Bondal, Alexey Igorevich

Total publications: 42 (39)
in MathSciNet: 25 (25)
in zbMATH: 16 (16)
in Web of Science: 15 (15)
in Scopus: 15 (15)
Cited articles: 20
Citations: 1145
Presentations: 38

Number of views:
This page:11135
Abstract pages:18285
Full texts:6391
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, “Abelian envelopes of exact categories and highest weight categories”, Math. Z., 308 (2024), 8 , 52 pp., arXiv: 2012.15707  mathnet  crossref  isi
2. A. I. Bondal, A. A. Roslyi, “Coherent sheaves, Chern classes, and superconnections on compact complex-analytic manifolds”, Izv. Math., 87:3 (2023), 439–468  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus
3. Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, “Reconstruction of a surface from the category of reflexive sheaves”, Adv. Math., 434 (2023), 109338 , 38 pp., arXiv: 2302.04635  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
4. Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, “Flops and spherical functors”, Compositio Math., 158:5 (2022), 1125–1187 , arXiv: 1511.00665  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet 7
5. A. I. Bondal, I. Yu. Zhdanovskiy, “Theory of homotopes with applications to mutually unbiased bases, harmonic analysis on graphs, and perverse sheaves”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:2 (2021), 195–259  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
6. A. I. Bondal, “Unbreakable ties in the city of nn”, Math. Ed., 2021, no. 4(100), 21–23  mathnet
7. Alexey Bondal, Ilya Zhdanovskiy, “Symplectic geometry of unbiasedness and critical points of a potential”, Primitive Forms and Related Subjects, Kavli IPMU 2014, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 83, Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2019, 1–18 , arXiv: 1507.00081  mathnet  crossref 4
8. Alexey Bondal, Mikhail Kapranov, Vadim Schechtman, “Perverse schobers and birational geometry”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 24:1 (2018), 85–143  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 12
9. Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, “Canonical tilting relative generators”, Adv. Math., 323 (2018), 226–278  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 3
10. Alexey Bondal, Ilya Zhdanovskiy, “Coherence of relatively quasi-free algebras”, Eur. J. Math., 1:4 (2015), 695–703  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 3
11. J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 216:1 (2016), 23–40  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  scopus
12. A. I. Bondal, “Operations on $t$-structures and perverse coherent sheaves”, Izv. Math., 77:4 (2013), 651–674  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
13. A. Bondal, “From algebras to varieties”, IPMU News, 2011, no. 14, 4–9
14. A. I. Bondal, M. Larsen, V. A. Lunts, “Grothendieck ring of pretriangulated categories”, Int. Math. Res. Not., 2004, no. 29, 1461–1495  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 57
15. A. I. Bondal, “A symplectic groupoid of triangular bilinear forms and the braid group”, Izv. Math., 68:4 (2004), 659–708  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
16. A. I. Bondal, “Symplectic Groupoids Related to Poisson–Lie Groups”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 246 (2004), 34–53  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
17. A. I. Bondal, M. Van den Bergh, “Generators and representability of functors in commutative and noncommutative geometry”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:1 (2003), 1–36  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib 341
18. A. Bondal, D. Orlov, “Derived categories of coherent sheaves”, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Beijing, 2002), v. II, Higher Ed. Press, Beijing, 2002, 47–56  mathscinet  zmath
19. A. Bondal, D. Orlov, “Reconstruction of a variety from the derived category and groups of autoequivalences”, Compositio Math., 125:3 (2001), 327–344  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 110
20. A. I. Bondal, A. E. Polishchuk, “Homological properties of associative algebras: the method of helices”, Russian Acad. Sci. Izv. Math., 42:2 (1994), 219–260  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
21. A. I. Bondal, “Helices, representations of quivers and Koszul algebras”, Helices and vector bundles, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 148, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1990, 75–95  mathscinet  isi
22. A. I. Bondal, M. M. Kapranov, “Homogeneous bundles”, Helices and vector bundles, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 148, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1990, 45–55  mathscinet  isi
23. A. I. Bondal, A. L. Gorodentsev, “On the functors $\mathrm{Ext}^{\bullet}$ applied to exceptional bundles on $\mathbf P^2$”, Helices and vector bundles, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 148, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1990, 39–44  mathscinet
24. A. I. Bondal, M. M. Kapranov, “Enhanced triangulated categories”, Math. USSR-Sb., 70:1 (1991), 93–107  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
25. A. I. Bondal, M. M. Kapranov, “Representable functors, Serre functors, and mutations”, Math. USSR-Izv., 35:3 (1990), 519–541  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
26. A. I. Bondal, “Representation of associative algebras and coherent sheaves”, Math. USSR-Izv., 34:1 (1990), 23–42  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
27. A. I. Bondal, “Invariantnye reshetki tipa $A_{p-1}$”, Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 1. Matem., mekh., 1986, no. 1, 52–54  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath 2
28. A. I. Bondal, A. I. Kostrikin, Pham Huu Tiep, “Invariant lattices, the Leech lattice and its even unimodular analogues in the Lie algebras $A_{p-1}$”, Math. USSR-Sb., 58:2 (1987), 435–465  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
29. A. I. Bondal, V. A. Ufnarovskii, “O konechnoi predstavimosti algebr Li kartanovskogo tipa”, Tezisy 16-i Vsesoyuznoi Algebraicheskoi Konferentsii (Leningrad), Nauka, 1981, 22


30. A. I. Bondal, Triangulirovannye kategorii v kommutativnoi i nekommutativnoi geometrii, Diss. … dokt. fiz.-matem. nauk, MIAN, M., 2005 , 153 pp.


31. A. I. Bondal, I. Yu. Zhdanovskiy, “Orthogonal decompositions of the Lie algebra $sl(n)$ and harmonic analysis on graphs”, International Algebraic Conference dedicated to 100-th anniversary of D. K. Faddeev (St.-Petersburg, September 24–29, 2007), Abstracts, St. Petersburg Department of the V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS, St.-Petersburg, 2007, 93–97
32. A. Bondal, “Derived categories of toric varieties”, Convex and algebraic geometry, Oberwolfach Report 5/2006, EMS Publishing House, 2006, 284–286


33. A. Bondal, I. Zhdanovskiy, Orthogonal pairs for Lie algebra sl(6), IPMU14-0296, IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan, 2014 , 89 pp.
34. A. Bondal, I. Zhdanovskiy, Representation theory for system of projectors and discrete Laplace operators, IPMU13-0001, IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan, 2013 , 48 pp.
35. A. Bondal, I. Zhdanovskiy, Coherence of relatively quasi-free algebras, IPMU13-0053, IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan, 2013 , 6 pp.
36. A. Bondal, A. Rosly, Derived categories for complex-analytic manifolds, IPMU11-0117, IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan, 2011 , 16 pp.
37. A. Bondal, Non-commutative deformations and Poisson brackets on projective spaces, Preprint 93-67, Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn, 1993 , 14 pp.


38. A. Bondal, I. Zhdanovskiy, Symplectic geometry of unbiasedness and critical points of a potential, 2015 , 14 pp., to appear in: Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Book Series. Japan, Tokyo: the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya, Tokyo, 2016, arXiv: 1507.00081  zmath
39. A. Bondal, D. Orlov, Semiorthogonal decompositions for algebraic varieties, 1995 , 56 pp., arXiv: alg-geom/9506012  adsnasa

Popular science or education materials

40. A. I. Bondal, “Geometriya i deistvitelnye chisla v fizike”, Matematicheskoe obrazovanie, 2009, no. 3(51), 2–6  mathnet; ; ; ;

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Гипотезы на стыке алгебраической и дифференциальной геометрий
A. I. Bondal
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2024
July 28, 2024 15:30   
2. Dolbeault superconnections and Chern classes of coherent sheaves on complex manifolds
A. I. Bondal
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
March 13, 2024 16:45
3. Complex geometry via twist closed enhancements
A. I. Bondal
Sino-Russian Hybrid Conference "Geometry and Physics"
August 31, 2023 14:00   
4. Некоммутативные резольвенты особенностей и их нуль-категории
A. I. Bondal
Conference on algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory on the occasion of academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich 100th birthday
June 5, 2023 16:20   
5. Derived categories of complex manifolds, their DG-enhancement and Bott-Chern classes
A. I. Bondal
Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
October 14, 2022 12:00
6. Гипотеза о финитистик-размерности. Лекция
A. I. Bondal
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2022
July 29, 2022 17:15   
7. Two derived categories of a generic complex torus
A. I. Bondal
Conference on Algebraic Geometry
June 30, 2022 17:00   
8. Композиция алгебры
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
January 11, 2022 15:00   
9. Реконструкция нормальных поверхностей из КМ-пучков и схемные стягивания кривых
A. I. Bondal
One-Day Conference Dedicated to the Memory of V. A. Iskovskikh
December 23, 2021 16:45   
10. Аппроксимации старшего веса и циклические особенности
A. I. Bondal
One-day conference dedicated to the memory of V. A. Iskovskikh
December 26, 2019 16:45   
11. Флопы и производные категории
A. I. Bondal

March 14, 2019 18:30   
12. Категории старшего веса и точные категории
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
December 25, 2018 15:00
13. Склейка проективных объектов и квазинаследственные алгебры
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
September 25, 2018 15:00
14. Квазинаследственные алгебры и склейка проективных объектов
A. I. Bondal

September 20, 2018 18:30   
15. Гомологическая алгебра и алгебраическая геометрия
A. I. Bondal
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics" named Vitaly Arnold, 2018
July 27, 2018 17:15   
16. Perverse sheaves on orbifolds and associated schobers
A. I. Bondal
International conference ''Algebra, algebraic geometry and number theory'' dedicated to the memory of academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich
June 13, 2018 15:00   
17. Несмешанные базисы и симплектическая геометрия
A. I. Bondal

April 12, 2018 18:30
18. Флопы относительной размерности 1 и группа Sl(2, Z/4)
A. Bondal
One-day conference dedicated to the memory of Vladimir A. Voevodsky
December 28, 2017 15:10   
19. Schobers for Grothendieck resolutions
A. Bondal
Conference: Mirror symmetry and applications
December 14, 2017 15:15   
20. Т-структуры и относительные тилтинг-генераторы, связанные с морфизмами гладких многообразий
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
January 10, 2017 15:00
21. Orthogonal pairs and mutually unbiased bases
A. I. Bondal
5th Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Hurwitz Spaces and Cohomological Field Theories
June 6, 2016 15:00   
22. Флопы, сферические функторы и шоберы
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
September 22, 2015 15:00
23. Симплектическая геометрия несмешанных базисов и критические точки потенциала
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
May 12, 2015 15:00
24. Оснащение дбар-суперсвязностями производной категории когерентных пучков на гладком компактном и некомпактном многообазии
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
March 10, 2015 15:00
25. Бирациональные морфизмы относительной размерности 1 и гомотопа
A. I. Bondal
Traditional winter session MIAN–POMI
December 18, 2014 15:15
26. Langton's ant's period
A. I. Bondal
Random geometry and physics
September 12, 2014 10:00   
27. Scheme support and t-structures in categories related to birational transformations
A. I. Bondal
One-day conference dedicated to 50-anniversary of Yu. G. Prokhorov
April 4, 2014 16:00   
28. Гармонический анализ на графах и теория представлений
A. I. Bondal
Shafarevich Seminar
April 2, 2013 15:00
29. Kummer surfaces and Barth-Nieto quintic
A. I. Bondal
International conference "KUL!FEST" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Vik. S. Kulikov
December 3, 2012 16:00   
30. Orthogonal decompositions of $\mathrm{sl}(n)$ and mutually unbiased bases
Alexei Bondal
Derived categories in Algebraic Geometry
September 5, 2011 17:00   
31. Coherent sheaves on minuscule varieties
Alexei Bondal
Instantons in complex geometry
March 17, 2011 11:50   
32. Микровесовые многообразия
A. I. Bondal
Seminar by Algebra Department
October 12, 2010 15:00
33. Del Pezzo surfaces, types of branes in physical theories and the geometry of homogeneous spaces
A. I. Bondal
International conference "ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: Methods, Relations, and Applications" dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin
February 24, 2010 10:30   
34. Производные категории комплексно-аналитических многообразий и суперсвязности
A. I. Bondal
Seminar on Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
January 11, 2008 15:00
35. Множительные идеалы и теоремы о занулении
A. I. Bondal
A. Bondal Seminar
September 21, 2006
36. Скобки Пуассона и пуассоновы пары
A. I. Bondal
A. Bondal Seminar
March 3, 2005
37. Поиск исключительных наборов на многообразиях: торический случай
A. I. Bondal
Seminar by Algebra Department
October 26, 2004
38. Derived categories of coherent sheaves
A. I. Bondal, D. O. Orlov
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
March 20, 2003

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