Tugelbayeva, Gulmira Kenesbayeva

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Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)
Birth date: 30.04.1969
Keywords: Tensed and deformed condition, resilient-viscous-plastically, sphere quarter, cavity.
UDC: 539.3:539.374


Developing of mathematical model for the research of wave spreading in resilient-viscous-plastically quarter-sphere with cavity


In 1992 I graduated from Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, faculty of Mechanical and applied mathematics on specialty mechanic, applier and mathematician specialties. Scientific degree is candidate of Physical-Math science. Since 1992 I have worked in Military Institute of Land Forces of Ministry of Defense of Republic of Kazakhstan as a chief of natural-science subject’s department. Starting from 2010 became an elder researcher of Mechanics and Engineering Academy named after academician U.A. Dzholdasbekov of Committee of Sciences of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I have been taking part in fundamental and applied researches of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for more than ten years. I have published two monographs and about forty scientific research works.

Main publications:
  1. Z.K. Masanov, Z.T. Koshzabekov, G.K. Tugelbayeva, “Tensed and deformed condition of resilient half-sphere with cavity”, Materials of international scientific conference “Modern problems of mechanics entire environment”, devoted to the academic M.Y. Leonov’s memory (100’s birthday) (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic), 2012, 171-176
  2. Z.K. Masanov, Z.T. Koshzabekov, G.K. Tugelbayeva, “Research of wave fields in semi-sphere with cylindrical cavity situated perpendicular to the daily surface”, Materials of “IX international symposium on fundamental and applied problems of science”, devoted to anniversary of academician V.P. Makeev (Miass, Chelyabinsk region, Russia), 2014, 157-164
  3. Z.K. Masanov, Z.T. Koshzabekov, G.K. Tugelbayeva, “Research of load-generated geodynamic fields in elastic quarter-sphere with cavity”, “Mountain research institute named after N.A. Chinakal of Siberian Department of Russian Science Academy”, Novosibirsk, Russia, Fundamental and applied questions of mountain sciences, 2015, № 2, 38-44
  4. Z.K. Masanov, Z.T. Koshzabekov, G.K. Tugelbayeva, “Research of wave spreading in resilient expanse quarter-sphere with cavity”, International Scientific Workshop “Current problems of engineering mechanics” devoted to 95th anniversary of academician AS KazSSR Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Master of Sciences of Kazakhstan Z.S. Erzhanov (Almaty), ò. 1-2, 2017, 26-30
  5. Z.K. Masanov, Z.T. Koshzabekov, G.K. Tugelbayeva, “Research of geodynamic wave field in quarter-sphere with cavity”, Novosibirsk, Russia, Fundamental and applied questions of mountain sciences, 4:2 (2017), 118-122
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