabitov, N. V. Zaitseva, “The second initial-boundary value problem for a $B$-hyperbolic equation”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 63:10 (2019), 66–76 |
36. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “First initial-boundary value problem for B-hyperbolic equation”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 40:2 (2019), 240-247 (Submitted by A. M. Elizarov)
37. |
A. M. Elizarov, N. V. Zaitseva, E. K. Lipachev, Sh. M. Khaidarov, Programma avtomatizirovannogo formirovaniya metadannykh dokumentov tsifrovoi matematicheskoi biblioteki Lobachevskii DML, Svidetelstvo o registratsii programmy dlya EVM # 2019611328, 2019 |
2018 |
38. |
K. B. Sabitov, N. V. Zaitseva, “Initial value problem for B-hyperbolic equation with integral condition of the second kind”, Differential Equations, 54:1 (2018), 121-133 |
39. |
K. B. Sabitov, N. V. Zaitseva, “Initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equation with singular coefficient and integral condition of second kind”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 39:9 (2018), 1419-1427 (Submitted by A. M. Elizarov)
40. |
A. M. Elizarov, N. V. Zaitseva, D. S. Zuev, E. K. Lipachev, S. M. Khaidarov, “Services for formation of digital documents metadata in the formats of international science-based databases”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Proceedings of the 20th Conference Scientific Services & Internet (SSI-2018)), 2260, ISSN 1613-0073 (2018), 175-185 |
2017 |
41. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Keldysh type problem for B-hyperbolic equation with integral boundary value condition of the first kind”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 38:1 (2017), 162-169 (Submitted by E. K. Lipachev)
2016 |
42. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “The nonlocal problem for a hyperbolic equation with Bessel operator in a rectangular domain”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 20:4 (2016), 589–602 |
43. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “The boundary value problem for a hyperbolic equation with Bessel operator in a rectangular domain with integral boundary value condition of the first kind”, Vestnik SamU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 2016, no. 3-4, 51–62 |
44. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie kraevoi zadachi dlya ellipticheskogo uravneniya s operatorom Besselya v sisteme kompyuternoi matematiki Maple”, Fundamentalnye issledovaniya, 2016, no. 4(1), 41-46 |
2015 |
45. |
T. M. Kozhanova, B. A. Karev, G. Z. Khabibullina, I. D. Ibragimov, L. G. Khisamiyeva, N. V. Zaytseva, M. A. Kulkova, “The didactic construct of design technologies in the educational process of modern university”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6:2 S3 (2015), 225-232
46. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Boundary value problem for a B-hyperbolic equation with an integral condition of the second kind”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 78:3 (2015), 497-508 |
2014 |
47. |
N. V. Zaitseva, Reshenie smeshannoi zadachi s nelokalnym integralnym usloviem dlya giperbolicheskogo uravneniya s operatorom Besselya,, 2014 |
2013 |
48. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Smeshannaya zadacha dlya odnogo V-giperbolicheskogo uravneniya s integralnym usloviem vtorogo roda”, Izvestiya Smolenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2013, no. 4(24), 397-403 |
2012 |
49. |
N. V. Zaitseva, “Smeshannaya zadacha dlya odnogo V-giperbolicheskogo uravneniya s integralnym usloviem pervogo roda”, Izvestiya Tulskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Estestvennye nauki, 2012, no. 2, 39-50 |
2005 |
50. |
N. V. Chepanova, Proceedings of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference (1–3 June 2005). Part 3, Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, Samara State Technical Univ., Samara, 2005, 242–245 |