Borisov, Nikolay Mikhailovich

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

Number of views:
This page:151
Abstract pages:184
Full texts:39
Doctor of technical sciences (2007)
Speciality: 01.04.16 (Physics of nuclear and elementary particles)
Birth date: 10.12.1973
Keywords: Mathematical biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, computational mathematics, mathematical physics.


Mathematical biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, computational mathematics, mathematical physics

Main publications:
  1. Nicolas Borisov, Victor Tkachev, Maria Suntsova, Olga Kovalchuk, Alex Zhavoronkov, Ilya Muchnik, Anton Buzdin, “A method of gene expression data transfer from cell lines to cancer patients for machine-learning prediction of drug efficiency”, Cell Cycle, 17:4 (2018), 486-491
  2. Nicolas Borisov, Maria Suntsova, Maxim Sorokin, Andrew Garazha, Olga Kovalchuk, Alexander Aliper, Elena Ilnitskaya, Ksenia Lezhnina, Mikhail Korzinkin, Victor Tkachev, Vyacheslav Saenko, Yury Saenko, Dmitry G Sokov, Nurshat M Gaifullin, Kirill Kashintsev, Valery Shirokorad, Irina Shabalina, Alex Zhavoronkov, Bhubaneswar Mishra, Charles R Cantor, Anton Buzdin, “Data aggregation at the level of molecular pathways improves stability of experimental transcriptomic and proteomic data”, Cell Cycle, 16:19 (2017), 1810-1823
  3. Ivan V Ozerov, Ksenia V Lezhnina, Evgeny Izumchenko, Artem V Artemov, Sergey Medintsev, Quentin Vanhaelen, Alexander Aliper, Jan Vijg, Andreyan N Osipov, Ivan Labat, Michael D West, Anton Buzdin, Charles R Cantor, Yuri Nikolsky, Nikolay Borisov, Irina Irincheeva, Edward Khokhlovich, David Sidransky, Miguel Luiz Camargo, Alex Zhavoronkov, “In silico Pathway Activation Network Decomposition Analysis (iPANDA) as a method for biomarker development”, Nature communications, 7 (2016), 13427
  4. PV Spirin, TD Lebedev, NN Orlova, AS Gornostaeva, MM Prokofjeva, NA Nikitenko, SE Dmitriev, AA Buzdin, NM Borisov, AM Aliper, AV Garazha, PM Rubtsov, C Stocking, VS Prassolov, “Silencing AML1-ETO gene expression leads to simultaneous activation of both pro-apoptotic and proliferation signaling”, Leukemia, 28:11 (2014), 2222
  5. Anton A Buzdin, Alex A Zhavoronkov, Mikhail B Korzinkin, Larisa S Venkova, Alexander A Zenin, Philip Yu Smirnov, Nikolay M Borisov, “Oncofinder, a new method for the analysis of intracellular signaling pathway activation using transcriptomic data”, Frontiers in genetics, 5 (2014), 55
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. R. O. Aliev, N. M. Borisov, “The method for analysis of expression data homogeneity based on the Student test”, Mat. Biolog. Bioinform., 13:1 (2018),  50–67  mathnet

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