Ashyralyyev, Charyyar

Total publications: 62 (62)
in MathSciNet: 1 (1)
in zbMATH: 1 (1)
in Web of Science: 42 (42)
in Scopus: 51 (51)
Cited articles: 32
Citations: 250
Presentations: 1

Number of views:
This page:455
Abstract pages:155
Full texts:41
Ashyralyyev, Charyyar
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.01.03 (Mathematical physics)
Birth date: 22.09.1964
Keywords: difference scheme, inverse elliptic problem, high order accuracy, well-posedness, stability, almost coercive stability, coercive stability, approximation, interpolation, splines.


Differential equations and their applications, Numerical methods of solving hydrodinamic problems, Filterion problems, Inverse problems for PDE, Theory of finite difference schemes and applications


Professor Ashyralyyev was born in 1964 in the village of Konekesir in Turkmenistan. In 1981 he graduated Physics and Mathematics Special School at the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) in Novosibirsk, Russia. In 1986 he graduated Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Novosibirsk State University on program mathematics and applied mathematics.. 1986-1987 he worked as a stajer teacher at NSU. 1987-1990 graduated Doctora program at NSU. In 1991 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at NSU. 1992-1994 worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan as the head of the laboratory, scientific secretary of Institute. 1994 awarded the academic title Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of Turkmenistan. 1994-2012 he worked at the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Engineering (1994-1997) and Head of the Department of Computer Technologies (1998-2012). Ashyralyyev was local coordinator in 3 international Tempus projects of the European Union (2005-2012) and coordinator in 2 national research projects of Turkmenistan (1992-1994, 1998-2000). 2012-2022 worked at the Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Gumushane University of Turkey. 2012-2015 as Associate Professor, 2015 - 2022 he had been working as a Professor of the department. Since 2022, he has been working as Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. Professor Ashyralyyev has more than 70 published scientific articles (of which 45 publications in Web of Science and 55 in Scopus journals). The total number of articles published in Q1 level journals is 14, and 4 of them were published in the last three years. In addition, a total of 8 books were published, one in Russian, one in Turkish and six in Turkmen. Professor Ashyralyyev was co-editor of 6 volumes of AIP Conference Proceedings and co-editor of 4 booklets of international conference materials. He was supervisor of 2 PhD Students and 9 Master Students.

Main publications:
  1. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the second order of accuracy stable difference scheme for integral type non-local elliptic source identification problem”, Computational & Applied Mathematics, 41:4 (2022), 179  crossref  isi  scopus
  2. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Ahmad Al-Hammouri, Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the absolute stable difference scheme for the space-wise dependent source identification problem for elliptic-telegraph equation”, Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations, 37:2 (2021), 962-986  crossref  isi  scopus
  3. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Stability of Rothe difference scheme for the reverse parabolic problem with integral boundary condition”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43:8 (2020), 5369-5379  crossref  isi  scopus
  4. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “High order of accuracy difference schemes for the inverse elliptic problem with Dirichlet condition”, Boundary Value Problems, 2014, 5  crossref  isi  scopus
  5. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the problem of determining the parameter of an elliptic equation in a Banach space”, Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control, 19:3, SI (2014), 350-366  crossref  isi  scopus
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. A.Ashyralyev, C.Ashyralyyev, A.S.Erdogan, M.Sadybekov, “Preface: Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2022)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 3085:010001 (2024), 1  crossref  scopus
2. A.Ashyralyev, Al-Hazaimeh, Haitham, C.Ashyralyyev, “A Study on Approximate Solution of the Two Dimensional Source Identification Telegraph Problem with Neumann Condition”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 3085:020020 (2024), 1-5  crossref  scopus
3. A.Ashyralyev, S.B. Muazu, C.Ashyralyyev, “Numerical Solution of Delay Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 3085:020018 (2024), 1-5  crossref  scopus
4. A.Ashyralyev, C.Ashyralyyev, “The second-order accuracy difference schemes for integral-type time-nonlocal parabolic problems”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 283(2) (2024), 195-210  crossref  scopus
5. A Ashyralyev, U Okur, C Ashyralyyev, “A Note on Single-Step Difference Scheme for the Solution of Stochastic Differential Equation”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 45:4 (2024), 1366-1387  crossref  scopus
6. C. Ashyralyyev, A. Cay, “The Application of Spectral Resolution of a Self-Adjoint Operator to Approximate Elliptic Source Identification Problem with Neumann-Type Integral Condition.”: In: Ashyralyev, A., Ruzhansky, M., Sadybekov, M.A. (eds), Analysis and Applied Mathematics. AAM 2022. Trends in Mathematics(),, v. 8, Birkhäuser, Cham., 2024, 101-114 (978-3-031-62668-5)  crossref

7. C. Ashyralyyev, “On the stable difference scheme for source identification nonlocal elliptic problem”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023  crossref  isi  scopus 1
8. A.Ashyralyev, V.V. Vlasov, C.Ashyralyyev, “On the stability of hyperbolic difference equations with unbounded delay term”, Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 2023, no. 29, 2, 1–21  crossref  isi  scopus
9. A.Ashyralyev, A.Sirma, C.Ashyralyyev, “Highly accurate difference schemes for time-nonlocal Schrodinger type problems”, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2023, 39, no. 3, 2584-2599  crossref  isi  scopus
10. A.Ashyralyev, C.Ashyralyyev, A. Ahmed, “Numerical solution of the boundary value problems for the parabolic equation with involution”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University, 109, 1 (2023), 48-57  crossref  scopus
11. A. Ashyralyev, Ch. Ashyralyyev, “The second-order accuracy difference schemes for integral-type time-nonlocal parabolic problems”, CMFD, 69, no. 1, PFUR, M., 2023, 32–49  mathnet  crossref
12. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Mersaid Aripov, “Numerical solution of source identification non-local elliptic problem”, International Conference on Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2781, AIP Publishing, 2023, 1-6  crossref  scopus
13. C. Ashyralyyev, “Numerical solution of Neumann-type elliptic SIP with non-local integral and mixed boundary conditions”, Sixth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2022), 040008-1–040008-5, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2879, AIP Publishing, 2023, 1-5  crossref  scopus
14. A.Ashyralyev, H. Al-Hazaimeh, C.Ashyralyyev, “An approximation to the solution of two dimensional source identification telegraph problem with Dirichlet condition”, Sixth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2022), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2879, AIP Publishing, 2023, 1-4  crossref  scopus
15. C. Ashyralyyev, T.Ashyralyyeva, “Numerical algorithm for solving parabolic identification problem with mixed boundary condition”, eJAAM, 2023, 41 - 53  crossref

16. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the second order of accuracy stable difference scheme for integral type non-local elliptic source identification problem”, Computational & Applied Mathematics, 41:4 (2022), 179  crossref  isi  scopus 2
17. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, “On the stability of parabolic differential and difference equations with a time-nonlocal condition”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 62:6 (2022), 962–973  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
18. A.Ashyralyev, C.Ashyralyyev, “Numerical Solution of Time-Nonlocal Problem for Parabolic Equation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 5th International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, ICMS 2021, 2483, AIP Publishing, 2022, Article number 060001  crossref  scopus 1

19. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Viktor G. Zvyagin, “On Well-posedness of Source Identification Elliptic Problem with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2020), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2325, 2021  crossref  isi  scopus
20. C. Ashyralyyev, G. Akyuz, “On fourth order accuracy stable difference scheme for a multi-point overdetermined elliptic problem”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 102:2 (2021), 45-53  crossref  isi  scopus
21. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On Stable Difference Scheme for Identification Elliptic Problem with Integral and Second Kind Boundary Condition”, Fourth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (Icms 2020), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2334, 2021  crossref  isi  scopus
22. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Gulzipa Akyuz, “Stability Estimates for a Third Order of Accuracy Difference Scheme Elliptic Overdetermined Multi-Point Problem”, Fourth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (Icms 2020), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2334, 2021  crossref  isi  scopus
23. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Ahmet Gonenc, “Numerical Solution of the Nonlocal Reverse Parabolic Problem with Second Kind Boundary and Integral Conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2020), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2325, 2021  crossref  isi
24. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Ahmad Al-Hammouri, Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the absolute stable difference scheme for the space-wise dependent source identification problem for elliptic-telegraph equation”, Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations, 37:2 (2021), 962-986  crossref  isi  scopus 13
25. C. Ashyralyyev, “Identification Elliptic Problem with Dirichlet and Integral Conditions”, 351, 2021, 63-73  crossref  scopus 4
26. C. Ashyralyyev, A. Gonenc, “Crank-nicolson difference scheme for reverse parabolic nonlocal problem with integral and neumann boundary conditions”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 34:2 (2021), 273-282  crossref  scopus 2

27. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Pinar Akkan, “Source Identification Problem for a Parabolic Equation with Multipoint Nonlocal Boundary Condition”, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 41:16 (2020), 1913-1935  crossref  isi  scopus 3
28. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Stability of Rothe difference scheme for the reverse parabolic problem with integral boundary condition”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43:8 (2020), 5369-5379  crossref  isi  scopus 5
29. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, V. G. Zvyagin, “A note on well-posedness of source identification elliptic problem in a Banach space”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 99:3 (2020), 96-104  crossref  isi
30. C. Ashyralyyev, A. Cay, “Numerical solution to elliptic inverse problem with Neumann-type integral condition and overdetermination”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 99:3 (2020), 5-17  crossref  isi  scopus 5
31. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “the Second Order of Ads For Reverse Parabolic Boundary Value Problem With Integral Condition”, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, 46:2 (2020), 346-359  crossref  isi  scopus 2

32. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Suzan Karabey, “Numerical Solution of Neumann Type Elliptic Overdetermined Multipoint Mixed Boundary Value Problem”, Third International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (Icms 2019), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2183, 2019  crossref  isi  scopus
33. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, “Preface of Numerical Functional Analysis”, 2183, no. 070001, 2019  crossref  scopus
34. C. Ashyralyyev, S. Efe, “On approximation of two-dimensional potential and singular operators”, e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2019  crossref

35. Ch Ashyralyyev, B. Ozturk, “Some approximations of second order derivatives complex-valued functions”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 91:3 (2018), 17-23  crossref  isi 1
36. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Gulzipa Akyuz, “Finite Difference Method for Bitsadze-Samarskii Type Overdetermined Elliptic Problem with Dirichlet Conditions”, Filomat, 32:3 (2018), 859-872  crossref  isi  scopus 7
37. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Beyza Ozturk, “Finite Difference Approximations of First Order Derivatives of Complex-valued Functions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, 2018  crossref  isi  scopus
38. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Aysel Cay, “Well-posedness of Neumann-type Elliptic Overdetermined Problem with Integral Condition”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, 2018  crossref  isi  scopus 12
39. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Gulzipa Akyuz, “A Third Order of Accuracy Difference Scheme for Bitsadze-Samarskii Type Elliptic Overdetermined Multi-Point Problem”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, 2018  crossref  isi  scopus
40. C. Ashyralyyev, “Well-posedness of boundary value problems for reverse parabolic equation with integral condition”, e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2018  crossref 5

41. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Gulzipa Akyuz, Mutlu Dedeturk, “Approximate Solution For An Inverse Problem of Multidimensional Elliptic Equation With Multipoint Nonlocal and Neumann Boundary Conditions”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017, 197  isi  scopus
42. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Numerical Solution to Bitsadze-Samarskii Type Elliptic Overdetermined Multipoint Nbvp”, Boundary Value Problems, 2017, 74  crossref  isi  scopus 15
43. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “A Fourth Order Approximation of the Neumann Type Overdetermined Elliptic Problem”, Filomat, 31:4 (2017), 967-980  crossref  isi  scopus 15
44. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Stability Estimates for Solution of Neumann-Type Overdetermined Elliptic Problem”, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 38:10 (2017), 1226-1243  crossref  isi  scopus 14

45. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Mutlu Dedeturk, “A third order of accuracy difference scheme for Dirichlet type overdermined problem with mixed boundary value conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016  crossref  isi  scopus
46. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Gulzipa Akyuz, “Stability estimates for solution of Bitsadze-Samarskii type inverse elliptic problem with Dirichlet conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016  crossref  isi  scopus 1
47. C. Ashyralyyev, “A third order of accuracy difference scheme for the Neumann type overdetermined elliptic problem”, Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 4(1) (2016)  crossref 1

48. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Yasar Akkan, “Numerical Solution to Inverse Elliptic Problem With Neumann Type Overdetermination and Mixed Boundary Conditions”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 188  isi  scopus
49. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Mutlu Dedeturk, “Approximation of the inverse elliptic problem with mixed boundary value conditions and overdetermination”, Boundary Value Problems, 2015, 51  crossref  isi  scopus 11
50. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Well-posedness of a fourth order of accuracy difference scheme for the Neumann type overdetermined elliptic problem”, Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (Ams 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015  crossref  isi  scopus

51. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “High order of accuracy difference schemes for the inverse elliptic problem with Dirichlet condition”, Boundary Value Problems, 2014, 5  crossref  isi  scopus 11
52. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “On the problem of determining the parameter of an elliptic equation in a Banach space”, Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control, 19:3, SI (2014), 350-366  crossref  isi  scopus 44
53. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “High Order Approximation of the Inverse Elliptic Problem with Dirichlet-Neumann Conditions”, Filomat, 28:5 (2014), 947-962  crossref  isi  scopus 23
54. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Mutlu Dedeturk, “Approximation of the inverse elliptic problem with mixed boundary value conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 25-29  crossref  isi  scopus 4
55. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, “Inverse Neumann problem for an equation of elliptic type”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 46-52  crossref  isi  scopus 9
56. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Zafer Cakir, “Approximate solution of the two-dimensional singular integral equation”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 73-77  crossref  isi  scopus 3
57. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Zafer Cakir, “Note on small singular values of sequences of matrices”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 167-171  crossref  isi  scopus

58. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Mutlu Dedeturk, “Approximate Solution of Inverse Problem for Elliptic Equation with Overdetermination”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013, 548017  crossref  isi  scopus 7
59. C. Ashyralyyev, M. Dedeturk, “A finite difference method for the inverse elliptic problem with the Dirichlet condition”, Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 1(2) (2013)  zmath

60. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Ayfer Dural, Yasar Sozen, “Finite Difference Method for the Reverse Parabolic Problem”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, 294154  crossref  isi  scopus 9
61. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Oznur Demirdag, “The Difference Problem of Obtaining the Parameter of a Parabolic Equation”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, 603018  crossref  isi  scopus 8
62. Charyyar Ashyralyyev, Ayfer Dural, Yasar Sozen, “Finite Difference Method for The Reverse Parabolic Problem with Neumann Condition”, First International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icaam 2012), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1470, 2012, 102-105  crossref  isi  scopus 7

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. A note single-step difference schemes for the solution of stochastic differential equations
A.Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 13, 2023 10:00

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