Diveev A.I., Sofronova E.A., “Attractor property for terminal manifold in control synthesis problem”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 151 (2016), 012046
Dang T.P., Diveev A.I., Sofronova E.A., “A Problem of Identification Control Synthesis for Mobile Robot by the Network Operator Method”, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2016 (5–7 June 2016, Hefei, China), 2016, 2413-2418
Diveev A.I., Shmalko E.Yu., Sofronova E.A., “Evolyutsionnye chislennye metody resheniya zadachi sinteza sistemy upravleniya gruppoi robotov”, Informatsionnye i matematicheskie tekhnologii v nauke i upravlenii, 2016, № 3, 11-23
E. A. Sofronova, A. I. Diveev, D. E. Kazaryan, S. V. Konstantinov, A. N. Daryina, Ya. A. Seliverstov, L. A. Baskin, “Utilizing multi-source real data for traffic flow optimization in CTraf”, Computer Research and Modeling, 16:1 (2024), 147–159
I. A. Salenek, Ya. A. Seliverstov, S. A. Seliverstov, E. A. Sofronova, “Improving the quality of route generation in SUMO based on data from detectors using reinforcement learning”, Computer Research and Modeling, 16:1 (2024), 137–146
A. I. Diveev, E. A. Sofronova, “Machine search problem for mathematical expression”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 520:2 (2024), 30–40
A. N. Daryina, A. I. Diveev, D. Yu. Karamzin, F. L. Pereira, E. A. Sofronova, R. A. Chertovskikh, “Regular approximations of the fastest motion of mobile robot under bounded state variables”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 62:9 (2022), 1564–1584; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 62:9 (2022), 1539–1558