Song, Yisheng

Total publications: 119 (119)
in Scopus: 1 (1)
Cited articles: 78
Citations: 1572

Number of views:
This page:2406
Abstract pages:53
Song, Yisheng
Speciality: 01.01.00 (Mathematics)
E-mail: ;
UDC: Mathematics
MSC: 90C, 15A


Structured Tensors, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory of Tensors
inSPIRE personal page (High Energy Physics (HEP) information system)

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, Pazy's fixed point theorem with respect to the partial order in uniformly convex Banach spaces (Published online) , ChinaXiv: 201606.00325, arXiv: 1606.08216  crossref
2. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, Eigenvalues and structured properties of P-tensors (Published online) , arXiv: 1508.02005  crossref
3. Yisheng Song, Jinjie Liu, Copositivity of a class of fourth order symmetric tensors (Published online) , 22 pp., Chinaxiv: 202312.00110, arXiv: 2312.01683  crossref
4. Yisheng Song, Note on “Vacuum stability of a general scalar potential of a few fields” (Published online) , 5 pp., ChinaXiv: 202401.00325, arXiv: 2401.13863
5. Yisheng Song, Positive definiteness of fourth order three dimensional symmetric tensors (Published online) , 7 pp., ChinaXiv:202406.00075, arXiv: 2406.04010  crossref
6. Yisheng Song, Positive definiteness of a class of cyclic symmetric tensors (Published online) , 19 pp., ChinaXiv: 202409.00094, arXiv: 2409.01747  crossref
7. Min Li, Yisheng Song, Strict Copositivity for a Class of 3rd Order Symmetric Tensors (Published online) , ChinaXiv:202410.00081, arXiv: 2410.08750

8. I-Shen Sun, Li-Tsyun Tsi, “Usloviya ogranichennosti snizu dlya obschego skalyarnogo potentsiala, zavisyaschego ot dvukh skalyarnykh polei i bozona Khiggsa”, TMF, 220:3 (2024), 591–604 , ChinaXiv:202011.00118, arXiv: 2011.11262  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa;  crossref  scopus
9. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Boundedness from below conditions for a general scalar potential of two real scalars fields and the Higgs boson”, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Theor. Math. Phys.), 220:3 (2024) , 1567–1579 pp., chinaXiv:202011.00118, arXiv: 2011.11262  mathnet  crossref

10. Yisheng Song, “Vacuum stability conditions of the general two-Higgs-doublet potential”, Modern Physics Letters A, 38:28n29 (2023), 2350130 , ChinaXiv:202301.00156 18 January 2023, arXiv: 2301.09256  crossref 2
11. Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, Xinzhen Zhang, “Copositivity of Three-Dimensional Symmetric Tensors”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 40:2 (2023), 2250032 , arXiv: 2008.03998  crossref 1
12. Yisheng Song, “Co-positivity of tensors and boundedness from below conditions of CP conserving two-Higgs-doublet potential”, International Journal of Modern Physics A., 38:31 (2023), 2350164 , 15 pp., ChinaXiv:202204.0002, arXiv: 2203.11462  crossref 1

13. Yisheng Song, Xudong Li, “Copositivity for a class of fourth order symmetric tensors given by scalar dark matter”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 195 (2022), 334–346 , arXiv: 2105.07124  crossref 3
14. Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, Xinzhen Zhang, “Positivity Conditions for Cubic, Quartic and Quintic Polynomials”, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 23:2 (2022), 191-213 , arXiv: 2008.10922
15. Jiarui Liu, Yisheng Song, “Copositivity for 3rd order symmetric tensors and applications”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 45:1 (2022), 132-152 , arXiv: 1911.10284  crossref 4
16. Lu-bin Cui, Yudong Fan, Yisheng Song, Shi-liang Wu, “The existence and uniqueness of solution for tensor complementarity problem and related systems”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 192 (2022), 321–334  crossref 18
17. Lu-Bin Cui, Qing Hu, Ying Chen, Yisheng Song, “A Rayleigh quotient-gradient neural network method for computing 𝒵-eigenpairs of general tensors”, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 29:3 (2022), e2420  crossref 4

18. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Analytical expressions of copositivity for 4th order symmetric tensors”, Analysis and Applications, 19:5 (2021), 779 - 800 , arXiv: 1909.00880  crossref 9
19. Yisheng Song, “Positive definiteness for 4th order symmetric tensors and applications”, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 10 (2021), 11  crossref 6

20. Juan Meng, Yisheng Song, “Upper bounds for Z$_1$-eigenvalues of generalized Hilbert tensors”, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 16:2 (2020), 911-918 , arXiv: 1712.04253  crossref 2

21. Xiaoyu Ma, Yisheng Song, “Some bounds for the Z-eigenpair of nonnegative tensors”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2019 (2019), 271  crossref 1
22. Lubin Cui, Minghui Li, Yisheng Song, “Preconditioned tensor splitting iterations method for solving multi-linear systems”, Applied Mathematics Letters, 96 (2019), 89-94  crossref 47
23. Lubin Cui, Yisheng Song, “On the uniqueness of the positive Z-eigenvector for nonnegative tensors”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 352 (2019), 72-78  crossref 16
24. Gaohang Yu, Yisheng Song, Yi Xu, Zefeng Yu, “Spectral projected gradient methods for generalized tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems”, Numerical Algorithms, 80:4 (2019), 1181–1201  crossref 6

25. Yisheng Song, Khanitin Muangchoo-in, Poom Kumam, Yeol Je Cho, “Successive Approximations for Common Fixed Points of a Family of $\alpha$-Nonexpansive Mappings”, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 20 (2018), 10  crossref 4
26. Yisheng Song, Wei Mei, “Structural Properties of Tensors and Complementarity Problems”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 176:2 (2018), 289-305 , arXiv: 1707.01173  crossref 23
27. Haibin Chen, Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, “Column Sufficient Tensors and Tensor Complementarity Problem”, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 13:2 (2018), 255-276  crossref 46

28. Wei Mei, Yisheng Song, “Infinite and finite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensors”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 532 (2017), 8-24 , arXiv: 1611.05237  crossref 7
29. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Strictly semi-positive tensors and the boundedness of tensor complementarity problems”, Optimization Letters, 11 (2017), 1407–1426 , arXiv: 1509.01327  crossref 46
30. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Infinite dimensional Hilbert tensors on spaces of analytic functions”, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 15:7 (2017), 1897-1911 , arXiv: 1611.02357  crossref 1
31. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Properties of Tensor Complementarity Problem and Some Classes of Structured Tensors”, Annals of Applied Mathematics, 33:3 (2017), 308-323, arXiv: 1412.0113  crossref

32. Gaohang Yu, Zefeng Yu, Yi Xu,Yisheng Song, Yi Zhou, “An adaptive gradient method for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs”, Computational Optimization and Applications, 65:3 (2016), 781–797  crossref 17
33. Yisheng Song, Gaohang Yu, “Properties of Solution set of Tensor Complementarity Problem”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 170:1 (2016), 85–96 , arXiv: 1508.00069  crossref 88
34. Yisheng Song, Khanittha Promluang, Poom Kumam, Yeol Je Cho, “Some convergence theorems of the Mann iteration for monotone $\alpha$-nonexpansive mappings”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 287-288 (2016), 72-84  crossref 9
35. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Eigenvalue analysis of constrained minimization problem for homogeneous polynomial”, Journal of Global Optimization, 64:3 (2016), 563-575 , arXiv: 1302.6085v2  crossref 26
36. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Tensor Complementarity Problem and Semi-positive Tensors”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 169:3 (2016), 1069-1078 , arXiv: 1502.02209  crossref 99
37. Yisheng Song, Poom Kumam, Yeol Je Cho, “Fixed point theorems and iterative approximations for monotone nonexpansive mappings in ordered Banach spaces”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2016 (2016), 73 (to appear)  crossref 10

38. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Necessary and sufficient conditions of copositive tensors”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 63:1 (2015), 120-131 , arXiv: 1302.6084  crossref 41
39. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Properties of Some Classes of Structured Tensors”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 165:3 (2015), 854-873 , arXiv: 1403.1118  crossref 131

40. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Infinite and finite dimensional Hilbert tensors”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 451 (2014), 1-14, arXiv: 1402.4966  crossref 41
41. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Positive eigenvalue-eigenvector of nonlinear positive mappings”, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 9:1 (2014), 181-199  crossref 7
42. Yisheng Song, Ying Huang, “Fixed point property and approximation of a class of nonexpansive mappings”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014 (2014), 81  crossref 1
43. Liqun. Qi and Yisheng Song, “An even order symmetric B tensor is positive definite, Linear Algebra and Its Applications”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 457 (2014), 303–312 , arXiv: 1404.0452  crossref 67
44. Yisheng Song, Hongjun Wang, “Strong convergence for the modified Mann's iteration of $\lambda$-strict pseudocontraction”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 237 (2014), 405-410  crossref
45. Yisheng Song, Changan Tian, “An explicit iteration for zeros of accretive operators”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 233 (2014), 369-376  crossref
46. Hongjun Wang, Yisheng Song, “An iteration method for zeros of accretive operators in Banach spaces”, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 15:5 (2014), 967-978
47. Hongjun Wang, Yisheng Song, Xinwen Ma, “Strong convergence for the Mann iteration of $\lambda$-strict pseudocontraction”, Fixed Point Theory, 15:2 (2014), 603-608
48. Shenglong Hu, Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, Guofeng Zhang, “Geometric measure of entanglement of multipartite mixed states”, International Journal of Software and Informatics, 8 (2014), 317-326

49. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Spectral properties of positively homogeneous operators induced by higher order tensors”, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34:4 (2013), 1581-1595  crossref
50. Chang'An Tian, Yisheng Song, “Strong convergence of A Regularization Method for Rockafellar's Proximal Point Algorithm”, Journal of Global Optimization, 55:4 (2013), 831-837 (to appear)  crossref 6
51. Shenglong Hu, Guoyin Li, Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, “Finding the Maximum Eigenvalue of Essentially Nonnegative Symmetric Tensors via Sum of Squares Programming”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 158:3 (2013), 717-738  crossref 16
52. Gaohang Yu, Shanzhou Niu, Jianhua Ma, Yisheng Song, “An Adaptive Prediction-Correction Method for Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems of Monotone Equations with Applications”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013 (2013), 619123  crossref 2

53. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “The existence and uniqueness of eigenvalue for monotone homogeneous mapping pairs”, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75:13 (2012), 5283-5293  crossref 3
54. Qingnian Zhang, Yisheng Song, “Halpern type proximal point algorithm of accretive operators”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75:4 (2012), 1859-1868  crossref 8
55. Yisheng Song, Qingnian Zhang, “Proximal algorithms for a class of mixed equilibrium problems”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2012 (2012), 166  crossref

56. Xinkuan Chai, Yisheng Song, “Convergence theorem for an iterative algorithm of $\lambda$-strict pseudocontraction”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2011 (2011), 95  crossref 1
57. Hongjun Wang, Yisheng Song, “An iteration schemes for nonexpansive mappings and variational inequalities, ,48 (2011), No. 5, pp. 991-1002”, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 48:5 (2011), 991-1002  crossref 1
58. Yisheng Song, Yeol Je Cho, “Some Notes on Ishikawa Iteration for Multi-valued Mappings”, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 48:3 (2011), 575-584  crossref 53
59. Qingnian Zhang, Yisheng Song, “Halpern iteration of Cesáro means for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings”, ScienceAsia, 37:2 (2011), 145–151  crossref 3
60. Yisheng Song, “terative solutions for zeros of multivalued accretive operators”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 284:2-3 (2011), 370-380  crossref 4
61. Yisheng Song, Qingchun Li, “Successive Approximations For Quasi-Firmly Type Nonexpansive Mappings”, Mathematical Communications, 16:1 (2011), 251-264
62. Xinkuan Chai, Yisheng Song, “New iteration algorithms for an asymptotically nonexpansive mapping”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 35:1-2 (2011), 351-361  crossref

63. Yisheng Song, Jung Im Kang, Yeol Je Cho, “On iterations methods for zeros of accretive operators in Banach spaces”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216:3 (2010), 1007-1017  crossref 11
64. Yisheng Song, Xiao Liu, “Iterative algorithms for a countable family of nonexpansive mappings”, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, 8:4 (2010), 645-655–CAM–VOL–8–2010.pdf
65. Yisheng Song, “Mann iteration of Cesàro means for asymptotically non-expansive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 72:1 (2010), 176-182  crossref 3
66. Xinkuan Chai, Bo Li, Yisheng Song, “Strong and Weak Convergence of the Modified Proximal Point Algorithms in Hilbert Space”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010 (2010), 240450  crossref 2

67. Yisheng Song, ChangAn Tian, “Modified Halpern iteration of asymptotically non-expansive mappings”, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 35:2 (2009), 229–254
68. Yisheng Song, “Strong convergence of viscosity approximation methods with strong pseudocontraction for Lipschitz pseudocontractive mappings”, Positivity, 13:4 (2009), 643-655  crossref 3
69. Yisheng Song, Haiying Li, “Strong Convergence of Iterative Sequences for Nonexpansive Mappings”, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22:10 (2009), 1500–1507  crossref 2
70. Yisheng Song, Xinkuan Chai, “Halpern iteration for firmly type nonexpansive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71:10 (2009), 4500-4506  crossref 15
71. Yisheng Song, Yeol Je Cho, “Iterative approximations for multivalued nonexpansive mappings in reflexive Banach spaces”, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 12:3 (2009), 611–624  crossref 4
72. Yisheng Song, Changsen Yang, “Solving variational inequality with weak contraction using viscosity approximation methods”, Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series A), 29A:3 (2009), 656–668
73. Yisheng Song, Xiao Liu, “Convergence comparison of several iteration algorithms for the common fixed point problems”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2009 (2009), 824374  crossref 11
74. Yisheng Song, Yeol Je Cho, “Averaged iterates for non-expansive nonself-mappings in Banach spaces”, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 11:3 (2009), 451– 460
75. Yisheng Song, “Iterative convergence to Cesàro means for continuous pseudocontractive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71:7-8 (2009), 2792-2800  crossref 2
76. Yisheng Song, Yunchun Zheng, “Strong convergence of iteration algorithms for a countable family of nonexpansive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71:7-8 (2009), 3072-3082  crossref 7
77. Yisheng Song, “Approximating curves for nonexpansive mappings and accretive operators”, Applicable Analysis, 88:2 (2009), 215 -229  crossref
78. Qingnian Zhang, Yisheng Song, “Iterative construction for common fixed points of finitely many nonexpansive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71:5-6 (2009), 1850-1856  crossref 1
79. Yisheng Song, “Equivalent theorems of the convergence between proximal-type algorithms”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71:1-2 (2009), 293-300  crossref 5
80. Yisheng Song, “An iterative process for a finite family of pseudocontractive mappings”, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 25:2 (2009), 293–298  crossref 2
81. Yeol Je Cho, Yisheng Song, “Viscosity approximation for Solutions of Fixed Points and Variational Solutions for Pseudocontractions in Banach Spaces”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis, 16:2 (2009), 273-285 ,
82. Yisheng Song, “New iterative algorithms for zeros of accretive operators”, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 46:1 (2009), 83-97
83. Yisheng Song, Hongliang Zuo, “Strong convergence theorems for finitely many non-expansive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 70:4 (2009), 1797-1802  crossref
84. Yisheng Song, Hongjun Wang, “Convergence of iterative algorithms for multivalued mappings in Banach spaces”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 70:4 (2009), 1547-1556  crossref 47
85. Yisheng Song, Changsen Yang, “A note on a Paper " A Regularization Method for the Proximal Point Algorithm"”, Journal of Global Optimization, 43:1 (2009), 171-174  crossref 26
86. Qingnian Zhang, Yisheng Song, “Fixed point theory for generalized $\varphi-$weak contractions”, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22:1 (2009), 75-78  crossref 137

87. Yisheng Song, “Coincidence points of weakly compatible mappings”, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45:4 (2008), 607–614
88. Yisheng Song, “Strong convergence of averaged iteration for asymptotically non-expansive mappings”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 204 (2008), 854–861  crossref 2
89. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Weak and strong convergence of Mann's-type iterations for a countable family of nonexpansive mappings”, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45:5 (2008), 1393–1404
90. Yisheng Song, “New Strong Convergence Theorems for Nonexpansive Nonself-Mappings without Boundary Conditions”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56 (2008), 1473-1478  crossref 5
91. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Strong convergence of an iterative method for non-expansive mappings”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 281:8 (2008), 1196–1204  crossref 8
92. Yisheng Song, Hongjun Wang, “Erratum to "Mann and Ishikawa iterative processes for multivalued mappings in Banach spaces [Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 54(2007) 872-877]"”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55:12 (2008), 2999-3002  crossref 52
93. Yu Miao, Yisheng Song, “Weak and strong convergence of a new scheme for two nonexpansive mappings”, Applicable Analysis, 87:5 (2008), 567–574  crossref
94. Yisheng Song, Xinkuan Chai, “Strong convergence theorems of viscosity approximation methods for generalized Lipschitz pseudocontractiive mappings”, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 51:3 (2008), 501-508  crossref
95. Yisheng Song, “A new sufficient condition for the strong convergence of Halpern type iterations”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 198:2 (2008), 721-728  crossref 16
96. Yisheng Song, “A note on a Paper “A new iteration process for generalized Lipschitz pseudo-contractive and generalized Lipschitz accretive mappings””, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 68:10 (2008), 3047-3049  crossref 4
97. Yisheng Song, Sumei Xu, “Strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive semigroup in Banach spaces”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 338:1 (2008), 152-161  crossref 39

98. Yisheng Song, “Iterative approximation to common fixed points of a countable family of nonexpansive mappings”, Applicable Analysis, 86:11 (2007), 1329-1337  crossref 9
99. Yisheng Song, “Iterative selection methods for the common fixed point problems in a Banach space”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 193:1 (2007), 7-17  crossref 4
100. Yisheng Song, “On a Mann type implicit iteration process for continuous pseudo-contractive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 67 (2007), 3058-3063  crossref 19
101. Yisheng Song, “Coincidence Points for Noncommuting $f$-Weakly Contractive Mappings”, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2:1 (2007), 51-57
102. Yisheng Song, Sumei Xu, “A note on common fixed-points for Banach operator pairs”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, 2:21-24 (2007), 1163-1166  crossref 7
103. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Convergence theorems of iterative algorithms for continuous pseudocontractive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 67:2 (2007), 486-497  crossref 28
104. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Viscosity approximative methods to Cesàro means for non-expansive mappings”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 186 (2007), 1120-1128  crossref 14
105. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Iterative approximation to common fixed points of nonexpansive mapping sequences in reflexive Banach spaces”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 66:3 (2007), 591-603  crossref 32
106. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, Haiyun Zhou, “Viscosity approximation methods for nonexpansive mapping sequences in Banach spaces”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 66:5 (2007), 1016-1024  crossref 28
107. Yisheng Song, Qingchun Li, “Viscosity approximation for nonexpansive nonself-mappings in reflexive Banach spaces”, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science (in Chinese), 27:4 (2007), 481-487.  crossref
108. Yanrong Yu, Yisheng Song, “Iterative approximation of fixed points for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces”, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese), 37:19 (2007), 144-149  crossref
109. Yongfu Su, Suhong Li, Yisheng Song, Haiyan Zhou, “Implicit Iteration Process with Errors for Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Strictly Pseudocontractive Maps”, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (in Chinese), 27:1 (2007), 98-106  crossref
110. Yisheng Song, “Strong convergence of an iterative methods for continuous pseudocontractive mapping”, JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2:1 (2007), 1-9

111. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Viscosity approximation methods for nonexpansive nonself-mappings”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 321:1 (2006), 316-326  crossref 46
112. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “Strong convergence theorems on an iterative method for a family of finite nonexpansive mappings”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 180:1 (2006), 275-287 (to appear)  crossref 31
113. Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “An approximation method for continuous pseudocontractive mappings”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2006 (2006), 28950  crossref 8
114. Rudong Chen, Yisheng Song, Haiyun Zhou, “Convergence Theorems for Implicit Iteration Process for a Finite Family of Continuous Pseudocontractive Mappings”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 314:2 (2006), 701-709  crossref 52
115. Rudong Chen, Peikee Lin, Yisheng Song, “An approximation method for strictly pseudocontractive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 64:11 (2006), 2527-2535  crossref 9
116. Yanrong Yu, Yisheng Song, Rudong Chen, “An implicit iteration process for a finite family of strictly pseudocontractive mappings of Browder-Petryshyn type”, JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 1:1 (2006), 27-41
117. Rudong Chen, Yisheng Song, “Viscosity approximation methods for strictly pseudocontractive mappings of Browder-Petryshyn type”, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science (in Chinese), 26:6 (2006), 651-657  crossref
118. Rudong Chen, Yisheng Song, Haiyun Zhou, “Viscosity Approximation Methods for Continuous Pseudocontractive Mappings”, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 49:6 (2006), 1275-1278  crossref

119. Yisheng Song, Xilin Shen, Rudong Chen, “Convergence iteration of fixed points of set-valued nonexpansive mapping”, Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities, 18:1 (2005), 23-25  crossref

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