Hanalyev, Asker Resulovich

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Hanalyev, Asker Resulovich

Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 21.01.1974
Keywords: Coercive solvability, parabolic equations, smooth functions, nonlocal boundary value problems, Cauchy problem, Banach spaces, Holder spaces.


Coercive solvability of the Cauchy problem and nonlocal problems for parabolic equations


Hanalyev Asker Resulovich was born on January 21, 1974 in the village of Birleshik of Tejen etrap of Akhal velayat (Turkmenistan). In 1990 graduated from secondary school ¹7 in Tejen City. He was winner of state mathematical olimpiad when he was studying at school. In 1990 he graduated from the school with the for mathematic profession which situated near Novosibirsk State University. In 1995 graduated from Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly with the highest rank. Between the years of 1995-1998 he was taking a postgraduate course at Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly. In 2003 he was bestowed with honorable name "The owner of Turkmenistan's Youth Prize" by Central Council of Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly for his achievements on his job. In 2004 and 2009 by Central Council of Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly he was selected as the best Young Scientist of Turkmenistan and awarded with the first rank in Turkmenistan (he won Prizes of the Prezidents of Turkmenistan). In 2015-2018 studied at the traineeship in the Department of Applied Math, RUDN University. His research field is the theory of partial differential equations and its applications. In particular his scientific interests includes: well-posedness of differential problems and mathematical modeling, study of structure of fractional spaces generated by positive differential operators in Banach spaces.

Main publications:
  1. L. E. Rossovskii, A. R. Khanalyev, “Coercive solvability of nonlocal boundary-value problems for parabolic equations”, CMFD, 62 (2016), 140–151.
  2. A. R. Hanalyev, “On coercive solvability of parabolic equations with variable operator”, CMFD, 61 (2016), 164–181.
  3. Allaberen Ashyralyev and Asker Hanalyev, “Well-Posedness of Nonlocal Parabolic Differential Problems with Dependent Operators”, The Scientific World Journal, 2014 (2014), Article ID 519814, 11 pp.
  4. Ashyralyev A. and Hanalyev A., “Coercive solvability of parabolic differential equations with dependent operators”, TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 2:1 (2012), 75–93.
  5. A. Ashyralyev, A. Hanalyev, and P. E. Sobolevskii, “Coercive solvability of the nonlocal boundary-value problem for parabolic differential equations”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 6:1 (2001), 53–61.
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. L. E. Rossovskii, A. R. Khanalyev, “Coercive solvability of nonlocal boundary-value problems for parabolic equations”, CMFD, 62 (2016),  140–151  mathnet 3
2. A. R. Hanalyev, “On coercive solvability of parabolic equations with variable operator”, CMFD, 61 (2016),  164–181  mathnet

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