Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts, United States of America
Адрес: United States of America, MA 01003-9305, Amherst
Телефон: +1 (413) 545 27 62
Персоналий: 7
Авторов: 9
Публикаций: 12

Персоналии: Ганнелс П
Дефранко Марио
Казанова А В
Кеврекидис П Г
Миркович Иван
Моралес A Г
Сопрунова Евгения

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts, United States of AmericaThe Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides the University community with a complete spectrum of curriculum in our disciplines, from introductory-level general education courses to doctoral dissertation direction and postdoctoral mentoring. The Department offers undergraduate majors a broad array of options through which they can earn the bachelor's degree. The graduate program awards Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics and Statistics and has M.S. programs in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. These degrees may be earned while concentrating in one or more of several possible areas of study. The graduate program also houses a professional master's degree program in applied mathematics. This program prepares its students to participate and contribute in the high-technology industrial world, and its graduates are highly sought after by that community.

The Department has 54 full-time faculty members, 13 of whom hold postdoctoral appointments at the Visiting Assistant Professor rank, and 50 graduate students (approximately 40% of whom are women). Several centers and special facilities are resident in the Department, these include: the Center for Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation and the Center for Geometry, Analysis, Numerics, and Graphics (GANG).

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