University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Serbia and Montenegro
Адрес: Serbia and Montenegro, 34000, Kragujevac, Radoja Domanovića, 12
Телефон: +381 (34) 336 228
Авторов: 2
Публикаций: 3

Персоналии: Гутман И
Йовашевич В
Петрович М

University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Serbia and MontenegroThe Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics was founded in 1972 and since then it has grown into an academic institution actively engaged in various forms of educational and research activities. The Faculty offers a variety of academic programs in science ranging from the undergraduate level, to the highest, doctoral degree, including opportunities to pursue graduate study programs leading to specialist's qualifications and master's degree. All undergraduate programs offered by the Faculty are of four years' duration. Students may choose from four general program orientations:

  • Mathematics and Informatics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology with Ecology

Each department offers several specialized undergraduate curricula permitting a fuller exploration of an area in which the student develops an individual interest within the pursued general orientation. Also, they are all designed to introduce students to broad theoretical principles and research methods in related sciences with elements of pedagogical and methodical training, preparing them for a wide variety of careers - from teaching to industrial and research establishments. After graduation the students are awarded B.S. degrees in respective sciences. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers one-year advanced specialized training in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for candidates with a B.S. degree in a related field. The studies culminate in a specialist's thesis which, if successfully defended, leads the student to the professional title of Specialist in the specific field. All departments offer opportunities for graduate work toward master's degree based on a two-year curriculum. This option is open to candidates who have completed a related undergraduate curriculum. Successful fulfillment of all curricular requirements, including completion of a number of comprehensive examinations, as well as a defense of the master's thesis, qualifies the student for the award of the degree of master of science in the pursued area. The candidates who have obtained M.S. degree are considered eligible for candidacy for the doctoral degree which involves prior approval of a research topic to be elaborated in the dissertation. A successful defense of the dissertation leads the candidate to the formal promotion to the Ph.D. degree in the area of candidate's concentration.

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