Graduated from Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU) at 2011, received his PhD in Technical sciences at 2014. At present he researcher in SSAU and intern-researcher at the Image Processing Systems Institute of the RAS. The area of interests includes geoinformatics and web-technologies.
V. V. Myasnikov, A. A. Agafonov, A. S. Yumaganov, “A deterministic predictive traffic signal control model in intelligent transportation and geoinformation systems”, Computer Optics, 45:6 (2021), 917–925
A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Method for reliable shortest path determination in stochastic networks using parametrically defined stable probability distributions”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18:3 (2019), 558–582
A. A. Agafonov, A. S. Yumaganov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Big data analysis in a geoinformatic problem of short-term traffic flow forecasting based on a k nearest neighbors method”, Computer Optics, 42:6 (2018), 1101–1111
A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Numerical route reservation method in the geoinformatic task of autonomous vehicle routing”, Computer Optics, 42:5 (2018), 912–920
A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Method for the reliable shortest path search in time-dependent stochastic networks and its application to GIS-based traffic control”, Computer Optics, 40:2 (2016), 275–283
A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “An algorithm for traffic flow parameters estimation and prediction using composition of machine learning methods and time series models”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014), 539–549
A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “An algorithm for city transport arrival time estimation using adaptive elementary predictions composition”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014), 356–368