Soldatenko, Ilia Sergeyevich

Total publications: 63 (63)
in MathSciNet: 3 (3)
in zbMATH: 6 (6)
in Web of Science: 4 (4)
in Scopus: 17 (17)
Cited articles: 8
Citations: 20

Number of views:
This page:1305
Abstract pages:1766
Full texts:1155
Soldatenko, Ilia Sergeyevich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2008)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. I. S. Soldatenko, I. B. Bresler, S. A. Rogonov, A. V. Yazenin, “Mathematical models of a fuzzy random variable: a comparative study”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2023, no. 3, 41–63  mathnet  crossref  elib
2. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko., A. V. Yazenin, “Kvazieffektivnaya granitsa portfelya minimalnogo riska v usloviyakh gibridnoi neopredelennosti”, Vestnik VGU. Seriya: Sistemnyi analiz i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2023, no. 4, 92–103  crossref
3. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “O metode postroeniya kvazi-effektivnoi granitsy portfelya minimalnogo riska v usloviyakh gibridnoi neopredelennosti pri zapreschennykh korotkikh prodazhakh”, Aktualnye problemy prikladnoi matematiki, informatiki i mekhaniki. Sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, VGU, Voronezh, 2023, 1572-1579
4. A. V. Yazenin, Y. E. Egorova, I. Soldatenko, “From Fuzzy Optimization to Possibilistic-Probabilistic Optimization with Our Teacher Professor Lotfi Zadeh”, Recent Developments and the New Directions of Research, Foundations, and Applications, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 422, eds. S. N. Shahbazova, A. M. Abbasov, V. Kreinovich, J. Kacprzyk, I. Z. Batyrshin, Springer, Cham, 2023  crossref
5. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “On the Quasi-Efficient Frontier of the Set of Optimal Portfolios Under Hybrid Uncertainty with Short Sales Allowed”, Uncertainty and Imprecision in Decision Making and Decision Support - New Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives, IWIFSGN BOS/SOR 2022, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 793, eds. K. T. Atanassov, etal., Springer, Cham, 2023, 269-280  crossref

6. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, A. A. Shmeleva, “Construction of a quasi-efficient frontier of a set of optimal portfolios under conditions of hybrid uncertainty with allowed short sales”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 17:1 (2022), 59–75  mathnet  crossref  elib
7. A. V. Yazenin, Yu. E. Egorova, I. S. Soldatenko, “Ot nechetkoi k vozmozhnostno-veroyatnostnoi optimizatsii”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov XI-i Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Integrirovannye modeli i myagkie vychisleniya v iskusstvennom intellekte», IMMV-2022 (16-19 maya 2022 g., g. Kolomna), Kolomna, 2022, 47-50  elib
8. I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “Ob ocherednosti printsipov snyatiya neopredelennosti v zadachakh vozmozhnostno-veroyatnostnogo programmirovaniya i evolyutsionnom metode ikh resheniya”, Sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii «Aktualnye problemy prikladnoi matematiki, informatiki i mekhaniki» (13-15 dekabrya 2021 g., g. Voronezh), Voronezh, 2022, 748-754  elib
9. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “On the quasi-efficient frontier of the set of optimal portfolios under hybrid uncertainty with short sales allowed”, Control and Cybernetics, 51:4 (2022), 445-466  crossref

10. A. V. Yazenin, I. S. Soldatenko, “Comparative study of the behavior of the effective boundary of minimal risk portfolio in the conditions of hybrid uncertainty, depending on the restrictions on the profitability of the portfolio”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 16:1 (2021), 58–69  mathnet  crossref  elib
11. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, “Analysis of the folded normal distribution of a random variable”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 16:2 (2021), 111–122  mathnet  crossref  elib
12. A. Yazenin, I. Soldatenko, “The problem of possibility-probability optimization with constraints on the possibility/necessity-probability and probability-possibility/necessity”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, IMSC 2021 - Russian Advances in Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing: Selected Contributions to the 10th International Conference on “Integrated Models and Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence”, 10, 2021, 29-36 URL:  elib  elib  scopus
13. A. V. Yazenin, I. S. Soldatenko, “Model of a minimal risk portfolio under hybrid uncertainty”, Control and Cybernetics, 50:2 (2021), 315-332  crossref  zmath  elib  scopus 2

14. I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “On one problem of portfolio analysis under soft constraints”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 15:1 (2020), 64–76  mathnet  crossref  elib
15. S. A. Rogonov, I. S. Soldatenko, “On distribution of a maximum of random variables”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 15:2 (2020), 124–136  mathnet  crossref  elib
16. A. Yazenin, I. Soldatenko, “Architecture of some models for optimization problems under conditions of hybrid uncertainty”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Russian Advances in Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing: Selected Contributions to the 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Soft Soft Computing and Intelligent Technologies (FSSCIT 2020), 8, 2020, 27-33 URL:  elib  elib  scopus

17. A. Yazenin, I. Soldatenko, “On the Problem of Possibilistic-Probabilistic Optimization with Constraints on Possibility/Probability”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, WILF 2018, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 11291, eds. Giove S.,Masulli F.,Fuller R., Springer, Cham, 2019, 43-54  crossref  elib  scopus
18. I. Soldatenko, I. Zakharova, O. Kuzenkov, A. Yazenin, “Math-Related Problems in Russian Engineering Education: Possible Solutions Based on Best Practices in European and Russian Universities”, Handbook of Research on Engineering Education in a Global Context, IGI Global, 2019, 166–175  crossref

19. A. Yazenin, I. Soldatenko, “A Portfolio of Minimum Risk in a Hybrid Uncertainty of a Possibilistic-Probabilistic Type: Comparative Study”, Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2017, IWIFSGN 2017, EUSFLAT 2017, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 643, eds. J. Kacprzyk, E. Szmidt, S. Zadrozny, K. Atanassov, M. Krawczak, Springer, Cham, 2018, 551-563  crossref  elib  scopus 5
20. A. V. Yazenin, I. S. Soldatenko, “Investigation of the minimum risk portfolio under conditions of hybrid uncertainty based on the weakest t-norm”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 13:2 (2018), 101–112  mathnet  crossref  zmath  elib
21. Y. Pokholkov, K. Zaitseva, M. Kuprianov, I. Baskakov, S. Pozdniakov, S. Ivanov, A. Chukhnov, A. Kolpakov, I. Posov, S. Rybin, V. Akimushkin, A. Syromiasov, I. Soldatenko, A. Yazenin, I. Zakharova, “Overview of Engineering Mathematics Education for STEM in Russia”, Modern Mathematics Education for Engineering Curricula in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of EU, Russia, Georgia and Armenia, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2018, 39-53  crossref  elib  scopus

22. I. S. Soldatenko, S. V. Sorokin, I. V. Zakharova, O. N. Medvedeva, O. A. Kuzenkov, “Towards General Developmental Curriculum “Fundamentals of Mathematical Engineering Modeling””, Engineering Education, 2017, no. 21, 94-98  elib
23. S. V. Sorokin, I. V. Sorokina, I. S. Soldatenko, “Virtual Labs in Engineering Education”, Engineering Education, 2017, no. 21, 116-120  elib
24. I. V. Zakharova, S. M. Dudakov, I. S. Soldatenko, “Designing ICT Education Programmes Based on Professional Standards”, Engineering Education, 2017, no. 21, 128-132  elib
25. O. N. Medvedeva, O. V. Zhdanova, I. S. Soldatenko, “Engineering Modeling: Educational Practice Analysis”, Engineering Education, 2017, no. 21, 208-212  elib

26. I. S. Soldatenko, N. P. Suponev, O. N. Medvedeva, P. M. Minyaev, “Information-analytical system for monitoring of university's scientific activity”, Informatization of Education and Science, 2016, no. 1 (29), 162-174 (in Russian)
27. N. P. Suponev, O. Yu. Kolesnikova, O. N. Medvedeva, S. A. Fedorov, I. S. Soldatenko, “The system approach to accounting of intellectual property objects”, Innovative, Information and Communication Technologies, 2016, no. 1, 99-100 (in Russian)
28. I. S. Soldatenko, O. A. Kuzenkov, I. V. Zakharova, D. V. Balandin, R. S. Biryukov, G. V. Kuzenkova, A. V. Yazenin, S. V. Novikova, “Modernization of math-related courses in engineering education in Russia based on best practices in European and Russian universities”, Proceedings of the 44th SEFI Annual Conference 2016 - Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry University Cooperation, SEFI 2016 (Tampere, Finland, 12-15 September 2016), European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), 2016, 16 pp. URL:  scopus
29. I. V. Zakharova, O. A. Kuzenkov, I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, S. V. Novikova, S. N. Medvedeva, A. S. Chukhnov, “Using SEFI framework for modernization of requirements system for mathematical education in Russia”, Proceedings of the 44th SEFI Annual Conference 2016 - Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry University Cooperation, SEFI 2016 (Tampere, Finland, 12-15 September 2016), European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), 2016 , 15 pp. URL:  elib  scopus
30. M. V. Akinin, N. V. Akinina, A. V. Akinina, V. A. Balakin, S. A. Baturkin, I. A. Bochkov, A. A. Litvinov, I. V. Siginov, A. A. Skuntsev, I. S. Soldatenko, “The algorithm of the textures anti-aliasing in the virtual images de-blurring methods area based model”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11:13 (2016), 2881-2884  crossref  elib  scopus
31. Akinin M. V., Akinina N. V., Akinina A. V., Balakin V. A., Baturkin S. A., Bochkov I. A., Kuznetsov V. V., Siginov I. V., Skuntsev A. A., Soldatenko I. S., “Methods and algorithms of heterogeneous interference filtration with the use of artificial intelligence systems in the tasks of manipulation of data of Earth's remote sensing”, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7:6 (2016), 3187–3192  isi  elib  scopus
32. Akinin M. V., Akinina N. V., Akinina A. V., Balakin V. A., Baturkin S. A., Bochkov I. A., Mokina O. M., Siginov I. V., Skuntsev A. A., Soldatenko I. S., “Neural network algorithm of improvement of vector topographical maps according to the data from earth remote sensing”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8:4 (2016), 26679-26689  scopus
33. I. S. Soldatenko, “On solution method for possibilistic optimization problem of one class with parameters characterized by quasiconcave upper semicontinuous strictly unimodal distribution functions”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 11:1 (2016), 19–32  mathnet  zmath  elib
34. I. S. Soldatenko, “On a refinement of method for solving possibilistic optimization problems of one class with mutually Tw-related parameters”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2016, no. 1, 13–32  mathnet  elib
35. I. S. Soldatenko, “Problemy inzhenernogo obrazovaniya v Rossii i puti ikh resheniya”, Tezisy dokladov vtoroi mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Upravlenie kachestvom inzhenernogo obrazovaniya. Vozmozhnosti VUZov i potrebnosti promyshlennosti» (SEE-2016) (Moskva, 23-25 iyunya 2016 g.), 2016, 129-131

36. I. S. Soldatenko, N. P. Suponev, O. N. Medvedeva, “nformation system for the formation of reports on science”, Innovations on the Basis of Information and Communication Technologies, 2015, 574-576 (in Russian)  elib
37. I. V. Zakharova, S. M. Dudakov, A. V. Yazenin, I. S. Soldatenko, “About methodical aspects of development of exemplary educational programs of higher education”, Educational Technologies and Society, 18:3 (2015), 330-354 (in Russian)  mathscinet
38. A. G. Zherenkov, D. A. Midorenko, I. S. Soldatenko, “Educational Internet resources as a tool for organizing and presenting training routes”, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Geography and the Region”, Perm State University, Perm, 2015, 76-79 (in Russian)
39. O. N. Medvedeva, I. S. Soldatenko, N. P. Suponev, P. M. Minyaev, “Development and implementation of the integrating modules the system for recording the results of scientific activity”, Proceedings of the 9th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific and Educational Information Environment of the 21st Century”, 2015, 130-133, Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk (in Russian)
40. M. V. Akinin, N. V. Akinina, A. N. Kolesnikov, A. V. Sokolova, I. S. Soldatenko, “Application of grammars of Kitano graph generation for coding of structure of feedforward Artificial Neural Network”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 10:12 (2015), 815-818  scopus
41. M. V. Akinin, N. V. Akinina, A. V. Sokolova, I. S. Soldatenko, “Neural network method of operative linking of airphoto intelligence and virtual topographic model”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 10:12 (2015), 819-822  scopus

42. A. V. Yazenin, E. I. Ivanova, S. V. Sorokin, E. N. Grishina, I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Severov, A. G. Sudakov, M. A. Khanygin, V. V. Mikhailov, “Intelligent information system of the unified data processing center of JSCo «Russian Railways» for solving problems of diagnostics and forecasting of extraordinary situations of the behavior of rolling stock of rolling stock in railway transport”, Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual Systems in Transport”, IntellectTrans-2014, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Saint-Petersburg, 2014, 94-100 (in Russian)
43. A. V. Yazenin, E. N. Grishina, M. N. Ryzhova, I. S. Soldatenko, S. V. Sorokin, E. I. Ivanova, A. G. Sudakov, M. A. Khanygin, V. V. Mikhailov, “Intelligent system for diagnosing and forecasting the state of the wagon electrical equipment by the methods of the Mining Date”, Proceedings of the Third Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation “Intelligent Control Systems in Railway Transport. Computer and Mathematical Modeling”, ISUZHT-2014, OAO «NIIAS» Publ., Moscow, 2014, 184-186 (in Russian)
44. O. N. Medvedeva, N. P. Suponev, I. S. Soldatenko, P. M. Minyaev, “Automated system of rating evaluation of the activities of faculty staff at Tver State University”, Informatization of Education and Science, 2014, no. 3(23), 86-94 (in Russian)  elib
45. O. N. Medvedeva, N. P. Suponev, I. S. Soldatenko, I. V. Zakharova, A. V. Yazenin, “About the electronic educational environment and system of an estimation of quality of educational activity in the Tver state university”, Educational Technologies and Society, 17:4 (2014), 610-624 (in Russian)
46. I. V. Zakharova, O. A. Kuzenkov, I. S. Soldatenko, “MetaMath project of the Tempus program: application of modern educational technologies for improving mathematical education within the framework of engineering directions in Russian universities”, Modern Information Technologies and IT Education, 2014, no. 10, 159-171 (in Russian)
47. N. P. Suponev, O. N. Medvedeva, P. V. Minyaev, I. S. Soldatenko, “Avtomatizirovannaya sistema ucheta publikatsionnoi aktivnosti professorsko-prepodavatelskogo sostava Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta”, Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Nauchno-obrazovatelnaya informatsionnaya sreda XXI veka», FGBOU VPO «Petrozavodskii gosudarstvennyi universitet», Petrozavodsk, 2014, 180-182

48. A. V. Yazenin, E. N. Grishina, I. S. Soldatenko, S. V. Sorokin, A. V. Severov, E. I. Ivanova, A. G. Sudakov, M. A. Khanygin, V. V. Mikhailov, “Model of an Intelligent Information System for Predicting Malfunctions of Wagon Electrical Equipment in Railway Transport”, Proceedings of the Second Scientific and Technical Conference “Intelligent Control Systems for Rail Transport”, ISUZHT-2013, 2013, 184-188 (in Russian)
49. I. S. Soldatenko, N. P. Suponev, O. N. Medvedeva, P. M. Minyaev, “Information system for monitoring and recording the results of scientific activity of Tver State University”, Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Environment of the University of the XXI Century”, Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, 2013, 180-182 (in Russian)

50. E. N. Grishina, I. S. Soldatenko, “On the reduction of attributes space dimension in problems of railway wagon malfunctions forecasting”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya [Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing], 7:2 (2012), 73-80 (in Russian)  elib
51. I. S. Soldatenko, E. N. Grishina, “Some approaches to the development of intelligent prediction models of railway wagon equipment malfunctions”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya [Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing], 7:2 (2012), 81-88 (in Russian)  elib

52. A. Yazenin, I. Soldatenko, “Possibilistic Optimization Tasks with Mutually T-Related Parameters: Solution Methods and Comparative Analysis”, Fuzzy Optimization, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 254, eds. W. A. Lodwick, J. Kacprzyk, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010, 163-192  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 3
53. G. M. Zakharova, I. S. Soldatenko, “Open access in action: university repository”, Scientific and Technical Libraries, 2010, no. 5, 50-59 (in Russian)  elib
54. Yu. D. Orlov, O. N. Medvedeva, I. S. Soldatenko, “Informatization of the regional classical university: strategy and solutions”, Higher Education in Russia, 2010, no. 3, 68-74 (in Russian)

55. I. S. Soldatenko, “Automated system of admission of applicants on the basis of open source software, developed and implemented in Tver State University”, Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Environment of the University of the XXI Century” (Petrozavodsk, 21-25 September 2009), 2009, 198-201 (in Russian)

56. I. S. Soldatenko, “On the genetic algorithm for solving the probabilistic optimization problem for mutually Tw-related parameters”, Vestnik TvGU. Seriya: Prikladnaya Matematika [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Applied Mathematics], 2008, no. 8, 25-36 (in Russian)  mathnet  elib
57. I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “Possibilistic optimization problems with mutually T-related parameters: Comparative study”, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 47:5 (2008), 752-763  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
58. I. S. Soldatenko, D. E. Pilshikov, A. V. Yazenin, “On the method of solving one problem of necessity optimization”, Vestnik TvGU. Seriya: Prikladnaya Matematika [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Applied Mathematics], 2008, no. 10, 109-117 (in Russian)  mathnet  elib
59. I. S. Soldatenko, A. V. Yazenin, “Possibilistic optimization problems with mutually t-related parameters”, Proceedings of 2008 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS 2008, 2008, 1-5  crossref  isi  scopus 1

60. I. S. Soldatenko, “On the methods of solving one problem of possibilistic programming in the case of Tw-related parameters”, Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integrated Models and Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence”, 2007, 231-238, Fizmatlit Publ., Moscow (in Russian)
61. I. S. Soldatenko, “On solution method for the maximization of fuzzy goal achievement possibility task in case of mutually Tw-related parameters”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya [Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing], 2:4 (2007), 39-48 (in Russian)  zmath  elib
62. I. S. Soldatenko, “On the weighted sum of mutually Tw-related fuzzy values”, Vestnik TvGU. Seriya: Prikladnaya Matematika [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Applied Mathematics], 2007, no. 4, 63-77 (in Russian)  mathnet  elib

63. Rybkin V. A., Soldatenko I. S., Bandurina T. V., “On the technique of linguistic classification based on fuzzy neural network”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and 11th French Days on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, EUSFLAT-LFA 2005 Joint Conference, 2005, 512-517  elib  scopus

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