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Paerelij, Anton Alexandrovich
Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications:
Scientific articles:
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This page: 115 Abstract pages: 260 Full texts: 147 References: 57
Candidate of technical sciences (2009)
01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Main publications:
1. Molochnikov V.M., Paerelii A.A., Dushina O.A., Kirilin A.K. Laminarno-turbulentnyi perekhod v diskretno sherokhovatykh kanalakh // Teplovye protsessy v tekhnike. 2011. – #5. S.194-199.
2. Molochnikov V.M., Dushina O.A., Paerelii A.A., Kolchin S.A. Perekhod k turbulentnosti v kanale pri otryve potoka za poperechnymi vystupami // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I.Lobachevskogo. N.Novgorod: Izd-vo NNGU im.N.I.Lobachevskogo, 2011.– #4 (3). S. 988-990
3. Goltsman A.E., Davletshin I.A., Paerelii A.A. Issledovanie struktury potoka v gladkom kanale na pulsiruyuschikh rezhimakh techeniya s pomoschyu PIV-izmerenii // Trudy Akademenergo, 2012. #1, S.7-13.
4. Dushina O.A., Molochnikov V.M., Mikheev N.I., Paerelii A.A. Evolyutsiya kinematicheskoi struktury potoka za poperechnym vystupom v kanale na perekhodnykh rezhimakh techeniya // Teplofizika i aeromekhanika. 2012, #2, t.19. S.235-243
5.Goltsman A.E., Davletshin I.A., Paerelii A.A. PIV-metod dlya issledovaniya struktury pulsiruyuschego techeniya v gladkom kanale // Teplofizika i aeromekhanika, 2013. T.30, #3. S.367-374.
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru
I. A. Davletshin, D. I. Zaripov, N. I. Mikheev, A. A. Paerelij, “Heat transfer in converging channel in the presence of flow pulsations”, TVT , 55 :4 (2017), 642–645 ; High Temperature , 55 :4 (2017), 627–630