Bagapsh, Astamur Olegovich

Total publications: 14 (14)
in MathSciNet: 9 (9)
in zbMATH: 1 (1)
in Web of Science: 8 (8)
in Scopus: 11 (11)
Cited articles: 8
Citations: 22
Presentations: 6

Number of views:
This page:1095
Abstract pages:1878
Full texts:550
Bagapsh, Astamur Olegovich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2018)
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date: 22.05.1991
E-mail: ;
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. Bagapsh A.O., “The perturbation method for the skew-symmetric strongly elliptic systems of PDEs”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 68:1 (2023), 57-66  crossref  scopus 1
2. A. O. Bagapsh, A.P. Soldatov, “On the solution of the Dirichlet problem for second-order elliptic systems in the unit disk”, Mathematics, 11:20 (2023), 4360 (Published online) , 9 pp.  crossref
3. A. O. Bagapsh, “Perturbation method for strongly elliptic second order systems with constant coefficients”, Ufa Math. J., 15:4 (2023), 21–30  mathnet  crossref
4. A. O. Bagapsh, M. Ya. Mazalov, K. Yu. Fedorovskiy, “On the Dirichlet problem for not strongly elliptic second-order equations”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:2 (2022), 372–374  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
5. A. O. Bagapsh, K. Yu. Fedorovskiy, “On energy functionals for second order elliptic systems with constant coefficients”, Ufa Math. J., 14:4 (2022), 14–25  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
6. A. O. Bagapsh, “Nekotorye analiticheskie i geometricheskie svoistva reshenii kososimmetricheskikh ellipticheskikh sistem”, Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, Seriya “Estestvennye nauki”, 2021, no. 1, 4–17  crossref  scopus
7. A. O. Bagapsh, “On solutions to elliptic systems with a jump at the boundary”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 60:9 (2020), 1445–1451  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  isi  elib  scopus
8. A. O. Bagapsh, “On the Geometric Properties of the Poisson Kernel for the Lame Equation”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 59:12 (2019), 2124–2144  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
9. A. O. Bagapsh, “On boundary behavior of solutions to elliptic systems in disks”, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2019, no. 9, 955–969  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus
10. A. O. Bagapsh, K. Yu. Fedorovskiy, “$C^m$ approximation of functions by solutions of second-order elliptic systems on compact sets in the plane”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 301 (2018), 1–10  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
11. A. O. Bagapsh, K. Yu. Fedorovskiy, “$C^1$ Approximation of Functions by Solutions of Second-Order Elliptic Systems on Compact Sets in $\mathbb R^2$”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 298 (2017), 35–50  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
12. A. O. Bagapsh, “On the radius of starlikeness for harmonic mappings”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 234:3 (2018), 276–281  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
13. A. O. Bagapsh, “Funktsiya Grina i integral Puassona v kruge dlya silno ellipticheskikh sistem s postoyannymi koeffitsientami”, Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, Seriya “Estestvennye nauki”, 2017:6 (2017), 4–18  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
14. A. O. Bagapsh, “The Poisson integral and Green's function for one strongly elliptic system of equations in a circle and an ellipse”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 56:12 (2016), 2035–2042  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Отображения решениями эллиптических систем
A. O. Bagapsh

October 27, 2022 15:00
2. Задача Дирихле для сильно эллиптических систем второго порядка
A. O. Bagapsh
Complex Approximations, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
June 24, 2022 11:30
3. Mappings by solutions of strongly elliptic systems
A. O. Bagapsh
Analysis days in Sirius
October 25, 2021 15:00
4. Геометрические свойства и конструкции решений сильно эллиптических систем на плоскости
A. O. Bagapsh

August 9, 2021 16:30
5. Some boundary properties and geometric behavior of solutions to elliptic systems on the plane
A. O. Bagapsh
Mathematical Colloquium of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University
February 11, 2021 17:30
6. Аппроксимация функций решениями эллиптических уравнений 2 порядка на компактах в комплексной плоскости
A. O. Bagapsh
Seminar on Operator Theory and Function Theory
October 23, 2017 17:30

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