Glazunov, P Ya

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Total publications: 17
Scientific articles: 17

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Abstract pages:1731
Full texts:823
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Vikt. I. Spitsyn, O. A. Troitskii, P. Ya. Glazunov, “The influence of bombarding electron energy on radiative-mechanical effect”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 196:4 (1971),  814–816  mathnet
2. V. A. Zamyatina, V. V. Korshak, A. I. Solomatina, Yu. G. Chikishev, B. L. Tsetlin, S. R. Rafikov, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Radiation synthesis of polymers based on trimeric cyclic dimethylphosphinoborine”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 159:6 (1964),  1361–1363  mathnet
3. P. Ya. Glazunov, V. G. Guglya, “Reflection of monoenergetic electrons ranging within 600 to 1200 kev from certain metals and from graphite”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 159:3 (1964),  632–635  mathnet
4. A. V. Vlasov, P. Ya. Glazunov, Yu. L. Morozov, I. I. Patalakh, L. S. Polak, S. R. Rafikov, B. L. Tsetlin, “Semiconducting combined materials synthesized by gas-phase grafted radiation polymerization”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 158:1 (1964),  141–142  mathnet
5. A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Radiolysis of aqueous ferrosulphate solutions under decimicrosecond electron pulses”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 154:5 (1964),  1167–1170  mathnet
6. B. G. Ershov, A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, Vikt. I. Spitsyn, “The electron spin resonance method used for proving the participation of the trapped electron in the radiation chemical reactions taking place in frozen aqueous solutions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 154:4 (1964),  899–902  mathnet
7. A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, Vikt. I. Spitsyn, “Approximate values of reaction rate constants in radiation reactions when a hydra ted electron is involved”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 151:6 (1963),  1387–1389  mathnet
8. A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, Vikt. I. Spitsyn, “The mechanism of radiolytic oxidation of divalent iron in aqueous sulphate solutions containing oxygen when the absorbed dose is high”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 150:5 (1963),  1077–1080  mathnet
9. B. G. Ershov, A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, Vikt. I. Spitsyn, “Electron spin resonance spectrum of a hydrated electron in irradiated frozen alkaline solutions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 149:2 (1963),  363–366  mathnet
10. A. V. Vlasov, P. Ya. Glazunov, N. V. Mikhailov, S. R. Rafikov, L. G. Tokareva, B. L. Tsetlin, M. V. Shablygin, “The formation of oriented structures upon the radiation polymerization of vinyl monomeres on fibres”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 144:2 (1962),  382–383  mathnet
11. A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Radiolytic reduction of quadrivalent cerium in the presence of univalent thallium at powerful radiation doses”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 135:4 (1960),  902–905  mathnet
12. A. B. Taubman, L. P. Yanova, R. S. Maslovskaya, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Gas formation mechanism in the radiolysis of organic compounds and its relation to their aggregate state”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 134:2 (1960),  397–399  mathnet
13. Vikt. I. Spitsyn, G. N. Pirogova, A. K. Pikaev, P. Ya. Glazunov, “The action of highenergy electrons on complex compounds of platinum”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 132:2 (1960),  406–408  mathnet
14. Vikt. I. Spitsyn, N. A. Afanas'eva, A. K. Pikaev, I. D. Colli, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Radiation method for the production of some phosphonitrylchloride derivatives”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 131:5 (1960),  1106–1108  mathnet
15. Vikt. I. Spitsyn, I. E. Mikhailenko, I. V. Vereshchinskii, P. Ya. Glazunov, “On the investigation of the influence of external radiation on the rate of the isotopic exchange of sulphur in the $\mathrm{K}_2\overset\times{\mathrm{S}}\mathrm{O}_4$ – $\mathrm{SO}_3$ system under high temperature”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 131:2 (1960),  360–363  mathnet
16. P. Ya. Glazunov, A. K. Pikaev, “An investigation of the radiolytic oxidation of divalent iron with irradiation doses of high power”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 130:5 (1960),  1051–1054  mathnet
17. A. V. Topchiev, L. S. Polak, N. Ya. Chernyak, V. E. Glushnev, I. V. Vereshchinskii, P. Ya. Glazunov, “Radiation-thermal cracking of hydrocarbons”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 130:4 (1960),  789–792  mathnet

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